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The "I See You" Thread


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Sorry Rivers and Sariflor- you're both a bit long to quote


IMO, you have to know the person to talk to, though you don't have to have dated them, and there's plenty of room to be well mistaken about a person and still love them.


So if the song's "you don't know I exist" is literal, then the song isn't really a love song, but if it just means "you haven't registered me as a potential lover" (which I think is a way the phrase is sometimes used) then it could be


I think it probably is the latter- there's no mention of any practical reason why the guy can't introduce himself, and it's an album about the teenage years which are often full of crushes. Either way, I think it's much sadder than a regular break up song, as it seems the (fictional) singer is not classing himself as a person capable of lovign or being loved. Despite the end, I'm not getting a sense that he's about to make the move into real relationships


I really like this song

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I don't quite agree, I have to say.


In my opinion, for there to be love, one needs to know the other person. You can't love what you don't even know is there. So anything that happens BEFORE the knowledge of what the other person is about, will always remain lust/attraction/chemistry/whatever you want to call it, but not love. Love can only exist once you actually know the person and therefore you feel something that is rooted on some reality. How can you love someone if you don't even know if they are the sweetest person on earth or an evil serial killer? :wink2:


I agree that sometimes first impressions will give you an accurate idea of what someone's personality or culture is like, so you can see straight away if there are certain similarities, but you cannot have a full picture of what someone is like until you know them better.

Yes, attraction and lust feelings can be very powerful and feel very strong and therefore very 'real' and romantic, but they are not love. Love is the result of a deep understanding of the other person and that cannot happen before you know them well.


I really agree with this.

I mean, of course you can like someone, and be attracted to them if you don't know them, but you can't really love them, simply due to the fact you don't really know much about them.


I do agree with this bit though:

Problem is that loving someone doesn't mean that you'll have the opportunity to build a connection with that person. Loving someone doesn't mean that it would be healthy for you to be with that person. Loving someone is a good thing, but it doesn't always result in a relationship. Sometimes, all you get is a moment to love someone who never knows about it. That's life.


Yeah, you can love someone, but if that person doesn't like you in that way..then you'll be dissapointed.


Yeah, sometimes that happens. Cause you can know someone really good, and fall in love with them, but they don't have to find out about it.

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I really agree with this.

I mean, of course you can like someone, and be attracted to them if you don't know them, but you can't really love them, simply due to the fact you don't really know much about them.


I do agree with this bit though:

Problem is that loving someone doesn't mean that you'll have the opportunity to build a connection with that person. Loving someone doesn't mean that it would be healthy for you to be with that person. Loving someone is a good thing, but it doesn't always result in a relationship. Sometimes, all you get is a moment to love someone who never knows about it. That's life.


Yeah, you can love someone, but if that person doesn't like you in that way..then you'll be dissapointed.


Yeah, sometimes that happens. Cause you can know someone really good, and fall in love with them, but they don't have to find out about it.


What you say in the penultimate paragragh, isn't that the whole premise of the song?


Can't say that I 've seen anywhere, that Mika has said this is about someone he didn't know, I kind of got the impression it was someone he did, but couldn't bring himself to reveal his feelings.

Having been in this situation, I find myself identifying very much with the song, hence why I love it so much. I feel like a kindred spirit.

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I don't quite agree, I have to say.


In my opinion, for there to be love, one needs to know the other person. You can't love what you don't even know is there. So anything that happens BEFORE the knowledge of what the other person is about, will always remain lust/attraction/chemistry/whatever you want to call it, but not love. Love can only exist once you actually know the person and therefore you feel something that is rooted on some reality. How can you love someone if you don't even know if they are the sweetest person on earth or an evil serial killer? :wink2:


I agree that sometimes first impressions will give you an accurate idea of what someone's personality or culture is like, so you can see straight away if there are certain similarities, but you cannot have a full picture of what someone is like until you know them better.

Yes, attraction and lust feelings can be very powerful and feel very strong and therefore very 'real' and romantic, but they are not love. Love is the result of a deep understanding of the other person and that cannot happen before you know them well.

You are right. Sometimes, I think I LOVE this person (mika:blush-anim-cl:) but how can I if I never spent anytime with him besides his gigs and 30 seconds outside the venue. I do believe I care for MIKA a big deal and LOVE his talent and what he does!!

The first performance of HMDYLM was a real turning point as far as my interest in Mika and his live shows go. But I have not supported the campaign to get the song onto the album. I agree I See You is a much stronger track and I don't think there's any room on the album for HMDYLM anymore.


I don't think I'm seeing quite what others are in I See You because it does not move me to tears and I can't imagine it ever will. I do find it quite beautiful but as you don't really love people you don't know this doesn't seem so heartbreaking to me as just angsty. The original lyrics to I'm Falling are "I'm dreaming of the things we'd do" which implies "to each other" and as Mika said it's about playing hot movies in his head when he looks at this person :teehee:


This is more about lust and insecurity than unrequited love. And yes there is real anguish in that, especially when you're a teen but I think just about everyone has experienced it to some degree or another and it's not all completely horrible, especially in retrospect. There is an excitement and passion there too and that's more what I'm feeling from this than just sadness.

I SEE YOU is a very strong song and does not make me cry but it gives me goose pumps everytime I hear it. I don't even sing the song because I just want to hear his voice.

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You are right. Sometimes, I think I LOVE this person (mika:blush-anim-cl:) but how can I if I never spent anytime with him besides his gigs and 30 seconds outside the venue. I do believe I care for MIKA a big deal and LOVE his talent and what he does!!


I SEE YOU is a very strong song and does not make me cry but it gives me goose pumps everytime I hear it. I don't even sing the song because I just want to hear his voice.

I thought I was the only person who doesn't sing along to certain Mika songs because Iwant to hear his voice :aah::wub2:

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Conversation's not me at all

I'm hesitating, only to fall

And I'm weighted, I'm hating everyone


Can I just say that in this last line, I think he's

singing "I'm waiting, I'm hating everyone..."?


I don't see this corrected anywhere, but I'm pretty sure...

it makes a lot more sense, too. :thumb_yello:

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I agree with Sara, you can feel attraction and a little thing for someone you don't really know well bt you can't feel love. You think you feel love.

But still, that's what makes it hard, the attraction that feels like more than attraction and that we want to believe that is love.

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I don't quite agree, I have to say.


In my opinion, for there to be love, one needs to know the other person. You can't love what you don't even know is there. So anything that happens BEFORE the knowledge of what the other person is about, will always remain lust/attraction/chemistry/whatever you want to call it, but not love. Love can only exist once you actually know the person and therefore you feel something that is rooted on some reality. How can you love someone if you don't even know if they are the sweetest person on earth or an evil serial killer? :wink2:


I agree that sometimes first impressions will give you an accurate idea of what someone's personality or culture is like, so you can see straight away if there are certain similarities, but you cannot have a full picture of what someone is like until you know them better.

Yes, attraction and lust feelings can be very powerful and feel very strong and therefore very 'real' and romantic, but they are not love. Love is the result of a deep understanding of the other person and that cannot happen before you know them well.


Agree, agree, agree.


There are too many times when someone says they love someone, then start living with them or have been with them for so long, and then they say "actually, i don't love you. You're not the person I thought you were."


You can be in love with the IDEA of being love, I think.


There are different types of love. For example, I love you all, but I would never shag any of you. I love my family, but I definitely wouldn't shag any of them. And there's the love you give one person who is your absolute world.

How can you love someone you don't know?


I mean, I love Mika. Without a shadow of a doubt. I love who I think he is, but I don't actually really know him. If I did, maybe I wouldn't be so attracted to him anymore. Or maybe the feelings would progress. Who knows? As much as I say "omg I'm so in love with Mika and I don't care what anyone says!", it probably just means I feel so passionately for him and his music, I love him as the person he chooses to be in the limelight, but take that away and what are we left with?

Edited by CazGirl
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I really agree with this.

I mean, of course you can like someone, and be attracted to them if you don't know them, but you can't really love them, simply due to the fact you don't really know much about them.


I do agree with this bit though:

Problem is that loving someone doesn't mean that you'll have the opportunity to build a connection with that person. Loving someone doesn't mean that it would be healthy for you to be with that person. Loving someone is a good thing, but it doesn't always result in a relationship. Sometimes, all you get is a moment to love someone who never knows about it. That's life.


Yeah, you can love someone, but if that person doesn't like you in that way..then you'll be dissapointed.


Yeah, sometimes that happens. Cause you can know someone really good, and fall in love with them, but they don't have to find out about it.


Thats like me, i used to fancy a girl in my old school and never told her, She turned out to mean so i have no hard feelings:roftl:

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What you say in the penultimate paragragh, isn't that the whole premise of the song?


Can't say that I 've seen anywhere, that Mika has said this is about someone he didn't know, I kind of got the impression it was someone he did, but couldn't bring himself to reveal his feelings.

Having been in this situation, I find myself identifying very much with the song, hence why I love it so much. I feel like a kindred spirit.


Oh crap. I probably wasn't clear.


Well, the song isn't really about being in love right. Being in love is something else than liking someone. I think being in love is what you feel when you do know someone, and have real feelings for that person, rather than feelings you have based on looks and first impression and whatever.

This is just being attracted to someone I think.


If I don't make sense, sorry. I've had a really tough day and am extremely tired right now.

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Can I just say that in this last line, I think he's

singing "I'm waiting, I'm hating everyone..."?


I don't see this corrected anywhere, but I'm pretty sure...

it makes a lot more sense, too. :thumb_yello:


That's what I originally thought it was, but someone suggested weighted and to me it made more sense...?

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There was this one time in school when I really fancied this popular guy, like really fancied, and I told no-one and just stared at him in Science Class whenever I got the chance.


He sat next to me (I FELT SO LUCKY AND PRIVILEGED) and this girl came up to me, blah blah started talking, and she said "would you go out with her?"

Needless to say it caught my interest and I looked up. They both looked at me. The guy looked back at the girl and said "I would actually."


But I couldn't tell him I fancied him to his face so I kept quiet. The following year (as that scenario happened towards the end of the year, so now we're in the beginning of the final year at school...) I let some of my friends know I had feelings for him, because I knew it would get around. I just hoped that he really would date me, like he said he would.

Anyway, word got round and I heard various stories: He liked me back, he didn't like me.


I was mortified, everyone was talking about us, and the guy just kept playing on, flirting with me and making me so confused. It got a bit too much so I wrote him a letter, asking him for the truth. When he read it he apparently said (as I didn't deliver it to him) that I was "in the head" (basically saying I'm mad) and for the rest of the year I had EVERYONE laughing at me and I couldn't go down the corridor without hearing his name. It was cruel and my first real blow. It damaged me, I won't deny that.


I never said I was in love with him, but my feelings were strong enough. That's why I connect with this song, because I was also just staring for ages...and in the "I'm Falling" lyrics..."If I told you, what would you do? Would you make me look like a fool?"

I totally get where Mika is coming from. Hoping, wishing, praying...but being too scared. You don't need to be in love to want to be with someone. Like I said I never loved this guy. But I was definitely attracted to him. Sometimes that's all you need.

Edited by CazGirl
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I'm seeing a lot more sense in waiting


hmm, after I posted my post I did think about it.


"Weighted" = being weighted down by feelings and not doing anything about them. Being so depressed you end up feeling isolated and "hating everyone".

"Waiting" = waiting to see if this person may like them back?



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Agree, agree, agree.


There are too many times when someone says they love someone, then start living with them or have been with them for so long, and then they say "actually, i don't love you. You're not the person I thought you were."


You can be in love with the IDEA of being love, I think.


There are different types of love. For example, I love you all, but I would never shag any of you. I love my family, but I definitely wouldn't shag any of them. And there's the love you give one person who is your absolute world.

How can you love someone you don't know?


I mean, I love Mika. Without a shadow of a doubt. I love who I think he is, but I don't actually really know him. If I did, maybe I wouldn't be so attracted to him anymore. Or maybe the feelings would progress. Who knows? As much as I say "omg I'm so in love with Mika and I don't care what anyone says!", it probably just means I feel so passionately for him and his music, I love him as the person he chooses to be in the limelight, but take that away and what are we left with?


the whole post I agree with, but this one I bolded- its the imidiate first thing I thought of when I heard the song... and it is so depressing, this feeling, when you are madly atracted to someone, you fantisize what it would be like if he met you at a strange place, or knew you more then those 30 seconds of meet and great (even that I never had, but never mind)

what would it be like if I knew him and he knew me- of course I wish hed be atracted to me back and there would be chemistry and all, but what if I really knew him and that would disapear, or a million other things can happen, really...


so that was my very first thought, of this song and Im Falling... then came on more thoughts, like another guy I like... which is a lot like the post you posted a few upper then this one, i just never have the guts to tell anyone... we were buds and all, but more like a sis bro kinda relationship- you know what I mean?


how the hell do I pick them! :roftl:


School sucks donkeys.


you got that right.... :thumbdown:

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OK folks. I've known a song from Mika, which was kind of illegal (it leaked on Youtube), and it was called "I'm Falling". At least, that was the given name of the demo.


I was looking for a good live verse of 'I See You', but came across this:

. OK. Is this the real song? Cause, the first part is DEFINITELY from the demo 'I'm Falling', so are other parts. Is this the real 'I see you', or did the Youtube user both of the pieces and mixed them together?
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the whole post I agree with, but this one I bolded- its the imidiate first thing I thought of when I heard the song... and it is so depressing, this feeling, when you are madly atracted to someone, you fantisize what it would be like if he met you at a strange place, or knew you more then those 30 seconds of meet and great (even that I never had, but never mind)

what would it be like if I knew him and he knew me- of course I wish hed be atracted to me back and there would be chemistry and all, but what if I really knew him and that would disapear, or a million other things can happen, really...


so that was my very first thought, of this song and Im Falling... then came on more thoughts, like another guy I like... which is a lot like the post you posted a few upper then this one, i just never have the guts to tell anyone... we were buds and all, but more like a sis bro kinda relationship- you know what I mean?


how the hell do I pick them! :roftl:




you got that right.... :thumbdown:


Ah, good to know people can understand and relate lol. Like a lot of people we wish we could date those we idolise. But do we ever really know them at all? :dunno:

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OK folks. I've known a song from Mika, which was kind of illegal (it leaked on Youtube), and it was called "I'm Falling". At least, that was the given name of the demo.


I was looking for a good live verse of 'I See You', but came across this:

. OK. Is this the real song? Cause, the first part is DEFINITELY from the demo 'I'm Falling', so are other parts. Is this the real 'I see you', or did the Youtube user both of the pieces and mixed them together?


Hahaha, only just realised have we? :wink2:


I'm Falling is blatantly an old song, I'm guessing Mika wrote it when he was at college. I See You is just the polished, finished version of the song I reckon.

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