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We blame it all on Mika ~ You know it! its Mikagasmics part 26!


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Good luck with that :aah:

I only know that it started in the Dutch-thread, somewhere early 2008 I think? Surely a while before the summer-gigs he did then .. And then I kept it there for a while, and then suddenly it came up here and well .. the rest is history :mf_rosetinted::aah:



:aah: Thanks ...

Must say I'm glad you don't want to see me in the shower :aah:


thanks for the info but it will pretty useless as I dont understand Dutch:roftl:

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amazing how you go to check another thread for two second and this fills up!


That took a while :aah

I'm not sure if I have it here atm .. Not at my harddrive, but maybe I've still uploaded it somewhere .. I'll take a look wink2:


look who's talking! tonight its my turn to be slow :bleh:


awesome :biggrin2:


Same here Inbar!!!:biggrin2

And, you know, when I'm very sad and really feel like crying, I remember what Mika always says about his way to drive his sadness away : You've got to scream at the top of your lungs and dance or blow off steam till you have no more energy left, instead of crying desperately. So I always prevent myself from crying and try to think that way wub2:


very true...

I think we are golden for that jumping and screaming... well, most of his songs really...



well if they cant do nude then just tight and well no shirt is ok too would be great! :biggrin2 Just the white/green/gray undies is fine... boxers... nnaaaaa


the thing is the last site that posted pics of him was FILLED with nude guys, and he was the only one dressed :doh:


It gives me so much power!!!!!*goes to listen love today*


I also love the Live in cartton motion live version of it... the way he dramaticly sings: Hey girl why cant you carry on.... and then bursts into the guitar and the: DOOM! da da di da di doom! love that...


that song is brilliant... in so many ways!






sooooo cute!!!! tea boy! (haha- the irony... :aah: )

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haha I think Im going to listen to it again :roftl:I have so much strenght and happines! I had a mass of it already becouse of TBWKTMs and red glitter shoes I bought! Imagine me now!




I just set mine to repeat :naughty:

I love the bit in the background when he says "I've got to" :aah:

He's amazing!


Red glittery shoes???? CAN I SEE?!?!?! :boing:

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I'm very glad you don't understand Dutch :aah:

haha you just made me want me learn Dutch :aah:And believie me-Im pretty quick with languages if I want to:biggrin2:

Another gif ..












I also love the Live in cartton motion live version of it... the way he dramaticly sings: Hey girl why cant you carry on.... and then bursts into the guitar and the: DOOM! da da di da di doom! love that...


that song is brilliant... in so many ways!




I need to make a confession....If youre talking bout the LICM DVD then I have no idea what youre talking about-never seen,heard it! My mum says its useless if i have LICM(same goes to vinyls(but you cant play them right?) and Parc les tes Princess DVD or something like that(I have no idea how to spell)):roftl:

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Another nice one :wub2:




Always reminds me of this: :boing:




look att the way his hair bounces with him! :swoon:


Bienie is indeed a murderer!!


And a typical Mika-one :wub2:




(to calm down a bit the effect of the previous one :aah:)


I wanna bite him back!!! dammet why wont my head go through the screen?! :aah:

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you are welcome to join... but will first celebrate it weds. and thinkin about maybe also also some pizza?


count me in... extra cheese on mine... :naughty:



I need to make a confession....If youre talking bout the LICM DVD then I have no idea what youre talking about-never seen,heard it! My mum says its useless if i have LICM(same goes to vinyls(but you cant play them right?) and Parc les tes Princess DVD or something like that(I have no idea how to spell)):roftl:


same here- I buy it with my own money- and I havng my vinyls on the wall (now I want to get them signed :wub2: ) and I dont have the PDP (parc des princes- thats what you ment- right?) DVD, saving up for it...


but you should totally see the intro they did for love today- its fantastic! and the bunny dance :naughty:


Im pretty sure you can find them on YT... let me look :wink2:

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you are welcome to join... but will first celebrate it weds. and thinkin about maybe also also some pizza?

Pizza! good! And a burthday cake of ourse!:roftl:

And a typical Mika-one :wub2:




(to calm down a bit the effect of the previous one :aah:)


Calm down?:roftl:


AMBER: coundt quote it cuz you put it into my quote but yes you can see it as soon as i find my camera cable! Hold on...Ill look again!

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count me in... extra cheese on mine... :naughty:




same here- I buy it with my own money- and I havng my vinyls on the wall (now I want to get them signed :wub2: ) and I dont have the PDP (parc des princes- thats what you ment- right?) DVD, saving up for it...


but you should totally see the intro they did for love today- its fantastic! and the bunny dance :naughty:


Im pretty sure you can find them on YT... let me look :wink2:


Yes that what I ment :aah:

Id love to see it!

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