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MIKA on GOOD MORNING AMERICA - Friday, Sept. 25 2009


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I was hoping for that too.

I am very disappointed in Good Morning America!

They could at the very least advertise the fact that Mika is there.

They are saying Nothing!

Not fair!


OdinaryGirl - do you take music lessons in MikaWorld??:teehee:


Nope..in Realworld. I know there were some piano lessons in Mikaworld but Mika got thrown outta the job cuz He didint know the notes:roftl:

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I dont think he know were so woried and confsed:biggrin2:


Yeah but as they said on mikasounds that ppl would be able to see him:


"New York fans - if you’d like to be there live and in person, the address is 1500 Broadway and the crowd will be gathered between 44th and 43rd Street.You gotta be there bright and early though! Fans are advised to arrive at 6am to guarantee entrance."


So the ones that are there maybe are -> :dunno:

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