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Mika, what have you done?


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Wauw Diana .. where did that came from? :shocked::naughty:


I have my moments. :teehee:


I'm an old woman! There was a pre-Mikarr time too.

When I was still an angsty teenager.

I haven't always been this amazing person you know. :mf_rosetinted:




that's exactly it. Sometimes it's not approval or encouragement you need from those around you, but more importantly someone who admire or look up to. How amazing is it, how refreshing and relieving is it, to have someone you barely know understand the way you feel?


I believe that every decision you make in life is one you should make yourself..

For whatever reason.. And you can't make them unless you're ready for it.

Sometimes you get to this point when you're ready for a change but you don't realise it until you hear a song or lyric that makes sense.

Even when people told you over and over again.


It can be something that never really affected you before, a song you heard a gazillion times before.

But at that time.. you hear it in a different way and it suddenly all makes sense.


This is why I love music.

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I believe that every decision you make in life is one you should make yourself..

For whatever reason.. And you can't make them unless you're ready for it.

Sometimes you get to this point when you're ready for a change but you don't realise it until you hear a song or lyric that makes sense.

Even when people told you over and over again.


It can be something that never really affected you before, a song you heard a gazillion times before.

But at that time.. you hear it in a different way and it suddenly all makes sense.


This is why I love music.


I wanted to bold certain parts but began to realise I was bolding everything, so I decided not to. LOL!


But I whole heartedly agree with you. Sometimes it's like a sign, like they're telling you that it's the path you need to take. All it takes is a little bit of inspiration.


I hate how the artist has no idea. They deserve so much credit.

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I have my moments. :teehee:


I'm an old woman! There was a pre-Mikarr time too.

When I was still an angsty teenager.

I haven't always been this amazing person you know. :mf_rosetinted:




I've been a teenager too, without Mika .. But still it's because of Mika I'm doing the things I'm doing at the moment (some of them that is, not every thing I do in my life is because of Mika of course :bleh:). If you would have said me 3 years ago I would go driving around like I did because of one guy, or go to a festival or whatever .. I would have said you were crazy :bleh:


And I'm pretty sure you've always been an amazing person :mf_rosetinted::wink2:

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I wanted to bold certain parts but began to realise I was bolding everything, so I decided not to. LOL!


But I whole heartedly agree with you. Sometimes it's like a sign, like they're telling you that it's the path you need to take. All it takes is a little bit of inspiration.


I hate how the artist has no idea. They deserve so much credit.


I think Mika refuses to accept the fact that he is changing peoples life... think about it- you as a simple person like him, wouldnt it be a shock to find out youre changing someones life... its exaggerated... its unacceptable really... do you now what I mean?

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I think Mika refuses to accept the fact that he is changing peoples life... think about it- you as a simple person like him, wouldnt it be a shock to find out youre changing someones life... its exaggerated... do you now what I mean?


I don't think he refuses to acknowledge it. But what's he going to say? "Hi, I'm Mika and I change people's lives!" :roftl:

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I think Mika refuses to accept the fact that he is changing peoples life... think about it- you as a simple person like him, wouldnt it be a shock to find out youre changing someones life... its exaggerated... its unacceptable really... do you now what I mean?


Yes of course I understand. I can't imagine changing a person's life for the better. But if they told me I somehow helped them without me even realising...well...I'd be very humbled.

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I don't think he refuses to acknowledge it. But what's he going to say? "Hi, I'm Mika and I change people's lives!" :roftl:


true... :naughty:


Yes of course I understand. I can't imagine changing a person's life for the better. But if they told me I somehow helped them without me even realising...well...I'd be very humbled.





if you were an artist, and someone wouldve hugged you and sayed thank you so much- you mean the world to me (which is what ive dreamed to do to meeks for about a year now) wouldnt you find that odd that you mean the world to someone you dont even know, and more odd is- he knows so much about you?


though i still wish to do that- wether itll matter to him or not, and wish deep inside that it does get to him...

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I don't think he refuses to acknowledge it. But what's he going to say? "Hi, I'm Mika and I change people's lives!" :roftl:


That would make a great pick-up line! :roftl:

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if you were an artist, and someone wouldve hugged you and sayed thank you so much- you mean the world to me (which is what ive dreamed to do to meeks for about a year now) wouldnt you find that odd that you mean the world to someone you dont even know, and more odd is- he knows so much about you?


though i still wish to do that- wether itll matter to him or not, and wish deep inside that it does get to him...


exactly...I just want him to know. Not hear it, but register it.

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I hate how the artist has no idea. They deserve so much credit.


Making music is selfish. At least the best music is.

Artists write their sorrows away or celebrate by making songs.

There's tons of reasons, tons of sources of inspiration..

But songs written to please an audience are usually meaningless.

Songs written to help the artist cope are often amazing.


I don't think the artist deserves credit for helping people change their lives.

After all, you're the one who has to make the change.

Songs can give you strength but you still have to do it yourself.


I've been a teenager too, without Mika .. But still it's because of Mika I'm doing the things I'm doing at the moment (some of them that is, not every thing I do in my life is because of Mika of course :bleh:). If you would have said me 3 years ago I would go driving around like I did because of one guy, or go to a festival or whatever .. I would have said you were crazy :bleh:


And I'm pretty sure you've always been an amazing person :mf_rosetinted::wink2:


You just haven't found it in anyone else before.

Or maybe you weren't ready before.

I was lucky to find my band early. :wub2:


I'll ignore the blatant sarcasm in your last sentence. :mf_rosetinted:

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You just haven't found it in anyone else before.

Or maybe you weren't ready before.

I was lucky to find my band early. :wub2:


I'll ignore the blatant sarcasm in your last sentence. :mf_rosetinted:


Yeah, probably :wink2:


And for once that was a very serious last sentence! :aah:

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I don't think he refuses to acknowledge it. But what's he going to say? "Hi, I'm Mika and I change people's lives!" :roftl:




Personally I believe Mika gets it for a few reasons. I think he's been on the other side of the equation admiring other artists and having them impact his life. And even if there are people here who feel that they haven't been able to express to Mika what he means to them, it doesn't mean that he never hears this kind of thing from fans. I know he does.

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Just read it through....beautiful thread Caz.


I'm so glad someone remembers to express what so many of us feel now and then as I do think it gets overlooked in the...ooooh, how sexy does he look in that pic? stuff. (Of course I am one of those peeps!!:naughty:)


I've whittered on many a time about the change he's made to my life and I agree....I feel a deep need for him to know just how important he has been.


I'm a lot older than you and yet I've never experienced anything like him. :wub2:


I'm now past caring about the look on peoples faces when I tell them how I feel....It's like a religion and having faith in him and all that he does gives me strength to go forth in my own world and do my thing.


I think the longer we are (golden!! :roftl:) vocal about this impact and the more we say it...it will get back to him in some form and being so gracious as he is I doubt he'll ever stop getting a kick out of it either.

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Thankyou for starting up this thread Caz. I hadn't been bothered to go look at Mika's myspace for ages, even with people mentioning the new pic, just cos there's been nothing to draw me there. But I agree that I See You does seem like a beautiful song, even if I'm not currently experiencing those emotions. And I'm Falling has been one of my favourite unmentionables.



I'm now past caring about the look on peoples faces when I tell them how I feel....It's like a religion and having faith in him and all that he does gives me strength to go forth in my own world and do my thing.


I think the longer we are (golden!! :roftl:) vocal about this impact and the more we say it...it will get back to him in some form and being so gracious as he is I doubt he'll ever stop getting a kick out of it either.


I wrote in a different thread a little while back that it's like a religion, and whilst I really do believe that, I think that idea would actually freak Mika out. As inbar said, it must be overwhelming enough sometimes to have people saying "Ohh you've changed my life etc etc" no matter how sincere they are, and how much a part of you might like it.

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I don't think the artist deserves credit for helping people change their lives.

After all, you're the one who has to make the change.

Songs can give you strength but you still have to do it yourself.


Of course, I totally get that, but at the same time you may not have found that strength if it wasn't for the person who helped you find it :wub2:

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couldnt agree more... if only we could show him what he means to us and how marvelous he really is...


We can...by standing by him in his career!:wub2:


I don't think he refuses to acknowledge it. But what's he going to say? "Hi, I'm Mika and I change people's lives!" :roftl:


Haha, good one!:thumb_yello:

But I would think Mika is the first one to understand how music and musical artist can have an impact on your life! It has happened to him, at least he have said so!:wink2:



Making music is selfish. At least the best music is.

Artists write their sorrows away or celebrate by making songs.

There's tons of reasons, tons of sources of inspiration..

But songs written to please an audience are usually meaningless.

Songs written to help the artist cope are often amazing.


I don't think the artist deserves credit for helping people change their lives.

After all, you're the one who has to make the change.

Songs can give you strength but you still have to do it yourself.




Wise words Diana, very wise!:wub2:


Where have you been btw, haven’t seen you for a while?:wink2:

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I...I don't really know what to say or how to describe this.


I've been discussing this on Twitter and I've just heard the minute version of "I See You" on http://www.myspace.com/mikamyspace.

It's tragically beautiful and the lyrics pull the heartstrings...this is coming from someone who finds that these lyrics hit quite close to home.


I don't care if I shouldn't discuss this, but I absolutely adore how he put "I'm falling" into it, even if the lyrics are changed.


I believe the lyrics - the "I'm falling" bit - are now: "I'm standing across from you, I've dreamt alone but now dreams won't do."


They're just so sad, and so frustrated as well. Wanting to be seen and heard but not being able to. Wanting so much more but being so far out of reach.

It's the end bit that makes my eyes well up with tears, and I don't easily cry at songs. My throat goes tight and I know I'm going to lose it when he does it live.


I can imagine the entire crowd singing the "I'm Falling" bit at the end while Mika croons "But I seeee yooouuu..."

Everyone singing Mika's feelings back to him, everyone who has ever felt the same way. That's a magic moment. It's human. Its real. It's genuine. And we're all singing it together.


Mika is a beautiful human being and I am so grateful that I know of his existence. My life would be so different if he wasn't around, he has made me more confident as a person and because of him he helped me regain my love for performing and has helped me push my limit where Art is concerned.


And he probably doesn't even know.


How can he not know the impact he has made on my life? And so many others? It's insane. Mika has helped me in so many ways - and so has this fan club - and there is no way that I can ever repay him for all the things he's given me. I want to, I just don't know how.


I absolutely adore him. No - I love him. Truly, deeply, and whole heartedly.


"You mean the world to me, but you'll never know."


Mika, if only. If only you knew.


i know exactly what you're saying when i first heard it i didn't know that he had put 'i'm falling' into it and i physically burst into tears when i realised what he had done. of course i will lose it when i hear it live but i suspect everybody else will too. sometimes i think when he meets his fans whether he actually realises just how much he means to us and how much we love him. we will defend him against anyone who comes against us.

:wub2: We really do love you Mika :wub2:

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I...I don't really know what to say or how to describe this.


I've been discussing this on Twitter and I've just heard the minute version of "I See You" on http://www.myspace.com/mikamyspace.

It's tragically beautiful and the lyrics pull the heartstrings...this is coming from someone who finds that these lyrics hit quite close to home.


I don't care if I shouldn't discuss this, but I absolutely adore how he put "I'm falling" into it, even if the lyrics are changed.


I believe the lyrics - the "I'm falling" bit - are now: "I'm standing across from you, I've dreamt alone but now dreams won't do."


They're just so sad, and so frustrated as well. Wanting to be seen and heard but not being able to. Wanting so much more but being so far out of reach.

It's the end bit that makes my eyes well up with tears, and I don't easily cry at songs. My throat goes tight and I know I'm going to lose it when he does it live.


I can imagine the entire crowd singing the "I'm Falling" bit at the end while Mika croons "But I seeee yooouuu..."

Everyone singing Mika's feelings back to him, everyone who has ever felt the same way. That's a magic moment. It's human. Its real. It's genuine. And we're all singing it together.


I can see where you're coming from and I agree. Very much so. I'm very very very very happy he found a way to place bits of this not-to-be-mentioned treasure on one of his albums. Even though I would like to see much more of those pieces released. They're really so precious... maybe too precious to be put on a record.


I feel the same about 'Pick up off the floor' I was wishing and hoping so badly to find the full version somewhere. And now it's on the album. I can't believe it. I spent hours listening to a fragment on amazon. And it touches me so deeply, I can't even explain it to myself.


And he probably doesn't even know.

Mika, if only. If only you knew.

Mika is truly an inspirational genius and I just wish I could tell him. And I wish he'd know I mean it, too...because I do, 100%


oh yes, it's weird knowing that he will never know and probably be unable to "get" things and ways he has changed in each of us. He has way too many fans now to be able to know each individualy and yet we want him to KNOW just how much he means to each of us and just how much we appreciate what he has done and continues to do to make things happen for the better inside us.


Mika is a wonder, and yes I "feel" things for him too, it's a very strong fondness, that makes me long to hug him to say thank you, your a top guy. :wub2:


I'm very positive he knows. In a way. I can say for sure that he's been told a lot of times. :naughty:

I hope he realizes what it means and I hope it makes him proud. Because he really deserves it.

Mika kicked it when I really needed inspiration so badly. Without knowing he provided me with everything I needed. Then and many times afterwards.


I don't think he refuses to acknowledge it. But what's he going to say? "Hi, I'm Mika and I change people's lives!" :roftl:


:roftl: No he's too humble and decent to do that. Thanks to all those women in his family... :naughty: - however, it would be a nice change to the 'I'm Mika, I was born in Beirut in 1983. I have curly hair.'

If he said 'I change people's lives', that would make people think: "Wow. That's something" or "Aw, another personality coach reality show" :roftl:


I wrote in a different thread a little while back that it's like a religion, and whilst I really do believe that, I think that idea would actually freak Mika out.


Oh yes it is. Definitlely. I often think about how many parallels there are. For sure one can draw the same benefit out of a gig experience that others might get from a pilgrimage and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

As long as you see that he is human after all, with flaws and insecurities any human being is bothered with and don't press the stamp of impeccability on his forehead.

Still I agree, it would freak out pretty much everyone to see how much their existence and their doings impact other people's lives. I wouldn't want to see Mika in the responsiblilty trap. As much as I'd like him to know about all that and be proud, I wouldn't want it to affect his nature in any way.

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i know exactly what you're saying when i first heard it i didn't know that he had put 'i'm falling' into it and i physically burst into tears when i realised what he had done. of course i will lose it when i hear it live but i suspect everybody else will too. sometimes i think when he meets his fans whether he actually realises just how much he means to us and how much we love him. we will defend him against anyone who comes against us.

:wub2: We really do love you Mika :wub2:


I get you. I mean, I know he gets told, but does he believe it? Really? Or does he think we're a bunch of nutters? :aah:

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