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MIKA on GOOD MORNING AMERICA - Friday, Sept. 25 2009


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Thanks Babspanky!

From my viewing it Mika came across so well.

He even held his own with Dame Edna which I thought was golden!

I am really sorry to hear that some of his "old" demons are still haunting him.

He doesn't deserve that.

Oh he was fine, but quite quiet and unassuming. I wouldn't worry. :naughty:

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It was an important speech by Obama. (I thought he was going to declare war to Iran!:shocked:)


Yep, I was a bit scared with his tone...:shocked:




Thanks for that. That got rid of half my overtired anger. :naughty:


Sorry to be doing lame jokes when you guys are so angry, but i do jokes all the time, the angrier i am the lamest they come out...:naughty:

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ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME??!!!!!!!!! :furious:


I didn't stay up over half the night then get up just to watch the president!


I'm sorry but that man really annoys me. I had him shoved in my face when he campained for OVER a year before elections when no one else campaigned for that long and now I see him on tv daily.


Well, that just ruined potential new Mika fans that won't get to see him.


I'm so angry right now. :sneaky2:


If you want to blame someone blame president


he is the liar & scumbag that did this.


I am upset with GMA for not talking about Mika ALL morning to compensate for the change of schedule.

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It was an important speech by Obama. (I thought he was going to declare war to Iran!:shocked:)


Thank goodness he didn't! There's enough war going on already. They were trying to get troops out of Afghanistan but he wants to put more in there. :boxed:


If only we could all live in peace that'd be great.

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