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Queuing for GA gigs - thoughts, feedback, suggestions?


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It's not a "new fans versus old fans" arguement. It's a "dedicated fans versus meh fans" arguement. I'm of the opinion that someone who is passionately into an artist should have the opportunity to get great seats over someone who has a casual, passing interest.


That's why queuing, for all it's hardships and hassles, is fair if honoured. If you make the effort to turn up early in order to get a good spot, you're obviously more dedicated than someone who waltzes in five minutes before Mika takes the stage.


And getting a fan club presale for reserved shows is the same thing, just in the digital world instead of on a venue sidewalk. If you're dedicated, you're paying attention. And if you're paying attention, you act first and thus get good seats. End of story.


But how do you measure? You can't.

Does a dedicated fan, who's been a fan for 1 month but spent that month reading and watching every single Mika related thing, deserve that front row seat more than a "meh" fan who's appreciated his music for over a year?


Does Mika care if his front row is filled with MFCers or other fans who love his music equally and don't spend every single spare minute they have on a message board "paying attention" to things?


This discussion is pointless.

Why do I keep replying then?

Good question.

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Let me confess how embarrassing it is to be a "meh" fan (me at Lily Allen) AND be in the front row.:mf_rosetinted:

When you don't know the words of EVERY song, and cannot sing along, sometimes even wonder what the heck the song playing is, then although the view is good, you do feel like you should probably have been at least one row further back:naughty:


Is this a "meh" Mika fan comment from Youtube on the latest video??

" I didn't know Mika speaks French. "

Edited by Blue Sky
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It's not a "new fans versus old fans" arguement. It's a "dedicated fans versus meh fans" argument. I'm of the opinion that someone who is passionately into an artist should have the opportunity to get great seats over someone who has a casual, passing interest.


That's why queuing, for all it's hardships and hassles, is fair if honoured. If you make the effort to turn up early in order to get a good spot, you're obviously more dedicated than someone who waltzes in five minutes before Mika takes the stage.


And getting a fan club presale for reserved shows is the same thing, just in the digital world instead of on a venue sidewalk. If you're dedicated, you're paying attention. And if you're paying attention, you act first and thus get good seats. End of story.


But you can, because those are the only quantitative things you can go on. It happens all the time. Many fan clubs offer presales based on how long you've been a member. That's just life.


Very well said, Mana. I totally agree. It is how it is.




Right now it's based on who can afford to take the day off to be online at noon whenever something may or may not happen in the other end of the world, don't really see the difference to be honest :dunno:


What's the difference with taking the day off to buy online, or taking it off to queue?

More people will be able to buy online (or have someone do it for them)without taking the day off than managing to take the time off to queue, and often pay for an extra night in a hotel if abroad or away from their city.




It's not meant to be a powerful arguement. It's meant to be a statement of fact.


I suppose Mika/Universal could implement a "proper" fan club, where Platinum Memberships are sold for an exorbitant fee, and 80% of MFC members (and Mikawebsite members, and Italian forum members, etc) are heartbroken because they can't possibly afford to be platinum members.


Then instead of getting a seat based on how quickly you buy reserved tickets or how long you're willing to queue, your spot is allocated based on how deep your pockets are. :blink:


I'd hate to see the fallout on here if a system like that ever comes into play.


:thumb_yello:Again, I couldn't agree more.

Oh and BS, your post made me laugh. So true though :roftl:.

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Is this a "meh" Mika fan comment from Youtube on the latest video??

" I didn't know Mika speaks French. "


Oh my god! I thought the exact same thing when I was looking through the video comments :shocked:

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What's the difference with taking the day off to buy online, or taking it off to queue?

More people will be able to buy online (or have someone do it for them)without taking the day off than managing to take the time off to queue, and often pay for an extra night in a hotel if abroad or away from their city.



As I've said multiple times already, for me the difference is that I actually take the time off for the queueing itself, not for the potential front row spot. Anyway it was the whole "imagine we should pay for membership (and perks) so the rich had better chances" that I reacted to here. The rich already have better chances, so who not make it official and seperate the forum from the perks. Let people pay platinium membership prices for their speshul status, would even make the expectations seem a bit less ridiculous :mf_rosetinted:

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The rich already have better chances, so who not make it official and seperate the forum from the perks. Let people pay platinium membership prices for their speshul status, would even make the expectations seem a bit less ridiculous :mf_rosetinted:


Now you've totally lost me. :naughty:


What do you mean by "the rich have better chances"? Better chances at what, exactly? :blink:

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I don't forsee any sort of tiered ticket access being created based on post count. If any "golden circle" is created, it will be based on join date, as well as a requirement that the account is still active. :thumb_yello:





A golden area, or golden circle if you prefer to call it that, is an area, right in front of the stage, with access to people who have paid more than for a stalls ticket and are willing to queue up too, as inside that area the rule still is first arrived, first given access to the venue when the doors open.

Usually the venue management decide on that, and they run the system. Many stadium concerts use it now.


As for a golden area for MFCers only, I can harldy imagine fans of Mica's, outside the MFC, who would happily let them jump the queue because those people are MFCers and they are not.


Plus Mica may be very happy to have die hard fans in the front rows but he is very anxious to get new audiences and customers as well as keep the veterans happy. So his strategy is very likely always to maintain a delicate balance between the two groups, the music lovers who go to his gigs -sometimes several times a year- and buy his records but have other priorities than posting on a forum, and the fans who follow the MFC flag and are proud to be part of a community.

Again I don't believe that being part of the FC or posting a lot in it, and as I am and doing both I am not preaching in my parish, gives us any right to perks of any kind.

That Sire should want to give privileges to some MFCers he has become fond of is another issue and he has a perfect right to do so. Why not backstage passes ? Why not VIP seats ? As a matter of fact he has given and will in the future give those to people who didn't belong to any MFC. Not always celebrities either.





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A golden area, or golden circle if you prefer to call it that, is an area, right in front of the stage, with access to people who have paid more than for a stalls ticket and are willing to queue up too, as inside that area the rule still is first arrived, first given access to the venue when the doors open. Usually the venue management decide on that, and they run the system. Many stadium concerts use it now.


Oh I didn't mean "golden circle" in the context of any venue-specific arrangement. I meant if there's ever a presale within MFC that is offered on a tiered basis - that it would be based on join date, not based on post-count. :thumb_yello:

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Now you've totally lost me. :naughty:


What do you mean by "the rich have better chances"? Better chances at what, exactly? :blink:


Better chances at whatever the hell it is we're trying to get here :dunno:

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Better chances at whatever the hell it is we're trying to get here :dunno:


Ah. Well, I was talking specifically about getting the first shot to buy tickets. I'm not sure how "being rich" means that someone got first dibs.


The fact that any given fan was at his or her computer at noon on the date the tickets went on sale is in no way indicative of financial status. Some people may work other shifts, some may be students or home-makers, some may have jobs that allow them to be online.


It sounds like you're suggesting that the only people who can be online to buy tickets i(f they go on sale at noon on a weekday) are those who are in a financial position to take the day off work...? :blink:

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Ah. Well, I was talking specifically about getting the first shot to buy tickets. I'm not sure how "being rich" means that someone got first dibs.


The fact that any given fan was at his or her computer at noon on the date the tickets went on sale is in no way indicative of financial status. Some people may work other shifts, some may be students or home-makers, some may have jobs that allow them to be online.


It sounds like you're suggesting that the only people who can be online to buy tickets i(f they go on sale at noon on a weekday) are those who are in a financial position to take the day off work...? :blink:


Or in the financial position to pay for tickets on that day and not wait until after payday, people with credit cards only etc. :dunno: I'm not saying it's a terrible thing, just saying that financial status already does play a part :dunno:

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Ah. Well, I was talking specifically about getting the first shot to buy tickets. I'm not sure how "being rich" means that someone got first dibs.


The fact that any given fan was at his or her computer at noon on the date the tickets went on sale is in no way indicative of financial status. Some people may work other shifts, some may be students or home-makers, some may have jobs that allow them to be online.


It sounds like you're suggesting that the only people who can be online to buy tickets i(f they go on sale at noon on a weekday) are those who are in a financial position to take the day off work...? :blink:


The financial issue is quite simple : some people can afford to buy expensive tickets on ebay. Although 'can afford to' is ambiguous : it is, once more, a matter of priorities.


I still think that the all day -why not all night ?- queueing is a hygiene hazard. No wonder Mica hasn't been in a hugging mood these last few months, and started hugging again after some of the acoustic gigs, when his dedicated fans smelled lovely !


I am quite ready to queue up for hours, as long as a pal of mine is willing to give me the opportunity to rush to my hotel and have a quick shower. Sorry, guys, just being allowed to relieve my bladder is not my idea of keeping clean.


And I am young and reasonably fit but what about older members of audiences, or people who enjoy very poor health but don't qualify for disabled seats or don't want to because they would hate to draw attention on it ?

Are we going to boo them when they come back to the queue after taking some rest ?


I believe that the best operation would be first bought first given access to the venue, whether it is sitting or not.

If people at the entrance can check on numbers given by John D with the help of MFCers, they could do that with the numbers written on the tickets, couldn't they ?





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Oh I didn't mean "golden circle" in the context of any venue-specific arrangement. I meant if there's ever a presale within MFC that is offered on a tiered basis - that it would be based on join date, not based on post-count. :thumb_yello:


I don't think it's realistic -too complicated- and I am not sure Sire would want to.





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I don't think it's realistic -too complicated- and I am not sure Sire would want to.






What I mean is, he will probably let things a bit hazy, it's his touch, he doesn't like to commit himself too much one way or the other, in order to spare 'both goat and cabbage', the goat which wants to eat the delicious vegetable, and the cabbage which doesn't want to be eaten. It's a tightrope exercise at which he has become a master :wink2: . Sorry, MASTAH :naughty: .





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I believe that the best operation would be first bought first given access to the venue, whether it is sitting or not.

If people at the entrance can check on numbers given by John D with the help of MFCers, they could do that with the numbers written on the tickets, couldn't they ?


To get this thread back on topic...


You prefer an option, then, similar to what Blue Sky described happens in Japan? About tickets being printed with a number, and then venue access being granted in the order of the numbers on the tickets?

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That is a whole different issue, which these fans need to be getting real about. I don't mean to sound rude, or insensitive, but MFC is THE official fanclub, and there is no reason why they can't come here and have their Italian thread or whatever other language they speak. Hey, they should even work on their English, as this would be very beneficial for them in RL ,


It's always in the universal language, which is now English. I don't see why people have to make such a big deal of the language thing. It's the same everywhere else.




Alright, just seen this topic and I have to quote this message and answer it as I have to reply to the "Everybody should speak English" almost everyday at work.

I'm quoting things linked to "European Day of Languages" (from CILT and a presentation I have done):

Our planet has over 6 billion people who speak between 6000 and 7000 different languages.

Not everyone speaks English – it’s a multicultural and a multilingual world!

In London alone some 300 languages are spoken.

66% British people (2 out 3) people can only speak their mother tongue.

Did you know that 94% of the world doesn't speak English as their first language?


It doesn't only sound rude but kind of "racist", to understand Mika or contribute to the forum, you need to speak English.


Don't get me wrong, MFC is a forum where English is the main language. Anyway, Mika sings mainly in English, lives in London...

And in this forum, there are French speaking thread, Spanish...

But the post I am quoting did sound insensitive and rude to me. It's only maybe because I have to fight against this idea at work.

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I'd never have the pretention to call myself that, no. This whole "MFCers" are better fans that others mentality is really working on my nerves now. And as a long-term MFCer, I feel entitled to say it. I've been following some bands and artists for years without joining any online forum or fanclub, and if one of their "true fans" dared saying they have more "rights" than me because they joined a forum, I'd consider it stupid. Enough said.

/rant over


Nobody's denying that.. or 'sniffing' at it as far as I can tell.

This is not about the MFC's right to be what it is, it's just that sometimes I get the impression some members here have a superiority complex.

That is my personal impression, people are free to disagree and tell me I'm wrong, I'm only human.



I wanted to talk about this for a few weeks now (reading the Sadler's gig post and others).

I've been a member of this forum for a bit more than 2 years. I like the forum, I met some really nice people and people from the forum have done great things about Mika.


What does it mean to be a "fan". I've liked the word "fan" as it makes me think of "fanatic" which has bad connotation. Anyway...

I've got MIka's album, some posters, went to him a few times etc...


I do not post very often on the forum, does it mean I am not a good fan? I read the forum regularly but I don't like posting a lot in general that's it.


I don't think I would be able to recognise Mika' s whole family if I was seeing them, does it mean I am not a good fan?


I don't sing all the songs along Mika in concert, does it mean I'm not a good fan? I just enjoy listening to his amazing voice, some songs moved me and I'd rather listen than singing along.

In the reviews of Sadler's gig, someone said that she didn't like the rwo she was because people were not dancing. Do we have to danse to be a fan?


I'm not queuing for ages, does it mean I am not a good fan?

The thing is, I can't take time off from work.

I know people like queuing and have a good time as they are spending time with other MFCers and that's great. It's just that some people can't actually have time off.

According to the venues, I usually order seats (and I wish they were numbered!) due to health reasons I can't be standing too long. Even if I could, I won't go for standing because I won't be able to get a good spot as I wouldn't be able to queue early and I'm quite small so don't like being in the middle.

I've been lucky and have been at the front row (so I could rest on the barrier) and it's great and I understand that people want to queue.


I really like Sadler's gig as it was numbered and for me it was fair in the way that people who were working could get a good seat and didn't need to rest.


I also quoted the superiority thing. As I said before, I met really nice people from this forum but I kind of agree with some people as I thnik I know how they feel.

After the gig at Sadlers, I started to queue for the meet and greet. Later one, some members of the forum arrived, stayed at the front and started to talk to Mika's manager, trying to get a front spot. People around me didn't like it because they were queuing for a while.


I hope what I wrote it's ok (English not being my first language) but I wanted to write about my feelings. I do like this forum and some people are doing an amazing job for the "Mika's community". I think everybody has a different view of being fan.

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I wanted to talk about this for a few weeks now (reading the Sadler's gig post and others)........

I do not post very often on the forum, does it mean I am not a good fan? I read the forum regularly but I don't like posting a lot in general that's it.

......I'm not queuing for ages, does it mean I am not a good fan?

The thing is, I can't take time off from work.



You have interesting points here and I am partly referring to these in my post below but would like to stick with the to the original idea of this thread..


Well, it’s a bit funny to read a discussion on who should be front row from people who are always front row:naughty: ....


Yes, people in the front row are privileged ones as they have both the time and money to go to most gigs and at the same time, manage to secure the best seats. No use arguing with that. This is an international fanclub and we must understand that some people simply can’t afford to go to gigs in other countries but when there is a concert near their home they would also like to have a good seat and will do everything they can to secure one.....(I can fully understand that although I have never ever queued for any other gig than Mika’s and I am in my mid thirties...:cool: )


On the other hand, I fully support the idea that MFC should fight for the right of being able to allocate the seats for first couple of rows among the long term and reliable members. I think it is in Mika’s interest, too. As I said before, I am pretty sure he not only feels more secure but also gets much more relaxed if the front rows make sure the right atmosphere is created. ...I mean no hysteria but pure fun and great musical experience. So far we have succeeded in that.


As he is hopefully getting bigger and bigger though, there should be a kind of strategy on seat allocation, and once it is discussed and agreed with Mika’s management, execution should be in the hand of the mods.



So, my ideas for thought are:


MFC should have a certain number of seats allocated for each gig and not simply the direct link via MFC as you can easily cheat the system ...:sneaky2:... Fans applying would need to meet certain criteria to get those seats and there would need to be a ’list’ that could also be used instead of queueng if there is no allocated seating (e.g. first 50-100 would get in based on that list and the rest based on their place in the queue –it would be John’s job to enforce this with the venue’s management/security )


Then, the most important thing.... how should that list be created?

Here are some ideas:


1., fans could be allocated points based on the date they joined (number of posts can be completely irrelevant if someone keeps posting 73 hi’s a day ...and there are also fans who prefer just to read – partly because of language skills and also because several people have no time to chat during the day)

e.g: it can be done on a monthly basis like fans joining in Jan 2007 get 30 points, those in Feb 07 get 28...etc


2., you weigh this with the LOCAL relevance to make sure a Portuguese person gets more chance of a better seat in Lisbon or in Madrid...

How can you do that? People applying for a place in the list send 3 locations they would like to secure their places for....

e.g. someone in Portugal might choose Lisbon (3 points), Madrid (2 points), and Manchester (1 point), and if they want to attend Paris as well, there will be no weighting just the point they earned with the relevance of ther join date...


So, the most points you have, the better place you get on the list (and mods, of course should have secured places on top of the list for each gig with guest as well as the right to veto something that is not justifiable)


At the moment this system might not have as much relevance as the amount of time we spend discussing this but when Mika becomes ultra famous you will want to make sure there s a system in place...



...OK, I spent a lot of time writing this down, hope it sounds contructive – that was my objective....:wink2:

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To get this thread back on topic...


You prefer an option, then, similar to what Blue Sky described happens in Japan? About tickets being printed with a number, and then venue access being granted in the order of the numbers on the tickets?


Yep, tickets being numbered in the order they have been bought, or ordered online, and people being given access to the venue according to their ticket number.


The acoustic tour idea, I believe...





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You have interesting points here and I am partly referring to these in my post below but would like to stick with the to the original idea of this thread..


Well, it’s a bit funny to read a discussion on who should be front row from people who are always front row:naughty: ....


Yes, people in the front row are privileged ones as they have both the time and money to go to most gigs and at the same time, manage to secure the best seats. No use arguing with that. This is an international fanclub and we must understand that some people simply can’t afford to go to gigs in other countries but when there is a concert near their home they would also like to have a good seat and will do everything they can to secure one.....(I can fully understand that although I have never ever queued for any other gig than Mika’s and I am in my mid thirties...:cool: )


On the other hand, I fully support the idea that MFC should fight for the right of being able to allocate the seats for first couple of rows among the long term and reliable members. I think it is in Mika’s interest, too. As I said before, I am pretty sure he not only feels more secure but also gets much more relaxed if the front rows make sure the right atmosphere is created. ...I mean no hysteria but pure fun and great musical experience. So far we have succeeded in that.


As he is hopefully getting bigger and bigger though, there should be a kind of strategy on seat allocation, and once it is discussed and agreed with Mika’s management, execution should be in the hand of the mods.



So, my ideas for thought are:


MFC should have a certain number of seats allocated for each gig and not simply the direct link via MFC as you can easily cheat the system ...:sneaky2:... Fans applying would need to meet certain criteria to get those seats and there would need to be a ’list’ that could also be used instead of queueng if there is no allocated seating (e.g. first 50-100 would get in based on that list and the rest based on their place in the queue –it would be John’s job to enforce this with the venue’s management/security )


Then, the most important thing.... how should that list be created?

Here are some ideas:


1., fans could be allocated points based on the date they joined (number of posts can be completely irrelevant if someone keeps posting 73 hi’s a day ...and there are also fans who prefer just to read – partly because of language skills and also because several people have no time to chat during the day)

e.g: it can be done on a monthly basis like fans joining in Jan 2007 get 30 points, those in Feb 07 get 28...etc


2., you weigh this with the LOCAL relevance to make sure a Portuguese person gets more chance of a better seat in Lisbon or in Madrid...

How can you do that? People applying for a place in the list send 3 locations they would like to secure their places for....

e.g. someone in Portugal might choose Lisbon (3 points), Madrid (2 points), and Manchester (1 point), and if they want to attend Paris as well, there will be no weighting just the point they earned with the relevance of ther join date...


So, the most points you have, the better place you get on the list (and mods, of course should have secured places on top of the list for each gig with guest as well as the right to veto something that is not justifiable)


At the moment this system might not have as much relevance as the amount of time we spend discussing this but when Mika becomes ultra famous you will want to make sure there s a system in place...



...OK, I spent a lot of time writing this down, hope it sounds contructive – that was my objective....:wink2:


This is an interesting idea.

But that'd mean that it's always the same people who will get front row. I don't think that's fair either.

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You have interesting points here and I am partly referring to these in my post below but would like to stick with the to the original idea of this thread..


Well, it’s a bit funny to read a discussion on who should be front row from people who are always front row:naughty: ....


Yes, people in the front row are privileged ones as they have both the time and money to go to most gigs and at the same time, manage to secure the best seats. No use arguing with that. This is an international fanclub and we must understand that some people simply can’t afford to go to gigs in other countries but when there is a concert near their home they would also like to have a good seat and will do everything they can to secure one.....(I can fully understand that although I have never ever queued for any other gig than Mika’s and I am in my mid thirties...:cool: )


On the other hand, I fully support the idea that MFC should fight for the right of being able to allocate the seats for first couple of rows among the long term and reliable members. I think it is in Mika’s interest, too. As I said before, I am pretty sure he not only feels more secure but also gets much more relaxed if the front rows make sure the right atmosphere is created. ...I mean no hysteria but pure fun and great musical experience. So far we have succeeded in that.


As he is hopefully getting bigger and bigger though, there should be a kind of strategy on seat allocation, and once it is discussed and agreed with Mika’s management, execution should be in the hand of the mods.



So, my ideas for thought are:


MFC should have a certain number of seats allocated for each gig and not simply the direct link via MFC as you can easily cheat the system ...:sneaky2:... Fans applying would need to meet certain criteria to get those seats and there would need to be a ’list’ that could also be used instead of queueng if there is no allocated seating (e.g. first 50-100 would get in based on that list and the rest based on their place in the queue –it would be John’s job to enforce this with the venue’s management/security )


Then, the most important thing.... how should that list be created?

Here are some ideas:


1., fans could be allocated points based on the date they joined (number of posts can be completely irrelevant if someone keeps posting 73 hi’s a day ...and there are also fans who prefer just to read – partly because of language skills and also because several people have no time to chat during the day)

e.g: it can be done on a monthly basis like fans joining in Jan 2007 get 30 points, those in Feb 07 get 28...etc


2., you weigh this with the LOCAL relevance to make sure a Portuguese person gets more chance of a better seat in Lisbon or in Madrid...

How can you do that? People applying for a place in the list send 3 locations they would like to secure their places for....

e.g. someone in Portugal might choose Lisbon (3 points), Madrid (2 points), and Manchester (1 point), and if they want to attend Paris as well, there will be no weighting just the point they earned with the relevance of ther join date...


So, the most points you have, the better place you get on the list (and mods, of course should have secured places on top of the list for each gig with guest as well as the right to veto something that is not justifiable)


At the moment this system might not have as much relevance as the amount of time we spend discussing this but when Mika becomes ultra famous you will want to make sure there s a system in place...



...OK, I spent a lot of time writing this down, hope it sounds contructive – that was my objective....:wink2:



It's so simple it makes you want to cry. A bit like trying to square the circle. Still what would happen when two MFCers joined the forum on the same day ? Would one be chosen over the other because he has curly hair ? Because, let's face it, we are a curly guy's fans. Then imagine that Mica, between the time tickets are put on sale and the moment they are attributed by the mods, decides to stop being curly... ouch !


Seriously, I would feel slightly ridiculous and even more embarrassed if a newbie were allowed a fifth row seat, for instance, and I were sitting in front of the poor bugger because I took an account on the forum one year before he did.


I believe that the system that worked for the acoustic tour -mikasound reserved seats- is as fair as you can get. And realistic and easy to operate.

Again, I don't think M management and Sire himself would like it known that people have to register here in order to get decent seats. Not very good publicity.

He may be our fav musical genius, he still is just one of them for many prospective spectators, bad form to make those think that if they don't belong to a kind of exclusive set they will get sh...y seats or tickets.

No matter how much he appreciates our support, he has higher expectations for a bright future, which we'll be only part of.


If M management or M himself decide to help people jump queues, it's their privilege. If we don't like it, tough.

Are we going to bitch because the Ps are allowed to circulate in theatres while we are asked to stay put in our seats ?

Are we going to complain because Christian Louboutin was sitting in a second or first row seat which he probably never bought in the first place, while MFCers had to make do with sitting higher up ?

THAT is our privilege but I don't think it's going to cut much ice with them.


It is high time some of us realised that being faithful fans will never make of us the Mastah's bosses.





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Alright, just seen this topic and I have to quote this message and answer it as I have to reply to the "Everybody should speak English" almost everyday at work.

I'm quoting things linked to "European Day of Languages" (from CILT and a presentation I have done):

Our planet has over 6 billion people who speak between 6000 and 7000 different languages.

Not everyone speaks English – it’s a multicultural and a multilingual world!

In London alone some 300 languages are spoken.

66% British people (2 out 3) people can only speak their mother tongue.

Did you know that 94% of the world doesn't speak English as their first language?


It doesn't only sound rude but kind of "racist", to understand Mika or contribute to the forum, you need to speak English.


Don't get me wrong, MFC is a forum where English is the main language. Anyway, Mika sings mainly in English, lives in London...

And in this forum, there are French speaking thread, Spanish...

But the post I am quoting did sound insensitive and rude to me. It's only maybe because I have to fight against this idea at work.

I can see your point about my post sounding bad when I re-read it, but it was not intended in a rude way, so I'm sorry if it came out that way. All that I was trying to say was that English is the universal business language these days, and that -fanclub or Mika related issues aside- it would be in anyone's benefit and interest to learn it. I'm not an english language snob myself at all or even remotely 'racist' like you may have implied (unfortunate choice of word imo). I'm not a native English speaker, and I speak a few languages, so I'm probably the furthest that one could get from what you mentioned. All i was trying to do was point out that languages enrich you and that English is a bit of a necessity nowadays. I hope that it's clearer now :original:

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I wanted to talk about this for a few weeks now (reading the Sadler's gig post and others).

I've been a member of this forum for a bit more than 2 years. I like the forum, I met some really nice people and people from the forum have done great things about Mika.


What does it mean to be a "fan". I've liked the word "fan" as it makes me think of "fanatic" which has bad connotation. Anyway...

I've got MIka's album, some posters, went to him a few times etc...


I do not post very often on the forum, does it mean I am not a good fan? I read the forum regularly but I don't like posting a lot in general that's it.


I don't think I would be able to recognise Mika' s whole family if I was seeing them, does it mean I am not a good fan?


I don't sing all the songs along Mika in concert, does it mean I'm not a good fan? I just enjoy listening to his amazing voice, some songs moved me and I'd rather listen than singing along.

In the reviews of Sadler's gig, someone said that she didn't like the rwo she was because people were not dancing. Do we have to danse to be a fan?


I'm not queuing for ages, does it mean I am not a good fan?

The thing is, I can't take time off from work.

I know people like queuing and have a good time as they are spending time with other MFCers and that's great. It's just that some people can't actually have time off.

According to the venues, I usually order seats (and I wish they were numbered!) due to health reasons I can't be standing too long. Even if I could, I won't go for standing because I won't be able to get a good spot as I wouldn't be able to queue early and I'm quite small so don't like being in the middle.

I've been lucky and have been at the front row (so I could rest on the barrier) and it's great and I understand that people want to queue.


I really like Sadler's gig as it was numbered and for me it was fair in the way that people who were working could get a good seat and didn't need to rest.


I also quoted the superiority thing. As I said before, I met really nice people from this forum but I kind of agree with some people as I thnik I know how they feel.

After the gig at Sadlers, I started to queue for the meet and greet. Later one, some members of the forum arrived, stayed at the front and started to talk to Mika's manager, trying to get a front spot. People around me didn't like it because they were queuing for a while.


I hope what I wrote it's ok (English not being my first language) but I wanted to write about my feelings. I do like this forum and some people are doing an amazing job for the "Mika's community". I think everybody has a different view of being fan.



You obviously have a life and I wouldn't dream of asking you to neglect it, but I wish you would post more often. You make sense. Very refreshing :thumb_yello: .






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I believe that the system that worked for the acoustic tour -mikasound reserved seats- is as fair as you can get. And realistic and easy to operate.

Again, I don't think M management and Sire himself would like it known that people have to register here in order to get decent seats. Not very good publicity.


I agree.

But I think the number system would work great too, if it was better organized. I mean that we should know we have to get a number when we buy the tickets, because the risk is that some people might arrive the day of the gig without knowing they need a number and end up with nothing...

Anyway there's no perfect system...... We could argue forever and ever....

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I don't think it's realistic -too complicated- and I am not sure Sire would want to.


It's not too complicated and it's not the kind of detail that Mika is going to bother himself with I'm sure.


At this point in time it is somewhat irrelevant. If we are talking about a golden circle area in a venue it would have to be a rather large venue so I would expect there would be more than enough tickets available for all members of MFC to purchase during a presale and we wouldn't need a tiered system based on join date.


We're talking about a hypothetical situation such as a time in the future when MFC may have thousands of active members waiting to purchase tickets for one date and we want to ensure that the original hardcore fanbase is guaranteed golden circle tickets.

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