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It's okay, happens all the time to me too.:thumbdown:


How have you been? :D




It can be really anoying. :thumbdown:


I've been fine, thanks. :wink2: This holidays tastes so goood. I made some cute shopping last week. :wub2: I had my hair cut. :naughty: But, I think I made a mistake, it is too short for me...I hope it grows fast. :aah:


And, what about you? :biggrin2:





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No, he wasn't ... We would never make Mika cry :bleh::mf_rosetinted:


not with intention:blush-anim-cl::mf_rosetinted:

thanks for the video!! i saw it! and it's great!:thumb_yello:

altough i realised he wasn't crying at all!!! hahaha!!....

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Ive seen it... a few times... :blush-anim-cl:



That's good :mf_rosetinted:


Oh niet, me and B are in the tags again :roftl:


Already? We're just started .. :blink::roftl:


Btw, what's with the "ii" ?

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not with intention:blush-anim-cl::mf_rosetinted:

thanks for the video!! i saw it! and it's great!:thumb_yello:

altough i realised he wasn't crying at all!!! hahaha!!....


Thanks :biggrin2:








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Oh niet, me and B are in the tags again :roftl:


That's good :mf_rosetinted:


Already? We're just started .. :blink::roftl:


Btw, what's with the "ii" ?


I had to put now...it is a crucial information. :naughty:


I didn't mean "ii" but "ii" as capitals, to mean second, 'cause I've already put that tag in the last thread. :aah:

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Ive seen it... a few times... :blush-anim-cl:




Nope... Notised first the guy sitting there. Have you notised him? :roftl:


yeah! now that you tell me i realised there was a guy sitting there!!:fisch::mf_rosetinted:


of course i did!!!!!:biggrin2: and what a boy!!!:drool::drool:

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I had to put now...it is a crucial information. :naughty:


I didn't mean "ii" but "ii" as capitals' date=' to mean second, 'cause I've already put that tag in the last thread. :aah:[/quote']


Aha ...

Well, you should delete them, in that case if you click on the tag you should get to see the previous thread too :naughty::mf_rosetinted: (if it's exactly the same that is).

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yeah! now that you tell me i realised there was a guy sitting there!!:fisch::mf_rosetinted:


of course i did!!!!!:biggrin2:and what a boy!!!:drool::drool:



OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yeah!!!!!!! :drool:


What the hell has happened to me after ive joined here. :roftl: I think Mika hotter than a guy ive found hot for 12 years time now :shocked: Never thought that would happen...:naughty::blush-anim-cl:

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Aha ...

Well, you should delete them, in that case if you click on the tag you should get to see the previous thread too :naughty::mf_rosetinted: (if it's exactly the same that is).


oh...ok. :wink2: I'll delete. :teehee:

Since we are chatting on a new thread, I thought it make sense to put "II".

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OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yeah!!!!!!! :drool:


What the hell has happened to me after ive joined here. :roftl: I think Mika hotter than a guy ive found hot for 12 years time now :shocked: Never thought that would happen...:naughty::blush-anim-cl:


haha! that's the POWER OF MIKA!!:naughty: he's the only one who can do that!!! :mf_lustslow:and i really understand you,because it happened the same to me!!!:biggrin2: ......

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Giirls, have to go. :tears: I'll log on once more tomorrow though, then I'm off to Montenegro.

Sweet dreams and ttyt! :huglove:












Sweet dreams Keti!!!! have fun!!!!!!:naughty:

and thanks for all the pics!!!!:thumb_yello:

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Mika makes us do crazy things ... Had a laugh about it with someone today .. Me, a very good girl that hardly went out of her own city with the car .. If you see where I have been since Mika ... with the highlight a month ago, driving over 200 km all by myself just to see him, and driving back again that same night because I was going to see him again the day after! :roftl:

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Mika makes us do crazy things ... Had a laugh about it with someone today .. Me, a very good girl that hardly went out of her own city with the car .. If you see where I have been since Mika ... with the highlight a month ago, driving over 200 km all by myself just to see him, and driving back again that same night because I was going to see him again the day after! :roftl:


exactly!! that's why i told to Dark Angel, it's THE POWER OF MIKA!!

although i've never seen Mika, i have already told to my mum, that the day he comes to Uruguay, or Argentina, we are going to go!!!! even if we have to travel one whole day or night, or we have to spend my saved money...after all, it's the best thing where i can spend my money on!!!and i'm sure , both of us will enjoy it!:thumb_yello:

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