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2009 - Le Poisson Rouge, NY - June 23 - reports, photos and videos


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Aaaww, thanks Nono. But this time Andy wasn't even there, so he wasn't taking footage at all so it was all down to the fan efforts,lol.

And @ Cynthia, I can't believe that you're asking this. Haven't you heard my horrific singing in my vids? I try not to be too loud,but I often fail miserably, and I can hear myself too much. Mind you, at least it wasn't as bad as that terrible one SCREAMING along to Relax. You'll know what I mean when I post the vid, cause she totally managed to ruin that one.

We kept asking her to tone it down but she carried on, and you can't even hear Mika on that song. One of his most beautiful songs, performed to a lucky few, with no idea of when he'll do this acoustic version again, and she spoiled it for anyone within 10 metres from her. I was front row, she was like 3 rows behind me, and still i couldn't hear Mika over her shrieking!! So annoying. And impolite.




Oohp, you won't like my version of relax either then. I mean, everyone was pretty loud but... I'm uploading it now.


I really haven't watched my videos yet for fear of hearing how badly i may have messed up but feel free to scold me if you think i messed up the song. :naughty:

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Thanks girls for photos and videos! I am pleased, recollecting Mika's words which I read once for a long time . I do not remember literally. Мика spoke He never will cease to act in small clubs.He is true to the given promise), lovely man:wub2:


Yes I agree with you there Lena, he has actually kept a lot of promises:wub2:if you think about it:


The interactive website

Acoustic gigs

Making a record with sad songs


And I’m sure there are even more but these are the ones that come to my mind right now.

I for one have promised myself to stop whining so much about Mika’s broken promises:blush-anim-cl: he has proven that they are coming…even if they from my perspective take their time…but on the other hand, Rome wasn’t built in one day!

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It was so nice meeting you and thanks for your useful information about the area! We would've been lost! I'm glad you got on stage, I think it was the highlight of the evening:naughty: for me anyway.


I got a video of the Stage Invasion...it's a little bouncy so if you have motion sickness :naughty: (this is not zoomed in btw)


I'll try to get it on youtube tomro


Can I just remind all of you who are so nice and want to show your pictures that everyone doesn't have an account on Myspace or Facebook, which makes it impossible for us to see your pictures!:tears:



Edited by sienna
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Nope, he's forgotten how to play that one on the piano :naughty:

lucky boy...

because, after all the europan tour without, i should be disappointed if he finally play this song just the last date of the tour :fish:

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I will try to present my experience through pictures as they are supposed to be worth a thousand words (that I can't write like Mana and others can because I have no time, I'm too lazy, I'm forgetting the details already, and I'm not as articulate anyway) :teehee:. I'm going to need to do this in parts because in about an hour, I have to go to my daughter's school where I volunteered for her school field trip. Here's the first part:


The Day BEFORE the Mika Gig.



Hello BIG APPLE! (view from the plane)



Hello Hotel Bed! (Where I hope to get at least a few hours sleep from)



New York Neighbourhood near hotel



Ground Zero



Times Square (Daytime)



Breaktime from sightseeing. Andrew needed a gig outfit (see his GAP bag)


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ciao suzy! :bye:


i love your 'reportage' from the gig!:wink2:

you really sound like a real journalist on a war camp!:naughty:


Thanks but AACK! Pics are huuuge! I will go back to photobucket and resize them. Sorry! :teehee:

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Part 5 – The finer details



And you know, that’s part of this whole crazy Mika world. A big part. I mean, I spent 4,000 words in parts 1-4 gushing about how fan-freakin’-tabulous Mika is. But the thing is, for me and I think for a lot of us, it’s not even just about him any longer. His music is a sort of filter and only a very small portion of his overall fanbase end up at this level – where we follow every minor development with his career, jump on trains and planes to see him where possible, and spend hours on end yammering on MFC. But for those of us who find ourselves in that position, I’m really seeing what a great common bond this all is. We can be from totally different walks of life, live in totally different corners of the globe, speak different first languages, be any age from about 12 to over 60 – and yet the fact that we “get it” somehow lays the groundwork for some really great friendships. And that’s one of the really great, magical things about this whole Mika world. That’s why I’m so invested in MFC. That’s why, at the end of a long MFC day dealing with broken porn servers and trolls, it’s all so worth it.


My advice for anyone going to a future gig, especially these GA gigs – feel free to ask the people in the queue around you if they’re MFC, and if so, what their usernames are. We spend so much time on here behind usernames that often in real life, there’s some shyness that comes up when you realize that you may have spent the better part of a year talking online to the person next to you…but in real life, you have no clue who they are. So, by all means, ask! Sure it’s sappy, but just as we’re lucky to have Mika, we’re lucky to have each other. :wub2:



Oh Mana!:wub2:


I don't have words (especailly not compared to yours) but this is so very true!:wub2:

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Catching up on the thread whilst I sit on a bus home from Heathrow. Loving everyone's reports! Mana, I've said it a million times, you just always manage to say the stuff that I'd like to say,but in a far nicer way than I will ever manage. Thanks for the wonderful reporting. Are you sure that you can't knock up a bit more? Hahaha.

Guys, I miss you all so much already. Some of us have spent so much time together, and shared such intense moments, that it will be very hard to go back to normality now. I wish we could be professional Mika fans and tour with him for a living,haha!

Btw, can't wait to see people's footage from the night. I watched my vids on the plane and noticed that on a few of them you can see us as a reflection on Mika's piano,as it was acting as a mirror. It's hilarious, because we can be seen very clearly, and I nearly choked with laughter when I watched Christine, Mana and me doing our silly arm choreography to Blue Eyes. It's crystal clear, and too funny.

Now, you may be wondering how I can have a video and my arms free to move? Filming gigs is such second nature to me now that I've developed this "technique" so that the filming doesn't interfere with my enjoyment of the night, and I just leave the cam running and hold it with one hand around my chest so that it takes my view in without bothering anyone and without me having to check if i'm filming the right thing all the time.

Anyway, this normally leaves me with one free hand for "decadence" (lol) but at these acoustic gigs I realised that i was so on top of the stages at the venues, that i could use things to hold the cam for me.

Last night, my camera "tripod" was the celesta, haha! For a few songs where Mika was at the piano, i just perched the cam on the celesta and therefore hat both arms free for silliness. Hence the 2 arm dancey thing to Blue Eyes.

Oh, but last night, the celesta was moving due to people pushing it, so some of the vids are a bit shaky, and at one point the cam actually fell on the stage! Haha!

And now i shall stop boring you with my camera stories,rofl.


Oh can't wait!:roftl:


Fantastic skills with the camera...and I have seen this in action so I know it acually works!:wink2:


Hm, no Andy in NY, maybe you should grab your chance and apply for the job?:naughty:

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lucky boy...

because, after all the europan tour without, i should be disappointed if he finally play this song just the last date of the tour :fish:


Especially if he had performed it with THE backing vocalist..:mf_lustslow:


I would have been soooooo disappointed if he had done that when I am not there...

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Oh can't wait!:roftl:


Fantastic skills with the camera...and I have seen this in action so I know it acually works!:wink2:


Yes, that!

:roftl: Don't act surprised about the piano reflections, Sara - you can admit that it was planned to be special stylistic device - no false modesty here :thumb_yello:

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I was a bit disappointed with the loud singing during Relax because the effect of the audience singing softly at Sadler's Wells was actually quite lovely, but I guess you have to take the bad with the good. I think in a standing room of 18+ people who'd been outside in a bar until 9 pm and were up for giving Mika the kind of reception they did for Grace Kelly and beyond they were not going to sit quietly for the first part of Relax. It just wasn't the atmosphere for it and it wasn't going to happen. :dunno:

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Yes, that!

:roftl: Don't act surprised about the piano reflections, Sara - you can admit that it was planned to be special stylistic device - no false modesty here :thumb_yello:


There's probably footage of me in there somewhere noticing our reflections and begging her to turn the camera off. :roftl:


Once the singing and the mirrored images on those videos appear I'm going to have to go into hiding for a month. :teehee:

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There's probably footage of me in there somewhere noticing our reflections and begging her to turn the camera off. :roftl:


Once the singing and the mirrored images on those videos appear I'm going to have to go into hiding for a month. :teehee:



Now you've made it even more exciting!:teehee::naughty:

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Oh one thing I'm not sure anyone mentioned about the bar outside the stage area...when we first got down there the pianist that was scheduled before Mika was still performing and we could see him on monitors mounted near the ceiling in the bar. Once the show was over the audience cleared out through another set of doors while we remained in the bar and they began setting up for Mika's show. Eventually Mika came out and we could watch him working until someone clued in after about 15 mins and turned the cameras off. :teehee:

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Can I just remind all of you who are so nice and want to show your pictures that everyone doesn't have an account on Myspace or Facebook, which makes it impossible for us to see your pictures!:tears:




Sienna it's time consuming for people to upload their photos somewhere else in addition to having them on Facebook to share with their real life friends. You don't have to use Facebook on a regular basis in order to have an account to use to look at public pictures, etc.

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More Pictures To Come for PART 2....here's a preview:


Start of GIG day at Le Poisson Rouge


So that photo was the 9.30am shot of the queue list?? Love the letterhead in the folder:thumb_yello:

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More Pictures To Come for PART 2....here's a preview:


Start of GIG day at Le Poisson Rouge



is this my hat?:blink:


oh, i'm so out of loop!


Yes it is Robertina!:wub2:

It's the hat I got a at the Christmas party, I brought it to Berlin and Mika nicely signed it and wrote To the Moon on it!:wub2:

Then Sariflor has had it with her to Italy, Paris and to New York to hopefully make Mika pose in it for a picture but I think he's smarter than to let us make a fool of him!:naughty:

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