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2009 - Le Poisson Rouge, NY - June 23 - reports, photos and videos


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I saw it:naughty::wink2:

That's a darn good idea.

So would we give this to Mika, or the flag?


I guess its really up to you to decide Rosie but if you want my opinion I think it should stay on the MFC!:thumb_yello:

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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!! Wow!! I just watched this, how cool!!

I love the way he says: "I'mn gonna wear that for the show, keep an eye out" :wub2:. You must be thrilled and SO proud :mf_lustslow:



Maybe he will wear it to one of the festivals:naughty:

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I was trying to read everything before posting but I'm stuck on page 24, I'll finish reading later :wink2:


There's not much to add to all the reports, especially the ones from Sara and Véro (I was sleeping in the bed next to them :teehee:) and Mana's fabulous one.


Thanks everyone for your reports, pics and vids. Everything was perfect, like I said to Mika after the gig after thanking him for the ice cream and concert.


I enjoyed every part of the gig, trying to memorize everything. That's why I didn't take much pics (and the fact that being so close to Mika, I felt a bit embarrassed:blush-anim-cl:) I was just behind Suzy and closetmikafan surrounded by sunshine931, Candboys, Jackie and I think followthelight was behind me? Everybody was nice and not pushing. I didn't really get to go on stage during the stage invasion because I got up there late and had to jump down so Mika could move to the front of the scene (thanks to closetmikafan who caught me!!!)


So after more than 18 hours (round trip) on the bus and queueing since 10 am, I still think it was perfect! And one of the best part is meeting all those MFCers :wub2: I had a great time travelling with sunshine931, staying with saraflor and talking with Sivan, JackViolet, Suzy, Ryan, Christine, Mana, Andrew, Deb, Johanne, Candboys and every other MFcers :thumb_yello: Oh and BTW, I'm the one with the pink and white stripy t-shirt siting in the queue pic making the "can't be more bored face" haha!


P.S. A special thanks to Andrew (standartoaster) who fixed my username during the queueing :flowers2: It's been mixed up since autumn 2007 I think, lol!

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Although I was amazed when I saw/met Mika (because let's face it I had been waiting for 2 years lol) I wasn't exactly starstruck...I was amazed by the CHANCE I finally got, not by seeing him in the flesh if you get me. I don't know why, but seeing Mika in an interview and seeing him in real life...for some reason it feels like two different people. Not saying he acts differently, because I don't think he does, but you look at him on screen and know he's famous, but when he's there right in front of you....he's an ordinary person like you or me. And he's achieved so much but it's kinda mind boggling because he lives such a different life to us all, sometimes seeing him for real is like living in a surreal blur because you kinda can't grasp what's happening, yet you want to savour every moment and hope it lasts till the end of time.


Anyway, I've noticed I've made some spelling mistakes in my previous post, so I'm going to correct them lol :naughty:


I feel the same. It's not because he was right in front of me, it's because I REALLY was meeting him, I REALLY was at that gig... That's what made me go all amazed too:teehee:

Yeah exactly. I couldn't put it in a better way!

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I think the photo is a good idea (not meaning to blow my own trumpet lol) but then at least you get to keep the real thing and know it won't get ruined or whatever (not saying Mika will, but the amount of stuff he has...) and at least Mika has a memory of it too, hanging on his wall perhaps, and can look at all the signatures of the people who could manage the effort to come and support him. I think that's special, personally...:wub2:

Sounds good to me:wink2:

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OMG I know the exact feeling. It was really hard coming back home. I wanted to stay in London, because even though the experience was over, at least I was close to the place where it happened...


I remember getting emotional on my way to work, looking up at the big cinema building, me ready in my uniform. Travelling, seeing things, meeting people...that's my life. Not serving popcorn. I even think I nearly cried.


And that doesn't just happen at a Mika gig, it happens when I come back from holiday and stuff...I cried for two nights when I came back from the cruise last year LOL!!! :roftl: Once I'm back in the routine I'm okay, but going to a Mika gig or experiencing something just as extraordinary is like having an outer body experience or something. I'm not sure if people will get what I'm saying...


I totally get it. It's the same for me. And yes, that is the same feeling I have: my life should be about traveling and experiencing things :roftl:.




I think the photo is a good idea (not meaning to blow my own trumpet lol) but then at least you get to keep the real thing and know it won't get ruined or whatever (not saying Mika will, but the amount of stuff he has...) and at least Mika has a memory of it too, hanging on his wall perhaps, and can look at all the signatures of the people who could manage the effort to come and support him. I think that's special, personally...


I think that this is a REALLY good idea! Best of both worlds indeed. Rose/MFC keep the flag, and Mika still has a token of it that is perhaps more useful to him (as decoration, etc) than the flag itself would be.

The actual flag has emotional attachment to Rose, so I guess that this would be a 'safe' option, if she'd want to do that.




Maybe he will wear it to one of the festivals:naughty:


Oh, the way he said it, I'm sure that he will wear it, and probably sooner rather than later. We're gonna have to keep our eyes open I guess :biggrin2:

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I wonder where he keeps all that stuff anyway. And now three washing machines on top of it.


Yeah wow he's not kidding about his buying things in 3s compulsion. Can't imagine what he'll do with one, muchless three. (Sounds like he has no idea what he's going to do with them either.)



Maybe he will wear it to one of the festivals:naughty:


That will be fabulous if he does!


As soon as I saw the beginning of the video I thought...oooh I bet he'll wear that and I was happy to hear him say he would. You must be over the moon.

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I totally get it. It's the same for me. And yes, that is the same feeling I have: my life should be about traveling and experiencing things :roftl:.






I think that this is a REALLY good idea! Best of both worlds indeed. Rose/MFC keep the flag, and Mika still has a token of it that is perhaps more useful to him (as decoration, etc) than the flag itself would be.


The actual flag has emotional attachment to Rose, so I guess that this would be a 'safe' option, if she'd want to do that.





Oh, the way he said it, I'm sure that he will wear it, and probably sooner rather than later. We're gonna have to keep our eyes open I guess :biggrin2:



I'll take lots of pics (prays they don't turn out blurry) at iTunes:thumb_yello:

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I was trying to read everything before posting but I'm stuck on page 24, I'll finish reading later :wink2:


There's not much to add to all the reports, especially the ones from Sara and Véro (I was sleeping in the bed next to them :teehee:) and Mana's fabulous one.


Thanks everyone for your reports, pics and vids. Everything was perfect, like I said to Mika after the gig after thanking him for the ice cream and concert.


I enjoyed every part of the gig, trying to memorize everything. That's why I didn't take much pics (and the fact that being so close to Mika, I felt a bit embarrassed:blush-anim-cl:) I was just behind Suzy and closetmikafan surrounded by sunshine931, Candboys, Jackie and I think followthelight was behind me? Everybody was nice and not pushing. I didn't really get to go on stage during the stage invasion because I got up there late and had to jump down so Mika could move to the front of the scene (thanks to closetmikafan who caught me!!!)


So after more than 18 hours (round trip) on the bus and queueing since 10 am, I still think it was perfect! And one of the best part is meeting all those MFCers :wub2: I had a great time travelling with sunshine931, staying with saraflor and talking with Sivan, JackViolet, Suzy, Ryan, Christine, Mana, Andrew, Deb, Johanne, Candboys and every other MFcers. Oh and BTW, I'm the one with the pink and white stripy t-shirt siting in the queue pic making the "can't be more bored face" haha!


P.S. A special thanks to Andrew (standartoaster) who fixed my username during the queueing

It's been mixed up since autumn 2007 I think, lol!


Ahem, you mean snoring, right?


:lmao: Ok, ok, I am joking, you weren't snoring :aah:

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Yeah wow he's not kidding about his buying things in 3s compulsion. Can't imagine what he'll do with one, muchless three. (Sounds like he has no idea what he's going to do with them either.)




That will be fabulous if he does!


As soon as I saw the beginning of the video I thought...oooh I bet he'll wear that and I was happy to hear him say he would. You must be over the moon.


I know!

We were so excited to give it to him, we were holding each others hands:naughty:

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And Holly,

about you crying........I am gald you stop. But now is me. Everytime I remember hugging him....I burst into tears:emot-sad: (I know h ow silly)


Not silly at all:huglove: I get you!

I was cried my way trough the day after the gig... On the tube, on the plane, on the car... Because it was something that flied by so fast, and I couldn't remember things from the gig, didn't want to get back to real life.. Ididn't want to tell anyone what happened either because they wouldn't understand how much that evening touched me and how important it was.


After my first gig experience in February 2008 I was a mess. Ask Andrew. On the planes from LA to San Francisco, then San Franciso to Vancouver I bawled my way through both flights. I was a little worried Canadian customs woldn't let me in due to running makeup and bloodshot eyes. :naughty:


This time around, I was sitting on a sidewalk in Paris bawling my eyes out after the secong gig, after it was all over. In NYC, as everyone was getting ready to leave the venue, same thing.


Oh, and in Amsterdam I cried not only through Over My Shoulder but Blue Eyes and Happy Ending as well. That's just how I roll. :blush-anim-cl:


That's exactly it, what happens at these gigs, and why us hardcores understand eachother in a way that other people in our "regular" life can't ever "get".

Goingback to reality after these intense experiences is really hard, and you expressed it just exactly how it is.


What it comes down to is that for whatever reason, this whole Mika thing touches us. Out of six billion people in the world, we're a couple hundred, maybe a thousand who -for whatever reason - have these intense reactions to it, these intense addictions to it. And I'm so grateful that we have each other to share it with. Because those other six billion people just don't have a clue. They can't possibly begin to understand. They just pat you on the head, smirk, and have a giggle about your cutesy thing for "that guy with a squeaky voice." :naughty:


OMG I know the exact feeling. It was really hard coming back home. I wanted to stay in London, because even though the experience was over, at least I was close to the place where it happened...


I remember getting emotional on my way to work, looking up at the big cinema buildeing, me ready in my uniform. Travelling, seeing things, meeting people...that's my life. Not serving popcorn. I even think I nearly cried.


And that doesn't just happen at a Mika, it happens when I come back from holiday and stuff...I cried for two nights when I came back from the cruise last year LOL!!! :roftl: Once I'm back in the routine I'm okay, but going to a Mika gig or experiencing something just as extraordinary is like having an outer body experience or something. I'm not sure if people will get what I'm saying..


I have the same problem. :roftl: After I got back from my wedding last summer, Calgary was cold and work was boring and I just wanted to be back on a boat on San Diego Bay. For some reason, though, it's stronger with this whole Mikaland thing. It IS like some sort of out of body experience or something.


I'd love to take a look at brain scans of the front row during Lollipop, and of heroin addicts after a hit. I bet we'd find some frightening similarities. :roftl:


I'm kind of stuck for an answer right now, what I will do though is when I'm at the iTunes gig, have a little chat with Mika and see if he would like the flag. If so, I'll give it to him at Bestival, after the show there. If he's happy for me to keep it, I'll do that and still bring it to MFC events (along with the new one) for those who haven't seen it.


I have an idea. Why not take a picture of it, blow it up to a big size and frame it? DECORATE THE FRAME!! :hypo:


That's actually a really, freakin' good idea!


I mean, we could do something like this, nicely matted, with a pic of the front of the flag and a pic of the back. It could look really freakin' awesome, really classy if done properly.


I mean, it's a ton of work obviously, but that would allow us to keep the flag AND to give Mika a souvenir. :wub2:


I'm glad I did and that I'm not alone in this! Sometimes it feels like I am.


Not as long as there's MFC. :wub2:

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Yeah wow he's not kidding about his buying things in 3s compulsion. Can't imagine what he'll do with one, muchless three. (Sounds like he has no idea what he's going to do with them either.)


No sh!t, Sherlock! :roftl:. I still can't believe that he just went out and bought THREE!! of them and had no clue of what to do with one, never mind three. Too funny.



I'm just hoping everything doesn't fall off of it:naughty:


God, imagine, haha! :lmao: If it does, you can always blame him, say that it was due to how he washed it :naughty:.

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I don't know if this has been posted yet but I found a really good video of Love Today



Wow :shocked:


I just can't get over the layout of this venue. It's like having Mika perform at your slumber party. :teehee:

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After my first gig experience in February 2008 I was a mess. Ask Andrew. On the planes from LA to San Francisco, then San Franciso to Vancouver I bawled my way through both flights. I was a little worried Canadian customs woldn't let me in due to running makeup and bloodshot eyes. :naughty:


This time around, I was sitting on a sidewalk in Paris bawling my eyes out after the secong gig, after it was all over. In NYC, as everyone was getting ready to leave the venue, same thing.


Oh, and in Amsterdam I cried not only through Over My Shoulder but Blue Eyes and Happy Ending as well. That's just how I roll. :blush-anim-cl:




What it comes down to is that for whatever reason, this whole Mika thing touches us. Out of six billion people in the world, we're a couple hundred, maybe a thousand who -for whatever reason - have these intense reactions to it, these intense addictions to it. And I'm so grateful that we have each other to share it with. Because those other six billion people just don't have a clue. They can't possibly begin to understand. They just pat you on the head, smirk, and have a giggle about your cutesy thing for "that guy with a squeaky voice." :naughty:




I have the same problem. :roftl: After I got back from my wedding last summer, Calgary was cold and work was boring and I just wanted to be back on a boat on San Diego Bay. For some reason, though, it's stronger with this whole Mikaland thing. It IS like some sort of out of body experience or something.


I'd love to take a look at brain scans of the front row during Lollipop, and of heroin addicts after a hit. I bet we'd find some frightening similarities. :roftl:






That's actually a really, freakin' good idea!


I mean, we could do something like this, nicely matted, with a pic of the front of the flag and a pic of the back. It could look really freakin' awesome, really classy if done properly.


I mean, it's a ton of work obviously, but that would allow us to keep the flag AND to give Mika a souvenir. :wub2:




Not as long as there's MFC. :wub2:


I'm sold!

We have a fantastic frame shop where I live, i'll check it out on the weekend.

And my friend who I was supposed to see last night, is an amateur photographer, so I'll ask him if he can take the shots.

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Sounds good to me:wink2:


I think that this is a REALLY good idea! Best of both worlds indeed. Rose/MFC keep the flag, and Mika still has a token of it that is perhaps more useful to him (as decoration, etc) than the flag itself would be.

The actual flag has emotional attachment to Rose, so I guess that this would be a 'safe' option, if she'd want to do that.


Score!! :naughty:


I totally get it. It's the same for me. And yes, that is the same feeling I have: my life should be about traveling and experiencing things :roftl:.


Glad to know I'm nhot the only lonely one lol :naughty:

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Wow :shocked:


I just can't get over the layout of this venue. It's like having Mika perform at your slumber party. :teehee:


I know, it was the best first Mika gig ever:naughty:

I just wish there was a better video of the stage invasion or even pictures.

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After my first gig experience in February 2008 I was a mess. Ask Andrew. On the planes from LA to San Francisco, then San Franciso to Vancouver I bawled my way through both flights. I was a little worried Canadian customs woldn't let me in due to running makeup and bloodshot eyes. :naughty:


This time around, I was sitting on a sidewalk in Paris bawling my eyes out after the secong gig, after it was all over. In NYC, as everyone was getting ready to leave the venue, same thing.


Oh, and in Amsterdam I cried not only through Over My Shoulder but Blue Eyes and Happy Ending as well. That's just how I roll. :blush-anim-cl:




What it comes down to is that for whatever reason, this whole Mika thing touches us. Out of six billion people in the world, we're a couple hundred, maybe a thousand who -for whatever reason - have these intense reactions to it, these intense addictions to it. And I'm so grateful that we have each other to share it with. Because those other six billion people just don't have a clue. They can't possibly begin to understand. They just pat you on the head, smirk, and have a giggle about your cutesy thing for "that guy with a squeaky voice." :naughty:




I have the same problem. :roftl: After I got back from my wedding last summer, Calgary was cold and work was boring and I just wanted to be back on a boat on San Diego Bay. For some reason, though, it's stronger with this whole Mikaland thing. It IS like some sort of out of body experience or something.


I'd love to take a look at brain scans of the front row during Lollipop, and of heroin addicts after a hit. I bet we'd find some frightening similarities. :roftl:


That's actually a really, freakin' good idea!


I mean, we could do something like this, nicely matted, with a pic of the front of the flag and a pic of the back. It could look really freakin' awesome, really classy if done properly.


I mean, it's a ton of work obviously, but that would allow us to keep the flag AND to give Mika a souvenir. :wub2:


LOL about Lollipop and heroin addicts, haha!! There probably will be :roftl: Oh dear we're such emotional wrecks, and we're all different ages :roftl:


Oh, and to the bit in bold, I'm full of 'em :wink2::naughty:

No, not really LOL, but I have to say I'm quite proud that I thought of it! I was thinking of getting a snapshot of the back and front as well.

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I don't know if this has been posted yet but I found a really good video of Love Today





Holy moly! :mf_lustslow:. And I spy with my little eye....many familiar faces :naughty:. luckily, Mana hides me most of the time.


Wow :shocked:


I just can't get over the layout of this venue. It's like having Mika perform at your slumber party. :teehee:


Totally! It was incredibly small and close :blink:. I don't think that it will get any more intimate than this. Ever!!

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