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Free Fan Show Monday 21.09.2009


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I'm just a bit gutted that I have to work- I could get to the gig on time but I have to work during the day. I was also disappointed with the Paul O' Grady thing but I have to live with that and hope that my friends enjoy it, can recall stories and take loads of pics.

I have tried to get this day off since I found out when the album was coming out (as I suspected something "might" happen) but alas I have to teach a Bridal course for 10 trainee hairdressers (whom have paid £75 each for the pleasure). I can't let my kids down. As much as I love Mika sometimes we do have to take a reality check. It's real life after all. After nearly getting the sack last week for The Sun's mistake I have to make some Mika sacrifices.

I wish a lot of things-like he was giving the tickets away on Sunday instead but unless you are a Disney Princess, wishes don't come true.

I hoping that enough of MFCer's get tickets so you guys can sing back at Mika's new songs- I have a feeling not many others will be able too:wink2:

I wishing for The Ticket Fairy- fingers crossed.

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However, there is also a message that the fans he rewards are the wild and free ones rather than those with comitments they plan to keep- which I do find disappointing


On the contrary - like I said in my other post, it's taken me two years to be this lucky or even to be "allowed" to go to London on my own. I am not wild and free. (I wish I was :naughty:)

I've taken time off work to see Mika and I have a minimum wage job. I'm suffering money wise just like anyone else (okay so it's not THAT bad :roftl:) and I know that what I do with my money is up to me and I'm not complaining about spending it on Mika. I know I don't have to pay a mortgage or anything like the rest of you (or most of you) but I still have things to pay for, but quite frankly I'd rather spend it on Mika than anything else.

While I've got the chance I'm going to enjoy myself. I don't know when I'll be able to do this again.

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On the contrary - like I said in my other post, it's taken me two years to be this lucky or even to be "allowed" to go to London on my own. I am not wild and free. (I wish I was :naughty:)

I've taken time off work to see Mika and I have a minimum wage job. I'm suffering money wise just like anyone else (okay so it's not THAT bad :roftl:) and I know that what I do with my money is up to me and I'm not complaining about spending it on Mika. I know I don't have to pay a mortgage or anything like the rest of you (or most of you) but I still have things to pay for, but quite frankly I'd rather spend it on Mika than anything else.

While I've got the chance I'm going to enjoy myself. I don't know when I'll be able to do this again.


Well said Caz. You are young. I am older (:naughty:) but I totally agree with you. Seize the day and all that.

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I haven't gone through this whole thread, but just from looking at it briefly it looks like you guys have already touched on what I was going to post...


I think it's incredibly generous of him to be doing this, on top of the pub thing he's already done. He's really busy right now promoting the new record, so if it's most convenient for him to make this kind of gesture in London then so be it. I can't go but I'm happy for those who can, and thankful to him for being so gracious.


I was really sad to see so many of the posts under his MySpace blog saying "Mika please you have to give us a free gig here in Timbucktooooooooo (or wherever), why are you ignoring us, you always forget about us, you HAVE TO do something for ussssss!!!"


It seems so ungrateful, selfish and greedy to me, and really insulting to him. He's excited, trying to celebrate and do something nice... he's currently in London so that's where he's going to do it. He doesn't owe Londoners or anyone else, he's just trying to have some fun and give back in whatever way he's able to at the moment.


To demand and beg and whine for him to do the same thing all over the effing world is ridiculous. I'm hoping that most of those people are not MFC'ers.


To be honest, if I were him, and I got that kind of response everytime I tried to do something nice, I'd stop doing it. I'd also start resenting my selfish, greedy, un-pleaseable fans.


So, thank you to all of you who said things to him like "that's nice of you Mika" on Twitter, Mikasounds and elsewhere... that's what he deserves.


I agree, it always seems the case for Mika that no matter what he does it's never enough to please everyone and I have msged him before to say "you can't please everyone all of the time so you may as well please yourself"


As far as I can see it, he does his best, he tries hard to think about his fans and do things for them, but he has sooo many fans he can't give everyone a piece of himself, I feel sorry for him sometimes when no matter what he does somebody somewhere is moaning or begging or spamming him, sometimes I just want to yell "LEAVE HIM ALONE!"


He is just a human being as Christine says, not a thing to cut up into a million pieces for sharing cos then there would be arguments over who got the biggest bit and who got the bestest most important bit of him.:sneaky2:

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Coming in late on this debate, but hey, it's Saturday, I slept in a bit :naughty:


I think the fact that Mika IS generous with his time and actions leads us to expect far more than we should.


I think this is it in a nutshell. There's an old saying: The more you do the more you may.


In other words, the more you do, the more people expect you to do. I really

think Mika suffers from this. It seems that no matter how much he does,

some people want more. I think that's a shame.


Mika can't be everywhere- but he can announce things earlier so the people who are genuinely motivated have a chance of getting to them.


I guess I see it differently -- I see the "short notice" thing as a way of

keeping the crowds down. There are only 700 tickets for this show.

Clearly, not everyone can make it on short notice.

What better way to limit how many takers there will be? Make it challenging

to get a ticket.


Exactly - being disappointed is natural. I'm disappointed too. But to me it's about having manners and recognizing that he doesn't have to do this for anyone (regardless of what his motivations are for doing it)...


Of course those of us who can't go are disappointed, but I just think people are forgetting that he's a human being too and if you count yourself as a fan it would be nice to treat him with a little respect and common courtesy.


Exactly. To be honest, I'm disappointed EVERY time Mika plays somewhere

that I can't be. :teehee: If I could -- if I was independently wealthy,

single and a lot younger -- I would follow him around the world. (Yes,

deep down I have stalking tendencies :wink2: ) I think he's fabulous and

I want to see him perform as much as often as possible.


But that's not practical, not affordable, and just not my reality.


So I follow him vicariously, through the MFC. I'm happy to see him trying to

fulfill his promises of giving back to the fans, however he manages to

do it. I KNOW I can't be at every single gig, or TV show, or radio

appearance, or whatever, so I take consolation in the fact that someone

from MFC CAN be there -- I accept that this is how it is.


Why begrudge anyone who can take advantage of the opportunities that

I can't? I can say "I wish I could make it", but to moan at him or

at other MFCers, or say I've gone

off Mika because this? I just don't feel that way at all, and can't really

understand that mindset.



Don't get me wrong, of course I am sad for you guys, I totally understand where you are coming from, but Mika can't be in two (or more) places at once and he will get round to you eventually.


Yes, or we will find a time and a place where we can get round to him --

a time and a place that DOES suit our schedule, where we can plan to see him or are able to finally drop everything and go on a whim! :thumb_yello:


I wish a lot of things-like he was giving the tickets away on Sunday instead but unless you are a Disney Princess, wishes don't come true.

I hoping that enough of MFCer's get tickets so you guys can sing back at Mika's new songs- I have a feeling not many others will be able too:wink2:

I wishing for The Ticket Fairy- fingers crossed.


I dunno, this Disney Princess isn't getting all her wishes to come true, Jems.



It's been weeks since I've heard from the Ticket Fairy -- so don't hold

your breath. Sorry. :(

Edited by dcdeb
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I think it's the double awkwardness of the short notice for the gig THEN the surprise of finding that if you don't get there early you don't get the tickets that's annoyed some people. (There are obviously various groups complaining). Plus the perception that this is the UK launch event, yet most of us are deliberately excluded, even those who would have rearranged their lives for it given the chance.


Babs and Caz, if you can take a day off at short notice, you're freer than most. I don't expect you to feel guilty for going, but equally I don't see why people are saying everybody should be grateful for it


And I still think this is aimed at making new fans rather than keeping old ones.

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I guess I see it differently -- I see the "short notice" thing as a way of

keeping the crowds down. There are only 700 tickets for this show.

Clearly, not everyone can make it on short notice.

What better way to limit how many takers there will be? Make it challenging

to get a ticket.



Decent notice and random lottery would be better- so it's not the same people over and over. And there were only 80 or so of us at SW- which wasn't even full- so if it's really a gig "for fans" maybe the need to keep numbers down isn't that pressing anyway.

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I think it's the double awkwardness of the short notice for the gig THEN the surprise of finding that if you don't get there early you don't get the tickets that's annoyed some people. (There are obviously various groups complaining). Plus the perception that this is the UK launch event, yet most of us are deliberately excluded, even those who would have rearranged their lives for it given the chance.


Babs and Caz, if you can take a day off at short notice, you're freer than most. I don't expect you to feel guilty for going, but equally I don't see why people are saying everybody should be grateful for it


And I still think this is aimed at making new fans rather than keeping old ones.


Actually I don't know if I can. I am going to try.

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1. This thread is depressing.


2. People who get heaps of shows etc nearby are lucky. It's not luck but they're lucky nonetheless. (For the record. I waited more than two years before I managed to get to one. I had to take time off work and get my bum on a plane. And yes, I had the time and means to travel. In that respect, I'm lucky too.)


3. He lives in London and it's only natural most things will happen around there. Every time something happens I ask myself why I don't live there. But I'm still grateful he does these things as I feel he does them for me, as a fan.

(One can go on about PR etc but that applies to everything and anything he does and going down that lane is just one endless, depressing discussion. I personally believe his intentions are genuine and if he can kill two birds in one stone and get some goodwill, more media attention and fans out if it too - Great!) Regardless if I can make it or not. It's like someone inviting you to a party that you can't go to. You were still invited. :thumb_yello:


4. Nothing in life is ever fair. For better or for worse. Doesn't mean the people who get more are happier though. It's the ones who are the least petty that are.


5. I'm even annoying myself with this list. :aah: (Sorry about being late but my big mouth didn't allow me to sit back and not say anything. :naughty:)


6. Can we go back to enjoying this now? :dunno:

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I'm not wild or free, just nuts:insane:


Please may I be Wild Free AND Nuts?:insane:


Sosi, please don't this the wrong way..............I absolutly LOVE it and am going to add it to my sigi right now:naughty:

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Plus the perception that this is the UK launch event, yet most of us are deliberately excluded, even those who would have rearranged their lives for it given the chance.


I don't understand. Those who would have rearranged their lives if given the chance have been given that chance and they are currently rearranging their lives so they can make it. We knew about this yesterday, non? That is 4 days notice. As much notice as I had to get myself across an entire continent for the same purpose.


I'm not saying it's easy or that everyone can swing it. Some circumstances are just impossible. But I don't understand what you mean about if given the chance to rearrange their lives...these days between the announcement and the gig are the chance. He's not announcing it an hour before the gig starts and thereby making it physically impossible for those outside of London to attend.


Babs and Caz, if you can take a day off at short notice, you're freer than most. I don't expect you to feel guilty for going, but equally I don't see why people are saying everybody should be grateful for it.


I don't expect anyone to show Mika gratitude for this event if they are not included. I am not rushing to Twitter to thank him. But I'm not going to turn on him and forget about everything he has done for me in the past because I can't make it. Even if I lived in Timbuktu and had never had any contact with Mika in my life I would still not turn on him because I couldn't make it because he doesn't owe it to me to put on a free show in a manner that is convenient for me to attend.


This isn't about this particular situation. It's about people moaning at Mika or begging or whining every single time he does something for anyone that doesn't include them. It makes them sound like spoiled brats because he gives and gives and gives and this is what he gets in return.



And I still think this is aimed at making new fans rather than keeping old ones.


Mika has tens (probably hundreds) of thousands of existing fans in and around London. People who've never bought his album or gone to his gigs before are not going to be motivated to run around London on a Monday getting ice cream and tickets.


We are not his only fans and all this talk about him doing things for the same people over and over or for a small group is inaccurate. He has millions of fans the world over and just because a small group of MFCers make it their business to be at a lot of these events doesn't mean that Mika is only catering to them.

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Kath, Kath- you are not wild and free, you are a Scottish Bank holiday (and not Hogmanay either!)


AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW bugger.................I really wanted to be wild and free....................you have let the cat out of the bag now:sneaky2:

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1. This thread is depressing.


2. People who get heaps of shows etc nearby are lucky. It's not luck but they're lucky nonetheless. (For the record. I waited more than two years before I managed to get to one. I had to take time off work and get my bum on a plane. And yes, I had the time and means to travel. In that respect, I'm lucky too.)


3. He lives in London and it's only natural most things will happen around there. Every time something happens I ask myself why I don't live there. But I'm still grateful he does these things as I feel he does them for me, as a fan.

(One can go on about PR etc but that applies to everything and anything he does and going down that lane is just one endless, depressing discussion. I personally believe his intentions are genuine and if he can kill two birds in one stone and get some goodwill, more media attention and fans out if it too - Great!) Regardless if I can make it or not. It's like someone inviting you to a party that you can't go to. You were still invited. :thumb_yello:


4. Nothing in life is ever fair. For better or for worse. Doesn't mean the people who get more are happier though. It's the ones who are the least petty that are.


5. I'm even annoying myself with this list. :aah: (Sorry about being late but my big mouth didn't allow me to sit back and not say anything. :naughty:)


6. Can we go back to enjoying this now? :dunno:


That's how I see it, he HAS to promote his music and himself or no one will hear about him or his music, and he needs MORE fans to sell more records and that will make him more successful in his chosen field and everyone wants to be successful.

Yes it's frustrating that we cant all go to everything he does, and it can smart to see the same ones being able to go, but that's life, who ever said life was fair anyway, it's not, no point in beating ourselves up about it really.

There are more important things in life to worry about tbh.

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:kachinga: :kachinga: :kachinga: :kachinga: :kachinga:


see you all there


SHOW OFF I can't go I have to go on my 25th wedding anniversary cruise instead, now I am well hacked off that my husband wont re arrange it, he is such a selfish, camp flamboyant etc etc b*stard (I am sure I missed something out of that ...Babs???)

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