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Free Fan Show Monday 21.09.2009


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He's not doing it for his MFC fans - he's doing it for sun readers who can turn up. Maybe some will be fans already, maybe some will become fans at the concert. Maybe some of them will tell all their friends that Mika has to give tickets away because no-one would want to buy them.


Mika is kind and generous sometimes - Xmas champagne donuts/icecream to the gig queues etc.


This however is a publicity stunt. I suspect The Sun contributed to the icecreams for the privilege of making the announement and I suspect there will be pictures for the paper. I hope Mika stops traffic and gets mentioned/blamed for doing so. It will increase his profile.


The cost of the launch events will have been budgeted for by the record company. Whether any comes out of Mika's pocket will depend on the contract arrangements he has with them.


I didn't mean just for MFC.


For some reason am doubting The Sun have paid for the icecream. Mika did after all supply icecream in NYC and buy people drinks in the pub nearly two weeks ago.


Whether or not it comes from Mika's pocket is irrelevant. The fact is, money is being spent and needn't be. But he's doing it regardless, anyway, and this free gig isn't necessarily a publicity stunt that The Sun put forward. Mika said WEEKS ago that this was going to happen - surprise gigs with only about 2 or 3 days notice. Well, the surprise gigs are starting.

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"smile?" :teehee:

You cracked me up!:shocked::shocked:

I had just come apon this thread a couple of pages back & thought "Uh Oh" This is not good.

Then I red Suzie! Hahaha!:roftl::roftl:

All of us over the next two years during this evergoing tour will all have our opportunites.

I am Happy for Eveybody & can't wait for my turn when Mika comes to Canada!:thumb_yello:


It's the first thing that's raised a smile today - I'm not in the best of moods :mf_rosetinted: Don't knock it.

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Let me get this straight. Mika throws a free gig which for some unfathomable reason depresses his fans and now it is my responsibility to cheer them up? Is that what you're implying? :naughty:


Well since Mika obviously doesn't care enough about his fans to cheer us up, then we'll have to settle for you :sneaky2:

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Ha, I doubt that you will find a pop star anywhere near as cute as Mika :shun: and you forgot to add requests about free ice cream, hot chocolate and donuts!

I want my donuts or I won’t sign!:sneaky2:


Oh and the concert should be seated of course.

And the MFC should be guaranteed first row.:biggrin2:


Hmmm, is that all?


Okay then I’ll sign!:huglove:



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I didn't mean just for MFC.


For some reason am doubting The Sun have paid for the icecream. Mika did after all supply icecream in NYC and buy people drinks in the pub nearly two weeks ago.


Whether or not it comes from Mika's pocket is irrelevant. The fact is, money is being spent and needn't be. But he's doing it regardless, anyway, and this free gig isn't necessarily a publicity stunt that The Sun put forward. Mika said WEEKS ago that this was going to happen - surprise gigs with only about 2 or 3 days notice. Well, the surprise gigs are starting.


I suspect the stunt was planned - all launches need launch events. I concede that inviting fans as well as celebrities is nice if you get to go.


The Sun will have paid for the priviledge of making the announcement - it may or may not cover the cost of the iceream.

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Ha, I doubt that you will find a pop star anywhere near as cute as Mika :shun: and you forgot to add requests about free ice cream, hot chocolate and donuts!

I want my donuts or I won’t sign!:sneaky2:


Oh and the concert should be seated of course.

And the MFC should be guaranteed first row.:biggrin2:


Hmmm, is that all?


Okay then I’ll sign!:huglove:


I should think so too, my old legs prefer chair dancing. I loved that gig it was super dooper :roftl:

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I suspect the stunt was planned - all launches need launch events. I concede that inviting fans as well as celebrities is nice if you get to go.


The Sun will have paid for the priviledge of making the announcement - it may or may not cover the cost of the iceream.


I actually think Team Mika would have had to PAY The Sun for advertising the gig.

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Yes, flexible working usually working comes with some drawback- yours, or poor job security, or low pay. But if you find yourself called in on Monday evening I'll sympathise with your bad luck, not tell you to be grateful that other people are going or question your motivation.


If I do, I will need more than sympathy-I will need bail money to get me out of prison for shooting whoever called me in :roftl:


Guess it’s time I expressed my views from untoured land :cool:


Petition to Mika



:lmfao: Well done Suzie :roftl:

Although some of these conditons are a bit sloppy;Where is the bit where it says that I get to travel in his van instead of on the tube? And the patio heaters and portaloos for queueing? And the seats? Etc, etc... :biggrin2:




He's not doing it for his MFC fans - he's doing it for sun readers who can turn up. Maybe some will be fans already, maybe some will become fans at the concert. Maybe some of them will tell all their friends that Mika has to give tickets away because no-one would want to buy them.


Mika is kind and generous sometimes - Xmas champagne donuts/icecream to the gig queues etc.


This however is a publicity stunt. I suspect The Sun contributed to the icecreams for the privilege of making the announement and I suspect there will be pictures for the paper. I hope Mika stops traffic and gets mentioned/blamed for doing so. It will increase his profile.


The cost of the launch events will have been budgeted for by the record company. Whether any comes out of Mika's pocket will depend on the contract arrangements he has with them.



I really don't agree with the fact that he's doing it for publicity, and that he's not forking out for a lot (if not all) of it himself. I doubt that the Sun would be willing to pay, or that the record company would do it either.

We're talking about the same guy who spent tons of his own money (and this came straight from the horse's mouth) on the PDP show here, without going any further. He always spends a LOT on us (fans in general). He spent tons on that LA show, including the icream van stunt.

Same on the NYC icecream. He even brought a popcorn making machine to the LA queue just for the fans! Not to mention the donuts and coffee and stuff that John and co brought us.

Only last week he spent tons on that pub thing too...I think that it's unfair on him to say these things. My opinion :thumb_yello:.


I didn't mean just for MFC.


For some reason am doubting The Sun have paid for the icecream. Mika did after all supply icecream in NYC and buy people drinks in the pub nearly two weeks ago.


Whether or not it comes from Mika's pocket is irrelevant. The fact is, money is being spent and needn't be. But he's doing it regardless, anyway, and this free gig isn't necessarily a publicity stunt that The Sun put forward. Mika said WEEKS ago that this was going to happen - surprise gigs with only about 2 or 3 days notice. Well, the surprise gigs are starting.



Yes, agree with this, Caz.

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I really don't agree with the fact that he's doing it for publicity, and that he's not forking out for a lot (if not all) of it himself. I doubt that the Sun would be willing to pay, or that the record company would do it either.

We're talking about the same guy who spent tons of his own money (and this came straight from the horse's mouth) on the PDP show here, without going any further. He always spends a LOT on us (fans in general). He spent tons on that LA show, including the icream van stunt.

Same on the NYC icecream. He even brought a popcorn making machine to the LA queue just for the fans! Not to mention the donuts and coffee and stuff that John and co brought us.

Only last week he spent tons on that pub thing too...I think that it's unfair on him to say these things. My opinion :thumb_yello:.





Yes, agree with this, Caz.


Thanks, and agree with yours too :thumb_yello:

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Glad you like my petition. :pinkbow:


So, who were the ones requesting changes to it? Some vikings? Well, fans who have seen him in their homeland more than once have no right to ask for changes in my petition. :shun:


I will PM everyone interested with all the details about where to sign and how it will reach Mika as there is information I would not like to share with everyone online :teehee:

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Glad you like my petition. :pinkbow:


So, who were the ones requesting changes to it? Some vikings? Well, fans who have seen him in their homeland more than once have no right to ask for changes in my petition. :shun:


I will PM everyone interested with all the details about where to sign and how it will reach Mika as there is information I would not like to share with everyone online :teehee:


That's totally unfair that you're leaving some fans out! You're such a tease!

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Glad you like my petition. :pinkbow:


So, who were the ones requesting changes to it? Some vikings? Well, fans who have seen him in their homeland more than once have no right to ask for changes in my petition. :shun:


I will PM everyone interested with all the details about where to sign and how it will reach Mika as there is information I would not like to share with everyone online :teehee:


Twice….and soon for the third time!:biggrin2:


Just wanted to say!:naughty:

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Not meaning to make others feel bad, or that I'm rubbing noses in it, because I wouldn't like it done to me, but I'm really excited about Monday!


For Christ's sake, DON'T APOLOGIZE!! If anything, we need some :boing: around here! :teehee:


Guess it’s time I expressed my views from untoured land :cool:


Petition to Mika


Finally, someone with reason. :mf_rosetinted: Thank you :lmfao: :lmfao:


:sneaky2: That's fine for you, but what about all the people not allowed to access MFC/MS/Twitter at work


Ah you beat me to it, I was just thinking the same. What, no texts? :dunno:

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That's totally unfair that you're leaving some fans out! You're such a tease!


I am NOT leaving fans out ...:shocked: ...You are deliberately misinterpreting what I am saying :mad3:

I simply said they were not entitled to make changes to MY petition :shun:



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Ah you beat me to it, I was just thinking the same. What, no texts? :dunno:


Exactly. If it wasn't for me, Babs, Dan, Rose and probably others probably would have found out about the free tickets to Paul O'Grady too late :dunno: (okay, well maybe not Babs as she was already on MFC, but she might not have been!)

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For Christ's sake, DON'T APOLOGIZE!! If anything, we need some :boing: around here! :teehee:




Finally, someone with reason. :mf_rosetinted: Thank you :lmfao: :lmfao:




Ah you beat me to it, I was just thinking the same. What, no texts? :dunno:



Some places don't allow you to have your phone on when your work.

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I actually think Team Mika would have had to PAY The Sun for advertising the gig.


Mika tweeted "Am doing a free all ages show in London on Monday with The Sun." This sounded to me like a sponsorship deal - The Sun sponsoring an event. Of course a Mika tweet isn't necessarily an accurate reflection of the contrat terms so I may be wrong.

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Mika tweeted "Am doing a free all ages show in London on Monday with The Sun." This sounded to me like a sponsorship deal - The Sun sponsoring an event. Of course a Mika tweet isn't necessarily an accurate reflection of the contrat terms so I may be wrong.


Well The Sun advertised it. That's really about as much we know, to be honest.

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I am NOT leaving fans out ...:shocked: ...You are deliberately misinterpreting what I am saying :mad3:

I simply said they were not entitled to make changes to MY petition :shun:



but suggestions are acceptable yes? like...after all gigs can he please pay for us to stay in the same hotel as him and if that is too full can he please get bigger one built adjacent to the gig so we don't have to travel back late at night unless we are in his 500 seat limo :aah: oh and if there are other buildings in the way just get them demolished too. :thumb_yello:

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It would be better to not say anything at all and let people let of steam. All you do is add fuel to the fire.


I am feeling upset and disappointed. You seem to think I should feel guilty about being upset and disappointed. I don't. It's a natural response and this is the natural place to say it.


No actually I think a gig thread is a natural place for people to celebrate and rejoice in the fact that Mika is offering them a free gig. But instead people are guilt tripped into prefacing their statements with "I don't mean to rub it in, but..."


There is so much petty jealousy and entitlement rampant in this fanclub that I don't even feel free to discuss my experiences with Mika anymore. Last week's pub thread was ridiculous with people crying and carrying on all night because they couldn't be there.


You can try to tarnish this and make yourself feel better by calling it a publicity stunt or whatever but I have been on the receiving end of Mika's generosity on many occasions and I am confident that his intentions are genuine and that the money is coming from his own pocket for much, if not all of it.


And yes SoSi, I am grateful and I expressed that to him when he offered everyone drinks last week. Judging by his response he was quite appreciative but if people would rather moan at him I guess you can knock yourselves out. :dunno:

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Right, I'm going to bed.


Excuse me for sounding rude, but there's really nothing to discuss now. Some people are going, yay! Some people are happy for them. Some people may be happy for them but are disappointed that they're not getting to see him and/or saying it's unfair.




Next topic please? ...

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