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I wish Mika were openly gay

Toy Boy 88

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I was just stating:naughty:


But it seems to hypocrit. They know how hard it is to out themselves so why are they forcing him to do that?



I could NOT agree with you MORE. BUT a g a i n . . . I can honestly see it from BOTH sides! THEY are being v e r y hypocritical . . . I think I just like gay men a tad too much WTF is wrong with me? :dunno:


didn't he sing Hallelujah?


Yes! :biggrin2: You should listen to The Art Teacher . . . :teehee:

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I could NOT agree with you MORE. BUT a g a i n . . . I can honestly see it from BOTH sides! THEY are being v e r y hypocritical . . . I think I just like gay men a tad too much WTF is wrong with me? :dunno:




Yes! :biggrin2: You should listen to The Art Teacher . . . :teehee:


The Art Teacher is a brilliant song:wub2:


But to go on topic: this is really a neverending discussion. Maybe we'll never find out, so I don't really care.

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The Art Teacher is a brilliant song:wub2:


But to go on topic: this is really a neverending discussion. Maybe we'll never find out, so I don't really care.


It is especially live :swoon:


. . . I can N E V E R stay on topic :teehee:

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Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated? Yeah, I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else, gets me SO frustrated...


Oh noooo you so did not quote Avril Lavigne referring to my post:mf_rosetinted:

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Go Carlota!:punk:


She's damn right though. His choice, you can't force him.


Oh and, not everyone on here is homophobic, so..:naughty:





And how can you title this thread after "I wish Mika were openly gay" if you don't even know if he is? Please...


I really don't care if he's gay, bi, straight, assexual, I just don't care. I like his music, I like who he appears to be and that's it. If he's straight, it's not like I have more chances to be with him. If he's gay, it's not like gay men have more chance to "get" him or "attract" him.

I dunno what is the fuss about all this. I know if he said his sexual orientation, there'd be a bit of a press frenzy and I know they'd probably try to dig up a lot of stuff on his private life.

I don't want to know that much:dunno: Private life is what it is.:thumb_yello:

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Has anyone ever felt the need to tell everyone they were openly straight?


Well, no, because they don't need to. Being heterosexual is more socially acceptable than being homosexual. Also, society assumes everyone is "straight" by default.


I'm not saying that Mika has to shout to the rooftops "Heeeey, I'm gaaaaaay!!!" That's not what being openly gay is about. However, it would be nice that if he were in a relationship with a man, he could discuss it. Seeing as how heterosexual men and women openly talk about their partners and home lives.

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And how can you title this thread after "I wish Mika were openly gay" if you don't even know if he is? Please...


I really don't care if he's gay, bi, straight, assexual, I just don't care. I like his music, I like who he appears to be and that's it. If he's straight, it's not like I have more chances to be with him. If he's gay, it's not like gay men have more chance to "get" him or "attract" him.

I dunno what is the fuss about all this. I know if he said his sexual orientation, there'd be a bit of a press frenzy and I know they'd probably try to dig up a lot of stuff on his private life.

I don't want to know that much:dunno: Private life is what it is.:thumb_yello:

Carlton!:biggrin2::naughty:My twiiiin!





People just need to wonder what it's really about. At the end of the day, it's about the music and not about the sexuality.


What kind of benefits does it give you if you know what he is? Right, nothing.

It doesn't make you any better or worse, and if you start to disgust him because of something he can't really help and which doesn't have anything to do with the music and what kind of a person he is, I think you should really start wondering what the frick you're still doing here.

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Well, no, because they don't need to. Being heterosexual is more socially acceptable than being homosexual. Also, society assumes everyone is "straight" by default.


I'm not saying that Mika has to shout to the rooftops "Heeeey, I'm gaaaaaay!!!" That's not what being openly gay is about. However, it would be nice that if he were in a relationship with a man, he could discuss it. Seeing as how heterosexual men and women openly talk about their partners and home lives.


But even if he was in a relationship with a woman he wouldn't discuss it because he thinks it's none of our business and it isn't. So whether he is openly straight or gay, he wouldn't tell us either way. And that rhymes:naughty:

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Carlton!:biggrin2::naughty:My twiiiin!





People just need to wonder what it's really about. At the end of the day, it's about the music and not about the sexuality.


What kind of benefits does it give you if you know what he is? Right, nothing.

It doesn't make you any better or worse, and if you start to disgust him because of something he can't really help and which doesn't have anything to do with the music and what kind of a person he is, I think you should really start wondering what the frick you're still doing here.





And I think it takes a lot for someone to come out so publicly. I think sometimes people have to think themselves before telling everyone else, and Nectar, I LOVED your first post here.:wub2:

I would feel really disappointed if most people around me were asking me about my sexual orientation instead of what I live for.

And I think saying he's gay because of his clothes or moves or just how he acts or anything he shows is a STEREOTYPE. I thought most people knew that.

To me, sexual orientation isn't that clear to say it out loud or define it by actions or just how someone is.

Another thing... As most people said, I prefer to see him as a performer, as an artist, not some kind of character in a soap opera where you know all about that person's live. I don't care who he is apart from what he shows. I like how he is as a performer, as an artist, as a musician.

I also rather for him to have few press attention but that most of it is about what he does instead of having a lot of people going around about him just because of his private stuff..

Edited by Neiobi
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As a lot of people said before, I can understand why people would want him to be open about it but the thing is, nobody should force him to talk about it. Not with manipulating, playing the role model card, trying to make him feel guilty about not talking... etc either. He's not gonna discuss it as long as it doesn't feel relevant or good to him to do so.


In the very beginning I was curious about it, but whatever outcome wouldn't have made me less of a fan. I'm a fan of the artist that is Mika, not the person in his private life, I don't know that Mika and never will so it's just not relevant to me. :dunno:

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But even if he was in a relationship with a woman he wouldn't discuss it because he thinks it's none of our business and it isn't. So whether he is openly straight or gay, he wouldn't tell us either way. And that rhymes:naughty:


And also, maybe he would want to protect his partners privacy.

Not everyone wants their picture spread across the papers.

So he could be sensitive to the other persons needs.

In which, I would have the utmost respect for him, for doing.

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I read trough all this and I agree with Caz, Ingie, Rose.. And a lot more people. It doesn't matter, but just wanted to say:aah:

I don't want to know. I don't want to know what goes on in his private life. What matters to me is what he's deciding to show us. And I'm happy with his choice. I mostly decide to imagine what his life is from what I see and hear and understand than to just find out all of it and speculate even more.

And Rose, I really don't get why he would be a role model if he came out either.

His private life is none of our business. And that includes sexual orientation, love life, whatever..

And yeah, if he lost fans by coming out on being gay, straight, bi, etc, they weren't real fans anyway.

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And also, maybe he would want to protect his partners privacy.

Not everyone wants their picture spread across the papers.

So he could be sensitive to the other persons needs.

In which, I would have the utmost respect for him, for doing.


Quoting his most recent interview on this:


"Oh, there is a love life. But not of a sort I‘m proud of. I just don’t manage to build a steady, lasting relationship. Maybe I‘m not made for it, I don‘t know. I just know that I would protect my relationship. There would be no photos in magazines, or Home Stories."


There you have it:mf_rosetinted:

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I at all do not understand the problem... Why some gays demand any explanations and revelations? It is abnormal. If the person is gay what for he should to inform all and to shout about it at the each corner? Than it is ? The special status? If you are not the gay it is possible to live as you live, but if you are the gay - promulgate for every? Than he more especial than other? For example, if any would detain such questions to me, I would tell " It is problem not of your dog! " .




Has anyone ever felt the need to tell everyone they were openly straight?


Here! Just I have thought of it! Shortly and clearly:thumb_yello:

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I kind of go back and forth about whether i'd like to know or not.


In one sense, I really don't want to know. And it annoys me when people ask about it and when people bug him about it. It's his business, and it really doesn't matter! I think it adds more mystery to his music which I love, and it makes people more inquisitive and curious about his music.


But in another sense, I kind of agree with Holly about how it might be better if he was just open and honest (like Rufus :naughty:). Think of all the drama it would save him and people wouldn't ask him about it anymore!


Overall though, I think lean more towards my first opinion.


IMO they (press etc)would go on asking about it, they never stop! I think it can label him as: Mika, the gay-singer



Quoting his most recent interview on this:


"Oh, there is a love life. But not of a sort I‘m proud of. I just don’t manage to build a steady, lasting relationship. Maybe I‘m not made for it, I don‘t know. I just know that I would protect my relationship. There would be no photos in magazines, or Home Stories."


There you have it:mf_rosetinted:


Which interview? I haven't been on for a day and a half, and I miss an interview already??:shocked:(edit: found it!!)


Oh, and I have an old interview quite well fitted for this thread: (you'll probably all remember....!:wink2:)

(edit: forgot...) Edited by AnnaMariaPetra
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Well it is pretty!


I respect gays and fully support them but to me it seems like when they stone Mika for not coming out, they place the blame on him and from a group who has been blamed and hated on so much this just doesn't seem right to me. So, if a gay boy decides not to join the gay marriage demonstration for various reasons of his own, he is not respected by the gay community? That's wrong.

I agree with that actually, cos it kinda is trying to force him/others into yet another steriotipical way of behaving, and that kinda seems like taking a few steps backwards. Maybe not everyone feels the NEED to jump on the highest soap box and fire shots at anyone and everyone who dares to diss their way of life, some people just do things THEIR way and just cos it aint the same view as theirs, doesnt make it the wrong way.

I sometimes feel like some people just try waay too hard and show an uncaring nasty side of their persona...not attractive at all whether gay straight or into plushies (sorry if that doesnt make sense, I know what I was getting at I'm just not good at articulation (oo TB my fave :mf_lustslow:) :wink2:

Edited by sparkly1
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And also, maybe he would want to protect his partners privacy.

Not everyone wants their picture spread across the papers.

So he could be sensitive to the other persons needs.

In which, I would have the utmost respect for him, for doing.



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You're the third person to say that now!! Lol!! I wasn't expecting to get any response from it all. Thank you :wub2:


Forgot to say, it looks fantastic and quite professional. :thumb_yello:


I'm not saying that Mika has to shout to the rooftops "Heeeey, I'm gaaaaaay!!!" That's not what being openly gay is about. However, it would be nice that if he were in a relationship with a man, he could discuss it. Seeing as how heterosexual men and women openly talk about their partners and home lives.


This is a totally different topic altogether. So it is about talking private relationships, house and garden etc. rather than the question why he doesn't see a need to come out of the closet.

This is not a matter of being gay or straight IMO. Many straight celebrities choose not to lay out their family life details in front of the press. And it's a darn clever decision. Think of Brangelina vs. Meryl Streep. The first are known for anything but their artistic achievements, vice versa for the latter. It's not a bad thing to keep your audience focused on what you want to be known for. Would that be for your professional achievement or your sexual preferences? The latter is easy.

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