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Blame It On The Girls Video


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It’s been interesting to read all your comments and critics about the video and I agree with some of it:


More close ups, yes please! (Always, if you ask me):mf_lustslow:

Better choreography for the dancers, yes!

Camera angles more thought-through, wouldn’t hurt!:wink2:


But what it comes down to for me is that I still love it :wub2: for all the reasons I’ve been talking about before, the long camera shots, the colours, and the general atmosphere in the whole video!


Maybe my taste is very simple :biggrin2: or maybe I’m in a mood to just love everything he does right now :blush-anim-cl: after Thursday night?

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I liked the video the first time I saw it today.

I have watched it quite a few times since then & I like it even more!

Some of the things pointed out here that people don't like I find helps the vid.

There is something nagging at the just "out of reach" part in my memory.

I am beginning to think this vid reminds me of a movie or collection of or a specific pop artist.

I don't know which.

I am really looking forward to & hoping that Mika will talk about his vision of this vid.

Kudos Mika! You did it again!

I also think this vid could garner a Grammy nomination - Shock! shock!

I know that won't sit well with some of you.

We will see!?!?

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I have now included video to look again (there were problems with download earlier).

He is such spontaneous child! Are whether you have noticed, what I have seen now casually? It is amusing). But I cannot tell that it)

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I love it and everyone I've showed it too loves it.


I think it's interesting and you want to view it multiple times, to see all the seperate parts. I think it draws your attention in.


And is one of the dancers Katy Perry or not?


If she's in the video that's a great commercial draw.


Here was Katy at the EMA's 2008 red carpet



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The Dandy-look-Mika slippering around the set, the pink piano and hat, and the screen with funny Mika striking the pose bits makes you forget about the 10 dork dancers snail moves and their dreadful paloma-gone-bonkers-this-time outfits...


Not so hyper as WAG but then not everything Mika does ought to be hyper or fast-as-a-red-bull-afterparty...


It's simple, it's objective, it's classy and apart from Mika not being Fred Astaire (or should I say Ginger Rogers lmfao) , i'm sure these new dance (? lol) moves are an improvement and that he put a lot of work to get it right...


So, Kudos, Mika, whaetever that might be...(What's Kudos, anyway? Like Congrats or what?


Keep blaming it on the girls, on the boys and blame also the stuck in the middle ones...:)

Edited by willywonka
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I love it and everyone I've showed it too loves it.


I think it's interesting and you want to view it multiple times, to see all the seperate parts. I think it draws your attention in.


And is one of the dancers Katy Perry or not?


If she's in the video that's a great commercial draw.


Here was Katy at the EMA's 2008 red carpet




:puke: sorry but i don't like katy :aah:

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You dont have to, you know?:mf_rosetinted:


Half the world doesn't like her, other half think she's brill, but liking her or not it's not a condition to be an MFCr, really...:naughty:


That good, that I am so happy, it is good that she did not know, I do not like for no reason, even his manner is as bulgar, god :mf_rosetinted::mf_rosetinted:

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It's good that my standing as an MFCer is not affected by my opinion of other artists because I totally LOVE Lady Gaga and loathe Katy Perry (though I've only heard the one song and have not yet formed a solid opinion of her as an artist, she's definitely not off to a good start...but I did see a cover of that song that is absolutely brilliant.)


Should I be prepared to duck rotten veggies? :punk:

I'd say not. I feel exactly the same :thumb_yello:






So as I'm watching this video again and again I find myself picking out the littlest things that I think are adorable of genius.

Like when he's standing by the telly and the camera is coming closer and the girls are dancing in front of him, his left foot is turned in just the slightest and I absolutely love it.

Obsessive much? :bleh:

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The more I watch this vid the more I like it. Mika's dancing is just adorable. I like it best when I watch it without sound, because the dancing is a lot cuter. :teehee:


My complaint is still the editing though... I think it would be better if they had chosen to do either reasonably, either quick cuts or the entire thing continuous-- which would have been REALLY cool.


Favorite cut is from 2:10 - 2:20, he's just adorable.



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It's good that my standing as an MFCer is not affected by my opinion of other artists because I totally LOVE Lady Gaga and loathe Katy Perry (though I've only heard the one song and have not yet formed a solid opinion of her as an artist, she's definitely not off to a good start...but I did see a cover of that song that is absolutely brilliant.)


Should I be prepared to duck rotten veggies? :punk:


:naughty: actually my point of view is, "who is katy? My view is that if Madonna had not said that he liked his music

, Nobody would know as now, that's not just me, besides it is too bulgar,:mf_rosetinted:

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Just a quick though for those who complain about the dancers not being in sync:


In my dance class we did dances that didn't have counts. We were given the general moves and a general time but as long as you finished when the song did you were given no beats to count.

It's considered a very free and expressive type of dance because it allows the dancer to completely interpret the way the moves are done and the time in which they are done. It's very important to be able to express yourself so I think I do like that they're all 'off' a bit. :thumb_yello:

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My dad just watched it for the first time (and with no prior warning or knowledge or discussion) he said he saw Katy Perry in it.

He loved it though. Said between that and LT music vids can't get much better. :biggrin2: And he loves the song :kachinga:


I don't see the whole Katy Perry thing myself. Maybe cause I don't like her and don't wantto see her in it? :huh:

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All the dancers are made to look like Katy Perry and they are wearing a similar copy of her EMA outfit.


And I think she herself is in the video.


I think she rocks, but that's not the point, her image is a huge part of the video.


Perez just said on his page that it's Bugsy Berkeley meets A Clockwork Orange and Katy Perry meets Feist.

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The good:


I think Mika looks freakin' adorable in that outfit. I think every aspect of that "look", right down to the pink hat, totally suits and flatters him.


I love the imagery in the video. There are certain delicious subtleties, like at 1:24 when he's resting his foot on the silver headless mannequin. The change from greyscale to pink is lovely, too. Your brain doesn't expect it, so it's striking. And I love the set.


The bit at 2:10 when he's rocking past all those TV screens looks really freakin' cool.


I'm also a big fan of the screens, especially toward the end. I think they give a little insight into his personality which is adorable.


I appreciate this video because it's so different from everything else he's done, video-wise. Someone once described him as this endless well of creativity, and while watching this video, that's what I kept thinking. Damn, is he ever creative.


The not-so-good:


That said, there are aspects to it that could have been better. Like some have said, it does look unpolished.


First, a minor gripe; I'm not in love with the fact that the girls' dresses are part orange, and he's in pink. Just me being moany, but the colours don't seem to go well together.


Also. I think those "dance moves" at the beginning when he's in the chair miss the mark. It looks like he's supposed to be moving his legs and feet in time with the beat, but there's a hesitancy in his movements that make it seem amateur-ish. The hesitancy means that by the time the beat hits, he's still tucking his legs/feet into their new position, and it looks sloppy. I keep thinking of his own instructions to the dancers in the making of the Love Today video clip where he goes "can we make it a little more tight?" That's what I wanted to say to him. :teehee:


There are issues with the backup dancers, too. As people have pointed out, their dancing isn't always as it should be, either. I don't interpret that as creative license; they're meant to be dancing in a very specific way, and sometimes they miss that. Like what Caz mentioned, where two dancers go at the same time at around 2:02. Or at 1:57, it seems like they're trying to form a circle around the five girls in the middle, but the circle isn't quite centred.


At 1:45 it looks like he lip-synchs "are you wishing" instead of the actual lyric, "we were wishing". It looks like an "oops."


All those little things add up to make it look like amateur-ish, like it was rushed to release.


Final gripe: I had this vague idea that this song would have a good shot at getting American airplay. But I'm not sure American audiences are going to "get" this video. The clothes do nothing for his "coolness factor", especially the pink hat. And pink piano. Something like this is too gay/weird/European for the American masses to find accessible. If he wants his video on heavy rotation in the US (and who knows, maybe he doesn't), he needs to make a video that the average twentysomething guy/tween girl/soccer mom in Washington or Nebraska or Illinois can watch without feeling awkward. I'm quite sure if we did a poll of random Americans they simply wouldn't find this video accessible. It's super creative, and very theatrical - just not accessible to the masses. They'd be like "what the hell is this guy doing? And WTF is up with the pink hat?" (Not criticizing, btw, personally I love the pink hat.)


Overall, I give it a 6.5/10. :biggrin2:

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Oh cool! I didn't even know a video was coming up until just now. I guess I stumbled into this thread at precisely the right time. :biggrin2:


I really liked the video. His outfit and the mannequins were very Clockwork Orange-y. Thankfully, he's better behaved than the main character of that film, yikes.


The androgynous dancers were very interesting, as was the color pallet. What I liked most about this video was the fact that it looked like a "real" music video. Do you know what I mean? It's not as random or low-budget looking as some of his videos, and the choreography is a nice touch.

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But .. what do the Clockwork Orange/Cabaret allusions add to our interpretation of the song itself? The average viewer isn't even going to pick up on these, or the finer nuances of visual design (which I think are accidental rather than deliberate).


Your average viewer is going to say "Oh it's that gay bloke in a pink hat with those dancers with the weird costumes".


Yes, I think some people will say something like that. Those who doesn't care his music at all. I don't think he should please everyone.


It’s been interesting to read all your comments and critics about the video and I agree with some of it:


More close ups, yes please! (Always, if you ask me):mf_lustslow:

Better choreography for the dancers, yes!

Camera angles more thought-through, wouldn’t hurt!:wink2:


But what it comes down to for me is that I still love it :wub2: for all the reasons I’ve been talking about before, the long camera shots, the colours, and the general atmosphere in the whole video!


Maybe my taste is very simple :biggrin2: or maybe I’m in a mood to just love everything he does right now :blush-anim-cl: after Thursday night?


Those are the reasons I love this vid too :wub2: I really like the atmosphere. And I love his style in it. And after seeing this vid I really like this song more than I did before! Same happened when I saw his PUOTF performance yesterday. OMG he was good in it!!!!


But I can see some points which are said in this thread. I guess they used much less time for this vid than for WAG vid.



First, a minor gripe; I'm not in love with the fact that the girls' dresses are part orange, and he's in pink. Just me being moany, but the colours don't seem to go well together.


Also. I think those "dance moves" at the beginning when he's in the chair miss the mark. It looks like he's supposed to be moving his legs and feet in time with the beat, but there's a hesitancy in his movements that make it seem amateur-ish. The hesitancy means that by the time the beat hits, he's still tucking his legs/feet into their new position, and it looks sloppy. I keep thinking of his own instructions to the dancers in the making of the Love Today video clip where he goes "can we make it a little more tight?" That's what I wanted to say to him. :teehee:


There are issues with the backup dancers, too. As people have pointed out, their dancing isn't always as it should be, either. I don't interpret that as creative license; they're meant to be dancing in a very specific way, and sometimes they miss that. Like what Caz mentioned, where two dancers go at the same time at around 2:02. Or at 1:57, it seems like they're trying to form a circle around the five girls in the middle, but the circle isn't quite centred.


At 1:45 it looks like he lip-synchs "are you wishing" instead of the actual lyric, "we were wishing". It looks like an "oops."


All those little things add up to make it look like amateur-ish, like it was rushed to release.



For some reason Mika loves to combine pink and orange. It's not my favorite color combination either :roftl: And I think orange in this vid is against some other colors. It combines nicely with some turquoise, but with pink...? Well, he loves to break rules and he has used that color so many times. And I don't know if it's the color in their outfit or dancers themselves, but they are not my favorite part in this vid...


But I think it's a very minor thing. I really like this vid, the general color scheme, the atmosphere and his style and outfit :wub2: And I think most people find the beginning really interesting? It's brilliant, imho!

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