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Blame It On The Girls Video


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Caz, don't be mad at me, I was stunned at your description of all the wrong things on the vid...

I would never notice all that...



But I really had to do this...:lmfao:




It's not Katy's fault, look at her face, don't blame it on her!


It's not Mika's fault, he even got Obama clapping....


Look at Travolta! Ah! Blame it on the boooogieeee

Edited by willywonka
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That's valid. I respect you for being respectful of the points I've made and for making well-supported counter points. I am enjoying our discussion and sincerely hope that you don't think I'm trying to argue you into changing your mind. I'm simply enjoying the discussion.




This isn't a fluff piece designed to look pretty and go along with the music. There is a great deal of depth and context for it, especially given the emotional weight and cultural relevance of the works that were alluded to. However, it's presented in a way that could be seen as fluffy, with just enough dischord to make it not fluffy.


It's like Mika's music, it seems fluffy at first glance, but if you pay attention to it, there's substance underneath. The substance doesn't draw attention to itself and it's open to a wide range of interpretion. "Wow, that looks sloppy," is just as valid as "Wow, that looks like it is intentionally sloppy."


I'm glad you're enjoying it, it's giving me a bit of a headache since it's gone midnight LOL :roftl:


To me personally, there's no depth to it. There are references, yes, like the 1950's vibe, clockwork orange, the boygirl suits insinuating a clash and fight against both sexes and/or confusion. But that's it. To me those things jump out at me straight away and I don't have to think about it. There are some videos - take Christina Aguilera's "Fighter" video for example - that are completely symbolic and surreal and has a ginormous metaphor going on throughout the video that gets you thinking about the concept and the storyline behind it, y'know?


Caz, don't be mad at me, I was stunned at your description of all the wrong things on the vid...

I would never notice all that...



But I really had to do this...:lmfao:




It's not Katy's fault, look at her face, dont blame it on her!


It's not Mika's fault, he even got obama clapping....


Look at Travolta! Ah! Blam it on the boooogieeee


LMAO!!! Oh Wonka, I couldn't hate you for that! :lmfao:

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Caz, don't be mad at me, I was stunned at your description of all the wrong things on the vid...

I would never notice all that...



But I really had to do this...:lmfao:




It's not Katy's fault, look at her face, don't blame it on her!


It's not Mika's fault, he even got Obama clapping....


Look at Travolta! Ah! Blame it on the boooogieeee


:roftl::roftl: :lmfao:


Depends on what you see when you look at it.


I'm with you!

We're definitely in the same boat with this :thumb_yello:

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Those things don't get you thinking about the concept and the story.


Those things revealed a lot to me and opened up the doors to a wider range of possibilities for me.


So, while you wouldn't have much to say about is in a deconstruction for a class, I would write a twenty page paper about the dancing, the visual design elements, the framing, the blocking, the editing, the references, and how all of those elements work and don't work together in order to make a statement about the song while opening up possibilities of interpretation. I'd need a few pages just to describe the possibilities and support my reasoning for why I think those elements point towards those possibilities.


I've studied dance, film, art, graphic design, and writing from a wide range of perspectives such as a student in an appreciation class and a professional. So, I see a wide range of elements that have all been balanced in a particular way and they are all working and not working in a wide range of ways depending on audience perspective and expectations.


I don't mean to imply that you don't. Just illustrating that the range of possibilities I see comes from the range of education and experience I have.


And I just lost my train of thought in a coughing fit because I've got some bronchitis that's trying very hard to turn into pneumonia. So, I'm done for now. Get some sleep if you aren't already :biggrin2:


yeah I get that. And I've already had my say in the dancing, if I were to write twenty pages it would just be a rant :naughty:


okay, i'm off too. Hope you get better soon!



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Caz, don't be mad at me, I was stunned at your description of all the wrong things on the vid...

I would never notice all that...



But I really had to do this...:lmfao:




It's not Katy's fault, look at her face, don't blame it on her!


It's not Mika's fault, he even got Obama clapping....


Look at Travolta! Ah! Blame it on the boooogieeee


Ohhemmmgheeee! I thought I was the only one that noticed Obama clapping!

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Am I the only one who thinks he is actually a good dancer and doesn't at all dance like an idiot?


Not all good dancing is professionally polished.

Not all professionally polished dancing is good.




I could go either way on that simply because I think both types of video are interesting for different reasons and because I don't think song lyrics always have to make literal sense. Ambiguity is interesting, especially when it points to a wide range of interpretations.


So, while I think a narrative video for PUOTF would be enlightening. I also think that a more surreal video would leave the door open for the widest range of possibilities. I'd like it either way, but I favor the option that preserves the ambiguity of the song just because I prefer possibilities.


I guess you are... I'm not exactly a dancer either, but I thought he danced a bit like an idiot, but a very gorgeous idiot... It really doesn't matter to me, he could dance like an idiot and I still won't care, cause I'll be watching his body anyways and ignoring the dance moves (unless they're chickeny, a la Sweet Dreams :das:)



I agree with you on that, but I guess I see PUOTF as a narrative video cause that's what I imagine the film clip as in my head. It's also interesting that you mention about how you prefer possibilities... I prefer it to be either one or the other... it's a bit like certain books, I like characters that have a definite personality and might not relate to everyone who reads it, rather than a character that is really vague and "relates" to a larger number of people :fisch:


But that's not exactly the point, is it? :naughty:


And- can I say again- I thought Mika looked really hot! Such a devilish smile.


Yes you can...


He really was :das:


One of the few times I liked seeing Mika wearing a hat...


Caz, don't be mad at me, I was stunned at your description of all the wrong things on the vid...

I would never notice all that...



But I really had to do this...:lmfao:




It's not Katy's fault, look at her face, don't blame it on her!


It's not Mika's fault, he even got Obama clapping....


Look at Travolta! Ah! Blame it on the boooogieeee





Naughty John! :naughty:

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The more I think about it, the more I just can't get my head around all this dancing Mika has started doing lately. I mean, he has always danced, in his performances, but it's been more natural, just jigging about, pogo-ing or unselfconscious grooving; it's never looked choreographed, not even the famous hipthrusting stuff he used to do to Sweet Dreams. Whilst it's always been obvious Mika's no MJ in terms of natural rhythm, I never had a problem with his 'dancing', until just recently, when he seems to have acquired all these weird, jerky, choreographed, downright odd dance moves. :blink:.


Why?? Has he been having 'lessons' or is it something he has come up with himself? Whatever, IMO it doesn't suit. It actually distracts me (not in a good way) from his singing, and from his natural charisma.

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The more I think about it, the more I just can't get my head around all this dancing Mika has started doing lately. I mean, he has always danced, in his performances, but it's been more natural, just jigging about, pogo-ing or unselfconscious grooving; it's never looked choreographed, not even the famous hipthrusting stuff he used to do to Sweet Dreams. Whilst it's always been obvious Mika's no MJ in terms of natural rhythm, I never had a problem with his 'dancing', until just recently, when he seems to have acquired all these weird, jerky, choreographed, downright odd dance moves. :blink:.


Why?? Has he been having 'lessons' or is it something he has come up with himself? Whatever, IMO it doesn't suit. It actually distracts me (not in a good way) from his singing, and from his natural charisma.


I think I'm in your line of thoughts. It is strange to see Mika do all that dancing stuff. But on the other hand: it made me smile. Especially the little dance he did at Later Live...:teehee:

But you're right: it distracts you from the actuall singing.

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I think I'm in your line of thoughts. It is strange to see Mika do all that dancing stuff. But on the other hand: it made me smile. Especially the little dance he did at Later Live...:teehee:

But you're right: it distracts you from the actuall singing.


:naughty: It makes me smile too sometimes, but in a 'ooohh wtf is that :teehee:' sort of way and not a 'aww that's so good' way :blink:.

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Why?? Has he been having 'lessons' or is it something he has come up with himself? Whatever, IMO it doesn't suit. It actually distracts me (not in a good way) from his singing, and from his natural charisma.


He had a choreographer working with him at home for WAG and this video was obviously highly choreographed.


Maybe Mika is on his way to becoming a proper dancer and we're just seeing the awkward in between stage from the pogo jumping to MJ. :teehee:


I am actually quite impressed with some of his movement in this video but he's really only getting away with it from the waist up and unfortunately most of those clips are in the black and white background instead of the colour foreground.


This whole video could be sorted out with a bit of editing IMO which is why it's so frustrating for me to watch. I think the whole concept of Mika dancing around in his boxers wasn't the best choice for WAG but once he made it, they produced an excellent video from his concept.


This one is just looks sloppy. Whether it was intentional or not is irrelevant and Mika could write a doctoral dissertation on the reasoning behind the imperfections. No amount of intellectual rationalization is going to change the fact that it doesn't look as good as it could have.

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He had a choreographer working with him at home for WAG and this video was obviously highly choreographed.


Maybe Mika is on his way to becoming a proper dancer and we're just seeing the awkward in between stage from the pogo jumping to MJ. :teehee:


I am actually quite impressed with some of his movement in this video but he's really only getting away with it from the waist up and unfortunately most of those clips are in the black and white background instead of the colour foreground.


This whole video could be sorted out with a bit of editing IMO which is why it's so frustrating for me to watch. I think the whole concept of Mika dancing around in his boxers wasn't the best choice for WAG but once he made it, they produced an excellent video from his concept.


This one is just looks sloppy. Whether it was intentional or not is irrelevant and Mika could write a doctoral dissertation on the reasoning behind the imperfections. No amount of intellectual rationalization is going to change the fact that it doesn't look as good as it could have.


Amen :original:.

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Goodness knows, Mika doesn't need me to defend him, but I really LIKE

this video.


Something doesn't have to be perfect for me to enjoy it.


It's not that I don't see the flaws or wish he'd done a few things

differently (I'm not a fan of the orange, either)

-- but I'm not going to sit down and run the video in slow

motion every time I watch it looking to pick out the mistakes. :naughty:


I love some things about the video very much. Other things I don't. But

overall, it plays, I watch it, I sing along, it makes me happy. :thumb_yello:


I'm not looking for a life-changing, religious experience in a Mika video,

just a little entertainment. (Besides, I already had that with the WAG

video.) :wink2:


I do agree with Mana, though, in that I think BIOTG has definite US

potential, but this video might be a little too... um... *pink* to appeal

to the masses. I hope I'm wrong about that, though. As much as I

don't want Mika become so huge that the only way I can see him

is in gigantic venues, I understand how important it is for his career that

he does a little better in the US market. :)

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Goodness knows, Mika doesn't need me to defend him, but I really LIKE

this video.


Something doesn't have to be perfect for me to enjoy it.


It's not that I don't see the flaws or wish he'd done a few things

differently (I'm not a fan of the orange, either)

-- but I'm not going to sit down and run the video in slow

motion every time I watch it looking to pick out the mistakes. :naughty:


I love some things about the video very much. Other things I don't. But

overall, it plays, I watch it, I sing along, it makes me happy. :thumb_yello:


I'm not looking for a life-changing, religious experience in a Mika video,

just a little entertainment. (Besides, I already had that with the WAG

video.) :wink2:


I do agree with Mana, though, in that I think BIOTG has definite US

potential, but this video might be a little too... um... *pink* to appeal

to the masses. I hope I'm wrong about that, though. As much as I

don't want Mika become so huge that the only way I can see him

is in gigantic venues, I understand how important it is for his career that

he does a little better in the US market. :)


Well said- I like watching it too!

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This one is just looks sloppy. Whether it was intentional or not is irrelevant and Mika could write a doctoral dissertation on the reasoning behind the imperfections. No amount of intellectual rationalization is going to change the fact that it doesn't look as good as it could have.




Something doesn't have to be perfect for me to enjoy it.


It's not that I don't see the flaws or wish he'd done a few things

differently (I'm not a fan of the orange, either)

-- but I'm not going to sit down and run the video in slow

motion every time I watch it looking to pick out the mistakes. :naughty:


I love some things about the video very much. Other things I don't. But

overall, it plays, I watch it, I sing along, it makes me happy. :thumb_yello:


I'm not looking for a life-changing, religious experience in a Mika video,

just a little entertainment. (Besides, I already had that with the WAG

video.) :wink2:


Well if you like it then that's fine lol. If you notice the mistakes but still like the video, then fine also.


And the only reason I did a few screencaps was to prove my point to Rivers and that was just the evidence. The mistakes hit me straight away and...well. Everyone knows how much I hate mistakes! :aah:


You win some, you lose some!

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Well if you like it then that's fine lol. If you notice the mistakes but still like the video, then fine also.


And the only reason I did a few screencaps was to prove my point to Rivers and that was just the evidence. The mistakes hit me straight away and...well. Everyone knows how much I hate mistakes! :aah:


You win some, you lose some!


Maybe he wanted to make a really bad video and have another video contest where a bunch of fans outdid him!


This is the perfect dance track, I would be up for another video re-make!

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Maybe he wanted to make a really bad video and have another video contest where a bunch of fans outdid him!


This is the perfect dance track, I would be up for another video re-make!


I'm up for doing more fanvideos! :roftl:


And I don't think this is necessarily the easiest song to do a dance to, Rain is a lot better.

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I don't know if my frail ego could take it :naughty:


Quite a lot of people like it (there were positive comments on PerezHilton actually, which is so surprising cos everyone on that site practically wants to kill Mika lol) so it could be quite a tight poll :dunno:

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