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RTL2 vous offre Mika en Concert à New York


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This is a message for the french fans.

Listen to the french radio RTL2, and then you could win your trip to New York and have fun at the concert of MIKA !!!


Salut à tous !!!

En ce moment, RTL2 vous offre Mika en Concert à New York »


Dès votre réveil, écoutez Le Grand Morning RTL2, de 6h à 9h, puis RTL2 toute la journée, chez vous, en voiture, au travail.


Quand vous entendez 2 titres de Mika à la suite, soyez le 1er à appeler RTL2 au 3228 et gagnez la Totale!

Vos invitations VIP pour le concert de Mika le 16 octobre à New York!

+ L’avion aller retour + L’hôtel+ Votre Ipod RTL2+ 1000 dollars pour faire du Shopping à New York!!!


«RTL2 ce n’est pas de la Radio, c’est de la Musique!»


Bonne Chance à tous !!!

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I don't see the point to have post this here, because I am listening RTL2 sometimes, and I listening to it every day since the beginning of the game, the first two people that have won seems more interest by the travel in New-York and by the 1000 dollars to win to go shopping there, than to see a gig of Mika... Your selection are very strange, you say that you let win the people who are listening RTL2, and a lot of people that loves Mika listenning your radio too, but none of your two winners had mention their interest in his art of let show their joy to meet him and see him play in New-York that are one of the most beautiful city that promote art... I am very disappointed by this... sorry I am still listening your radio until the end, but I will propably let it after all, I am not only talking for me, but for all the Mika fans in France who are also members in this place... You will probably never read this message, nevermind I wanted to express myself on this subject...


Mika had record an interview yesterday night on your radio, you could have let two songs of him, because you knew that a lot of fans of him was listening during this time, to let win one fan, that really strange of you...


the link of your advertising concerning this game:



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