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Queuing for GA gigs - thoughts, feedback, suggestions?


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I really appreciate everyone's feedback so far, thanks! :wub2:


Now, I get that the queuing system is a giant pain in the ass, but with this thread I'm mainly looking at thoughts and feedback about queuing, specifically.


While I do appreciate suggestions about reserved-seat presales (tiered or otherwise) and other arrangements that don't involve lining up, the reality for now is that Mika mostly does GA venues, so even when we do get a presale either through Mikasounds or MFC, it's still going to involve queuing.


Does anyone have any positive queuing experiences - when seeing Mika, or other artists?


I have never really had a terrible queuing experience - even when it involved a lot of rain (Brixton - December 2007) and cold Canadian winter (Toronto - January 2008).


A lot of the reason is owed to preparedness:

-Going to bed early the night before

-being hydrated all morning

-scoping the area for toilets, so that you can take your last washroom break just before doors open

-bringing food and snacks

-bringing something to sit on

-having a plan to go with friends to keep you company all day

-dressing appropriately for the weather

-being visisble to the security staff at the venue and the queuers before and after you

-making clear the expectations to everyone that you will not tolerate latecomers butting in line


I have never been to an assigned seated MIKA gig and I have managed to always be in front row.

It's just a priority for me being very short and having a problem with my ankle - I can stand for a much longer time with support (like the barrier they provide in front row).


And just for a bit of background history regarding numbers - the numbers on the hand didn't even originate from me or any MFCer, but I did start it during the queue at the cancelled Hammersmith gig in December 2007. Kata and I arrived at the venue a little after 8am and Laura and (Danika and another friend?) were already there. We had no idea where the queue should start so we formed a line from where we were anyway. It was a Hammersmith staff member who started setting up the barriers that provided me with a big black magic marker and told me to mark everyone's hand so that we could move the queue orderly into the correct place.




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Does anyone have any positive queuing experiences - when seeing Mika, or other artists?


At my two first Mika gigs I didn't queue at all. I was with my husband, and we hadn't traveled together for years (just two of us) so we wanted to spend some time together. I think we had nice view though we didn't queue. Not in front rows, but we saw him well.


In Berlin and in Milan I queued the whole day. Both places it worked so well :thumb_yello: But, we must thank both German and Italian fans. I think they made it work (together with security). With numbers it was really easy. We went to buy food and to the toilet, but were away only for short moments. And I really enjoyed spending the whole day with other MFCers :thumb_yello:


Both places I saw people who suddenly didn't understand a word of English when doors opened and numbers were asked :sneaky2: But, security guys stayed firm and asked numbers, and it all went very well. I think it needs three things. Activity from local fans, help from John/security and co-operation from all MFCers. We just need to do it together? I don't see why it couldn't work at bigger venues too. There are not hundreds of HC fans who want be in first/second/third rows and are ready to queue the whole day. Most people just want to see the gig.


Maybe I am too naive and not seen enough when thinking this way? :roftl:

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Does anyone have any positive queuing experiences - when seeing Mika, or other artists?


No, sorry... :no: I have never acted so nutty for any other artist...:biggrin2:


As was the case in Milan, MFC were right at the end.



...and in Berlin, too....

It seems to me that core fans are not so desparate to have their 5th autograph and tend to let the newbies have their chance.:wink2:

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Yes same as in NYC because we were told that Mika would speak to us inside at first so other fans were queued up before we got there.


Didn't make a difference since he got to everyone anyway and it didn't take long.


As usual, there always seems to be some sort of confusion. I was worried in NYC as because I wasn't with the rest of you (and was with a husband who was less than impressed to be asked to wait yet another hour) I wasn't sure where to go. Because I couldn't see any of you I was worrired that I needed to be inside. But as I WAS outside and couldn't get back in anyway, I waited outside. I could infact have been at the front of the line, if I had known whcih door to stand at, but I didn't.


So, I guess really, what I am saying here is even a long standing/hardcore/multi gig veteran is still in the same boat as everyone else when it comes to the nitty gritty:roftl::naughty:

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No, sorry... :no: I have never acted so nutty for any other artist...:biggrin2:




...and in Berlin, too....

It seems to me that core fans are not so desparate to have their 5th autograph and tend to let the newbies have their chance.:wink2:


Yes, I would agree with you there. I have asked Mika to sign a couple of things this time round....for specific reasons...but generally I aren't bothered. In London I was quite happy to stand back and watch as I enjoy watching other people meeting Mika.

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In London I was quite happy to stand back and watch as I enjoy watching other people meeting Mika.


Likewise, at all the gigs I went to recently, I found the majority of MFCers stayed toward the back of the post-gig queue. I didn't see any MFCers trying to get to the front, although I'm sure that does happen.


In Vancouver last year, MFCers were the very, very back of the queue. We thought he wouldn't get to us at all. But the people at the front of the queue were rowdy, and so security brought Mika to us first because MFC were being so mellow. :roftl:


And yes, I feel the same way about watching other MFCers. It's great seeing the adoration on people's faces when they get to meet him, even for just a few moments.


Posting this again, because this says it all...


For me, watching Emerald interact with Mika was the highlight of him coming out after the gig in Milan. :wub2:



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It's quite obvious that Mika gets a kick out of the fans who do queue early for him. If he didn't appreciate it, he wouldn't be asking people to fetch us donuts and hot chocolate, or getting an icecream truck.


It only helps create a buzz when the word gets around that people have "camped out" to get a good spot to see his show. The visibility of the MIKA Fan Club flag and passerbys asking and inquiring about what all the fuss is about, all help create the atmosphere that something awesome seems to definitely be worth waiting for.

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Posting this again, because this says it all...


For me, watching Emerald interact with Mika was the highlight of him coming out after the gig. :wub2:






I couldn't agree more. I didn't see this in person but it is one of my favourite Mika/fan pics ever:wub2:

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It's quite obvious that Mika gets a kick out of the fans who do queue early for him. If he didn't appreciate it, he wouldn't be asking people to fetch us donuts and hot chocolate, or getting an icecream truck.




He doesn't do that at this side of the pond:mf_rosetinted:



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He doesn't do that at this side of the pond:mf_rosetinted:






But I'm sure I remember a story that involved Kata becoming a fangurl of John.... :teehee: Although, I'm not sure of the details really - just remember a photo of donuts and something about a receipt and a pocketful of change.


Perhaps Mika needs a lot more support for gaining popularity here in North America.:naughty:

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Perhaps Mika needs a lot more support for gaining popularity here in North America.:naughty:


As much as it pains me to say it I think that is the top and bottom of the issue:naughty:


I have stood freezing my butt off in Oslo without a sniff of a Hot Chocolate:naughty:

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But I'm sure I remember a story that involved Kata becoming a fangurl of John.... :teehee: Although, I'm not sure of the details really - just remember a photo of donuts and something about a receipt and a pocketful of change.


Perhaps Mika needs a lot more support for gaining popularity here in North America.:naughty:


I think (and I am sure I will be corrected if I am wrong) that that situation was hot on the heels of one of the North American ocasions. I think it happened in Brixton didn't it?

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I think (and I am sure I will be corrected if I am wrong) that that situation was hot on the heels of one of the North American ocasions. I think it happened in Brixton didn't it?


It was after Hammersmith. Kata and I whined at John that no one bought us donuts. The following day at Brixton, lo and behold the donuts arrived. Sadly I had to work and missed it.


Oh and that night in Hammersmith, Kata had the receipt for the donuts they had bought themselves and John gave her the money for it. She tried to refuse but he wasn't having any of it.

That's how I remember it anyway.

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It's quite obvious that Mika gets a kick out of the fans who do queue early for him. If he didn't appreciate it, he wouldn't be asking people to fetch us donuts and hot chocolate, or getting an icecream truck.


It only helps create a buzz when the word gets around that people have "camped out" to get a good spot to see his show. The visibility of the MIKA Fan Club flag and passerbys asking and inquiring about what all the fuss is about, all help create the atmosphere that something awesome seems to definitely be worth waiting for.


Yeah the visibility of the MFC flag created an awesome atmosphere at The Big Chill in 07. :mf_rosetinted:

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It was after Hammersmith. Kata and I whined at John that no one bought us donuts. The following day at Brixton, lo and behold the donuts arrived. Sadly I had to work and missed it.


Oh and that night in Hammersmith, Kata had the receipt for the donuts they had bought themselves and John gave her the money for it. She tried to refuse but he wasn't having any of it.

That's how I remember it anyway.


Thanks Babs, yes, that is what I thought...that it was in response to 'whines' rather than a spontaneous action.


Yeah the visibility of the MFC flag created an awesome atmosphere at The Big Chill in 07. :mf_rosetinted:


I love that! It was the same in NYC. I love the flag. I think I am going to clone it before I send it back to Rose:roftl:

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Thanks Babs, yes, that is what I thought...that it was in response to 'whines' rather than a spontaneous action.




I love that! It was the same in NYC. I love the flag. I think I am going to clone it before I send it back to Rose:roftl:


Haha I was being sarky. While we were waiting to go and see Mika we had the flag over my tent. We were near the walkway and everyone was commenting on it.


Sadly, Mika cancelled at the last minute and from that time, even though we had taken the flag down, we got plenty of abuse (or Mika did) from passers by. It went on well into the night. Look there's those saddos that came to see Mika etc etc. And worse.

'07. What a year.:naughty:

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Yeah the visibility of the MFC flag created an awesome atmosphere at The Big Chill in 07. :mf_rosetinted:


I love that! It was the same in NYC. I love the flag. I think I am going to clone it before I send it back to Rose:roftl:


Umm....something tells me Bab was being sarcastic.:naughty:

Was the Big Chill a festival where people camped out with tents?


**Edit - yep. Posted the answer, as I posted the question.

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Haha I was being sarky. While we were waiting to go and see Mika we had the flag over my tent. We were near the walkway and everyone was commenting on it.


Sadly, Mika cancelled at the last minute and from that time, even though we had taken the flag down, we got plenty of abuse (or Mika did) from passers by. It went on well into the night. Look there's those saddos that came to see Mika etc etc. And worse.

'07. What a year.:naughty:


Yes, I know he cancelled..............but I thought you meant that it still had attracted attention.....obviously the wrong sort:naughty: (please forgive me, I am rather overdrugged this evening.....legally obviously:naughty:)


Yes, 07 what a year indeed. I was just thinking today, watching Glastonbury that Mika would probably be schedualed to do quite a few of the festivals next year, but the question is...will he actually be able to do them. I just don't know how he is going to cope with full tours on many continents.

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Yes, I know he cancelled..............but I thought you meant that it still had attracted attention.....obviously the wrong sort:naughty: (please forgive me, I am rather overdrugged this evening.....legally obviously:naughty:)


Yes, 07 what a year indeed. I was just thinking today, watching Glastonbury that Mika would probably be schedualed to do quite a few of the festivals next year, but the question is...will he actually be able to do them. I just don't know how he is going to cope with full tours on many continents.


Well I agree. I mean TBC wasn't the only festival he cancelled so I would be very wary of going to another, especially if he was in the process of a heavy touring schedule.

It only works if you're happy to miss Mika and see the other bands, which at the time we weren't particularly.

But we made the most of it for the kids' sake and enjoyed ourselves anyway. Good company and a good laugh in the end.

It was so nice to see Tia's little girl at Sadlers Wells, she came up to speak to me, love her and we had a lovely chat. It was her first time to see Mika (after TBC).

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Well I agree. I mean TBC wasn't the only festival he cancelled so I would be very wary of going to another, especially if he was in the process of a heavy touring schedule.

It only works if you're happy to miss Mika and see the other bands, which at the time we weren't particularly.

But we made the most of it for the kids' sake and enjoyed ourselves anyway. Good company and a good laugh in the end.

It was so nice to see Tia's little girl at Sadlers Wells, she came up to speak to me, love her and we had a lovely chat. It was her first time to see Mika (after TBC).


Yes indeed. Festivals are so expensive, as you say, you have to want to be there anyway, not just pinning your hopes on seeing Mika. Yes, I was right behind you at SW's when Tia's daughter was talking to you. Lovely:wub2:


(BTW you never thanked me for not climbing over the top of you:naughty:)

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Yes indeed. Festivals are so expensive, as you say, you have to want to be there anyway, not just pinning your hopes on seeing Mika. Yes, I was right behind you at SW's when Tia's daughter was talking to you. Lovely:wub2:


(BTW you never thanked me for not climbing over the top of you:naughty:)


Thank you for not climbing on me? I was waiting for it.......You're all talk. :naughty:

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He doesn't do that at this side of the pond:mf_rosetinted:




no, but he sent champagne. :wink2:


Yeah the visibility of the MFC flag created an awesome atmosphere at The Big Chill in 07. :mf_rosetinted:


oh i remember that picture :aah:

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