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2009 - Le Poisson Rouge, NY - June 23 - reports, photos and videos


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Hey we ALL knew my computer would NOT cooperate with me! :doh:


LUCKILY I am going to the library tomorrow (after Alysia's doctor's appointment) :teehee: So I am going to be able to do it all then - tomorrow LUCY!~ :naughty: I have been dying to get on here - and my computer has not let me online at all . . . SO FRUSTRATING - just ONE more thing I hate about living in the freaking woods! :sneaky2:


I luuuuve the freaking woods :fangurl: !





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is it really? i thought it meant red fish.:blush-anim-cl::teehee:


Literally it does, but if you are referring to the beasties that die in their aquarium after a couple of weeks :sad: because you fed them too much or the water disagreed with them, then it's golden fish = poisson rouge.





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Cont'd - PART 2.d - Day of the Gig. Waiting in the Queue. Post-icecream


Post-icecream - after the sugar high.



Maybe the hat will magically re-energize us.



Or a spray of Apple-perfume to mask the "Queuing-all-day-in-New York" smell.




Now let's take the queue inside. Single file. All one hundred of us.:boxed:


Yeah, this all looks like a single file. Hehe.




Ummm... (perhaps...stress relief?)



20 hours from the start of marathon queuing. Holly and Lucy. When the head security guy told late coming people they must go to the end of the line, he used Holly and Lucy as the example of fans queuing earliest most deserving to go in first.



Lovely photos Suzy!:wub2:


I’ve said it before but I really love how you are taking pictures from all the events and things around the show, not only the show, it’s like a picture story!

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Part 5. The End.


Thanks for the "Meet & Greet"!

Sorry sariflor and sienna - I didn't ask him to wear the Wiz hat, as it didn't quite seem the right moment to. No one else was around to witness it and he almost didn't stop to look or exchange a word with me. Until....I reminded him that I saw him at the Mod Club! :teehee: And I gave him a high-five.:wub2:




Fabulous to have met all of you MFCers (again, and for the first time)



Bye Big Apple!



Even if you would have had the chance to ask him I don’t think he would have done it…. Our boy has a big integrity and I really respect him for it!:blush-anim-cl:


The pictures with you and Sariflor wearing the hat are very sweet though!:wub2:

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That sweet boy, wouldn't you know, signed both for good measure.

I said "Oh, thank you." Then I said something kind of stupid

and I got the sense MIKA didn't really understand what I meant.

I uttered "Everytime I say 'I'm too old for this S*IT' you prove me wrong!"


I loved this comment:wink2:


Thank you for posting your report, Alice:flowers2:

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OMG . . . it has been a CRAZY day already and it is only 10:30 in the morning!!! I am at the library (FINALLY) . . . in between doctor appointments today - Tay has already been now Alysia has an appointment in 20 minutes . . . so, of course i am going to have to come back to the library when we are all done - I got all (MOST) of my pictures uploaded - and I just need to test one real quick for SIZE issues - cause I have no idea the size my camera takes :naughty:


WHOA that was WAY too BIG - I guess I STILL have some work to do! :doh:


Be back laters! :bye:

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I loved this comment:wink2:

Thank you for posting your report, Alice:flowers2:


Conversation with (doesn't-really-get-MIKA) daughter:

a little role reversal!



"Don't you know you're reporting to people who were also there?"


Mean Hag Mother:

"Oh no, DEAR, there are fans all over the WORLD, waiting for the gig reports!":teehee:

Edited by A. Clay
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Conversation with (doesn't-really-get-MIKA) daughter:

a little role reversal!



"Don't you know you're reporting to people who were also there?"


Mean Hag Mother:

"Oh no, DEAR, there are fans all over the WORLD, waiting for the gig reports!":teehee:


But Alice, tell her even people who were there also like to hear other's views of the day/ gig!

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But Alice, tell her even people who were there also like to hear other's views of the day/ gig!

Exactly, there are different experiences and perspectives.

(She needs so much more work!)

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VAMOOSE: Perfect way to travel from DC to this gig.

AND, because I bought 6 one-way tickets,

I now have credit for "1 and a half" FREE

additional trips back to the Big Apple!


HOTEL: Stayed at the Washington Square Hotel.

(Daughter had stayed there on a previous visit.)

Good choice for this trip; easy walk to all the places we'd go to this visit.

Got there before check-in so went straight

to the "Q" at the Club.

Got our numbers #40, #41, #42

and got put on the list.


CAFE: Popped into much-read-about "Cafe Reggio" for a quick Iced Late +

famous stogliatella on way back to Hotel to actually check in.



Cut through the Park on our way back

to the "Q" at the club

after claiming our rooms for the night.

Discovered the fountain IS too working;

live band (of a sort) playing there and

youngsters frolicking in the fountain.

(Such frolic is not permitted in the

sculpture garden fountain in DC!)



Lucy (easy to find; just go to the front of the "Q"

HollyD (easy to find; just find Lucy)

Kath, MFC World Rep From for Scotland

(asked folks in line if she was there!)

Standard Toaster (recognizable from Pix)

Sivan (also recognizable from Pix)

DC Deb (also recognizable from Pix)

Natalie (finally in the Club (outer) Bar--

when overheard me asking someone else if they were her, HA!)


Chatted with many additional MFCers before & after the show,

but (sorry) don't remember names well,

but I guess you know who you are.

One a local NYC gal, we talked some 'bout our children.

Another the lady who had bought tickets for her youngsters initially

(when info was so confused,) but in the end found a way to

allow someone else use them.


Special note for: milagroA

Sorry we didn't spot each other.

Could have been standing next to each other and not even known.

I'm really glad, though, you were able to be there and enjoy it.


After the show, standing in the autograph line a fellow with a gal,

who had snagged one of those BIG balloons, offered it to both me

& another. Neither of us had a way to deal with it,

but it was a sweet gesture.



Franchesca & hubby, "Bad Boy Rhizo" and

Big Daddy Dale's brother, James who I revert to addressing as "Edgar."

I can ALWAYS count on both those boys for a big hug.

(And congratz to Fran & Joe: Expecting their 1st before long.)

Thanks for meeting us in the venue neighborhood for a quick visit.


RESTAURANT: Had dinner with the above friends at "LUPA"

right around the corner from the "Q".

Checked many times during the day, during dinner

and early evening attempting to collect our

"will call" tickets--which were never issued.

On final return to "Q" we followed security guy's direction

about where to wait to get into the club.


A note about the security fellows

(as was the case at MIKA's Philadelphia performance,

you couldn't find a sweeter group of guys!)



Mrs. Penniman, Yasmine & Fortune.

Taking a relaxed stroll on the sidewalk right across

the street from the "Q" line.

The ladies in their summer whites:

Mrs. Penniman in a coordinated capri pant & top outfit

and Yasmine in a fluffy concoction of a ruffled dress.

Fortune in jeans + a white collared/cuffed shirt, I believe.

Then the group disappeared around the corner.

Didn't look like no "MAFIA" to me!


MIKA'S brother, Fortune also,

at one point, walked the length of the "Q" personally

offering and encouraging takers for the free ice cream.

A distinct treat to see Fortune up close.

Just as cute as MIKA in his own way.

Similar characteristics.

Tall and lean like Mika;

eye's and mannerisms a bit similar,

looked to be just as sweet.


John (the manager) could be spotted here & there,

of course, throughout.


After lst wave admitted to the performance area,

I saw Yasmine again

--who I could now recognize for sure by her lovely dress.

I entertained a fleeting urge to approach and speak to her

(which I'm sure she would have been gracious about)

but I quickly decided it preferable not to bother her.


I'm also pretty sure I spotted Audrey(?) there

also walking through the performance general audience area

wearing a big, full, long kind of "hippie style" skirt.


And frankly, later while the support acts were doing their thing,

I confess I found it much more interesting/entertaining to gawk

--from a respectful distance--at the VIP section,

mostly focusing on Standard Toaster & Fortune.


CLOSED CIRCUIT TV: While we were waiting in our "pen" in the outer bar,

there were 2 closed circuit TVs on either side of the bar running.


Initially you saw the previous act (a young pianist from Japan) finishing up

his act and you could see his audience clustered at tables and in no hurry

to disperse. Then later, you could view stage hands with the use of ramps

removing that fellow's piano from the stage.


Finally, and this was interesting, you could see MIKA walking about the area,

pondering it, making a single skip up to the stage,

doing some pre-show pacing AND for a brief amount of time

you could also view Mrs. Penniman and Yasmine helping the stage crew

"spread on the (silver) glitter."

Then, after a bit, the TV's went dark.

I doubt they knew they were being watched!



The outer bar was OK when just the lst wave of folks were admitted,

but when the 2nd and 3rd(?) wave were admitted, it became quite

unpleasant and remained that way for a long time.


People in front were pushing back at you, people in back of you were

pushing forward at you! Also, any available toilet was at the far end

of the "pen" behind all those people; impossible to access.


MFCers were anxious that their "numbers" weren't going to matter.

There were announcements to put yourselves back into number order which,

with the loud music, were barely audible and not really possible in the

crush of things.


My daughter had some fleeting hyperventilation attacks because of the

conditions there and it really was not nice. You had this sense that

there might be a stampede from behind when/if the doors to the

performance area were opened.


Anyway, to my relief, the security guys somehow managed to keep

things from getting out of control and eventually let the

first (about 50 folks) in according to (it seemed) their hand numbers.



When first in, really didn't know what to do.

Things were calm enough.

I think we thought there would be a little seating in the back.


So (stupid us) we headed, unknowingly, for the VIP area.

We were set straight about that quickly.

Then I think I went down toward the stage and stood right in front of the confetti cannon.


Girls were sitting on the floor adjoining the stage.

I kind of knew standing right in front of the cannon probably wasn't a swell idea.


I also knew I wasn't going to make it long without out a toilet break.

I ask a club staffer if there was one in the immediate area and by god,

actually to my surprise, there was.

Promptly visited it: multiple stalls, clean--maybe two other people there.


"Big Daddy Dale" got me my requested "Garfunkle" from the

long inside Bar-NO PICKLE!


The drink was good, but quite stong so I went back to get a class of ice

to water it down a bit. Hence I had two drink glasses--one with the drink

the other with the ice, but made me look like two-fisted drinker!


Anyway, I quess a 2nd wave was admitted, but you could still see the stage fairly well.

Initially, I decided to lean against and hug a pillar in the rear of the performance area.


But when more and more people were let in, I bolted on my 'keepers' and worked

my way back front (about halfway) toward the stage 'till

no further advancing seemed reasonably possible.


Found some spots were I could clearly see MIKA and stayed there

most of the time.

Got a little of a stiff neck, but it was fine.


I noticed a LOT of guys arrived in a 3rd wave,

but did not hang around afterwards for the autographs.


PERFORMANCE: MIKA was so bouncy.

I could see him bouncing so much on his piano bench,

I thought maybe he'd sail on up to the ceiling.

And MIKA was so energetic, swinging his head from side to side

--that style only MIKA does.

The sound was amazing: Both MIKA and the audience were so energized.

I was soo happy to be there--wiggling, waving hands, clapping, singing along with the adoring crowd. . . . Insufficient superlatives . . .

I know this is short, but you ALL know how good MIKA is already!

Rejoined my "keepers" a little before the stage invasion.


AUTOGRAPHS: Hung around after the last song, inside the performance

area with some others in case MIKA were to come out there.

The Security guy said something so went to see what he'd said.

Basically, "if you want to see him, you'd better get outside;

there's a long line forming out there." The truth?

The WHOLE truth? Maybe, maybe not, but out we went.


Waited the hour for MIKA to exit the club.

(It's always 1 hour to the minute isn't it?)

When the hour was up, out MIKA came like clockwork.

He was doing a fairly efficient job of going down the line,

so I knew he wasn't going to be real chatty this time.

Some were politely asking for a hug, and MIKA was quickly dispensing them.

[if you've got to have a hug, this is the approach!

When sweetly asked, MIKA is free with his hugs!]

Someone (I realized later) had asked for a pic with MIKA and

he said "Wait 'til last."


MIKA was (as in Europe) mostly giving autographs.

That was my mission, to obtain an autograph 'cause I didn't yet have one.

I had printed a favorite photograph of MIKA on high-gloss photo paper

and had a much smaller one on regular paper.


[As I post this pic, I remember MIKA noting I'd lifted it from YouTube, HA!]


When MIKA first came my way he skipped me ('cause I was standing back from the rail a little)

& he had gone on to the next person on my right.

So I said "Oh MIKA, don't skip ME!" and MIKA stepped back.

I just said "I'm Alice; I'm so happy to be here,"

And offering my photos--the small one on top of the bigger one.

I said "I'm afraid this (the bigger one) might smudge."

That sweet boy, wouldn't you know, signed both for good measure.

I said "Oh, thank you." Then I said something kind of stupid

and I got the sense MIKA didn't really understand what I meant.

I uttered "Everytime I say 'I'm too old for this S*IT' you prove me wrong!"


My time was up and on MIKA went down the line.

Then I just watched MIKA with the others.

"Big Daddy Dale" said, some fans were going down the line for a

2nd shot and that I should do the same.

I wasn't for that: That's just tacky.


GOOD BYE (for now) MIKA:

So while MIKA was working the line, his car had been moved to the end.

It was raining very lightly and John was holding an umbrella over MIKA.

At least one group posed for a group photo with Mika--and then off he went

in his car.

I was right there to say, "Goodbye MIKA."


Every time I take a trip, something is left unsatisfied:

Those things go on my "Maybe next time list!"

For "next time"--IF I ever return to the area:

Go see the famous "Dosa Man"

Have a night cap at "The Dove Parlour"

Meet MIKA's band members? somewhere, some time?


thank you, Alice! :flowers2:

very particular report :thumb_yello:

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Here are all my videos.


Grace Kelly


Lady Jane


Stuck in the Middle


Lonely Alcoholic


Blue Eyes


Over My Shoulder


Happy Ending




Love Today



Post Mika

Laura(musicfreak) and me couldn't really sleep after seeing Mika so we decided to go crazy in the hotel:naughty:

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Cont'd - PART 2.d - Day of the Gig. Waiting in the Queue. Post-icecream


Post-icecream - after the sugar high.



Maybe the hat will magically re-energize us.



Or a spray of Apple-perfume to mask the "Queuing-all-day-in-New York" smell.




Now let's take the queue inside. Single file. All one hundred of us.:boxed:


Yeah, this all looks like a single file. Hehe.



Ummm... (perhaps...stress relief?)



20 hours from the start of marathon queuing. Holly and Lucy. When the head security guy told late coming people they must go to the end of the line, he used Holly and Lucy as the example of fans queuing earliest most deserving to go in first.



Hahaha! Suxy, loving your reports! I like the photographic/blog style a lot :naughty:. Mind you, I never noticed you taking some of those pics (the non posed ones, obviously) so maybe you should become a reporter, as you seem to have the nack to get in there down and dirty and get the evidence :roftl:.

Am really enjoying reading everyone's reviews and watching (still trying to catch up withy that!) all the vids.

Alice, as you well said, other people like to read other people's perspectives, so keep them coming. I met you at the line when you arrived and I asked if you were Alice, remember? Obviously I wasn't memorable enough for you to recognise me :bleh: but I sure knew who YOU were, hehe :naughty:

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Just a quickie...haven't read it all but have had a quick scan. About the flag. It is Rose's so obviously it is absolutly her choice. However, if I were Rose there is NO way I would let it go:shocked::naughty: Mika has SO many gifts........I know the flag is special, but he couldn't honestly have much time to look at it even if he had the inclination...which he may have. I personally think that it should stay with the MFC but obviously that is just a personal opinion. As for taking a pic and having it blown up...it would have to be one hell of a size to be able to read it. I was photograhing just the London section today as Caz had asked me to do so and even one section takes up a full photo if you want to be able to read it properly.


If Rose wants to give it to Mika then so be it.....but it is definatetly my opinion that it's home is with the MFC. We have a fantastic community and the flag is part of it.


Just to go back to previous comments about queueing and I KNOW it is the wrong thread but my comment is relevant to a post made in here............in Milan I did ask about keeping a seat for Robi and was told that she was sorted and had chosen her seat elsewhere. I am sorry if this was not the case:shocked:


And................yes, it was Audrey in the posh dress in the VIP area at NYC

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Just a quickie...haven't read it all but have had a quick scan. About the flag. It is Rose's so obviously it is absolutly her choice. However, if I were Rose there is NO way I would let it go:shocked::naughty: Mika has SO many gifts........I know the flag is special, but he couldn't honestly have much time to look at it even if he had the inclination...which he may have. I personally think that it should stay with the MFC but obviously that is just a personal opinion....


Just to go back to previous comments about queueing and I KNOW it is the wrong thread but my comment is relevant to a post made in here............in Milan I did ask about keeping a seat for Robi and was told that she was sorted and had chosen her seat elsewhere. I am sorry if this was not the case:shocked:


Heya Kath! Are you feeling better?


I agree about not giving Mika the flag. If anything, Rose could take a few pictures of the signed back, if she goes ahead with the frame idea.


Man, what we need is an MFC gallery. :teehee:


And yes, I believe Robi did have a seat saved for her near Allegra at the Milan gig. :biggrin2:


Let's wear some mylar confetti on our chests in case Mika doesn't notice our decadent presence here along fangurly front row as we scream, jump up and down and dance. It might just be that added umph to get him to motion the two of us on stage for an invasion. :naughty:



:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:


Suzy... you're my hero. *falls on the floor laughing*


:bow: :bow:

Edited by lollipop_monkey
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Let's wear some mylar confetti on our chests in case Mika doesn't notice our decadent presence here along fangurly front row as we scream, jump up and down and dance. It might just be that added umph to get him to motion the two of us on stage for an invasion. :naughty:



Forgot to quote this one earlier til I saw Mana's reply now. This pic is fab. I can't believe that that confetti stuck to my face and chest the whole duration of the gig. So much fun.

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i have a random question for you all. what song does mika normally use the celeste (sp?) for? what happened when he went over there that made him say "f*** it, never mind that idea!"


He's been using it for Toy Boy on this tour.Sounds like it might have been a feedback problem:



I wonder though, if he was also a little freaked out being THAT close to the audience. :teehee:

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