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Mika, check this out!


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If you prefer a quiet friend, why don't you choose a sorrowful fake zebra?

Same style as your shiny new jacket for the 1955 tour:




But if you're still convinced a dog is the best pet for you, remember you're a pop star!






And if you're still too busy to get the real thing...

this is the fabulous invisible dog!





Take your time and choose wisely! :thumb_yello:


I hope your mum won't kill me for this. :naughty:



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Smart idea for a thread, Laurita...


I'll post some suggestions later on, as today im busy, busy, busy, baking a 3 layers huge CHOC cake for my baby girl who turns 4!!! (just imagine) today...:):bye:


Ok I'm officially worried. :naughty:



Say happy birthday from me and give her a bear hug! :wub2:

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Ok I'm officially worried. :naughty:



Say happy birthday from me and give her a bear hug! :wub2:


Worried bout ma suggestions??????:roftl:


I won't give any then...:sneaky2:




Thank you, i did, and she said blumppfghrgh with her mouth full of cake, now she's playing with her Bob the Builder computer and feeding the rest of the cake to the whole bunch of Barbies, Bratz and babies she got from the whole family, sitting on our living room, and refuses to go to bed as sh is a biiiig giiiirlllll now...:sneaky2:

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Worried bout ma suggestions??????:roftl:


I won't give any then...:sneaky2:




Thank you, i did, and she said blumppfghrgh with her mouth full of cake, now she's playing with her Bob the Builder computer and feeding the rest of the cake to the whole bunch of Barbies, Bratz and babies she got from the whole family, sitting on our living room, and refuses to go to bed as sh is a biiiig giiiirlllll now...:sneaky2:




Wonka, this is a serious thread. :mf_rosetinted:

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I saw this today in Smithsonian Magazine. I do my own little artwork, collage, scrapbooking and what not. I LOVE what this woman did because it included art in her everyday life and her everyday life in her art. Now it's preserved in the Smithsonian! Very inspiring. I think Mika would like this too.



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I saw this today in Smithsonian Magazine. I do my own little artwork, collage, scrapbooking and what not. I LOVE what this woman did because it included art in her everyday life and her everyday life in her art. Now it's preserved in the Smithsonian! Very inspiring. I think Mika would like this too.




Thanks for posting :huglove: It's very interesting! :thumb_yello:

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And I should include this.... This is my absolute favorite museum in the whole world. The American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland.


The artists here are "outsiders" to the art world. People who have mental illness or disability, people who are obsessed on doing their art to the exclusion of all else. People who have never heard of art school 'rules' but rather march to their own drummer in creating what they do. And it's fantastic.




from the website:

What is visionary art?


Like love, you know it when you see it. But here's the longer definition, straight out of our Mission Statement: "Visionary art as defined for the purposes of the American Visionary Art Museum refers to art produced by self-taught individuals, usually without formal training, whose works arise from an innate personal vision that revels foremost in the creative act itself." In short, visionary art begins by listening to the inner voices of the soul, and often may not even be thought of as 'art' by its creator.

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I saw this today in Smithsonian Magazine. I do my own little artwork, collage, scrapbooking and what not. I LOVE what this woman did because it included art in her everyday life and her everyday life in her art. Now it's preserved in the Smithsonian! Very inspiring. I think Mika would like this too.




AAHHH! That is SO AMAZING...I (sporadically) keep a journal and stick bits and pieces in it...but that is incredible. It's inspired me.

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He already likes Al Columbia, right?


Bit disturbing but he's amazing :mf_lustslow:







I'd like to get my hands on his comic books! :aa h:


WOOOOW :shocked: I shall look up for his work in Berlin!!




Wow,I like the art work especially the first one


Yes, it's rather amazing isn't it?



Sorry, never heard before. :blush-an im-cl:


Thanks for posting! It's great. :wub2: It reminds me of Magritte. Is it possible? :blink:

You're a very knowledgeable teenager, Keti. You rock! :thumb_yello:


Yes, it actually has something from Magritte, and something from Salvador Dali as well :thumb_yello: She had something from surrealists in general.

She did amazing drawings for fashion magazines too. I really like her!


Thank you :blush-anim-cl::wub2::biggrin2:

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I think that Mika may be interested in these Federico Fellini's drawings; they are so delightful, poetical and oniric but also "osè" and outrageous.

They show us his ambivalent mind and soul, maybe something that Mika has in common with our great director/screenwriter.




Some others:











Aah! "La città delle donne"! "City Of Women"!:thumb_yello:

He probably did these sketches when directing this movie.




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He should check these out!


D.H. Lawrence! "Lady Chatterlye's Lover"! "Women In Love"! "Sons And Lovers"! "The Rainbow"!












Lawrence is my favourite writer besides Wilde and Kafka :wub2:

(and he was my horoscope sign too)



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He should check these out!


D.H. Lawrence! "Lady Chatterlye's Lover"! "Women In Love"! "Sons And Lovers"! "The Rainbow"!












Lawrence is my favourite writer besides Wilde and Kafka :wub2:

(and he was my horoscope sign too)




:thumb_yello: He's one of my favourite novelists!

I love Women in Love! Bought and read several times! :wub2:

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