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Mika in Munich - The Atomic Cafè/Bayern3 Live Clubs


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ok, starting with the videos... sorry the quality sucks, movie maker has always worked fine for me with all other videos, but seems like it doesn't like this close up stuff or the dark colours or whatever. :sneaky2: or maybe it was the movements, a lot of it is shaky as i couldn't stop dancing. :naughty: will try to make some screenshots of the originals later on. :wink2:


little bit of big girl:

dr john:

talk before BIOTG (really funny, lol! :roftl:):


that was part one, more to come. :wink2:


Wow, you were so lucky to see him that relaxed and cheerful!! So cute :wub2: I haven't watched all yet but the quality was great! :thumb_yello: Thanks!

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ok, starting with the videos... sorry the quality sucks, movie maker has always worked fine for me with all other videos, but seems like it doesn't like this close up stuff or the dark colours or whatever. :sneaky2: or maybe it was the movements, a lot of it is shaky as i couldn't stop dancing. :naughty: will try to make some screenshots of the originals later on. :wink2:


little bit of big girl:

dr john:

talk before BIOTG (really funny, lol! :roftl:):


that was part one, more to come. :wink2:


wow i love em. Thx :flowers2: Looks like you were checking out his body in the beginning of Dr John :naughty:

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ok, starting with the videos... sorry the quality sucks, movie maker has always worked fine for me with all other videos, but seems like it doesn't like this close up stuff or the dark colours or whatever. :sneaky2: or maybe it was the movements, a lot of it is shaky as i couldn't stop dancing. :naughty: will try to make some screenshots of the originals later on. :wink2:


little bit of big girl:

dr john:

talk before BIOTG (really funny, lol! :roftl:):


that was part one, more to come. :wink2:


Love them! :wub2:


BIOTG is great. The band are like "Mika, WTF are you DOING?!" :lmfao:

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wow i love em. Thx :flowers2: Looks like you were checking out his body in the beginning of Dr John :naughty:


nah, just held the camera at the height of my chest and not of my face, and so i didn't see where it was pointing to - sometimes i completely forgot i was filming, that's where you get to see the rest of the band (or floor, ceiling,...) instead of mika! :lmao:


the next 2 videos:

end of BIOTG and start of SITM:


and... drumroll... THE video of mika getting the dmfc book - filmed by tiva, with leator's camera (which he had borrowed from someone else :naughty:), uploaded by me. :bleh:


:wub2: :wub2:


at the beginning of the vid you see what i mentioned before - sasje complained that mika drew kisses (XX) on leator's autograph, and then mika did it extra, after he had signed the next autograph, leator got another X :lmao:

Edited by mellody
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nah, just held the camera at the height of my chest and not of my face, and so i didn't see where it was pointing to - sometimes i completely forgot i was filming, that's where you get to see the rest of the band (or floor, ceiling,...) instead of mika! :lmao:


the next 2 videos (still processing now, should be ready in a few mins):

end of BIOTG and start of SITM:


and... drumroll... THE video of mika getting the dmfc book - filmed by tiva, with leator's camera (which he had borrowed from someone else :naughty:), uploaded by me. :bleh:


:wub2: :wub2:


at the beginning of the vid you see what i mentioned before - sasje complained that mika drew kisses (XX) on leator's autograph, and then mika did it extra, after he had signed the next autograph, leator got another X :lmao:


Cant imagine me filming a gig with him being front row... will be one with his body :blink::lmfao:


Thx for the vids. :thumb_yello:

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at the beginning of the vid you see what i mentioned before - sasje complained that mika drew kisses (XX) on leator's autograph, and then mika did it extra, after he had signed the next autograph, leator got another X :lmao:



He is more entertaining than a stand-up comedian.:biggrin2:


Thank you for the videos, by the way :flowers2:

I think I'll watch them tomorrow when they are all up.

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BIOTG/SITM is live now... does anyone understand what he's saying after drinking from his water bottle, it starts with "oh my god", but i don't get the rest. probably understood it yesterday, but not anymore on the vid. and can't remember. :doh:

btw, i have no idea what that laughing woman found so incredibly funny, but obviously mika knew, or just got infected by her laugh. :naughty:


edit: 2nd video is live now too. i love his reaction to the title "paintings for sorrow", as that title was my idea... - "jesus you're damn clever!" :wub2::fangurl:

Edited by mellody
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and... drumroll... THE video of mika getting the dmfc book - filmed by tiva, with leator's camera (which he had borrowed from someone else :naughty:), uploaded by me. :bleh:


:wub2: :wub2:



I absolutely love this video ... must have been a great moment, for him and for all of you.


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BIOTG/SITM is live now... does anyone understand what he's saying after drinking from his water bottle, it starts with "oh my god", but i don't get the rest. probably understood it yesterday, but not anymore on the vid. and can't remember. :doh:

btw, i have no idea what that laughing woman found so incredibly funny, but obviously mika knew, or just got infected by her laugh. :naughty:


edit: 2nd video is live now too. i love his reaction to the title "paintings for sorrow", as that title was my idea... - "jesus you're damn clever!" :wub2::fangurl:




He totally loves the book! And rightfully so! :fangurl:


Aww, mellody, thanks for sharing, that was so sweet to watch! I love how he keeps insisting they'll buy a copy for Yasmine, 'cause he knows how expensive books are after doing his own Songs for Sorrow book. :naughty:


And after he drinks the water, it sounds like he says "oh my god, I've got nowhere to hide..." :roftl:

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And after he drinks the water, it sounds like he says "oh my god, I've got nowhere to hide..." :roftl:


you're right, thanx! hm, guess i gotta ask the one who was laughing what that was about, think i know who it was, one of the 2 women from berlin that i started following on twitter today...

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Ooooh, this gig was soooo amazing!!!:fangurl:


The most things are already written here, but some funny things to add...



I made Leator a T-shirt with "Don´t wake me up" written on it..

But some of the letters were bright yellow, so, not really readable in lamplight..

Mika although wanted to know what was written on Leator´s T-shirt, bows over during a song (does anyone still remember what song that was, btw??:blink:) and was so concentrated that he forgot to sing..:roftl:


Further, as Mellody already mentioned... the XX on Leator´s ticket..


Mika signed Leator´s ticket and wrote one "x" under it..

But, heay... he is MY boyfriend so, I said to Mika, that he can´t "kiss" my boyfriend!!

What does Mika do?? (naughty boy as he is..:naughty:) He turnes around and draws another "X" on Leator´s ticket!!!:shocked:


Hmmmm... couldn´t do anything about that, to many witnesses..:sneaky2::bleh:


Anyway, supergig, as I already mentioned and I was so superhappy that Mika and John made it possible for us to get inside!!!


So thanks to you both!!:thumb_yello: (if you happen to read this..:blush-anim-cl:)

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I made Leator a T-shirt with "Don´t wake me up" written on it..

But some of the letters were bright yellow, so, not really readable in lamplight..

Mika although wanted to know what was written on Leator´s T-shirt, bows over during a song (does anyone still remember what song that was, btw??:blink:) and was so concentrated that he forgot to sing..:roftl:





Mika signed Leator´s ticket and wrote one "x" under it..

But, heay... he is MY boyfriend so, I said to Mika, that he can´t "kiss" my boyfriend!!

What does Mika do?? (naughty boy as he is..:naughty:) He turnes around and draws another "X" on Leator´s ticket!!!:shocked:


Hmmmm... couldn´t do anything about that, to many witnesses..:sneaky2::bleh:



What a cheeky monkey :roftl:

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group pictures of the forum members! :biggrin2:






well ok not all are on the forum, and the guy in the 3rd pic on the right just sneaked into the pic, no idea who he is! :lmao: but apart from that, left to right:


irene, leator, lolligirl, mariposa, noa, tiva; graciosa, kanni and antoine on the outer right. front: sasje & mellody, and on the 3rd pic also lolligirl's friend.

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and here's the rest of the videos:



- really funny, note the mischiveous look on his face when he grabs the glitter out of the bucket! :naughty:


happy ending:

at the beginning i had the camera lying on my bag on the floor, that's why you can only see mika's legs. :naughty: cut out the first part of HE, as it would've been only for the sound. if someone wants the whole song, let me know, then i'll upload it too.


talk about taking his jacket/shirt off:

- like i already mentioned. he talked about taking his jacket off, but then didn't cause his shirt was so sweaty - then someone said he should take his shirt off too, and what follows is the discussion on the video, someone shouting "we've already seen you naked!" and mika's reaction to that. :naughty:

i had to think of this when today mika wrote something about CLOTHES (in big letters) on twitter, about his next video - maybe he thought of this situation yesterday while writing that, lol! :lmao: (but then, wasn't he the one who came up with the idea of a naked vlog? :fisch::naughty:)


beginning of we are golden:

that's where he nicked our balloons... :naughty: and - that's not in the vid, but he has the balloon killer shoes! :naughty: stuck a balloon between his louboutin shoes so it burst from the "spikes" on the shoes.


grace kelly:

more interaction with our balloons. :bleh:


ok that's it for now, my bed is calling me (very loudly, almost didn't sleep at all last night!) - photos tomorrow. :wink2:


edit: just remembered that when he was told to take his shirt off, he answered "YOU take your shirt off!" :lmao: unfortunately don't have that on video, but was hilarious!

Edited by mellody
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and here's the rest of the videos:



- really funny, note the mischiveous look on his face when he grabs the glitter out of the bucket! :naughty


happy ending:

at the beginning i had the camera lying on my bag on the floor, that's why you can only see mika's legs. :naughty: cut out the first part of HE, as it would've been only for the sound. if someone wants the whole song, let me know, then i'll upload it too.


talk about taking his jacket/shirt off:

- like i already mentioned. he talked about taking his jacket off, but then didn't cause his shirt was so sweaty - then someone said he should take his shirt off too, and what follows is the discussion on the video, someone shouting "we've already seen you naked!" and mika's reaction to that. :naughty:

i had to think of this when today mika wrote something about CLOTHES (in big letters) on twitter, about his next video - maybe he thought of this situation yesterday while writing that, lol! :lmao: (but then, wasn't he the one who came up with the idea of a naked vlog? :fisch::naughty:)


beginning of we are golden:

that's where he nicked our balloons... :naughty: and - that's not in the vid, but he has the balloon killer shoes! :naughty: stuck a balloon between his louboutin shoes so it burst from the "spikes" on the shoes.


grace kelly:

more interaction with our balloons. :bleh:


ok that's it for now, my bed is calling me (very loudly, almost didn't sleep at all last night!) - photos tomorrow. :wink2:


edit: just remembered that when he was told to take his shirt off, he answered "YOU take your shirt off!" :lmao: unfortunately don't have that on video, but was hilarious!

Thanks so much for all the videos and pictures! :flowers2:


Sounds like it was an amazing gig :aah:

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Bravo & Congrats!

The book you gave to Mika is amazing & beautiful!

I am so happy that you received the gratitude that Mika expressed.

Good for you guys!

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talk about taking his jacket/shirt off:
- like i already mentioned. he talked about taking his jacket off, but then didn't cause his shirt was so sweaty - then someone said he should take his shirt off too, and what follows is the discussion on the video, someone shouting "we've already seen you naked!" and mika's reaction to that. :naughty:




edit: just remembered that when he was told to take his shirt off, he answered "YOU take your shirt off!" :lmao: unfortunately don't have that on video, but was hilarious!


LMFAO! :lmfao:


Mika needs to be careful. I think if he'd told that tipsy crowd at Le Poisson Rouge to take their shirts off, well, that gig would have gotten a whole lot more interesting. :teehee:

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group pictures of the forum members! :biggrin2:






well ok not all are on the forum, and the guy in the 3rd pic on the right just sneaked into the pic, no idea who he is! :lmao: but apart from that, left to right:


irene, leator, lolligirl, mariposa, noa, tiva; graciosa, kanni and antoine on the outer right. front: sasje & mellody, and on the 3rd pic also lolligirl's friend.


Thanks for posting the group pix, Mellody! lol, that guy in the third pic was hilarious. Antoine asked him if he's on the forum as well, but he said no and only wanted to be on the pic :roftl:



talk about taking his jacket/shirt off:

- like i already mentioned. he talked about taking his jacket off, but then didn't cause his shirt was so sweaty - then someone said he should take his shirt off too, and what follows is the discussion on the video, someone shouting "we've already seen you naked!" and mika's reaction to that. :naughty:


edit: just remembered that when he was told to take his shirt off, he answered "YOU take your shirt off!" :lmao: unfortunately don't have that on video, but was hilarious!


priceless...luckily there are vids to witness it all :mf_rosetinted:

Uploading my pic right now, but since I have to leave in a few minutes I will only post them later this afternoon.


Ahh, and in two days time the gig will be aired on the radio. Can't wait.

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Thanks for posting the group pix, Mellody! lol, that guy in the third pic was hilarious. Antoine asked him if he's on the forum as well, but he said no and only wanted to be on the pic :roftl:



well but then, antoine isn't on the forum either, is he? :naughty: nah, according to graciosa, that guy was the one who won the trip to munich on hamburg radio - real fans, perfect! :thumb_yello: we already feared that those winners would just have wanted a free trip to munich, but luckily that wasn't the case. graciosa told them about the forums, so maybe they'll register soon. :bleh:

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