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2009 - Le Poisson Rouge, NY - June 23 - reports, photos and videos


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Proably from spending so much time together lately :roftl:. Her fangurliness has brought mine out in full swing :mf_lustslow:.

That night after Milan, even though we were absolutely knackered after the gig and no sleep the night before, we still stayed up in our hotel room just watching our videos and being all ooooh and aaaah reminiscing the gig :roftl:. So pathetic, haha.


No it’s absolutely not pathetic; it’s the nicest and cutest thing!:huglove:


I so wish I were able to go to more gigs, travel around like you two have done!:wub2:

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With your report, I am actually going back to those hours!! We we really tired but had a blast!!!:wub2:


Thanks for your report Holly. It's amazing so much happened before we even got there! :roftl:


I know!! It's incredible to read it all now, cause for one reason or another I never got to speak to you girls (Holly, Lucy) much during the day!

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Front page is updated! :biggrin2:




Does laying it out like that help you all, or should we just not bother for future gigs?


I really appreciate the efforts put into getting it all in one spot.


Did you, by chance, see my post with the video links? Are they added to the front page too? Thanks!!!

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Front page is updated! :biggrin2:




Does laying it out like that help you all, or should we just not bother for future gigs?


The third video in the Love Today encore section is a youtube video of Mika receiving the jacket.

Just thought I'd let you know so it can be in the right spot:naughty:

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With your report, I am actually going back to those hours!! We we really tired but had a blast!!!:wub2:


ahhhh I know! I want to write EVERY little detail - but, I don't want to bore everyone to death at the same time . . . so, I am just trying to be selective . . . I told my kids ALL of the stories and they are just in AWE . . . and SO so so jealous! Tour time (God willing - Mika comes to Florida) Alysia is going to the show with me! He is SO excited about the Songs for Sorrow and BELEIVE IT OR NOT - he has learned them ALL already (and so have I) In a way I am SO glad that I had never heard them before - cause hearing them LIVE for the first time was A M A Z I N G . . . priceless experience for me - even though I felt like a total jerk for not knowing them and being able to sing along! So glad I got the EP -I am SO hooked - I can't STOP listening to it . . over and over and over and over - TOY BOY is, of course my FAVE followed by Blue Eyes . . . I ADORE them all!!!!!


Thanks for your report Holly. It's amazing so much happened before we even got there! :roftl:


Ahhhhh that is the reason we stayed there ALL night - we wanted some 'action' but never imagined we would get ALL that action! :teehee:


I know!! It's incredible to read it all now, cause for one reason or another I never got to speak to you girls (Holly, Lucy) much during the day!


I know - looking back now - it seems that we were TOTALLY anti social WTF? I know I was not trying to be by NO MEANS . . . I think I was just OUT of it - in another world somewhere far far away! I hope that we have the opportunity to go to a gig together, and I can be more coherent!!!! It was SO nice meeting all of you!!!!

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Part 5 - Ice Cream, the bar, and prelude to the show


. . . OF course the Ice Cream was a WONDERFUL suprise and SUCH a special treat! Mika is too good to us!!!! (but, I do think we deserve it . . . cause we are the GREATEST fans that any artist could possibly have)


LUCY . .. looking like she is about to fall over from exhaustion! LMFAO



I have some of the MOST beautiful pics of Fortune . . . but, of course I am NOT going to post them - for his privacy sake! It was AWESOME getting to see him up close - and when they first arrived - and were going in . . I said, "Hi Mrs. Penniman" and she smiled at me and said HI! Aahhhhh he has the most beautiful family in the world!!!! BEAUTIFUL MIKA - BEAUTIFUL FAMILY - BEAUTIFUL FANS . . . that boy has it ALL!!!!


AS you know (or have heard) things got really u g l y REALLY quick once we were let inside the bar area to wait to get into the venue! Forget a single file line people were EVERYWHERE - and the w o r s t part of ALL A LOT of people were RUDER then I care to mention and downright saying F your numbers . . . crowding all around - trying to get in front of people . . . it was NOT pleasant at ALL . . . I probably had the most secure 'feeling' spot, since I was standing right in front of the security guard. No one was listening - no one cared . . . I started yelling at people (I hate disrespectfulness) and I was MEAN to a couple MFCers *and I am SORRY for that* you know who you are . . but, you can't ACT like that - and expect someone to take it (even if this is your first gig) * * * * how could ANYONE (MFC or not) expect that someone would allow them to push their way in front of people that had been queueing for 12 HOURS or in my case . . . 21 HOURS! Fair is fair . . . if you get there late - well that is the spot that you are in - that is what I LOVE about GA . . . the queueing is hell on wheels but it is up to YOU to determine how close you get - it is ALL in your hands . . . if this was seated - I would have been lucky to get 4th row . . . so this is just the price I pay . . . as long as there are GA shows I will spend all day waiting - it is THAT important to me!


Okay enough about the BS! All in all (and I hope it was this way for the ones further back in line) once they opened the doors they DID check numbers and let people in little by little in a very orderly fashion! It was good! Could have been S bad! So, I am just thankful that everything went accordingly to plan!


once we were inside - ahhhh TOTAL excitement and anticipation . . . it had been a LONG time coming - and it was HERE the moment had finally arrived! Once again . . . so surreal . . . just looking around - and taking it ALL in . . . .



Laura - Brianna - and Alex (L & B's FIRST MIKA gig) aaahhhhh . . . their lives will NEVER be the same!!! LMAO









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Part 6 - SHOW TIME


. . . . the opening act was actually really good! Beautiful girl - and really good songs . . . but, I can't lie - - - I was watching her set list the WHOLE time just waiting for the last song (which by the way felt like it lasted forever) I always feel sorry for the opening acts - they do not get the love they deserve . . .but, after all we are there for MIKA! So - I guess they expect it . .. still . . is kinda hard to watch! We did show her love though - even some NON MFCers were QUITE rude - screaming stuff like - we don't want an opening act - and chanting MIKA MIKA MIKA . . . . .


. . . when it was time for Mika - you could FEEL the energy start building! As everyone came out on stage and took their places - it started get more and more wild . . . until finally the SCREAMS erupted and THERE he was!!!! Ahhhh I need the swoon smiley here - cause he LOOKED . . . a m a z i n g . . . . .

Ahhhhh Mika was RIGHT in front of me . . . I AM so glad I got to experience SUCH a close intimate gig - cause I NEVER thought it would happen again! THIS was prolly as CLOSE as you could EVER get . . . any closer and he would literally be right in your lap! DAS


Grace Kelly R O C K E D . . . I LOVED it when he stopped and put his hands up - my GOD the crowd went wild. And all the bouncing - aaahhhhh he was WILD at the end. I have it on vid but, I am NEVER posting it - cause all you can hear is ME screaming my LUNGS out. I will just keep that for personal use - LMAO




















Aahhhhhh WHAT can I say????? It was the MOST amazing concert EVER and I just want to relive the night again and again and again!!!! If I could go back to any place and time . . . it would be le poisson rouge on June 23, 2009!!!!

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Very droll !







Seriously, thanks a lot :huglove: ! It's good to find all the stuff on the same page :thumb_yello: .


I seem to be slowly getting into the Poisson Rouge gig while the people who were there are slowly recovering from it and as I am not likely to write a report or post a video before July at the earliest, I will comment on the feedback from those who had the privilege to see it.


I must say that seeing them queueing up for hours, even if it was fun because they were friends together, doesn't appeal to me and makes me even sorrier I failed to go to one of the acoustic gigs. I will never believe that suffering before a concert makes watching it better afterwards. I'd rather be fresh and relaxed than aching and bruised all over -I bruise like a peach- from all the waiting and pushing.


The icecream episode ? Sweet, not only because of the sugar.

Never 'you don't know who I am' attitude from a Penniman ? That's breeding for you, folks.

Even when he is soundchecking and rehearsing, Sire always asks sound or light engineers 'please to do this or that' and never forgets to thank them when he gets what he asked for.


In the same way he is unlikely to storm out of stage because of a stupid mike or music instrument. Not now, not 'at this point in his career'.

He may have shown some irritation when Martin struck the wrong note at the very beginning of his then smallish public performances, because he was still nervous and insecure about how the audience would react to them, now he can afford to be cool or even joke about such contretemps, he is sure of himself and his crowds.


Even though, like his father, Mica often touches people he knows and likes when he is talking to them he is unlikely to enjoy being felt up by complete strangers and probably wasn't relishing the idea of singing Toy Boy with girlish and slightly intoxicated hands groping him.

The marriage proposals he can take in his stride, as well as the demands that he should strip. Let's not forget that he spent over a year flashing his hairy-shaved-hairy, etc. chest and belly on stage and that given the slippery pants and the elusive jersey boxers, it often verged on a full frontal :shocked: .


I found incredibly touching :wub2: the way he had to put his hand to his throat, as if to tell his voice 'All right, mate, hold on, this is not the time to let me down', a bit like what he did in Dusseldorf although in NYC he didn't look sick and feverish.

His doing a Celine Dion when he is touring may not be a bad idea, beautiful as it is, his voice is very vulnerable and he needs to spare it.


I believe that no present is more precious to him than seeing his faithful -and most decadent :naughty: - fans follow him gig after gig. Not many of them can do that, for different reasons -I should know :sneaky2: - but those who can musn't let themselves be influenced by overt or more discreet criticism.

I love the way Ingie went to Dublin without even knowing whether there would actually be a gig. He may not have seen her there, but he knows about it and don't forget that his passion for music has made him do utterly insane things so I am pretty sure he feels that you crazy music :insane::freak: are his soulmates.





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. . . when it was time for Mika - you could FEEL the energy start building! As everyone came out on stage and took their places - it started get more and more wild . . . until finally the SCREAMS erupted and THERE he was!!!! Ahhhh I need the swoon smiley here - cause he LOOKED . . . a m a z i n g . . . . .

Ahhhhh Mika was RIGHT in front of me . . . I AM so glad I got to experience SUCH a close intimate gig - cause I NEVER thought it would happen again! THIS was prolly as CLOSE as you could EVER get . . . any closer and he would literally be right in your lap! DAS








Don't be so impatient, it's just a matter of time :wink2: ...


The last but one picture just about killed me :swoon::rip_1: : there is such an animal look on his face :fangurl: , like a tiger having dinner on a still breathing prey :shocked: !

I can't believe you saw it for real and didn't die :blink: ?

You ARE tough :thumb_yello: !





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Front page is updated! :biggrin2:




Does laying it out like that help you all, or should we just not bother for future gigs?


Oh please do, I really appreciate to have them all on the front page, it saves time when you’re looking for something special like for example mp3 recordings or pictures!:thumb_yello:


Or when you maybe just wants to take walk down memory lane…..:blush-anim-cl:

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What's going on in this picture?:blink:


My thoughts exactly!:shocked::naughty:


reminds me of the "hungry like the wolf" song :naughty:


That being Duran Duran in the 80's...


don't know about you but I'm more concerned about THIS picture lmao!!! Who's touching his butt?! :roftl:


I'm kidding, I don't think she is, just clapping, but at a glance it sure looks like it :naughty:



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