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Mika - The Boy Who Knew Too Much


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Mika - The Boy Who Knew Too Much

(Island) UK release date: 21 September 2009


At a time when Mika's multi-platinum peers (David Gray, Coldplay, James Morrison) are frequently castigated for their beige-hued blandness, one might expect Mika's idiosyncrasies (looks funny, sings funny) to be greeted with at least a modicum of grudging respect from the indie press.


But apparently not. It's fair to say that, much like Katie Price, Mika has his knockers. A cursory search of Mika-related pages on Facebook reveals a groundswell of animosity towards him. These anti-Mika pages encompass the straightforwardly negative (Mika Is Just ****, Mika Can **** Off, We Hate Mika), those that threaten physical violence against the singer (Let's All Kill Mika, Somebody Should Shoot Mika, Mutilate Mika (?!)) and one vaguely militaristic-sounding group: The Anti-Mika Movement. There's even a page entitled - seemingly without irony - Mika Encourages Obesity, presumably in response to his 'don't worry chubsters, Mika still loves ya' single Big Girl (You Are Beautiful).


Mika's fans might be less vociferous than his supporters, but they come in droves. His debut, Life In Cartoon Motion, sold six million copies. He's won a Brit and been nominated for a Grammy and a Novello. He even has a credible musician fan, namely Michael Stipe, who has described Mika as "a great songwriter".


Opening track and lead-off single We Are Golden is unlikely to change the detractors' opinions. Ostensibly an anthem for outsiders ("Who gives a damn about the family you come from / No giving up when you're young and you want some" etc), it deploys every trick in the Mika box: backing vocals courtesy of a bunch of kids seemingly on a sugar rush, spoken word bits issued in a weird Mockney accent, a Queen-style, multi-tracked vocal breakdown during the middle eight and, of course, the singer's eye-watering falsetto. It's really quite irritating but it is also, crucially, catchy as hell.


Like its predecessor, The Boy Who Knew Too Much is an eclectic work, lurching between exuberant pop, vaudevillian knees-ups, disco and sombre ballads. Mika would probably describe the album as 'kaleidoscopic', but it can come across as scattershot and unfocused.


With his elastic vocal range, Mika always seemed more suited to straight-up dance music, something which was borne out by the likes of Relax (Take It Easy) on his debut. The only track here that could be described as disco is Rain, a downbeat number whose chorus consists of a melodramatic crescendo of high-pitched whoops. Elsewhere, Mika indulges his penchant for oompah on Dr John and Toy Boy, while Blue Eyes is less a song than an amalgam of every afro-influenced pop song ever written, the most obvious influence being Paul Simon's You Can Call Me Al.


The album does, however, feature three unqualified successes. Not coincidentally, they arrive when Mika abandons the ingratiating eagerness to please he confessed to on calling card single Grace Kelly.


I See You is an affecting, string-enhanced piano ballad - it's by no means innovative, but its sturdy melody is the type that any middlebrow singer-songwriter would kill for. One Foot Boy is the most successful of the uptempo tracks and is strong enough even to survive its potentially de-railing opening line: "What's the matter with going places? / Take that gross look off your faces". The glitch-pop intro recalls The Postal Service - probably not what its makers intended, but pleasing nonetheless.


Best of all is By The Time, a slow-tempo number on which Mika downs his usual musical tools in favour of some lovely, circling harmonies and understated electronics. If it appeared on a more credible artist's album it would be praised to the heavens. As it turns out, it's track nine on the new Mika album and it probably won't be released as a single.


Ultimately, as the follow-up to a mega-selling debut album, The Boy Who Knew Too Much's consistent hookiness means it can only be considered a success. Also, as a bonus, it doesn't contain anything as offensive as Big Girl (You Are Beautiful). In addition, there are hints that Mika could make a genuinely interesting record if continuing success ushers him into the comfort zone that would allow him to do so.


Despite all this, Mika haters can rest easy: you will loathe this album.



- Christopher Monk

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...Wonder why he thinks Paul Simon's You Can Call Me All is original...:blink: .. He was also simply recycling music from South Africa, he did not invent the beat this guy is referring to.




anyway, I think he is playing it safe like most reviewers. He would never admit liking it even though I think he does.

Edited by suzie
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...Wonder why he thinks Paul Simon's You Can Call Me All is original...:blink: .. He was also simply recycling music from South Africa, he did not invent the beat this guy is referring to.


He didn't say it was original. He is saying that Blue Eyes sounds like a mash up of pop songs that were South African-influenced like the Paul Simon song.

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It's interisting to notice that the reviews often pick up different songs. He is the first one to find One foot boy really good (one of my favorites!). It's a shame thought that he didn't credit By the time to Imogen Heap also.

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It's interisting to notice that the reviews often pick up different songs. He is the first one to find One foot boy really good (one of my favorites!). It's a shame thought that he didn't credit By the time to Imogen Heap also.


Many of us would have picked exactly these 3 songs as their favourites, and I think he actually likes the album . That's why I don't understand why this guy was focusing on how this album will be received by Mika haters. Who cares about them?

Maybe his editor does.


PS: yes, Imogen should have been mentioned.

Edited by suzie
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I think he is playing it safe like most reviewers. He would never admit liking it even though I think he does.


Many of us would have picked exactly these 3 songs as their favourites, and I think he actually likes the album . That's why I don't understand why this guy was focusing on how this album will be received by Mika haters. Who cares about them?

Maybe his editor does.


PS: yes, Imogen should have been mentioned.


Strange review. Strangely negative, but not bad as such, as if, as you say, the reviewer quite enjoyed the album but can't really bring himself to admit it.


I agree with you, why focus on what the haters think? Why not focus on what the six million plus people who will buy it might think? :blink:

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It's interesting to notice that the reviews often pick up different songs. He is the first one to find One foot boy really good (one of my favorites!). It's a shame thought that he didn't credit By the time to Imogen Heap also.


I think it's a good thing they don't all focus on the same songs and btw, welcome to MFC :bye:

That's why I don't understand why this guy was focusing on how this album will be received by Mika haters. Who cares about them?

Maybe his editor does.


Well it's like he puts a big "caution sticker" on the album: If you hated LICM you'll hate TBWNTM :naughty:

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thanks for posting :thumb_yello: I don't understand why people use their free time for making these groups on FB etc for artists they don't like. :sneaky2: I'd prefer to use my free time to artists I actually like. (Mika for example :naughty:)

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