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Free Fan Show Monday 21.09.2009


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you do Freddie that is what I like about you, your always so upbeat and positive, wish I could be like that all the time. (I can't go either, my silver wedding anniversary cruise I can't get out of lol)[/size][/color] :wink2:


yes im coming on my own :sneaky2:


so tell vix if needs me let me know :thumb_yello:

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I don't live anywhere near any gigs. In the past 2 years Mika has performed in one city that was 500 miles from Toronto. All the others have been thousands of miles away from me.


So when Mika was playing a small gig in London just one week ago on a weekend evening you can't expect any sympathy from me. Not to mention the fact that he also played there in July and in June and I expect there are additional gigs coming up as well as a full tour in the new year. You've also had the option to go to festivals, TV appearances and European gigs that are far, far closer to you than anywhere is to me.


If I'm not moaning about all the money I have to spend or the fact that sometimes I just have to miss out completely I don't see why anyone who is living in the UK of all places feels the need. If you disagree that is your prerogative but I still think it is completely irrational and I'm sick of this culture of entitlement that now seems firmly entrenched in MFC.




Seriously? Are people really that unresourceful that with this huge network of fans that you just throw your hands up and say you can't go because you can't find a way to get there on time? That would never even occur to me. I would find a way to get my hands on a ticket or at the very least attempt it. Sara got on a plane from London to LA for heavenssakes and she couldn't be at the ice cream truck on time.


Do you really blame us for thinking that people are unmotivated when they don't even try but instead threaten to stop buying his music and leave his fan club?


I'm not complaining, I'm happy for those going but what i don't understand (and this isn't directed at you specifically) is the attitude that if a gig is in London it's accessable to all UK fans.


The talk of all the options that UK fans have simply isn't a reality for most people. A trip to London will cost me in the region of £150 a time, alot of people from across Europe could do it cheaper than I can! It's not a case of not hving the motivation or not giving up other things... I do!


I think that people should be allowed to express disappointment, alot of people (not all but a fair few) that benefit from this gig will be the same people as when to the pub event. And that is going to cause some jealousy or resentment in some fans. I'm not one of them, but it's easy to understand.


On the issue of getting tickets (or other people getting tickets for you) is that fair? There may be people that have turned up on time who miss out because MFCers who weren't there have been allocated tickets, fair? I don't think so!


I don't think that not going because there is a chance of not getting tickets is unmotivated I think it's sensible. Not everyone can afford to spend money, be it large or small amounts, on something that may not work out.


Okay i think I've rambled enough now..might not even make sense...


Everyone that's going have an amazing time, anyone (like me) that can't I feel your pain.

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you do Freddie that is what I like about you, your always so upbeat and positive, wish I could be like that all the time. (I can't go either, my silver wedding anniversary cruise I can't get out of lol)[/size][/color] :wink2:


Whats the point of being downbeat we all cant do everything , I dont drop into depression as I miss a gig , I didnt do I Tunes , many many :blink:


Life is too short :biggrin2:


Il be coming back when everyone is rocking , but there will be more gigs :biggrin2:

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Seriously? Are people really that unresourceful that with this huge network of fans that you just throw your hands up and say you can't go because you can't find a way to get there on time? That would never even occur to me. I would find a way to get my hands on a ticket or at the very least attempt it. Sara got on a plane from London to LA for heavenssakes and she couldn't be at the ice cream truck on time.


Do you really blame us for thinking that people are unmotivated and ungrateful when they don't even try but instead threaten to stop buying his music and leave his fan club?


Some of us have jobs where we just can't take time off at that short notice. We don't all live near airports or fast rail links. You may not realise how bad public transport has got here :naughty:


This gig was a complete non-starter for me, but I'm still reliving Scala so I don't mind. And I can console myself with the thought that the gig will be full of Sun readers.:mf_rosetinted:

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I don't live anywhere near any gigs. In the past 2 years Mika has performed in one city that was 500 miles from Toronto. All the others have been thousands of miles away from me.


So when Mika was playing a small gig in London just one week ago on a weekend evening you can't expect any sympathy from me. Not to mention the fact that he also played there in July and in June and I expect there are additional gigs coming up as well as a full tour in the new year. You've also had the option to go to festivals, TV appearances and European gigs that are far, far closer to you than anywhere is to me.


If I'm not moaning about all the money I have to spend or the fact that sometimes I just have to miss out completely I don't see why anyone who is living in the UK of all places feels the need. If you disagree that is your prerogative but I still think it is completely irrational and I'm sick of this culture of entitlement that now seems firmly entrenched in MFC.


Seriously? Are people really that unresourceful that with this huge network of fans that you just throw your hands up and say you can't go because you can't find a way to get there on time? That would never even occur to me. I would find a way to get my hands on a ticket or at the very least attempt it. Sara got on a plane from London to LA for heavenssakes and she couldn't be at the ice cream truck on time.


Do you really blame us for thinking that people are unmotivated and ungrateful when they don't even try but instead threaten to stop buying his music and leave his fan club?


Didn't you read my post Christine? I can't go anyway and I've not at any point asked for sympathy.


But it's the people that are going that should be grateful- go lecture them!

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Same position as I am currently in:naughty:


Ok, maybe my position in truth was a bit better, as I had a few people in the queue who were certain to get a "plus one" on their tickets/bracelets so I knew that if they got a ticket, I would have one for sure. I guess that the only question there was: would they get the ticket? I knew that I had one guaranteed if they did.


oh :doh: i just figured out why you guys always say decadent :lmao:


Oh guy this is hilarious, did you think that we had just spontaneously started saying it? :blink::roftl:


Its the middle of winter :roftl:


We should be having hot water bottles :blush-anim-cl:


:lmfao: So true, although today was really mild and lovely. I hope that Monday will be similar :wub2:.




Well he has Paul O'Grady later so who knows, maybe not. On the other hand...


Very true. I was wondering that myself...We shall see I guess!




It seems to me that its the people with extra flexible jobs near lots of gigs who should be grateful, instead of suggesting that the rest of us lack motivation and lecturing us. I don't think I've seen anyone posting "I'm going, thankyou MIka, I'm so lucky" Just, "I've sacrificed, I'm motivated, I'm making the effort"


Not wanting to reignite the debate and bang on about it for ever and ever, but I just wanted to make a point about the flexible job comment. I say this with no acritude and no intention to be patronising, moan, or anything of the sorts, but just as information.

I happen to have a flexible job in that respect (sometimes) because I am required to give the same flexibility back.

It's quite often that have to log into work in order to do things at evenings and weekends. For example last Saturday I had to be home online at 9 am after the Scala show to work, and it carried on until past 10 pm; There was a problem that persisted until Sunday afternoon, so I had to work on Sunday as well until it was fixed. At least one or two weekends a month I work, and often at very short notice. I will work tomorrow and I was only told today.

This is why I get flexibility back: because I have to have it myself. Now I am not saying this to say 'hey I am so good, look at what I do for them' or any nonsense like that; It's just a two way thing. But it's to explain that of course I don't just happen to have the coolest boss in the world (although he IS great and I love him) or the most flexible job where I can take off with no notice and jetset the world. It's a give and take, that's all. Nothing comes for free in this world, unfortunately :aah:.

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Sighh ..... I give up , album release time we should be happy and having a blast


How sad :boxed:


Sad indeed - I'm not going to buy the album until I feel better about Monday (ie when it's all over)


Didn't they do something for the MFC at the LA gig? I suppose they don't have to bother since it's London and he's already famous.

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Hehe, sure they are!:wink2:


But reading this thread about how much trouble, lack of sleep and depending on nice bosses…I’m happy for those who can make it!:wub2:


I’m not complaining, keep in mind that if things goes like they are supposed to go I will be enjoying Mika on stage :wub2: even if it’s very short, together with 4 MFC friends in a room with maybe 50 people!

In less than two weeks!

In my own home town, I can even take my care to the place!:biggrin2:


Feeling wild and free!:roftl:

And young!:wink2:


That is fantastic news Sienna, I am SO delighted for you!!!!!!!!!


Sighh ..... I give up , album release time we should be happy and having a blast


How sad :boxed:


I am just in desperation that mine hasn't arrived yet:shocked:


But I'm not complaining:naughty:

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I'm not complaining, I'm happy for those going but what i don't understand (and this isn't directed at you specifically) is the attitude that if a gig is in London it's accessable to all UK fans.


It's the same attitude that I heard coming from people who were moaning when Mika played NYC after LA when he had only done one UK show on the acoustic tour. No one takes into account that these two cities are 2700 miles apart so that is like us saying you are spoiled because you've got one gig in London and one gig in Moscow. :doh:


I am not aiming my rant at anyone in the UK or venting because of this particular gig. I am sick of ALL the moaning coming from everyone everywhere about everything all the time. If Mika is doing something you can be sure there are people in every other part of the world that are bitching about how hard done by they are and directing that frustration at Mika as if it his job to keep them happy.


This gig was a complete non-starter for me, but I'm still reliving Scala so I don't mind. And I can console myself with the thought that the gig will be full of Sun readers.:mf_rosetinted:


That's the spirit. :thumb_yello::naughty:

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Whats the point of being downbeat we all cant do everything , I dont drop into depression as I miss a gig , I didnt do I Tunes , many many :blink:


Life is too short :biggrin2:


Il be coming back when everyone is rocking , but there will be more gigs :biggrin2:


I didn't mean just about gigs freddie, your just like that all the time, a happy chappy, just a jollynicekindaguy really :biggrin2: fun to be around that kinda thing :thumb_yello:

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I'm not complaining, I'm happy for those going but what i don't understand (and this isn't directed at you specifically) is the attitude that if a gig is in London it's accessable to all UK fans.


The talk of all the options that UK fans have simply isn't a reality for most people. A trip to London will cost me in the region of £150 a time, alot of people from across Europe could do it cheaper than I can! It's not a case of not hving the motivation or not giving up other things... I do!


I think that people should be allowed to express disappointment, alot of people (not all but a fair few) that benefit from this gig will be the same people as when to the pub event. And that is going to cause some jealousy or resentment in some fans. I'm not one of them, but it's easy to understand.


On the issue of getting tickets (or other people getting tickets for you) is that fair? There may be people that have turned up on time who miss out because MFCers who weren't there have been allocated tickets, fair? I don't think so!


I don't think that not going because there is a chance of not getting tickets is unmotivated I think it's sensible. Not everyone can afford to spend money, be it large or small amounts, on something that may not work out.


Okay i think I've rambled enough now..might not even make sense...


Everyone that's going have an amazing time, anyone (like me) that can't I feel your pain.


every person is allowed a pair of tickets... so if every mfcer brings another mfcer who couldn't make it on time...... see where i'm going here?

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Ohh is the bee going?:biggrin2:


working on it Freddie but she is out on the piste tonight so I cant get hold of her to talk about it lol, I'll ring her tomorrow nice and early lmao she will appreciate that wont she.

She can't make POG cos of college, but she should will be able to go to the gig on the night just not sure if she can get out of college during day tto ggo for tickets to the freeby gig. :naughty:

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On the issue of getting tickets (or other people getting tickets for you) is that fair? There may be people that have turned up on time who miss out because MFCers who weren't there have been allocated tickets, fair? I don't think so!


I may be totally getting the wrong end of the stick here, in which case correct me please and tell me that I talk **** :naughty:, but I think that what people have talked about is that each person going to the van can legitimately claim 2 tickets, as they are giving them away in pairs, and this is what they are asking for.

I don't think that anyone is asking for extra tickets to be given for their friends (which I would also find unfair myself)

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I may be totally getting the wrong end of the stick here, in which case correct me please and tell me that I talk **** :naughty:, but I think that what people have talked about is that each person going to the van can legitimately claim 2 tickets, as they are giving them away in pairs, and this is what they are asking for.

I don't think that anyone is asking for extra tickets to be given for their friends (which I would also find unfair myself)


exactly!! :thumb_yello:

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Iv'e not ordered MY album yet for 2 reasons,


A. I couldn't decide which ones to go for (too much dam choice and I don't DO decisions lol and

B. I didn't realize it could POSSIBLY have been here before I go on my cruise and I didn't want it to arrive when I was away.


so anyone who can help me decide which album/s to go for let me hear your views and why lol. I was heading towards the de-lux one but now there is another one I think isn't there, so what's that one all about? Buying albums is soo complicated these days, eee when I was a lass you went to the shop and bought ONE, occasionally with some limited edition going on...much easier.

It took me about 2 weeks to decide to get the GOLDEN 7" and only cos I saw a pic of how pretty it is, (don't like the B side at all though).

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Iv'e not ordered MY album yet for 2 reasons,

A. I couldn't decide which ones to go for (too much dam choice and I don't DO decisions lol and

B. I didn't realize it could POSSIBLY have been here before I go on my cruise and I didn't want it to arrive when I was away.


so anyone who can help me decide which album/s to go for let me hear your views and why lol. I was heading towards the de-lux one but now there is another one I think isn't there, so what's that one all about? Buying albums is soo complicated these days, eee when I was a lass you went to the shop and bought ONE, occasionally with some limited edition going on...much easier.

It took me about 2 weeks to decide to get the GOLDEN 7" and only cos I saw a pic of how pretty it is, (don't like the B side at all though).


Is that the Japanese import you mean?

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I may be totally getting the wrong end of the stick here, in which case correct me please and tell me that I talk **** :naughty:, but I think that what people have talked about is that each person going to the van can legitimately claim 2 tickets, as they are giving them away in pairs, and this is what they are asking for.

I don't think that anyone is asking for extra tickets to be given for their friends (which I would also find unfair myself)


exactly!! :thumb_yello:


Thanks- I feared that maybe I wasn't keeping up properly and I had lost the plot :lmfao:


Oh and Sienna that is fantastic!!!!!!!!! :wub2: Sounds like a dream. You're going to have such an incredible time!


I'm not in anyway having a go about that, what I mean is anyone trying to claim more than that...which has been mentioned, perhaps it wasn't on here...some kind of allocation reserved for MFCers...


I think it's fab that people can et a pair of tickets because of course not everyone is going to be able to be there at that time of day :thumb_yello:

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