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MIKA on GOOD MORNING AMERICA - Friday, Sept. 25 2009


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I am watching Goo Morning America & I think at 8 a.m. ( 23 minutes from now ) they will start announcing Mika & what they plan to do.

I am pretty sure they will tape it so it won't affect Mika & the fans there.

But I don't think we will see it until later this afternoon - unless - the President speaks for only ten minutes - but I doubt it - as they will want to comment on it.

This sucks!


go figure- obahma might just surprise us and decide to cut down on the chit chat... :naughty:


I just hope he goes live... he deserves to... :wub2:

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Noooooo, Mika is much more important then a litte message from Obama... :mf_rosetinted:


You are right you know.

Most of us knew that President Ahmadinejad of Iran is a Liar & the Scum of the earth.

We knew there were secret nuclear facilities.

But it is all in the "confirmation" & the politics, I suppose.!

Plus I think the West will enjoy the "gotcha!! Haha!


I still want Mika!!

The worst that will happen will they will broadcast it Monday which might garner Mika some press over the weekend - what do you guys think?

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Oh Damn - Darn whatever!

CNN just announced that President Obama is going to be speaking on all the networks at 8:30 a.m.


I'm confused, I just read this on twitter:


I'm at Good Morning America...Tune in @ 8:30AM!!

8 minutes ago from Facebook



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