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The Ticket Fairy Has Arrived! iTunes Festival Tickets Giveaway!

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PS, does anyone know where I can find any cheap rooms, it bloody expensive enough on the trains as it is pffft!!


There are literally HEAPS of travel agents doing a 99 pound deal at the moment for London , 2 nights in a really nice hotel , B and B , dinner AND train fair:thumb_yello:

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Am at work so can't stay. Thank you very much to all who helped the fairy and thank you to all who text me:wub2:


Fingers crossed. I have just sent my mail x

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We have approximately 30 people , moving fast




If you have about 30 does that mean I can celebrate? Sorry, don't want to be pushy but am just anxious to know.:thumb_yello:

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Yes up until now (although it does have to be sanity checked against the rules posted ....) it looks Ok , for you sure :thumb_yello:


Go and party man :groovy:


Thank you so much:biggrin2:


I so hope I pass the sanity check:naughty:

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Good luck for everyone who's entering! *finger crossed*


I can't make it there myself, BUT I am really happy that there are gonna be a whole bunch of MFCers cheering for the big M and setting the atmosphere! :wub2:

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Thank you Ticket Fairy for posting this opportunity!


Would it be okay for me to apply, guys, I feel a bit cheeky when I've only been a member for a short time. Also, I did enter a draw for a ticket but as I haven't heard anything I'm assuming I haven't been lucky (I can't remember when they were going to announce if you are a winner - can't find the link anymore - it was on the iTunes website I think, and the winners would get a free night in a hotel and an ipod (!!) so I think they'll prob have been inundated with entries, so chances of winning prob very slim!!)


Oooh, ooh, what to do? What to do???

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D'oh:boxed: can't go after all... bit of a financial setback this week... if only it was announced a week earlier :teehee: oh well, have fun everyone!

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Thank you Ticket Fairy for posting this opportunity!


Would it be okay for me to apply, guys, I feel a bit cheeky when I've only been a member for a short time. Also, I did enter a draw for a ticket but as I haven't heard anything I'm assuming I haven't been lucky (I can't remember when they were going to announce if you are a winner - can't find the link anymore - it was on the iTunes website I think, and the winners would get a free night in a hotel and an ipod (!!) so I think they'll prob have been inundated with entries, so chances of winning prob very slim!!)


Oooh, ooh, what to do? What to do???


Please read the front page , as long as you fit the "rules" you can of course , I would send an email anyways :thumb_yello:

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