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Win a private piano lesson with MIKA & other merch - North American fans

Blue Sky

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Nothing today. :dunno: I wonder if anyone has gotten anything!


Aaahhh tis a brand new day!!! :teehee: I get to go check the mail in 4 HOURS!!! Am as excited as kid on Christmas morning!!!! The anticipation and 'possibilty' is half the fun! I guess I am gonna be like this ALL WEEK! :aah:


I hope SOMEONE gets something TODAY!!!! :boing:




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So it is e-mailbox, or actual mailbox? Do they let you know if you won online, or are you just surprised when you get a poster in the mail?


I really didn't think they meant actual mailbox -- I assumed they meant

email. If it's going to be in your actual mailbox that would mean they

would have had to pick the winners several weeks ago -- these sorts of

shipments don't usually happen in just a few days. I mean, how many times

have you ordered something and the fine print says, "Please allow 4-6 weeks

for shipping." :dunno: I hope I'm proven wrong, but I'll be really surprised

if anyone gets an actual poster in the mail this week. :)


But I'll be checking the mail today, too, anyway. ;)

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I really didn't think they meant actual mailbox -- I assumed they meant

email. If it's going to be in your actual mailbox that would mean they

would have had to pick the winners several weeks ago -- these sorts of

shipments don't usually happen in just a few days. I mean, how many times

have you ordered something and the fine print says, "Please allow 4-6 weeks

for shipping." :dunno: I hope I'm proven wrong, but I'll be really surprised

if anyone gets an actual poster in the mail this week. :)


But I'll be checking the mail today, too, anyway. ;)


It is something that Mika and Perez were doing 'together' so, the names could have easily been drawn and the posters (and Golden Tickets) mailed out to arrive THIS week. It makes perfect sense. And since they are just mailing it out - it is not like waiting for a shipment to arrive in 4-6 weeks, it is like someone from California simply mailing me something. Takes just a couple days to arrive. I was VERY confused at first too! I totally thought it meant to check your 'inbox' <e-mail> BUT, then WHEN would we have gotten our posters and Golden Tickets (to the LUCKY winners) :naughty:


I like the way they did this contest! Keeps us all on the edge of our seats!!!! :roftl:

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Nothing in the mail today! :no: B U T there is still plenty of *HOPE* - it does say, check your mailbox the WEEK of October 5, 2009 and this is only the 2nd day! SO . . . . I wait for tomorrow!!!! :aah:

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Nothing in the mail:sad:

Maybe an email will come later:naughty:


Nothing in the mail today! :no: B U T there is still plenty of *HOPE* - it does say, check your mailbox the WEEK of October 5, 2009 and this is only the 2nd day! SO . . . . I wait for tomorrow!!!! :aah:



Wow your mail comes so early! :blink: Ours usually comes by 4pm. Last night it was around 4:30.

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So you still have a couple hours!!! *Good Luck*!!! :thumb_yello:


:naughty: Thanks. I'm not gonna hold my breath though. I don't feel like turning blue! I'm starting to think it's not meant for me to see him in Boston this time around. I mean the gig is a little over a week away! Stinks because he's only been there twice and I've been there both times. I wanted to keep that record going. :naughty:

Oh well, that day will be like any other day, job hunting. I mean job hunting is SOOO much more fun that a Mika concert... right? :naughty:

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Nothing in my box either. I'm kinda relieved. I'd love to win in one way but I know I can't go to the show anyway. But it would still be cool to win as I never win lottery type things ever. I will check again tomorrow anyway lol.


You couldn't go? :shocked:


. . . wll, if you DO happen to win - can I have the Golden Ticket then? :teehee:



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Wow. My mail comes at about 10:30 AM. :naughty:


MINE TOO! And thank God, cause I don't think I could take waiting any longer . . THAT just about kills me <yesterday and today anyways> and I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be EVEN worse!!!! :naughty:

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MINE TOO! And thank God, cause I don't think I could take waiting any longer . . THAT just about kills me <yesterday and today anyways> and I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be EVEN worse!!!! :naughty:


The first thing I said to my mom when I got home from school was, "Did I get anything in the mail today?" Her response: :blink: "Nice to see you too, and no." :sneaky2:



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The first thing I said to my mom when I got home from school was, "Did I get anything in the mail today?" Her response: :blink: "Nice to see you too, and no." :sneaky2:






. . . I run to the mailbox each morning frantically then I pause before I turn the key - and I chant to myself . . <please Mika, please Mika> :naughty: Then I open it real fast . . . and well 2 days now leave with a HUGE sigh - and HIGH hopes for tomorrow!!!! :rolls_eyes:

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. . . I run to the mailbox each morning frantically then I pause before I turn the key - and I chant to myself . . <please Mika, please Mika> :naughty: Then I open it real fast . . . and well 2 days now leave with a HUGE sigh - and HIGH hopes for tomorrow!!!! :rolls_eyes:


this is soo confusing..they should at least send you a message via e-mail stating you won.

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. . . I run to the mailbox each morning frantically then I pause before I turn the key - and I chant to myself . . <please Mika, please Mika> :naughty: Then I open it real fast . . . and well 2 days now leave with a HUGE sigh - and HIGH hopes for tomorrow!!!! :rolls_eyes:


If I'm expecting something in the mail on a non-school day, I meet the mail lady at the mailbox. The problem is that she always wants to make small talk with me. I did tell her all about Mika one day though.:naughty:

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I DON'T think so AT all!!! That is why it says CHECK your mailboxes the week of Oct. 5 . . . . the LUCKY winners are going to get their mail one day THIS week and there is going to be a NICE surprise!!! Some will get JUST a signed poster . . . and others will get a poster AND the gold cd AND 2 GOLDEN TICKETS! O N E r e a l l y LUCKY person is going to get ALL that AND something stating that THEY are the Grand Prize WINNER - and get the piano lesson on top of it all . . . . :biggrin2:

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Yep. :)

You might not get your poster on time or for it to take months before arriving...could be a nice Christmas gift tho :naughty: (you know Sandbag and how they shipped EPs :naughty:)




I am telling yall . . . the poster AND/OR the poster PLUS the Golden Tickets are going to arrive in the mail THIS WEEK with no prior notification! HOW ELSE WOULD the winners get the Golden Tickets ON TIME . . .the tour STARTS in 6 DAYS!!! :doh:

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I DON'T think so AT all!!! That is why it says CHECK your mailboxes the week of Oct. 5 . . . . the LUCKY winners are going to get their mail one day THIS week and there is going to be a NICE surprise!!! Some will get JUST a signed poster . . . and others will get a poster AND the gold cd AND 2 GOLDEN TICKETS! O N E r e a l l y LUCKY person is going to get ALL that AND something stating that THEY are the Grand Prize WINNER - and get the piano lesson on top of it all . . . . :biggrin2:


wait....all the winners should be known this week :shocked:?

wow that is a lot :stretcher:

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