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Free Fan Show Monday 21.09.2009


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I didn't have two working days. I had to fly out of Toronto on Monday in order to do it because the ice cream business was the day before the gig. We didn't know anything when we were forced to book our travel or let the opportunity pass.


There are more people who want to go to this event than there are tickets. Someone is going to lose out. If it's the people who can't make arrangements in time then that's just too bad.


Everyone can't go to every gig. We all have to live with it. No m'atter how impulsive we are, no matter how much money we have, no matter how understanding our bosses are. There's no point in blaming Mika for it.


Yes- that's the attitude that's keeping this thread going- suggesting people who are disappointed can't grasp the fact that they can't go to every gig. I didn't even enter this thread until people started saying such people should be grateful and not express disappointment- or complaint as you call it. It seems to me that its the people with extra flexible jobs near lots of gigs who should be grateful, instead of suggesting that the rest of us lack motivation and lecturing us. I don't think I've seen anyone posting "I'm going, thankyou MIka, I'm so lucky" Just, "I've sacrificed, I'm motivated, I'm making the effort"


Actually some people did post that originally- but Mika turned it round by introducing the 12:30 ticket thing earlier today and most found they couldn't go after all. That's a deliberate disappointment. There wasn't a "be in London all day monday" type announcement to prevent it


Mika and his team ceratinly do get to chose which people they disappoint. At the moment, they're chosing to disappoint people with regular jobs and family commitments. And I'm not talking about me here- I can't go down to London again anytime soon. Its the attitude of MFCers to other MFCers who could have gone if there had been more notice that's annoying me. I've seen more complaints against the disappointed than there were complaints!


And I am not contradicting myself by saying most fans won't be able to go but random Londoners will. It's been in the Sun, its free- there'll be plenty of people out and about in London round midday who wouldn't mind a gig in the evening- they just won't be fans.

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Well I'll be there at 10am, so I'm not expecting to see many people there at that time, if like you have said, they can't get out of work/school/college.


When is he meant to get there? 12:30? That should do you then.


I think we started casing the park at about 4:30 for a 6 pm turnout. :teehee: There were only a handful of people at first but by the time Mika got there they had to turn away at least 100 ppl, which was 200 tickets. They didn't even get to meet him. Once the wristbands were gone he left.

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When is he meant to get there? 12:30? That should do you then.


I think we started casing the park at about 4:30 for a 6 pm turnout. :teehee: There were only a handful of people at first but by the time Mika got there they had to turn away at least 100 ppl, which was 200 tickets. They didn't even get to meet him. Once the wristbands were gone he left.


did Mika even mention he will be there for the ice cream and wristband?

or are we just assuming?

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It seems to me that its the people with extra flexible jobs near lots of gigs who should be grateful, instead of suggesting that the rest of us lack motivation and lecturing us. I don't think I've seen anyone posting "I'm going, thankyou MIka, I'm so lucky" Just, "I've sacrificed, I'm motivated, I'm making the effort"


I don't live anywhere near any gigs. In the past 2 years Mika has performed in one city that was 500 miles from Toronto. All the others have been thousands of miles away from me.


So when Mika was playing a small gig in London just one week ago on a weekend evening you can't expect any sympathy from me. Not to mention the fact that he also played there in July and in June and I expect there are additional gigs coming up as well as a full tour in the new year. You've also had the option to go to festivals, TV appearances and European gigs that are far, far closer to you than anywhere is to me.


If I'm not moaning about all the money I have to spend or the fact that sometimes I just have to miss out completely I don't see why anyone who is living in the UK of all places feels the need. If you disagree that is your prerogative but I still think it is completely irrational and I'm sick of this culture of entitlement that now seems firmly entrenched in MFC.


Actually some people did post that originally- but Mika turned it round by introducing the 12:30 ticket thing earlier today and most found they couldn't go after all. That's a deliberate disappointment. There wasn't a "be in London all day monday" type announcement to prevent it


Seriously? Are people really that unresourceful that with this huge network of fans that you just throw your hands up and say you can't go because you can't find a way to get there on time? That would never even occur to me. I would find a way to get my hands on a ticket or at the very least attempt it. Sara got on a plane from London to LA for heavenssakes and she couldn't be at the ice cream truck on time.


Do you really blame us for thinking that people are unmotivated and ungrateful when they don't even try but instead threaten to stop buying his music and leave his fan club?

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Ha ha you had ice cream at Greenwich lol soon as we got off the boat, no one else did it was too cold lol.


So why you not going to get tix to the free giggy?


Train tickets booked to come back :biggrin2:


No biggy Ill see him soon enough , paul ogrady does me


I cant do them all you know ? , Id love to , but hey hum , so is life


I have a good time whatever I dooooo :biggrin2:

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You Brits are so spoiled :aah:


Hehe, sure they are!:wink2:


But reading this thread about how much trouble, lack of sleep and depending on nice bosses…I’m happy for those who can make it!:wub2:


I’m not complaining, keep in mind that if things goes like they are supposed to go I will be enjoying Mika on stage :wub2: even if it’s very short, together with 4 MFC friends in a room with maybe 50 people!

In less than two weeks!

In my own home town, I can even take my care to the place!:biggrin2:


Feeling wild and free!:roftl:

And young!:wink2:

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Hehe, sure they are!:wink2:


But reading this thread about how much trouble, lack of sleep and depending on nice bosses…I’m happy for those who can make it!:wub2:


I’m not complaining, keep in mind that if things goes like they are supposed to go I will be enjoying Mika on stage :wub2: even if it’s very short, together with 4 MFC friends in a room with maybe 50 people!

In less than two weeks!

In my own home town, I can even take my care to the place!:biggrin2:


Feeling wild and free!:roftl:

And young!:wink2:


I likes ittt


Wild and free and young and ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr , thats the spirit :biggrin2:

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Train tickets booked to come back :biggrin2:


No biggy Ill see him soon enough , paul ogrady does me


I cant do them all you know ? , Id love to , but hey hum , so is life


I have a good time whatever I dooooo :biggrin2:

you do Freddie that is what I like about you, your always so upbeat and positive, wish I could be like that all the time. (I can't go either, my silver wedding anniversary cruise I can't get out of lol) :wink2:

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