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2009 - Le Poisson Rouge, NY - June 23 - reports, photos and videos


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i think it was a combination of the hands, the feedback, and someone put their camera right on top of the piano.

Ahem...that would have been me. I'd been using that celesta as a hands free stand for the cam when he was at the regular piano, so when he came over i thought that it might also work from the opposite direction. At one point i put the camera up on the top area of the celesta but took it away immediately as i thought that it was too much,and he might find it intrusive. To be honest, it was only there for a couple of seconds, but i've been kicking myself about it since,in case it bothered him. I wish i could ask, and put my mind at rest (or the opposite, lol, but then i'd get to apologise).

I'm always so careful to be respectful of Mika, that i get angry to think that i may have done something so stupid and potentially upsetting to him.


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Part 1 - Journey to NYC


Before I start writing anything




I just want to take this opportunity to say - - - - -


THANK YOU to my Best Friend Lucy, for making this trip possible for me. Without you I could have never experienced the most AMAZING night of my life! You are the best est est friend that anyone could ever have - and I love you. And truly appreciate all of the experiences that we have had the chance to encounter together! Mika has brought SO much sunshine to my life - and YOU are a huge part of that! I will always be thankful that Mika gave me you! (I want to use a million smiles right now) . . . . .

Our night on a NYC street is something we will think about, talk about - and remember for the rest of our lives. My kids will tell their kids and it will live on and on and on . . .LMAO



:wub2: you are my friend and I will always try my best to help you anytime!!!!

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Part 2 - WELCOME to the BIG APPLE


. . . Lucy got her husband to drop us off (somewhere) and we just walked around. We were *headed to our hotel* but since check in time was 2:00 PM - we were not in any hurry at all . . . I was just walking around in total AWE . . could not beleive that I was actually in NEW YORK! And was getting attacked by a million birds! LMAO


What is it with being totally addicted to the MFC? I was about to die - cause I had not been online in SO long now . . . so we found a place where you could get on. We chatted with Titty a bit - and she recommended some resturaunts in the area!!!! We stayed there (till our time ran out) lol

and then we just started walking again . .. . we WERE going to look for some place to eat - but, decided to go and see the venue . . . TOO NERVOUS and EXCITED to eat - - and Lucy and I had not seen each other in over a year and a half so of course we were bouncing off of the NYC walls!


It was SO surreal to actually see the venue - and Bleecker Street for that matter in person, after walking down it virtually for so long!!!



The venue was SO weird in the coolest of ways!!!!!



While out side of the venue we met the Manager - Brett, he was the sweetest man!!!! He talked to us for a WHILE . . . and then he went back inside - we went in to get my ticket!!!


For some STRANGE reason - I just did not want to leave the venue . . . it was like a magnent pulling me in, and I was not strong enough to break away. So, we decided to go and get something to eat at the chinese resturaunt right across the street . .. so that I could have the venue in my view at all times . . WHAT A FREAK, RIGHT!


The food was good - but, I couldn't eat! I ate MAYBE 1/4 of my Vegetable Fried Rice . . if I would have taken another bite I would have surely threw up . . the nerves were really kicking!




When we finally left the place . . we went back across the street to the venue - I wanted to talk to Brett a bit more . . . as we were walking up I saw 2 VERY familiar faces in front taking pics . . I ran up to them . .. . MANA?! ANDREW?! And have them both a hug! So nice to meet MFCers in Real Life after talking for so LONG!



Yay finally met Mana!



SO funny - there were some delivery guys on the street watching us - and they were so nice . .. one said would you ALL like to be in the photo . . so I handed him my camera - and then the other guy jumped in the pic! LMAO



Once Lucy was f i n a l l y able to drag me away from the venue we started heading to our hotel . . . more walking! I really should have saved all of my energy for the next day! The hotel was SUPER nice (for NYC - and for the price) I would recommend it to anyone!!!!



It was kinda small inside but FINE - CLEAN . . wood floors and a PRIVATE bathroom which is essential (to me) . . .

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I am still so traumatized that he left. I can't believe it :crybaby:


There, there *pats Christine's shoulder*


I wanted to hear that contraption too. He was just so far from a Patrick Wolf mood that night.

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Ahem...that would have been me. I'd been using that celesta as a hands free stand for the cam when he was at the regular piano, so when he came over i thought that it might also work from the opposite direction. At one point i put the camera up on the top area of the celesta but took it away immediately as i thought that it was too much,and he might find it intrusive. To be honest, it was only there for a couple of seconds, but i've been kicking myself about it since,in case it bothered him. I wish i could ask, and put my mind at rest (or the opposite, lol, but then i'd get to apologise).

I'm always so careful to be respectful of Mika, that i get angry to think that i may have done something so stupid and potentially upsetting to him.



Aww...let's balance that thought with the fact he mentioned that after he saw you and Mana, he knew it was going to be a fantastic night. :wub2:

That would have made my day. My year! MY DECADE!

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Yeah when we first arrived it took me about 15 minutes to even clue in that this was the celeste and he was actually going to play there. It seemed absurd. At that point no one was standing in that area and obviously I wish those girls hadn't turned up. They were just too drunk to deal with that situation.


I can't imagine why they didn't move the celeste back somewhere. Even another 12" from the edge of the stage would have provided enough of a barrier to keep it from getting weird.


Yeah, I also thought that it would have been best if nobody had stood there, and even less people who had had a bit too much to drink :naughty: and therefore were lacking a bit of essential control :biggrin2:.

Then again, if I am not getting confused, I seem to remember that there were some sort of security type barrier/cordons thingies next to the celesta? They sort of made it impossible to stand too close, but then that group sort of jumped in there and stood in that spot anyway.

I so wish that he'd performed it at the celesta though, it would have been incredible :wub2:. Well, it was incredible already, but you know what I mean.




i sure did. and all the rucks before 'relax'. thank god sariflor told them to be quiet. we could her them better than we could hear mika! :sneaky2:


Not that they took much notice, did they though?:naughty:. I suppose that you can only try.

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Part 3 - CRAZINESS kicks in - Queueing at Midnight -


. . . A LOT of talking to the venue staff and Managers, we decided that they would not really say anything to us - if we got there at a ridiculous time. We didn't start queueing at Midnight BECAUSE we thought there was going to be a line around the building at that time (we are not THAT stupid) . . . we did it for a combination of reasons that are all personal (not private) - we just wanted to experience being on a NYC street all night - and the things we witnessed were BETTER then anything I have ever seen on t.v. no joke! I am SO glad that we did what we did - i would not trade the experience for anyting . .. even though I paid the price later!


Once we FINALLY made our minds up that we were going to go to the venue at midnight . .. we CHECKED out of our hotel at 11:30 PM . . . wwwhhhhaaaatttt YEP - I need the doh smiley here . . .

Okay - so when we got to the venue IT WAS STILL OPEN . . .and there was a big MEAN security guard right outside of the door. He was looking at us CRAZY (well my shirt did give it ALL away) . . . he KNEW why we were there. So, we stood at the very END of the sidewalk by the CVS entrance. Every once in a while I would tell Lucy to inch up a bit - and we would move our stuff. Trying to be so sneaky. It took us 2 HOURS to move up the sidewalk from where we started . .. . we did not want him to think that we were being pushy or anything that would make him ask us to leave. So we were VERY careful!



We finally made it in front of the door! LOL




While there - now it is past 2:00 Am . . . we met all of the venue staff - managers - and general managers as they left (as well as the bar staff and workers) EVERYONE was SO unbeleivably nice! They were SO -SHOCKED- to say the least that we were there waiting ALREADY for a show that did not start until 9:30 at night! But, no one talked to us like they thought we were CRAZY (at least in the sick way) they just thought that we were extremely dedicated and they thought it was a beautiful thing!


We met the head security guard as he was leaving - he walked over to talk to us . . . asked A LOT of questions . . . gave us a pack of gum (said he didn't want us to starve to death) and said SEE you girls tomorrow!!


Okay let me just say (how to put this without SAYING it) uuummm okay - we were on a street surrounded by bars and night clubs - and it seems that the use of certain substances is just openly used anywhere in NYC . . . the SMELL - aaahhhh . . . all of a sudden Lucy and I just start LAUGHING *hysterically* FOR no apparent reason. We did not even say anything JUST looked at each other - and we were CRYING we were laughing SO hard! So yeah second hand smoke really does effect you . . . obviously!


- - - then this guy walks past us . . . smiling - he was tall and skinny and had curly hair . . . Lucy and I LOOKED at each other and then LOOKED at him and then our mouths dropped at the same time. He was BEAUTIFUL - he looked SO much like Mika from a distance . . . he turned around and walked OVER TO US - and introduced himself (the General Manager of le poisson rouge) he was SO sweet . . .. he too told us that he would see us tomorrow!


***** So many CRAZY things happened I can't even begin to recall******

there was a guy with a guitar and he came up to talk to us - asking what the **** we were waiting for - we told him all about Mika - and he sang us a few songs ALWAYS putting Mika in there somewhere! SO special! Lucy recorded one of those songs . . . he was singing to her -(you are so beautiful, you look like an Asian girl - waiting to see Mika) aahhhh it was PRICELESS! . . . So many stories - so little time - the LAPD (gag me with a spoon) ALL the homeless people . . . the drunk clubbers . . . the freaking Lambourgini (sp) the guy that scared us SO bad that we actually left - until he was G O N E . . I stood on my feet for 8 HOURS until the stores started to open! PAIN - MISERY - ahhhhh -wondering HOW am I still awake-


So, as the drunken (est) people left the venue - (all employees) they all stopped to talk to us. Finally Brett came out - with his BEAUTIFUL girlfriend - she was SO SWEET - I can not even express - she said some things that I cannot say on here (family site) lol BUT she wanted to make sure that we had anything that we needed . . . they brought us out a case of water




Brett tore this off the wall and handed it to me!!! LOL




. . . and she MADE us go in to use the restroom . .. she literally dragged me in LOL - it was our first time getting to see the inside . . . first thought - everything is SO dark!!!!! And the restrooms . . . OMG! They were BLACK inside with just a little like florecent (red) light - I was LOOKING for a light switch . . . but, uuuhhh there was none! WEIRD - especially when you are completely delerious!!! The staff still inside was clapping and yelling at me and Lucy - and they all said - SEE YOU tomorrow!


Back outside on the cold street there was an icecream truck and Lucy and I joked that Mika had sent it to us . . . HOW ironic, huh!!!!





Lucy could not stand any longer - I was more stubborn! BOO



The sidewalk had hearts painted all along it - it took Lucy and I a few HOURS before we even realized it - we were So out of it!!!! LOL

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there always is.:naughty: who can blame them? people just need to keep it at a minimum. he's not going to accept a marriage proposal that's yelled at him in front of 700 people.


I'm quite sure that he won't be accepting any proposals fullstop, public or not, but hey, feel free to do it in private if the mood takes you :roftl:.



Aww...let's balance that thought with the fact he mentioned that after he saw you and Mana, he knew it was going to be a fantastic night. :wub2:

That would have made my day. My year! MY DECADE!


I know, it totally did :wub2:.

This, coupled with what he told us in Paris (he thanked us for following, and that it had been great to have us at the front at so many gigs, "guiding" him throughout the tour) totally melts me when I remember, and makes me just adore him SO much.

How many artists do this? How many artists are so amazing to their fans? How many artists bring them an icecream truck while they queue? Etc, etc, etc.

He's one in a million, and the brightest star ever, and I am very thankful that we're fans of such an incredible person.

Forget about the musician, I'm now talking about his essence as a person. He exhudes kindness and love.

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Part 4 - 'Normal Queueing'


. . . fast forwarding to uuummm around 8:30 AM and skipping A LOT of crazy things that happened . . .


aahhhh we watched the sun go down and back up again - only to see it go back down! Once the sun had come up good . . .. we saw another familiar face walking towards us . . . it was Sivan - could recognize her anywhere! SO happy to finally meet you!!!! Sivan is the sweetest girl EVER! (you know how you have *ideas* of MFCers - I mean we talk all of the time - but, never in real life . .. so you develope this -idea- of what you think someone is going to be like . . . and USUALLY it is a misconception altogether! Not to say I thought poorly of her - I guess I just never dreamed she would be SO sweet!


Ahhh what time did everyone start arriving in the Q? I don't remember - I should have been asleep! LOL 9:30 I think . . .. got to say hello to Suzy and her husband, Christine, Sariflor, Mana and Andrew . . . . Suzy your husband is a riot! SO funny and such a nice guy!!!! So once everyone arrived - we started with the number process . . .



Holly #1 - Lucy #2 WOO HOO


I guess the more and more the line grew . . . . the more and more out of it I was. hhhmmm was it worth it - I woul have to say YES!!! I am sure A LOT of MFCers think I am spaced out (but, it was the exhaution - trust me) LMAO I have only been to 2 Mika gigs and both times queued for over 15 hours . . . I would LOVE to be able to show up at a decent time - all fresh and clean (and fresh Make-up lmao) all bright and ready, but - as long as the gig is GA - I know that is never going to happen for me . .. . BUT, with the number system could always take a break after about 11 hours and go 'truly get ready' . . . that would be like a dream come true!!!!



Lucy - delerious after pulling an all nighter LMAO





. . . ha ha ha I look SO crazy!!!!!



OMG - I remember at one point Lucy and I were SO out of it . .. we were not even talking to each other! LMAO . . it is SO nice to spend so much time with someone and they do not get on your nerves for evern a minute!!! SO nice . . . . what a great time we had being all loopy together!



John arriving (by taxi) . . . *INGIE* Brianna gave John the letter about the dvd . . and he said he would look over it - but, nothing ever came about! SORRY . . . we tried our best!


We also saw Cherisse who also arrived by taxi . . . she came over and spoke to the Q. it was my first time seeing her up close. I think I was more along the lines of being 'star struck' seeing her then I have ever been seeing Mika . . . LMAO - with Mika it is different . . . I think because he is SUCH a H U G E part of my everyday life - and family that it 'feels' like I know him. So when I see him - it is just like seeing a dear friend that you have not seen in ages - only you don't have the chance to catch up . . . just a fleeting glimpse *that magically is enough to LAST you for the rest of your life* - - uuummmm or at least until the next gig that is!



Delivery trucks and taxis ALL day . . . hhhmmmm this time we see his NAME . . . ahhhhhh - it is FUNNY the 'littlest' things can totally excite MFCers!!!! (we take pics of EVERYTHING) LOL

Edited by HollyD
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The sidewalk had hearts painted all along it - it took Lucy and I a few HOURS before we even realized it - we were So out of it!!!! LOL


It does look slightly familiar. And I must have stepped on, stood on, and stared at it a number of times, but wouldn't have known until now that you've mentioned it :naughty:

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I'm quite sure that he won't be accepting any proposals fullstop, public or not, but hey, feel free to do it in private if the mood takes you :roftl:.





I know, it totally did :wub2:.

This, coupled with what he told us in Paris (he thanked us for following, and that it had been great to have us at the front at so many gigs, "guiding" him throughout the tour) totally melts me when I remember, and makes me just adore him SO much.

How many artists do this? How many artists are so amazing to their fans? How many artists bring them an icecream truck while they queue? Etc, etc, etc.

He's one in a million, and the brightest star ever, and I am very thankful that we're fans of such an incredible person.

Forget about the musician, I'm now talking about his essence as a person. He exhudes kindness and love.


I totally agree :wub2:

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thanks for the info about the celeste/celesta. i honestly don't even know what kind of instrument it is, so i was curious.


i feel like being really grabby if you're that close is just rude. i adore mika. i want to hug him and, um, take him home with me. :teehee: but i guess i never let myself get drunk enough to the point of rudeness. it was frustrating when people wouldn't shut up during the quieter songs. oh well... some people are inconsiderate, no matter what environment.


so yeah, i can imagine it was probably a combination of the crowd proximity, drunk girls, and instrument feedback.

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I know, it totally did :wub2:.

This, coupled with what he told us in Paris (he thanked us for following, and that it had been great to have us at the front at so many gigs, "guiding" him throughout the tour) totally melts me when I remember, and makes me just adore him SO much.

How many artists do this? How many artists are so amazing to their fans? How many artists bring them an icecream truck while they queue? Etc, etc, etc.

He's one in a million, and the brightest star ever, and I am very thankful that we're fans of such an incredible person.

Forget about the musician, I'm now talking about his essence as a person. He exhudes kindness and love.


Now you sound like Mana!:teehee:


And you are so right, he is a very special person, not only is he noticing that you are following him on his gigs, he even talks about how much he appreciates it!:wub2:

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How many artists do this? How many artists are so amazing to their fans? How many artists bring them an icecream truck while they queue? Etc, etc, etc.

He's one in a million, and the brightest star ever, and I am very thankful that we're fans of such an incredible person.

Forget about the musician, I'm now talking about his essence as a person. He exhudes kindness and love.


Awww... I don't think you'll find anyone here who disagrees. He's truly amazing. :wub2:


BTW, Sara, were you videoing the meet & greet? Did you get when he

spoke to you on video? Did you happen to get when he was speaking

to ME on video? I hope...?:naughty:

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***DANG it they are kicking me OUT of the library - -- got to finish when I get home *******


Can't wait to read the rest! Love your pics! :flowers2:


First small detail that I may have not been mentioned yet.


I still catch myself giggle when I remember how fangurly JackViolet was. :teehee:


Yeah, she's back on the Mika love train. :wub2:


This, coupled with what he told us in Paris (he thanked us for following, and that it had been great to have us at the front at so many gigs, "guiding" him throughout the tour) totally melts me when I remember, and makes me just adore him SO much.

How many artists do this? How many artists are so amazing to their fans? How many artists bring them an icecream truck while they queue? Etc, etc, etc.

He's one in a million, and the brightest star ever, and I am very thankful that we're fans of such an incredible person.

Forget about the musician, I'm now talking about his essence as a person. He exhudes kindness and love.


Now you sound like Mana!:teehee:


Mwahaha, it's contagious! From the moment Sariflor got off the plane in LA back in April, she was screwed. Now, with six gigs together behind us, her brain is pickled just like mine. :teehee:


Let this be a warning to anyone else who ends up next to me at a future gig. :naughty:

Edited by lollipop_monkey
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Now you sound like Mana!:teehee:


And you are so right, he is a very special person, not only is he noticing that you are following him on his gigs, he even talks about how much he appreciates it!:wub2:


Proably from spending so much time together lately :roftl:. Her fangurliness has brought mine out in full swing :mf_lustslow:.

That night after Milan, even though we were absolutely knackered after the gig and no sleep the night before, we still stayed up in our hotel room just watching our videos and being all ooooh and aaaah reminiscing the gig :roftl:. So pathetic, haha.



BTW, Sara, were you videoing the meet & greet? Did you get when he

spoke to you on video? Did you happen to get when he was speaking

to ME on video? I hope...?:naughty:


I am missing out on video'ing the best bits of meetings lately, it seems :blink:. I didn't video Milan, when he had that great chat with us about the points, and Paris when he said those amazing things, and now here in NYC I also missed it.

Basically, I didn't video any parts of the meeting. It was all so rushed, and when I had him in front of him I didn't want to stick the cam on his face, so I just didn't do it. So, unfortunately, I don't have any footage of anything outside the gig :blink:. Sorry.



First small detail that I may have not been mentioned yet.


I still catch myself giggle when I remember how fangurly JackViolet was. :teehee:


Yeah, Jack was hilarious, and totally not how I expected her to be, LOL!! SUCH a fangurl!!! You've blown your cool cover, girlie! Hahah!!

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