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Aha .. ok .. Well, I don't mind that .. I prefer having a good quality pic in het middle than to have it "larger" but that the quality isn't that good .. If you understand what I mean :roftl:






Yeah i understand what you mean. Why i have big probs. each time i want a new one cos it have to be in good enough quality....


Great pics btw. :wub2::drool:

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Mikagasmic Thread Part 22:




Hi! :huglove: yeah..absolutely.

Sorry for not answering. My internet conection failed. :/



It's okay' date=' happens all the time to me too.:thumbdown:


How have you been? :D










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btw...Hello everyone. :bye:










Here's the vid:



But he wasn't crying .. :bleh:


wasn't he?? i thought he was crying:blink: ...anyway' date='thanks for the video!!i'll watch it right now!:thumb_yello:


Ive notised that yeah... But not the first thing i saw when i saw the pic :naughty:


no??:blink:hahaha....:roftl: me neither...:teehee::mf_lustslow:

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wasn't he?? i thought he was crying:blink: ...anyway,thanks for the video!!i'll watch it right now!:thumb_yello:



No, he wasn't ... We would never make Mika cry :bleh::mf_rosetinted:

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