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I read an interesting comparison of Michael Jackson and Oscar Wilde by a Swedish author.

The way they were at first appreciated and admired by society for being great artists, and then later on reviled and questioned and both went trough a trial which had a big impact on their lives.


To me it was a completely new angel, I have never thought about that before.:wink2:


It would be interesting what he wrote about it... To me, these two don't really compare because Oscar Wilde was a mature person on trial mainly because of his sexual orientation that we no longer consider an offence in the 21st century in the developed world (though I am not sure what the age of some of those boys were...) while Michael Jackson ...I don't know... There is so much distorted information flying around about him. To me it seems though, that he lost the plot in the nineties even without the courtcase.

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It would be interesting what he wrote about it... To me, these two don't really compare because Oscar Wilde was a mature person on trial mainly because of his sexual orientation that we no longer consider an offence in the 21st century in the developed world (though I am not sure what the age of some of those boys were...) while Michael Jackson ...I don't know... There is so much distorted information flying around about him. To me it seems though, that he lost the plot in the nineties even without the courtcase.


It was not so much about the content of the trial, more how the society has been treating them!

The author is Jonas Gardell, he is also a kind of spokesperson for gay rights in Sweden and a stand up comedian.

I really wish I would be able to translate what he said in his blog, maybe I should give it a try?:wink2:

Do you think I can publish it in here without his permission?

Freedom of speech?????

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It was not so much about the content of the trial, more how the society has been treating them!

The author is Jonas Gardell, he is also a kind of spokesperson for gay rights in Sweden and a stand up comedian.

I really wish I would be able to translate what he said in his blog, maybe I should give it a try?:wink2:

Do you think I can publish it in here without his permission?

Freedom of speech?????


yes, I think so... I encourage you to do that:thumb_yello:

If it was in his blog, it is free to use - that's what we do with articles on Mika, too:wink2:

...perhaps if too long, only the key takeouts and I imagine the rest:biggrin2:

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Well put. I hope that they're okay over the next few years.


Edit; On a happier note,

videos are hilarious. My favourite's in part 5 when he's trying to convince the kids not to throw him in the pool. :)


Edit again; OOH. And the Salvation Army part.


wow.... his voice sounds really different to what i thought it would - sorry, a bit random.

aww i really love his music!

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Well put. I hope that they're okay over the next few years.


Edit; On a happier note,

videos are hilarious. My favourite's in part 5 when he's trying to convince the kids not to throw him in the pool. :)


Edit again; OOH. And the Salvation Army part.


Thx for the link!!!!

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thanks for the videos.. i`ve watched them all and i love them! he was so real :wub2: love the pool part and the one in the supermarket was freaking hilarious :aah:


i agree with all of this :wub2: it is amazing.

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Well put. I hope that they're okay over the next few years.


Edit; On a happier note,

videos are hilarious. My favourite's in part 5 when he's trying to convince the kids not to throw him in the pool. :)


Edit again; OOH. And the Salvation Army part.

Me too!

I'm going to watch that:wub2:



Btw I saw today on a magazine never seen photos of him and his kids...:boxed: I think it's SO DIRESPECTFUL that they're released now, he would never want that, and the press releasing them means somebody that was close to him or even the photographer accepted the money offered by the tabloids/press peeps to publish them... He would never want his kids to be exposed like this, and he can't even rest in peace when he's dead... I wish people would respect him and his will:boxed:

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To be honest I don't feel ready to say anything right now, but THANK YOU for posting this...these videos are just what I needed.... what a beautiful soul.... they're so so so sweet.



They are, great vids, thank you bitter.icarus!


Thx for the link!!!!


wow. those home videos make me love him more- the first christmas one was well sweet!


You're welcome, you guys! I'm glad I could make you smile. I think that's important when you're feeling blue. For me, watching videos of him takes me over the moon, it's just the sad comments and songs that get me down. :wink2:


I read an interesting comparison of Michael Jackson and Oscar Wilde by a Swedish author.

The way they were at first appreciated and admired by society for being great artists, and then later on reviled and questioned and both went trough a trial which had a big impact on their lives.


To me it was a completely new angel, I have never thought about that before.:wink2:


For some reason, I feel like he's also tied to Van Gogh. Tortured artist.. you know, and perhaps self-destructive behavior. But.. eh. I'd rather remember him for the positives.


Lots of funny stuff on Youtube, you guys. If you're feeling down, please check it out!

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I told you the doc was harsh, hun! : wink2:

But i found it interesting, you could see how lonely he must have been, and how some people made his life a true hell! : sneaky2:

I found it on youtube and I'm going to watch it again. I remember seeing it back when it came out but I can't remember what I thought of it..


Me too Kelz.. Me too : tears:

And my mom was so sad to see how so many people cared about him now that he's dead but how at the same time he was so missunderstood and lonely on most of his life...

I'll miss him so much... Even if I never had him : crybaby:

:huglove: I'll miss him too. He was an amazing guy. And, the thing is people always cared. People never believed the accusations. People who had his albums, and knew his songs, and understood him as a person never stopped caring about him. He was misinterpreted, but if you listen you see that Michael was always clear about who he was and what he did with his life.


It was really harsh, and it had really bad intentions... Thanks for telling me though, I would've been more shocked!

Yeah..I hate that: boxed: I HATE those people... Even his fans were so disrespectful towards him. Feel so proud and glad to be a Mika fan, and for most of us being well behaved...

And even the documentary after the harsh one showed the real thing, how his life was, etc, but it didn't make out MJ to be a monster, a molester, and an ignorant person like the other one did..

Did you see the questions Bashir asked? And how he insisted is such futile subjects? It just hurt me to see how Michael trusted him and he backstabbed him to do that incriminating documentary: boxed:

But that's how things are...

I'm loading up the Take Two doco as well to watch. I know I'll much prefer Michael's version of himself :wub2: rather than some idiots version of Michael. :sneaky2:


So did, I. Even before they started, I had a huge lump in my throat, and my eyes were watering, just from watching people signing the boards and stuff. As soon as they started, I just broke down. It was nice to let every single tear out, but I'm still not done. I think it's something that will only heal with time, since the memorial service just brought all the feelings back up again, and the wound is fresh. I can only imagine what his family, friends, and hardcore fans are going through right now.

Me too, and I'm still not done either. I'm wasn't a hardcore fan, I wasn't even a dedicated fan, but I AM definitely an influenced fan of Michael's. I grew up listening to his music so that little girl in me is grieving.


Since I was 11 I have been recording tv shows and interviews, etc.. I really need to look through my videos (in the closet :naughty: ) and see how many interviews and things I have that I can upload to youtube. I know I have/hopefully still have a doco about the making of the Black and White video.

I wanted to see that second documentary, but I missed it last night. I hope they show it again in future.

It is on youtube if you can be bothered going there.


And I agree wholeheartedly about the celebration of dead bands thing. I mean, people are still enjoying Elvis's stuff. Just because someone's no longer on this earth it doesn't mean that we can't still relate to their messages. I'm just so happy that there is SO much music out there for us to discover. It's really a gift that stems from the passing of time.

I think people might relate to Michael's messages more so now than while he was alive. Look at how John Lennon was appreciated more after death.

Brooke's speech was so heartfelt. I think it's what made me cry the most, except for, of course, Paris's comments. That was just heartbreaking. The other standouts were Usher touching the casket, and Jermaine singing "Smile".

Me too. Smile is one of my favourite songs. I didn't actually know MJ loved it so much, so that really made me bawl when Brooke Shields said it *tears*

Overall, I'm so glad that they had a memorial. It was an amazing way to unite the world for a day, and maybe for the future.

Hope so.

I agree. I don't think anyone would intentionally make her go up there and speak if she didn't want to, they're obviously a very loving family.

True true! I'd be surprised if MJ's kids were shy in any way. With a family of entertainers?!! It would've been hard for her to have said that, but she would've felt inspired by everyone else getting up to say something and screaming out around the stadium.. It was her way of saying "Hey - Me too - I miss daddy too." :tears:

Well put. I hope that they're okay over the next few years.


Edit; On a happier note,

videos are hilarious. My favourite's in part 5 when he's trying to convince the kids not to throw him in the pool.


Edit again; OOH. And the Salvation Army part.

Thank you!! I watched the first one just now!! lol!! "I love to tour." :roftl:


Me too
me too it was so sad...
To be honest I don't feel ready to say anything right now, but THANK YOU for posting this...these videos are just what I needed.... what a beautiful soul.... they're so so so sweet.


:huglove: to you all.


I read an interesting comparison of Michael Jackson and Oscar Wilde by a Swedish author.

The way they were at first appreciated and admired by society for being great artists, and then later on reviled and questioned and both went trough a trial which had a big impact on their lives.


To me it was a completely new angel, I have never thought about that before.: wink2:

Like Suzie said, please translate if you can! I'd love to read it too.

Btw I saw today on a magazine never seen photos of him and his kids...: boxed: I think it's SO DIRESPECTFUL that they're released now, he would never want that, and the press releasing them means somebody that was close to him or even the photographer accepted the money offered by the tabloids/press peeps to publish them... He would never want his kids to be exposed like this, and he can't even rest in peace when he's dead... I wish people would respect him and his will: boxed:

I love the pics, but I agree that they shouldn't have been printed..

The reason Michael kept his kids out of the spotlight was to protect them from the evil media peops that tormented him. If it's any consolation these kids are the most loved and most protected kids on the face of the earth right now. Michael feared them being ridiculed, but now this isn't the case.


Everyone just wants to give them a great big hug.

Edited by Kelzy
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Since I was 11 I have been recording tv shows and interviews, etc.. I really need to look through my videos (in the closet :naughty: ) and see how many interviews and things I have that I can upload to youtube. I know I have/hopefully still have a doco about the making of the Black and White video.


It is on youtube if you can be bothered going there.



I think people might relate to Michael's messages more so now than while he was alive. Look at how John Lennon was appreciated more after death.


Me too. Smile is one of my favourite songs. I didn't actually know MJ loved it so much, so that really made me bawl when Brooke Shields said it *tears*



Thank you!! I watched the first one just now!! lol!! "I love to tour." :roftl:

I hope so too! I want to see that. :)


I was just going to ask for the link! Thanks! :teehee:


Agreed and agreed. Although I have a hard time listening to Smile because I always start crying.. heh. And I think that's something the human race as a whole needs to work on. Appreciating people before they're gone. But better late than never, hmm?


Isn't he the cutest? My mum was watching it again, and I couldn't stop smiling.


I've been watching/listening to this repeatedly. :teehee::wub2:


That kid's got lungs. Great job!

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I realized that if that peformance is one of my new obsessions, this is not the right thread to post it.

Well, it's fitting but there's a more appropriate thread for that. :roftl:


Oh, I see.


In, part 2 of the interview, when Michael's talking about the magic of dusk, I love the deep breath and shrug he does around 3:13. It's so childlike, like he can really feel it. Generally, he's just so happy in this video. It's beautiful.


And calling someone a 'fat head rascal'. That was funny. xD


Edit: He's a fan of East Indians! WHOO!

Edited by bitter.icarus
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:huglove: I'll miss him too. He was an amazing guy. And, the thing is people always cared. People never believed the accusations. People who had his albums, and knew his songs, and understood him as a person never stopped caring about him. He was misinterpreted, but if you listen you see that Michael was always clear about who he was and what he did with his life.



I'm loading up the Take Two doco as well to watch. I know I'll much prefer Michael's version of himself :wub2: rather than some idiots version of Michael. :sneaky2:




I love the pics, but I agree that they shouldn't have been printed..

The reason Michael kept his kids out of the spotlight was to protect them from the evil media peops that tormented him. If it's any consolation these kids are the most loved and most protected kids on the face of the earth right now. Michael feared them being ridiculed, but now this isn't the case.


Everyone just wants to give them a great big hug.


Yeah he was:wub2: And I'm glad there was always someone loving him, someone believing him... But I'd still feel alone if I were him, you know? But that's just me, and I could never be him...

Yep, better hear it from someone who knows what he's talking about!


They're not being ridiculed you know, but in a way these things can affect them, being talked on the press, etc.. I think.





I've seen part 1 of those home videos, and it's so funny:roftl: I really love what he says about touring.:aah:

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This is a shortening from the article I mentioned earlier, I have actually tried to use a translator, which can make the text a little strange in places, but please feel free to ask and I'll try to explain!


"And I recall Oscar Wilde's grave at Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris.

On the back of the monument which was erected some years after his death is an inscription which quotes Oscar Wilde's last poem, "Balladen om prison in Reading":



And alien tears will fill for him

Pity’s longbroken urn,

For his mourners will be outcast men,

And Outcasts always mourn.


So will it be also with Michael Jackson.

Those who seriously will provide him are the outcasts.

For them, the loss is huge.


Paris was Oscar Wilde's final station after he was released from prison and then flat around a couple of years on the continent, an outcast from his native country and his class. Wilde died penniless and broken down more than forty years old, in a obskyrt hotels in poor neighborhoods around St.-Germain-des-Près.

The first half of 1890's Oscar Wilde had been the English-language literature biggest star.

He had loved to flaunt in the extreme, eye-catching clothes, his hair was long and curly, he spoke DRAWL lisping and moved DEEP AFFECTATION and shocked by express themselves sexually ambiguous.

By virtue of their talent and their success, Oscar Wilde had been tolerated, and Michael Jackson, as with Michael Jackson sparked an almost boundless hatred when he fell.


Oscar Wilde was accused of adulterous behavior with another man and was sentenced to two years in prison. When the trials of Oscar Wilde started, dropped his name from the posters in the theaters where his plays were played. In his old school, his name was painted over with black. The vast majority of his many friends abandoned him, he went on a street pavement changed to

avoid health. During the trial of Oscar Wilde suited his creditors to demand payment for all debts and forced him to sell everything he owned. While he was in prison changed his wife's name from Wilde to Holland. He was never again their children. When he left England, he could never again

come back. Nor could he write.

All in all it was just the only poem which is quoted on his grave monument. Then it was the end.

It is said that Michael Jackson's livsöde was so similar to Elvis Presley. The transcendent sexual Britta rejects this in his letter that it is just a way for white heterosexual men to categorize Michael in a way that they can accept and understand. Personally, I see many more similarities with Oscar Wilde who also described himself as a king but a king who forced into exile.


Like Oscar Wilde was accused Michael Jackson of fornication with a minor when he was on top of his career, and then bar all performing. World tour, he was the middle of got interrupted, it was reported already on drugs abuse. STAND-UP COMEDIAN, talk show program and competed in the tabloids that mock him, his records ceased almost entirely to sell. More and more indebted, he spoke about selling Neverland and move abroad, in exile.



At one time during the fitness race for him paid for Michael Jackson himself apology on television. The TV screen was his face pale, almost white, as in a corpse. His eyes were sad as his eyes always were. He cut and cut, like a transvestite, with a couple of huge lösögonfransar and protestations their innocence, their complete innocence of his bright, childlike voice.

"If I owe," he said, "I am obliged to follow God's words: 'Let the children come to me.' I do not think that I am God, but I want to be like God."

And what if it is true.


The video for They do not really care about us out in two versions. In one acted Michael freedom hero in a latin-American military dictatorship. In the second, he was a prisoner who sang for the other prisoners in the prison and called for rebellion. Again and again I see the clip from the last rehearsal, and I mourn the life that was never lived to finish.


Today buried Michael Jackson.

Over one million people expected to attend the funeral.


For his mourners will be Outcast but

And Outcasts always mourns.


Jonas Gardell"

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This is a shortening from the article I mentioned earlier, I have actually tried to use a translator, which can make the text a little strange in places, but please feel free to ask and I'll try to explain!


"And I recall Oscar Wilde's grave at Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris.

On the back of the monument which was erected some years after his death is an inscription which quotes Oscar Wilde's last poem, "Balladen om prison in Reading":



And alien tears will fill for him

Pity’s longbroken urn,

For his mourners will be outcast men,

And Outcasts always mourn.


So will it be also with Michael Jackson.

Those who seriously will provide him are the outcasts.

For them, the loss is huge.


Paris was Oscar Wilde's final station after he was released from prison and then flat around a couple of years on the continent, an outcast from his native country and his class. Wilde died penniless and broken down more than forty years old, in a obskyrt hotels in poor neighborhoods around St.-Germain-des-Près.

The first half of 1890's Oscar Wilde had been the English-language literature biggest star.

He had loved to flaunt in the extreme, eye-catching clothes, his hair was long and curly, he spoke DRAWL lisping and moved DEEP AFFECTATION and shocked by express themselves sexually ambiguous.

By virtue of their talent and their success, Oscar Wilde had been tolerated, and Michael Jackson, as with Michael Jackson sparked an almost boundless hatred when he fell.


Oscar Wilde was accused of adulterous behavior with another man and was sentenced to two years in prison. When the trials of Oscar Wilde started, dropped his name from the posters in the theaters where his plays were played. In his old school, his name was painted over with black. The vast majority of his many friends abandoned him, he went on a street pavement changed to

avoid health. During the trial of Oscar Wilde suited his creditors to demand payment for all debts and forced him to sell everything he owned. While he was in prison changed his wife's name from Wilde to Holland. He was never again their children. When he left England, he could never again

come back. Nor could he write.

All in all it was just the only poem which is quoted on his grave monument. Then it was the end.

It is said that Michael Jackson's livsöde was so similar to Elvis Presley. The transcendent sexual Britta rejects this in his letter that it is just a way for white heterosexual men to categorize Michael in a way that they can accept and understand. Personally, I see many more similarities with Oscar Wilde who also described himself as a king but a king who forced into exile.


Like Oscar Wilde was accused Michael Jackson of fornication with a minor when he was on top of his career, and then bar all performing. World tour, he was the middle of got interrupted, it was reported already on drugs abuse. STAND-UP COMEDIAN, talk show program and competed in the tabloids that mock him, his records ceased almost entirely to sell. More and more indebted, he spoke about selling Neverland and move abroad, in exile.



At one time during the fitness race for him paid for Michael Jackson himself apology on television. The TV screen was his face pale, almost white, as in a corpse. His eyes were sad as his eyes always were. He cut and cut, like a transvestite, with a couple of huge lösögonfransar and protestations their innocence, their complete innocence of his bright, childlike voice.

"If I owe," he said, "I am obliged to follow God's words: 'Let the children come to me.' I do not think that I am God, but I want to be like God."

And what if it is true.


The video for They do not really care about us out in two versions. In one acted Michael freedom hero in a latin-American military dictatorship. In the second, he was a prisoner who sang for the other prisoners in the prison and called for rebellion. Again and again I see the clip from the last rehearsal, and I mourn the life that was never lived to finish.


Today buried Michael Jackson.

Over one million people expected to attend the funeral.


For his mourners will be Outcast but

And Outcasts always mourns.


Jonas Gardell"

Thank you for posting this :thumb_yello::tears:

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thzz for the links of the home vids!!! Michael.....:sad: but part 1 is reli hilarious:teehee:


i wanna buy the Live in Bucharest: The Dangerous Tour dvd but can't find any here in Hong Kong.... and when i google it, it is said that it's only available in the US n Canada:no:

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thzz for the links of the home vids!!! Michael.....:sad: but part 1 is reli hilarious:teehee:


i wanna buy the Live in Bucharest: The Dangerous Tour dvd but can't find any here in Hong Kong.... and when i google it, it is said that it's only available in the US n Canada:no:


Someone could buy it and send it to you?

I live in Europe so I can't help, but if you really want it I'm sure there are loads of people willing to help :thumb_yello:

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