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Free Fan Show Monday 21.09.2009


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That is fantastic news Sienna, I am SO delighted for you!!!!!!!!!



Oh and Sienna that is fantastic!!!!!!!!! :wub2: Sounds like a dream. You're going to have such an incredible time!


I'm really looking forward to it!:wub2:

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Didn't you read my post Christine? I can't go anyway and I've not at any point asked for sympathy.


If you're asking me to indulge all of this moaning and hostility towards Mika when he's offering people a free gig then you're in effect asking me to offer sympathy to someone.


It's a free world and people can moan all they want but I've come to the end of my tether on this and I intend to start moaning back. We used to come here to celebrate and share the joy in our experiences and now it's just consoling people and walking on eggshells and having to apologize for getting to see Mika. I'm sick of it.

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If you're asking me to indulge all of this moaning and hostility towards Mika when he's offering people a free gig then you're in effect asking me to offer sympathy to someone.


It's a free world and people can moan all they want but I've come to the end of my tether on this and I intend to start moaning back.


And dragging the mood of the board down even further :aah: Nice One :sneaky2:

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:lmfao: So true, although today was really mild and lovely. I hope that Monday will be similar :wub2:.

Not wanting to reignite the debate and bang on about it for ever and ever, but I just wanted to make a point about the flexible job comment. I say this with no acritude and no intention to be patronising, moan, or anything of the sorts, but just as information.

I happen to have a flexible job in that respect (sometimes) because I am required to give the same flexibility back.

It's quite often that have to log into work in order to do things at evenings and weekends. For example last Saturday I had to be home online at 9 am after the Scala show to work, and it carried on until past 10 pm; There was a problem that persisted until Sunday afternoon, so I had to work on Sunday as well until it was fixed. At least one or two weekends a month I work, and often at very short notice. I will work tomorrow and I was only told today.

This is why I get flexibility back: because I have to have it myself. Now I am not saying this to say 'hey I am so good, look at what I do for them' or any nonsense like that; It's just a two way thing. But it's to explain that of course I don't just happen to have the coolest boss in the world (although he IS great and I love him) or the most flexible job where I can take off with no notice and jetset the world. It's a give and take, that's all. Nothing comes for free in this world, unfortunately :aah:.


Yes, flexible working usually working comes with some drawback- yours, or poor job security, or low pay. But if you find yourself called in on Monday evening I'll sympathise with your bad luck, not tell you to be grateful that other people are going or question your motivation.

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Don't put this on me. I think it is shameful that the fact that Mika is offering a free gig is a reason for the mood of the board to be down in the first place.


Not meaning to make others feel bad, or that I'm rubbing noses in it, because I wouldn't like it done to me, but I'm really excited about Monday!

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Guess it’s time I expressed my views from untoured land :cool:


Petition to Mika


1., I want Mika to have gigs on public holidays and if needed, time his album and single releases accordingly. :rolls_eyes:

2., In fact I want these dates to be chosen near my birthday so that I can ask all my friends and relatives to sponsor my accommodation as part of their birthday present for me. :pinkbow:

3., Then I want Mika to announce these dates on weekdays so that I can immediately ask my boss for a day off. :exclamation:

4., He also MUST make the announcement on MFC first and possibly between 10 and 10.30am when I have my coffee break and can take time off to read any announcements.

5., However, a personalised e-mail from Mikasounds would be much better :mail: in case I miss the announcement because of getting lost in the Mikasgamic pic thread during my coffee break. :blush-anim-cl:

6., When it’s all done I will send him a tweet, reminding him that he should pay for my flight since he owes me the price of a return flight from 2007 when he cancelled a gig in the last minute. :annoyed_h4h:

7., If he fails to do any of the above, I think I will look for another cute pop star to :fangurl: upon.




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Guess it’s time I expressed my views from untoured land :cool:


Petition to Mika


1., I want Mika to have gigs on public holidays and if needed, time his album and single releases accordingly. :rolls_eyes:

2., In fact I want these dates to be chosen near my birthday so that I can ask all my friends and relatives to sponsor my accommodation as part of their birthday present for me. :pinkbow:

3., Then I want Mika to announce these dates on weekdays so that I can immediately ask my boss for a day off. :exclamation:

4., He also MUST make the announcement on MFC first and possibly between 10 and 10.30am when I have my coffee break and can take time off to read any announcements.

5., However, a personalised e-mail from Mikasounds would be much better :mail: in case I miss the announcement because of getting lost in the Mikasgamic pic thread during my coffee break. :blush-anim-cl:

6., When it’s all done I will send him a tweet, reminding him that he should pay for my flight since he owes me the price of a return flight from 2007 when he cancelled a gig in the last minute. :annoyed_h4h:

7., If he fails to do any of the above, I think I will look for another cute pop star to :fangurl: upon.





Sounds reasonable!

Where do I sign? :teehee:

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Not meaning to make others feel bad, or that I'm rubbing noses in it, because I wouldn't like it done to me, but I'm really excited about Monday!


So am I.....................and I haven't a clue if I will get a ticket or not!:naughty:


But I have flights and accomodation:thumb_yello::wub2:

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Can I sign your petition Suzie? :lmfao: Although I would like to add that mondays are just not an option, since I can't get those off :sneaky2:


Edit: Oh wait, public holidays on mondays would be alright of course... hmmm I'll just sign then :mf_rosetinted:

Edited by Kata
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Not meaning to make others feel bad, or that I'm rubbing noses in it, because I wouldn't like it done to me, but I'm really excited about Monday!




Guess it’s time I expressed my views from untoured land :cool:


Petition to Mika



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Guess it’s time I expressed my views from untoured land :cool:


Petition to Mika


1., I want Mika to have gigs on public holidays and if needed, time his album and single releases accordingly. :rolls_eyes:

2., In fact I want these dates to be chosen near my birthday so that I can ask all my friends and relatives to sponsor my accommodation as part of their birthday present for me. :pinkbow:

3., Then I want Mika to announce these dates on weekdays so that I can immediately ask my boss for a day off. :exclamation:

4., He also MUST make the announcement on MFC first and possibly between 10 and 10.30am when I have my coffee break and can take time off to read any announcements.

5., However, a personalised e-mail from Mikasounds would be much better :mail: in case I miss the announcement because of getting lost in the Mikasgamic pic thread during my coffee break. :blush-anim-cl:

6., When it’s all done I will send him a tweet, reminding him that he should pay for my flight since he owes me the price of a return flight from 2007 when he cancelled a gig in the last minute. :annoyed_h4h:

7., If he fails to do any of the above, I think I will look for another cute pop star to :fangurl: upon.







This sounds very reasonable indeed:thumb_yello:

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Guess it’s time I expressed my views from untoured land :cool


Petition to Mika


1., I want Mika to have gigs on public holidays and if needed, time his album and single releases accordingly. :rolls_eyes:

2., In fact I want these dates to be chosen near my birthday so that I can ask all my friends and relatives to sponsor my accommodation as part of their birthday present for me. :pinkbow:

3., Then I want Mika to announce these dates on weekdays so that I can immediately ask my boss for a day off. :exclamation:

4., He also MUST make the announcement on MFC first and possibly between 10 and 10.30am when I have my coffee break and can take time off to read any announcements.

5., However, a personalised e-mail from Mikasounds would be much better :mail: in case I miss the announcement because of getting lost in the Mikasgamic pic thread during my coffee break. :blush-anim-cl:

6., When it’s all done I will send him a tweet, reminding him that he should pay for my flight since he owes me the price of a return flight from 2007 when he cancelled a gig in the last minute. :annoyed_h4h:

7., If he fails to do any of the above, I think I will look for another cute pop star to :fangurl: upon.





:roftl::roftl: Thanks Suzie - you made me smile :biggrin2:

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I haven't read the entire thread from where I last posted but I read afew pages and just have a few short notes to make.


Mika is unlike most artists and actually DOES things for his fans. He is very kind and VERY generous and we - AS A GROUP - are spoiled by him. Maybe you haven't been to a gig in a while, or maybe not at all, but you still get updates from him via twitter or youtube or whatever and that's a lot more than what people got when THERE WAS NO SUCH THING AS THE INTERNET.

MIKA DOES NOT HAVE TO DO THIS, BUT HE DOES BECAUSE HE LOVES HIS FANS. And okay, maybe to get some good publicity too, but we all know Mika is very involved with the people who are loyal to him.



Like Humphrey (Elina) said, it's like getting an invitation to a party you couldn't go to. Hey, at least you were invited. It's not Mika's fault you can't attend. Neither is it yours or anyone elses. That's just the way it goes. AND OKAY, maybe you're thinking "it's okay for HER to say, she's going!" but rest assured if it wasn't for the paul o'grady tickets I'll be in the same situation as you guys - I WOULD BE WORKING.


Mika is kind and generous and there aren't many people who do the same things as he does. So please be grateful that he is at least considering us by giving us free food and tickets. It's probably costing him a lot.

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When the end of the night gets tricky

Don't you know that beggars can't be picky?


Take that gross look off your faces.....Gonna shoot somebody

Help me drive this craziness away


"Dude, your perspective on life sucks".


Life could be simple but you never fail

To complicate it every single time


:lmao: (Please don't shoot anyone though, we should atleast try to not encourage violence. :naughty:)


There's a different between "hey Mika, the Franco Parenti show was amazing, we love you and can't wait until you come back!" and "Mika, this f*cking sucks, why London/Paris AGAIN? Is it because you hate me??"


One is positive, one is whiny and guilt tripping. It's the whining and guilt tripping that I find irritating. :wink2:



If you want to let him know he is wanted in a place there are smart ways to go about it and there are the stupid ways. "Come to Argentiiiiinaaaa!!!!" as a reply to him announcing a new show in *insert whatever city not in Argentina* is highly annoying whereas if you say something nice and then add, for example, "love from Argentina"/"*random name* in Argentina" you get the same message across but with a subtle and positive note.


It's all about psychology. Maybe people lack social skills. :dunno:

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Guess it’s time I expressed my views from untoured land :cool:


Petition to Mika


1., I want Mika to have gigs on public holidays and if needed, time his album and single releases accordingly. :rolls_eyes:

2., In fact I want these dates to be chosen near my birthday so that I can ask all my friends and relatives to sponsor my accommodation as part of their birthday present for me. :pinkbow:

3., Then I want Mika to announce these dates on weekdays so that I can immediately ask my boss for a day off. :exclamation:

4., He also MUST make the announcement on MFC first and possibly between 10 and 10.30am when I have my coffee break and can take time off to read any announcements.

5., However, a personalised e-mail from Mikasounds would be much better :mail: in case I miss the announcement because of getting lost in the Mikasgamic pic thread during my coffee break. :blush-anim-cl:

6., When it’s all done I will send him a tweet, reminding him that he should pay for my flight since he owes me the price of a return flight from 2007 when he cancelled a gig in the last minute. :annoyed_h4h:

7., If he fails to do any of the above, I think I will look for another cute pop star to :fangurl: upon.





LMFAO, love it! :biggrin2:

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Guess it’s time I expressed my views from untoured land :cool:


Petition to Mika


1., I want Mika to have gigs on public holidays and if needed, time his album and single releases accordingly. :rolls_eyes:

2., In fact I want these dates to be chosen near my birthday so that I can ask all my friends and relatives to sponsor my accommodation as part of their birthday present for me. :pinkbow:

3., Then I want Mika to announce these dates on weekdays so that I can immediately ask my boss for a day off. :exclamation:

4., He also MUST make the announcement on MFC first and possibly between 10 and 10.30am when I have my coffee break and can take time off to read any announcements.

5., However, a personalised e-mail from Mikasounds would be much better :mail: in case I miss the announcement because of getting lost in the Mikasgamic pic thread during my coffee break. :blush-anim-cl:

6., When it’s all done I will send him a tweet, reminding him that he should pay for my flight since he owes me the price of a return flight from 2007 when he cancelled a gig in the last minute. :annoyed_h4h:

7., If he fails to do any of the above, I think I will look for another cute pop star to :fangurl: upon.





I like the cut of your gib:naughty:

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I haven't read the entire thread from where I last posted but I read afew pages and just have a few short notes to make.


Mika is unlike most artists and actually DOES things for his fans. He is very kind and VERY generous and we - AS A GROUP - are spoiled by him. Maybe you haven't been to a gig in a while, or maybe not at all, but you still get updates from him via twitter or youtube or whatever and that's a lot more than what people got when THERE WAS NO SUCH THING AS THE INTERNET.

MIKA DOES NOT HAVE TO DO THIS, BUT HE DOES BECAUSE HE LOVES HIS FANS. And okay, maybe to get some good publicity too, but we all know Mika is very involved with the people who are loyal to him.



Like Humphrey (Elina) said, it's like getting an invitation to a party you couldn't go to. Hey, at least you were invited. It's not Mika's fault you can't attend. Neither is it yours or anyone elses. That's just the way it goes. AND OKAY, maybe you're thinking "it's okay for HER to say, she's going!" but rest assured if it wasn't for the paul o'grady tickets I'll be in the same situation as you guys - I WOULD BE WORKING.


Mika is kind and generous and there aren't many people who do the same things as he does. So please be grateful that he is at least considering us by giving us free food and tickets. It's probably costing him a lot.


He's not doing it for his MFC fans - he's doing it for sun readers who can turn up. Maybe some will be fans already, maybe some will become fans at the concert. Maybe some of them will tell all their friends that Mika has to give tickets away because no-one would want to buy them.


Mika is kind and generous sometimes - Xmas champagne donuts/icecream to the gig queues etc.


This however is a publicity stunt. I suspect The Sun contributed to the icecreams for the privilege of making the announement and I suspect there will be pictures for the paper. I hope Mika stops traffic and gets mentioned/blamed for doing so. It will increase his profile.


The cost of the launch events will have been budgeted for by the record company. Whether any comes out of Mika's pocket will depend on the contract arrangements he has with them.

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:roftl::roftl: Thanks Suzie - you made me smile :biggrin2:


"smile?" :teehee:

You cracked me up!:shocked::shocked:

I had just come apon this thread a couple of pages back & thought "Uh Oh" This is not good.

Then I red Suzie! Hahaha!:roftl::roftl:

All of us over the next two years during this evergoing tour will all have our opportunites.

I am Happy for Eveybody & can't wait for my turn when Mika comes to Canada!:thumb_yello:

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Guess it’s time I expressed my views from untoured land


Petition to Mika


1., I want Mika to have gigs on public holidays and if needed, time his album and single releases accordingly. :rolls_eyes:

2., In fact I want these dates to be chosen near my birthday so that I can ask all my friends and relatives to sponsor my accommodation as part of their birthday present for me. :pinkbow:

3., Then I want Mika to announce these dates on weekdays so that I can immediately ask my boss for a day off. :exclamation:

4., He also MUST make the announcement on MFC first and possibly between 10 and 10.30am when I have my coffee break and can take time off to read any announcements.

5., However, a personalised e-mail from Mikasounds would be much better :mail: in case I miss the announcement because of getting lost in the Mikasgamic pic thread during my coffee break. :blush-anim-cl:

6., When it’s all done I will send him a tweet, reminding him that he should pay for my flight since he owes me the price of a return flight from 2007 when he cancelled a gig in the last minute. :annoyed_h4h:

7., If he fails to do any of the above, I think I will look for another cute pop star to :fangurl: upon.





Ha, I doubt that you will find a pop star anywhere near as cute as Mika :shun: and you forgot to add requests about free ice cream, hot chocolate and donuts!

I want my donuts or I won’t sign!:sneaky2:


Oh and the concert should be seated of course.

And the MFC should be guaranteed first row.:biggrin2:


Hmmm, is that all?


Okay then I’ll sign!:huglove:

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Guess it’s time I expressed my views from untoured land :cool:


Petition to Mika


1., I want Mika to have gigs on public holidays and if needed, time his album and single releases accordingly. :rolls_eyes:

2., In fact I want these dates to be chosen near my birthday so that I can ask all my friends and relatives to sponsor my accommodation as part of their birthday present for me. :pinkbow:

3., Then I want Mika to announce these dates on weekdays so that I can immediately ask my boss for a day off. :exclamation:

4., He also MUST make the announcement on MFC first and possibly between 10 and 10.30am when I have my coffee break and can take time off to read any announcements.

5., However, a personalised e-mail from Mikasounds would be much better :mail: in case I miss the announcement because of getting lost in the Mikasgamic pic thread during my coffee break. :blush-anim-cl:

6., When it’s all done I will send him a tweet, reminding him that he should pay for my flight since he owes me the price of a return flight from 2007 when he cancelled a gig in the last minute. :annoyed_h4h:

7., If he fails to do any of the above, I think I will look for another cute pop star to :fangurl: upon.





:sneaky2: That's fine for you, but what about all the people not allowed to access MFC/MS/Twitter at work









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Let me get this straight. Mika throws a free gig which for some unfathomable reason depresses his fans and now it is my responsibility to cheer them up? Is that what you're implying? :naughty:


It would be better to not say anything at all and let people let of steam. All you do is add fuel to the fire.


I am feeling upset and disappointed. You seem to think I should feel guilty about being upset and disappointed. I don't. It's a natural response and this is the natural place to say it.

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