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Seeing Mika live is like...?


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Have you seen Mika live before? Had dreams? Daydreams? Visualizations? Imaginations? Never even heard of this Mika guy but just want to boost your post count?


...Well you can HELP ME OUT!


I was having a conversation with my good friend Pianogirlsammy this afternoon. Both of us have gigs coming up in the next few months, both of us are "gig virgins" so to speak, and both of us are rather worried for our physical, emotional, and mental health when said gigs occur.


Speaking of occurrence, it occurred to us, on this fine afternoon, that we need a form of preparation. So we had a little brain storm. And here are the results.


Seeing Mika Live:


It's like the first time you have sex.

It's like your first haircut.

It's like falling to the bottom of a well full of glitter and whale fat.

It's like weaving a six foot basket.

It's like shoe shoppin'.

It's like drinking bubble solution.

It's like being 89 years old.

It's like going steady with a janitor.

It's like being a vegan for a year and then eating a pork roast.

It's like wearing a ball gown underwater.

It's like chewing gum while its on fire.

It's like walking a tightrope in stilettos.

It's like a squeegie.

It's like finding out you have someone from Lebanon on your family tree.

It's like flying to the moon.


Can you help us out? Post your awesometeen similes!

WOW! Thanks! :thumb_yello:

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Seeing Mika live is like delving into a dream like state - the ones where it feels real but know you're dreaming - except that it's not a dream.


That's exactly what it feels like for me.


AWESOME! And it's gotta be fresh in your mind. :wub2:

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Oh this is fun. I didn't realize this would be your first gig. Love it!


My gig experiences have sort of evolved. I was not really a fan before my first gig so it was kind of like going on a blind date and finding out the guy is really cute and funny and charming. :teehee:


There was such an interiminably long period between that and the next time I saw Mika that I would have to definitely compare it to the vegan eating a pork roast.


My next gig was a crazy endorphin high that could probably be compared to sex though not necessarily the first time. :aah: I couldn't feel the pressure of the crowd bearing down on me that was so bad it was making the barriers shift beneath me. I couldn't feel the heat that soaked right through my skin. I couldn't see anything or anyone but Mika. I have looked at photos of someone with a guitar on stage right in front of where I was standing at the gig and I swear it's not the same gig because I've never registered seeing this guy in my life. I don't know what the band was doing, I don't know what the people beside me were doing. There was nothing in the universe but Mika for an entire hour.


The next gig Mika seemed sort of off which had the same effect on me and I was bored for the first half and wondering how I was going to get through the 3 consecutive nights I had scheduled. Then during Love Today he came over and stared into my eyes so often and so long I seriously felt like I was having a heart attack. :shocked: My chest still hurt the next morning. :naughty:


And now...well...now all of the crazy insane highs have worn off and it's just like going to a really really f*cking awesome party. :biggrin2:

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Oh this is fun. I didn't realize this would be your first gig. Love it!





My gig experiences have sort of evolved. I was not really a fan before my first gig so it was kind of like going on a blind date and finding out the guy is really cute and funny and charming. :teehee:

And now...well...now all of the crazy insane highs have worn off and it's just like going to a really really f*cking awesome party. :biggrin2:


I love this! Sounds pretty spot on.


"Highs" :roftl: It's like being on meth or something. :teehee:

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being in heaven heaven... Great, cool, fun, Mika damn good looking (when isnt he?) Just great... and if you ask me NOT POSSIBLE TO STAND STILL AT ALL.

Only seen him live for 20 mins. time front row in the mid. but and it was great and just... some i'll never forget. And what other MFCs have told me:


you will never forget the first time




Cant forget the things with him before the show, the show and after :fangurl:



Edited by Dark Angel
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Seeing Mika live is like becoming addicted to heroin or cocaine. You'll always want more and you'll do whatever you have to to get it. (Not that I would know, but I'm guessing that's sort of what it would be like) :lol3:

Edited by Fmbm
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Seeing Mika live is like becoming addicted to heroin or cocaine. You'll always want more and you'll do whatever you have to to get it. (Not that I would know, but I'm guessing that's sort of what it would be like) :lol3:


And you know, I think you're right. Seriously. I don't know enough medically, but I'm sure these gigs trigger some sort of feel-good property in the brain, and I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if there was an addictive component to it. Like, on a physiological level. You really do find yourself aching for the next hit. :aah:


Anyhow I know I should come up with a witty one-liner, but after the last couple days my brain is pickled with Mika love, so I'm going to gush like a rabid fangurl instead. :naughty:


Seeing Mika live is an experience like no other.


Have you ever been at the top of a really big waterslide, and there's that moment of hesitation and anxiety before you sit down and push yourself off? You plant your hands on the side of the slide, or the bars, give a little push, and suddenly you're flying. There's the "holy CRAP" moment, but then you get SUCH a rush, such a feeling of pure exhilaration.


That feeling of exhilaration is what it's like to be at a Mika gig.


Mika gigs are like a crescendo. They build up and up until the last song when you start feeling like there should be some sort of law against feeling this amazing; that there should be some kind of limitation within human DNA against feeling THIS DAMN GOOD.


Quoting myself from my gig report after my very first gig. Fair warning, on a sappiness scale of 1-10 it's about a 46. :teehee:




And then, suddenly, it was time. There's the band, in behind their instruments - right in front of me. They're real! This is real. Saranayde made her appearance out of her balloon. And then in a heartbeat, Mika was there in front of me, hitting that glorious opening note of Relax.


It was such a rush. There are no fscking words. Mika's music is like a balm when I'm stressed - or any other emotion, for that matter. I spend hours on MFC, studying his photos, reveling in pictures and videos, and rejoicing in new songs. And there he was, not two feet in front of me. I had to keep telling myself over and over that he was real, that this was real. He is, of course, far more beautiful than any pictures or videos would indicate - and that voice! What a treasure.




I can't explain the rush of emotion during this gig. It was like it all built up inside me to the point where I felt I was just going to pop. Like the sheer mass of his fabulousness was going to cause the venue to burst open, sending his wonder-ness washing over the world like a technicolour blanket.


It was a ridiculous experience - like some no-man's land between screaming with euphoria and bawling my eyes out. And its funny that I mostly manage to keep up this facade of being a got-it-together twentysomething with my own 9-5, a mortgage, and a couple dogs. But once I stepped into that venue and he stepped on stage, all bets were off. Was it healthy - likely, not so much. But, I couldn't possibly give a flying fsck - it was pure, incomprehensible euphoria.


When I was turning seven, I was having a birthday party at Chuck E Cheeses (a giant indoor playground that serves pizza and cake, for those who may not know). I distinctly remember being so excited the night before, I was turning somersaults from one end of my bed to the other, thinking of how extraordinary it was going to be.


That is how I felt tonight, standing (bouncing, maybe) there watching him perform. That same, ridiculously happy feeling. Mika made me seven years old again, and I love every second of it.



And that, my dears, is why I was bawling into a glass of Pepsi in a Denny's at 1am after my first gig. :teehee:

Edited by lollipop_monkey
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Mika made me seven years old again, and I love every second of it.


Your whole description of the gig experience made me smile (nay, chuckle :fangurl::naughty:) but the single quoted sentence above sums up, very succinctly and accurately, my own feelings.


I could gush right now but why bother when one sentence says it all?



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Seeing Mika live is like becoming addicted to heroin or cocaine. You'll always want more and you'll do whatever you have to to get it. (Not that I would know, but I'm guessing that's sort of what it would be like) :lol3:


And you know, I think you're right. Seriously. I don't know enough medically, but I'm sure these gigs trigger some sort of feel-good property in the brain, and I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if there was an addictive component to it. Like, on a physiological level. You really do find yourself aching for the next hit. :aah:



I absolutely agree, you get this rush of adrenaline, happyness, well, mostly I go through every kind of emotion during the entire day and night:aah:

But for me mostly, I just feel alive, like REALLY alive. I usually never am so hyper or excited but with a Mika gig... I'm telling ya, my friends wouldn't recognize me if they saw me! Not even my family. It's a way for me to break out of my boring daily life. So I'd go to a lot more gigs if I could!:naughty:

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First two times it was like a dream - that I never wanted to end.

I couldn't believe he was directly in front of me. In the flesh. That he was real. Where I could actually reach out and touch him. I didn't want to blink and miss out on anything, nevermind even take a picture.


Next few times was like a party - that I never wanted to end.


When you can see the setlist on the floor and you see how fast the night is coming to an end, it's so bittersweet.


Oh Mika...what have you done?


Edited by Suzy
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Seeing Mika live is like medieval torture!


is like sentencing your own self to great sorrow!


is like pushing yourself off the edge of a cliff! :blink:


and is like riding a roller-coaster. :lol3:


erm...the thing is that I didn't believe the idea of "post-gig-depression"


It's cruel!!! :aah:

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Oh this is fun. I didn't realize this would be your first gig. Love it!


My gig experiences have sort of evolved. I was not really a fan before my first gig so it was kind of like going on a blind date and finding out the guy is really cute and funny and charming. :teehee:


There was such an interiminably long period between that and the next time I saw Mika that I would have to definitely compare it to the vegan eating a pork roast.


My next gig was a crazy endorphin high that could probably be compared to sex though not necessarily the first time. :aah: I couldn't feel the pressure of the crowd bearing down on me that was so bad it was making the barriers shift beneath me. I couldn't feel the heat that soaked right through my skin. I couldn't see anything or anyone but Mika. I have looked at photos of someone with a guitar on stage right in front of where I was standing at the gig and I swear it's not the same gig because I've never registered seeing this guy in my life. I don't know what the band was doing, I don't know what the people beside me were doing. There was nothing in the universe but Mika for an entire hour.



I was thinking of trying to describe the energy I feel coming from Mika, but it feel kind of pale after this….:naughty:


A couple of times I’ve been in the company of Mika virgins and it never fails to see the transformation they are going trough, and one thing they have agreed about is that the experience was way over their expectations!:mf_lustslow:


But that didn’t really help you, did it?:roftl:

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As a writer, you'd think I'd be able to come up with something about this

pretty quick, wouldn't you? But I'm having trouble... :blink:


I think it's because seeing Mika live is so surreal and yet hyper-real at the

same time, it's really hard to describe. Like you can't believe it's happening

yet at the same time it's exactly as you imagined it would be and you

feel that of *course* it's happening, it's always been this way and why

would you have expected it, or him, to be any different? :wub2:


I'll have to get back to you on this. :wink2:

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I absolutely agree, you get this rush of adrenaline, happyness, well, mostly I go through every kind of emotion during the entire day and night:aah:

But for me mostly, I just feel alive, like REALLY alive. I usually never am so hyper or excited but with a Mika gig... I'm telling ya, my friends wouldn't recognize me if they saw me! Not even my family. It's a way for me to break out of my boring daily life. So I'd go to a lot more gigs if I could!:naughty:


I totally recognize that ... it's feeling alive ... being completely who you are, but ten times more intense!!! It's pure! I also think that only the people who really know me, wouldn't be surprised to see me at a Mika-gig.

I think that why my friendships I've made on the MFC are so real ... they see me at my most honest self (I hope I make still sense :teehee:)


I think it's:

- like seeing the daily things for the first time again

- like your first snow

- like coming home

- like the quote of Mika in my siggie: "creating, in our daily lives, a magic world for ourself", only Mika is creating it for us

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As a writer, you'd think I'd be able to come up with something about this

pretty quick, wouldn't you? But I'm having trouble... :blink:


I think it's because seeing Mika live is so surreal and yet hyper-real at the

same time, it's really hard to describe. Like you can't believe it's happening

yet at the same time it's exactly as you imagined it would be and you

feel that of *course* it's happening, it's always been this way and why

would you have expected it, or him, to be any different? :wub2:


I'll have to get back to you on this. :wink2:


:shocked: That is exactly what it's like!!

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As a writer, you'd think I'd be able to come up with something about this

pretty quick, wouldn't you? But I'm having trouble... :blink:


I think it's because seeing Mika live is so surreal and yet hyper-real at the

same time, it's really hard to describe. Like you can't believe it's happening

yet at the same time it's exactly as you imagined it would be and you

feel that of *course* it's happening, it's always been this way and why

would you have expected it, or him, to be any different? :wub2:


I'll have to get back to you on this. :wink2:


That pretty much sums it up. :thumb_yello:

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Seeing Mika live is like becoming addicted to heroin or cocaine. You'll always want more and you'll do whatever you have to to get it. (Not that I would know, but I'm guessing that's sort of what it would be like) :lol3:


I think this sums it up perfectly for me. Thank you Fmbm, you have saved me from having to think for myself:naughty:


No seriously, I just found that Fmbm had expressed exactly what I was thinking. It really does not matter how many times I see Mika....I still want to do it again and again and again.


I hope you really enjoy your first gig....I am sure you will. I always find it very exciting when any MFCers are going to their first Mika gig.....it is SO special. Be sure to come back and describe to us exactly how it DID feel:thumb_yello:


I think that like Christine, my feelings have evolved over the last two and a half years. At first it was extremely euphoric................and now it is more 'comfortable'....like a pair of favourite slippers! I know that probably sounds awful and I don't mean it to at all. But I guess, because I am in the fortunate position to have seen him a lot it is very familiar now.....even though the performances have evolved and changed.

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I totally recognize that ... it's feeling alive ... being completely who you are, but ten times more intense!!! It's pure! I also think that only the people who really know me, wouldn't be surprised to see me at a Mika-gig.

I think that why my friendships I've made on the MFC are so real ... they see me at my most honest self (I hope I make still sense :teehee:)


I think it's:

- like seeing the daily things for the first time again

- like your first snow

- like coming home

- like the quote of Mika in my siggie: "creating, in our daily lives, a magic world for ourself", only Mika is creating it for us


So true! I feel totally free and comfortable with myself at mika gigs. I don't feel the need to pretend at all. Some people go crazy at party's or in clubs or something. They can just let it all out, I experience that feeling at these gigs :wub2:


I love the comparison with the snow :teehee: I love snow and can get hyper as well if it finally happens to be snowing in here :teehee:

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It's like believing to know what your are letting yourself in for just to find out that what you get doesn't even touch the sphere of your imagination.

I highly recommend to live on youtube and mfc for six months, absorb everything MIKA you can get hold of, feed your delight, get really addicted and feel ready before you go and attend your first gig :roftl:

Still it will feel unreal. Even just thinking about my first M gig gives me a funny feeling in my stomach, because it was so out of this world unreal to see him up there in the flesh, thinking 'Oh.' and then 'He's alive.' It's what you would expect, of course. Just not this much in 3D. And I have to second what others said before. No pic, no video, no footage whatsoever can do him justice because he's much more beautiful and charismatic and accessible then I would have imagined. And his voice is nothing like on the recorded versions. That's for sure. And I shouldn't have thought about this all right now because now I think I need a gig really badly. :blink:

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Other tips:


  • The post-gig depression is real, and it sucks
  • MFC is a HUGE therapy when dealing with post-gig depression
  • The moments before the opening act comes on are like torture
  • The moments between the opening act and Mika are even MORE torture. I sort of lose my mind then :naughty:
  • If you can, bring water; you'll need it
  • If it's a GA gig, bring as little stuff with you as possible
  • Security may search you, and if you're wearing a hoodie or carrying a big bag, others can sometimes run past while you're being searched
  • Oh and the best advice - don't, I repeat, don't wear a strapless bra. Trust me, it's just Bad Idea. :roftl:

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