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The 'thank you MFC' thread


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I Wanna thank MFC

For giving me the possibility to share my love for Mika and easily get all the news about him!

But I wish also to thank MFC because here I can deal with so much of you Who think that Mika way to be is a Good one, and wish you can be polite and nice as he is.., and you are!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you MFC:

- for helping me realise that it's okay to be who you are :wink2:

- for helping me gain my confindece (I was here for a year, before writing my frst post) :doh:

- for making it posslibe to talk bout Mika without judgement

- for being there when I need to cheer up :wub:

Thank you  :hug:

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  • 4 months later...

Thank you for creating this MFC place for us! 


I just have one question...


Was there a similar-named "Mika Fan Club" where one could trade in physical Mika goodies that they'd bought for points to exchange for more digital goodies?


Somebody please reassure me that I'm not crazy remembering such a place? I've tried Google, but whatever that used to be, there's no trace left! Very tragic.

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Was there a similar-named "Mika Fan Club" where one could trade in physical Mika goodies that they'd bought for points to exchange for more digital goodies?


Somebody please reassure me that I'm not crazy remembering such a place? I've tried Google, but whatever that used to be, there's no trace left! Very tragic.

In 2009 there was a sort of social media platform on Mikasounds.com they used to run a points program. It was all geared towards a grand prize of a private gig which took place in early 2011 so the points program is over and Mikasounds.com has been revamped a couple of times since then.


Mika took over ownership of MFC in early 2008 so this has been the only official "Mika Fan Club" since then. :)

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In 2009 there was a sort of social media platform on Mikasounds.com they used to run a points program. It was all geared towards a grand prize of a private gig which took place in early 2011 so the points program is over and Mikasounds.com has been revamped a couple of times since then.


Mika took over ownership of MFC in early 2008 so this has been the only official "Mika Fan Club" since then. :)

Ah! Thank you. Yep, that was what I remembered. I think I'd only gotten enough points for a wallpaper. Cheers!

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  • 1 year later...

I've just met for the first time with Ma.Kot :)

After almost a year and a half of chatting here, on facebook, skyping, we finally got a chance to meet for real. I'd like to thank MFC for the opportunity to make friends. Because even though we live far away, this friendship is strong and close to my heart. Without MFC I'd never meet my best friends and so I just wanted to say a huge


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  • 2 years later...

Thank you MFC for: 

-being so accepting when I kinda came out as trans

-helping me to improve my skills with the French language. 

-translating articles and things into English so I can understand them (thanks subtitling team!) 

-all being friendly. The Queen fan club, queenzone is very hostile and not inviting to any fans. Also some people there are really homophobic which is strange because Freddie once said that he’s gay as a daffodil XD


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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 months later...
18 minutes ago, Anna-is-golden said:

Thank you MFC ... there is a lot of fantastic people here, i feel myself and not judged ❤️ 
Mika has to be so proud of such a perfect community as we are😍💪 




Thank you MFC for everything :wub2: especially for the Christmas card exchange and all those wonderful projects. :group_hug:

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  • 1 month later...

I hope this is an appropriate place to pop this story in. I apologise in advance for how long it is, please don't feel like quoting this to reply just @ my name instead. 


Go back 13 years to 2007 and I was an awakened child thanks to Mika's music. At high school a lot of the other children liked Grace Kelly & Love Today, they were the songs being played most on the radio. For me it was the 1st time that an artist truly resonated with me through music. I fell in love with all of Mika's songs and yet I got bullied for it. So it was ok for the popular kids to like a No1 song but not ok for me to like the whole album and talk about Mika all the time? Apparently not. I got picked on because I wrote I ♥ Mika on my notebooks and I would sing along to his songs. Lollipop was the one song I would listen to over and over again, it got me through a lot of bad days. Someone who I thought was a friend thought I was weird and actually told me to stop liking Mika because it was making HER less cool 😖
I even spent a time pretending to have gone off Mika's music just to get people to stop bullying me. It didn't work because of a boy in my classes who thought he looked like Mika (he really didn't) thought it was ok to be really inappropriate around me (lots of rude comments). I was bullied for a long time, the Mika side of things did die down but I still had idiots calling me names and being very mean. LICM got me through a lot at school. When I went to college I was a bit more confident but when I told new friends that I liked Mika I still got the odd laugh. Every single track by Mika means something different to me, I've never actually met anyone else who likes him the way I do. So I just want to say that being part of the MFC is one of the best things I've done. I can't see you and most of you are in a different country to me but here I can tell stories like this knowing that we're all here because of Mika, because of the different ways we discovered his music and we all support one another too. Y'all are good people, and my day is a little brighter every time I log in here. ☀  🙂
Thank you MFC, and thank you Mika.

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@TinyLove_CJ I'm really sorry for what happened to you in the past... I can relate to your story.

I was bullied for almost all my time at school, beginning from the age of 10. They bullied me for several reasons, in their eyes I was too ugly for being around them mostly. I cared too much and it was very hurtful for me to have no friends while others were really popular.

So discovering Mika was the best thing that ever happened to me. ❤❤❤ He gave me the confidence to start liking myself and stop caring about what others are thinking of me.

Looking back now I feel stupid for caring about their opinion cos today I know people that are so amazing and who I'm really thankful for! And the most amazing people are here at the MFC. Where everything is just better than elsewhere.:group_hug:

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@TinyLove_CJ @Starlight

Unfortunately, I can relate to your stories too. I was bullied at school especially at the age of 9 to 11, then I changed the school to a grammar school and it got a little bit better, I mean I wasn't popular at all and some people still made fun of me but on the previous school it was even worse... I had one best friend who sometimes didn't want to hang up with me because as @TinyLove_CJ said, it made her less cool. Luckily, on the grammar school I got a best friend who was (and still is) very loyal so that made things a lot easier. I didn't know what was wrong with me back then, I guess I was rather shy so I was an easy target. I kept thinking for years that it's my fault that I can't get along with people. It took me a long time to get over it and I'm still dealing with some consequences. But leaving school and start studying helped a lot, the people are much better at the university. After years I feel confident again. But I still have trust issues when meeting new people and I need a lot of time to become friends with someone. I really appreciate how often Mika speaks about being bullied. I know it's something you don't want to speak about, you don't want to remember or even think about it but is very helpful when you see a grown-up man sharing his story. Of course also many of his songs are thematizing this struggle. Especially the song Hurts helped me a lot to leave that period behind me, it came at the right time when my life was changing for better and I needed this song to deal with the past and move on.

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@Starlight @giraffeandy 

Now I am thankful for the people around me who are more supportive. It seems in some way, whether big or small, Mika's music and Mika himself talking in interviews has helped changed our lives. Mika certainly knows how to bring people together one song at a time 😊

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/24/2020 at 5:04 PM, TinyLove_CJ said:

@Starlight @giraffeandy 

Now I am thankful for the people around me who are more supportive. It seems in some way, whether big or small, Mika's music and Mika himself talking in interviews has helped changed our lives. Mika certainly knows how to bring people together one song at a time 😊


Exactly. We used to have a "getting bullied" thread back in 2007, and on there it became obvious that many who came here had similar experiences. Mika and MFC gives all of us "beautiful freaks" (Mika's words, back in 2009 or so) a home.

My own school time with the bullying is too long ago to be positively influenced by Mika, but Mika and the MFC certainly helped me deal with the consequences that I still felt years after I had left school.


The Mika world and especially the MFC are like a second home for me, a beautiful world I can go to - not to escape reality, but it's part of my reality, basically my favourite pastime, including the (voluntary) work as a MFC Mod, the travelling to gigs and occasionally also meeting my MFC friends at non-Mika-events like birthday celebrations or weddings. :wub2: Now in the Corona crisis this has to be reduced to the online world, but since much of it happens online anyway, I'm very happy especially right now to have this community, and although we have to live without gigs for now, the Mika world is one thing that gives me stability in these insecure times. :wub2:  So thank you MFC (and Mika!) for this! :group_hug:

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  • 8 months later...
8 hours ago, Sonelle said:

Thank you MFC for all the wonderful friendships <3 Connie, @Starlight and @crazyaboutmika. I love you all more than you know.

I wish I could mention you all but appreciate you all so much and this community was and is what makes me the happiest. 


Love you, too!!! :huglove: My MFC-friends mean so much to me as well. ❤❤❤

It's not like on other social media platforms, it's real friendship and I'm so grateful to know you all. :hug:

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14 hours ago, Sonelle said:

Thank you MFC for all the wonderful friendships <3 Connie, @Starlight and @crazyaboutmika. I love you all more than you know.

I wish I could mention you all but appreciate you all so much and this community was and is what makes me the happiest. 


I love you too :hug: :huglove:

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you MFC, for everything I have been able to experience in this short time that I have been here!:mikalove:This is a great fandom with beautiful people!:mika3: I hope for many more fun years with you guys here!💕 You really are like a second family to me!🤗 MIKA's music has helped through many difficult times this year🥰

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  • 2 months later...

Thank you MFC, for being a truly brilliant place and such fantastic people. Since joining here, I feel I've found a home, and a family of like minded friends. No matter how bad things get, either in real life or in the mess that is my head, I know I can find friendship and acceptance here. That is amazing. I love every single one of you. Thank you. ❤️


A special thank you to @Mikasister for being my dirty minded conspirator! :lol3:


Edited by Hero
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38 minutes ago, Hero said:

Thank you MFC, for being a truly brilliant place and such fantastic people. Since joining here, I feel I've found a home, and a family of like minded friends. No matter how bad things get, either in real life or in the mess that is my head, I know I can find friendship and acceptance here. That is amazing. I love every single one of you. Thank you. ❤️


A special thank you to @Mikasister for being my dirty minded conspirator! :lol3:



Awww I love you too :hug: 

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Thank you MFC this is amazing place.. with fantastic people.. thank you very much for accepting me in this wonderful forum .. I'm fine here .. I'm always updated on Mika .. :hug:

Edited by Paoletta
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  • 2 months later...

I have been a member of MFC for 1 year today and I think it is time to say thank you. I really only did one thing worth mentioning last year and that is joining the MFC. Thank you for letting me be part of your family. :huglove:      :wootjump:


And I also want to apologise if I hurt any of you, that was never my intention. I admit that sometimes I have a sense of humour that takes some getting used to. And add to that, sometimes I want to speak my mind too much, which can come across as mean, which is not my intention at all. :sorry:


I hope to be part of your family for a long time to come. :group_hug:

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