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Blame It On The Girls Video


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Completely! Now he is even Marmite among his fans, though, that's a strange new development :naughty:.


Do you think? I seem to recall endless arguments about his videos.


...well until we were all blinded by those boxers. :teehee:

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Do you think? I seem to recall endless arguments about his videos.


...well until we were all blinded by those boxers. :teehee:


I was thinking more of the dancing than purely the videos :naughty:.


I do recall a lot of discussion over the Happy Ending video. I had a few issues with that, but compared to this latest video it looks like a cinematic masterpiece.

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I was thinking more of the dancing than purely the videos :naughty:.


I do recall a lot of discussion over the Happy Ending video. I had a few issues with that, but compared to this latest video it looks like a cinematic masterpiece.


I quite liked Happy Ending but can see why people weren't fond of it. I definitely prefer HE tahn BIOTG. Hell, I even prefer Love Today.

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I've been thinking this over and i realised Mika should have done this BIOTG vid on his pants too...


In fact, I think every vid from now on should be done with pants...That or vine leaves...


Even if the music sucks to non fans they always have something quite interesting to have fun with...


Peeps would start calling him The Boy Who doesn't Wear Much...


Even older vids like BG, GK, HE should be redone...


Mika would be in trouble hanging from the ropes in his pants though, in HE...


But this is it....pants or vine leaves, nothing else...who's with me?


Let's start a petition?

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I've been thinking this over and i realised Mika should have done this BIOTG vid on his pants too...


In fact, I think every vid from now on should be done with pants...That or vine leaves...


Even if the music sucks to non fans they always have something quite interesting to have fun with...


Peeps would start calling him The Boy Who doesn't Wear Much...


Even older vids like BG, GK, HE should be redone...


Mika would be in trouble hanging from the ropes in his pants though, in HE...


But this is it....pants or vine leaves, nothing else...who's with me?


Let's start a petition?


Especially HE, then he wouldn't need to be mysteriously dressed by that ghost entity as he gets out of bed. He would just be wearing some nice undies or a fig leaf (even better). It would make much more artistic sense.

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I've been thinking this over and i realised Mika should have done this BIOTG vid on his pants too...


In fact, I think every vid from now on should be done with pants...That or vine leaves...




And I LOVE your latest sig! :roftl:

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Have you seen BIOTG that has recorded scg?


i see babs beat me to it , oh well its her job anyway :mf_rosetinted: here it is to download if you want to http://www.sendspace.com/file/i48on3


it is totally different from that of youtube... better quality... it is not cut in any part... I think that the video of youtube both with the zoom...

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Here is another version of BIOTG.

it is a performance by The Nicholas Brothers 1943:




Here is Love Today performesd by Fred Astaire 1951:



Both of these kewl vids are posted by LovinMikaBigTime.

Kudos & Congrats!!!:thumb_yello::thumb_yello:

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I was thinking more of the dancing than purely the videos :naughty:.


I do recall a lot of discussion over the Happy Ending video. I had a few issues with that, but compared to this latest video it looks like a cinematic masterpiece.


I'm so with you on that one, Gata :naughty:


I've been thinking this over and i realised Mika should have done this BIOTG vid on his pants too...


In fact, I think every vid from now on should be done with pants...That or vine leaves...


Even if the music sucks to non fans they always have something quite interesting to have fun with...


Peeps would start calling him The Boy Who doesn't Wear Much...


Even older vids like BG, GK, HE should be redone...


Mika would be in trouble hanging from the ropes in his pants though, in HE...


But this is it....pants or vine leaves, nothing else...who's with me?


Let's start a petition?



Ok, so I've watched the video again-A few times. And I still think that it looks bad. Of course Mika is gorgeous and so charming, etc, etc, so he can't looke "bad", but in my opinion he could look SO much better. And I don't mean his hairstyle or his outfit, I mean that the camera angles and the whole production of the video could put him in a far more flattering light.

I don't really mind the dancing (Mika's) that much at all, as it has some charm, but what REALLY bugs me is:

-At the very start, when he's in the little square with the panels, the way the camera rotates (which is in theory a great idea) is not good because you can see the studio lights above the square. To me, that should remain hidden in order to create the illusion that the "panel square" is all that there is to this reality plane. It looks sloppy that the camera angle is from so far that it allows you to break the illusion

-Now that Caz pointed out the cane slipping, I can't help but focus on it and I agree: they should have redone that.


-Later on, and throughout the whole video, the fact that when something is "happening" you can still see all the other things that are irrelevant in the background. Like when the girls are dancing in front of the panel and to the sides, you can still see a lot of what's behind them (those massive silver things, the stuff behind them, etc)


-The girs' dancing is SERIOUSLY off. They miss steps, others just get out of synch when they should be in synch, and that thing (sorry I forget the name) where they are meant to make the shape and we see it from above them is just poorly executed as they get the shape totally wrong.


-When they are doing long, sweeping shots of the area you can constantly see those white "studio" marks on the floor, which REALLY puts me off. They should have placed some sort of sheet on the floor in order to cover them, because it just makes the place look like a school gym and like they threw the whole thing all together at the last minute.


-The lighting. There is none, bar the general "neon-ey" type light. I think that they should have used softer lighting and changed the different tones, using some sepia maybe at times, etc...Something to mimic smokiness would have helped as well...Or make some of the shots "nighttime", etc.. Play with light, play with shadow. It's just white, clinical and bland-Oh, and totally not atmospheric.


All these things just make me get a vibe of "not really thought through" and it cheapens the video, making the whole production look cheap and unpolished. I don't believe that this is something that was seeked on purpose, and even in the unlikely case that it was, it just looks poor and sloppy (to me).

I think that the actual idea, the concept, was great, but somehow it just went terribly wrong and the end product is a disaster. Ok, so not a total disaster, but quite bad.

It's a shame, really, as it could have been really atmoshperic and "magical" using the era that Mika has in mind and the general "vibe" that he is going for, but it didn't work out IMO.

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Sara, this is for you: :bow:



Well, thanks ma' dear, but why? :naughty: It's just what I think, you know, what I SEE when I watch the video, and I can't but start thinking of all these other ways in which I think it should have been done. With WAG one can like the idea or not, but it can't be debated that the video is well shot and well made. This is different :biggrin2:.

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Well, thanks ma' dear, but why? :naughty: It's just what I think, you know, what I SEE when I watch the video, and I can't but start thinking of all these other ways in which I think it should have been done. With WAG one can like the idea or not, but it can't be debated that the video is well shot and well made. This is different :biggrin2:.


Agree agree agree. Jazzy and I came up with an amazing concept ourselves lol :aah:


And everytime I hear the song on CD I can't help but see PINK and GREY and those DANCERS in my head. Argh! Now, I like the pink and grey, think it suits Mika, but they're not colours I visualised when I heard the song :blink:

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Now, I like the pink and grey, think it suits Mika, but they're not colours I visualised when I heard the song :blink:



I saw more of a monochrome, black and white, clear cut, snapped, sharp, precise.

Not nearly monochrome, out of sync, messy and lame!



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I saw more of a monochrome, black and white, clear cut, snapped, sharp, precise.

Not nearly monochrome, out of sync, messy and lame!




And at the beginning where you get the hard beats and the breathing, I imagined quick, straight cuts of something stamping their foot, then a shot of something mouth breathing, then a hand clap, then a stamp again etcetc...


those beats could have been emphasised so much >_<

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