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2009 - New York, NY at United Palace Theatre Oct 16 - reports, pictures and videos


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Oh my gosh. This had to be my favorite Mika concert to DATE. :biggrin2:


So my mom, Mom4Mika, was going to be one of the Big Girls. dcdeb had called and said that John said to be backstage as soon as possible. We got backstage, and Mrs. Penniman, Mika's aunt and Yasmine were there. My mom said she was one of the Big Girls, and the first thing Mrs. Penniman said was "You're a little small at the top." :naughty: A few minutes later John came in with passes for me, my sister, and my mom. He was actually very nice to us. :naughty:


After about 20 minutes or so, my sister did a small gasp and her chin dropped to the floor. I looked behind me to see what was going on, and it was Mika. :biggrin2: My mom introduced herself and said she was one of the Big Girls, and he shook her hand. I said that we, my sister and I, were her daughters and I added it was nice to meet him. I tried to keep my voice steady, and I was doing it until I said "you" when I said "nice to meet you." :roftl: It was honestly because the whole time I was shaking his hand we looked each other in the eyes, and it was awesome for some strange reason. :roftl: But he was very sweet.


Anyway, John came back and said that my mom couldn't do anything until the other Big Girls arrived, so we went to the dinner meet-up. It was fun, dcdeb was there, cheesygoodness, lucy, HollyD, and some other people I didn't know from the MFC or can't remember. (sorry :naughty:)


John called during the dinner at... I don't know what time, but he said to be backstage at 7:15. Near that time we left the dinner.


We showed the guy guarding the door our passes, but Yasmine kicked us out and just wanted the big girls. It was kinda weird but whatever.


dcdeb walked my sister and I inside the theater, where we were handed off to Lucy to watch us. Us and a few other MFCers were waiting for the doors to open, and eventually they did.


The opening act went on at 8:00 and left at 8:30 so that the stage crew had time to set up the Mika stage. At 9:00 Mika came on.


First he sang Relax, and it was AMAZING. He was going through the entire theater.


Second was Big Girl, when Mom4Mika and HollyD came out with 4 other big girls. They were both great!


The whole performance was great and amazing. :biggrin2::wub2:


The MFC had passes to the after-show, where Mika would do a little meet-and-greet and sign things or receive presents. He told my mom that she did a great job, and when he got to me he asked if I liked my mom's performance. :biggrin2: I had him sign my ticket.


We dropped off dcdeb, tiibet and her husband off at their hotels, and then we went home ourselves. We got home at 1:07 in the morning, and we went to bed at 2:00.


I'll post pictures soon! :biggrin2:

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Um, Sammy, what a night. You have been waiting your LIFE for this... and just WOW.


I cannot believe the Love Today part! And Gary Go! Did you get the poster of his I texted to you yesterday? INSANITY.


Oh my gawd. He touched you. :wub2:



By the way, thanks for the shoutout. :naughty:

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Thx for the reports and pics! :flowers2:


:wub2::wub2: and might I add :fangurl: ?


SO cute. He was having so much with them, too.

On one song, can't remember which,

he was going back and forth between up on his toes and down, over

and over -- just because he could. :naughty:


In my sleep-deprived stupor last night I tried to upload some photos

to Facebook, but the rotate function isn't working so half of them are

sideways. I'll have to figure that out later, but if you don't mind turning your head... :wink2:






Think i just woke up..... :drool:

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Thanks everyone for all the reports and videos and pictures!


I'm enjoying hearing all about the North American tour and I agree with you Suzy that it ought to be front page here :wink2:


Watching some of the videos (notably I See you and Rain) from this gig I am really impressed with how good Mika's voice is sounding at the moment. LONG MAY IT LAST. Please Mika don't get ill, please please don't..*crosses everything*.


I am even warming to his new 'moves' :naughty::fangurl:

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Thanks for all of your reports, I loved reading them! Sory about the nasty security though...it's true, that they can really bring a night down, but I am glad that you all got past it and still enjoyed the show.


How on earth did you all get backstage passes! Lucky you all!

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Yesterday was one of the 'weirdest' days of my life. It started weird and full of drama - and just seemed to continue on that path the whole night through. Last night I was literally living in a dream. Truly, I have had SO many dreams about being a part of the backstage madness, I guess dreams really DO come true - cause now twice in my life . . . My midnight dreams have somehow turned to reality. That is very psychedelic when it is happening.


I got to the airport yesterday almost 2 hours early only to find that my flight had been delayed. It was a 'ground delay' due to high winds in New Jersey. So I sat there looking out the window at my plane. After hours upon hours of waiting, RIGHT when it was about time for us to start boarding - an announcement came over the speakers . . . I have more bad news for Flight 554 . . .:shocked: We have been delayed another 2 hours! :boxed: I was like THAT is it - I'm not gonna make it. But, in the end everything turned out. Even though I was starving and frustrated. I only had breakfast at 5 AM yesterday . . .and by the time we made it to the Restaurant . . . I did not even have time to grab anything - we had to get backstage to get fitted for our Big Girl suits. Kinda good though - cause I did not have too long to have to freak out about it.


So, we go backstage and JP (Mrs. Penniman) and Yasmine were busy bees. :biggrin2: JP gave me some stockings <which were SO funkdified> seriously they SMELLED like corn chips! Who ever wore them before me had some funky feet. But, what'cha gonna do . . . so I went to the bathroom and put on the stockings and the poofy panty bottoms. :naughty: I felt really naked, cause my booty was hanging out! I have a REALLY BIG BUTT, so it was hard getting them on over my butt. :teehee: Then I went back out and JP held up the top corsette in front of me - while I took my bra and shirt off. NO TIME for modesty when you are getting dressed backstage that is for sure! Then JP laced up the back. It was SO TIGHT I could hardly breathe. I could NOT bend over or sit down! :roftl: But, I was too excited to SIT anyways. The Yasmine painted us with the UV paint that makes us glow in the dark. We were ALL painted . . . on our face, chest, arms . . . aaahhhh. It got all over the place! It was a very surreal experience being so close and personal with the whole family. I met Aunts - cousins - and even Audrey came backstage. She is really growing up!!! Wow, she is SO beautiful!!!!! And SO SWEET! She was SO excited! We always knew that he had a great family - but, to actually witness it all, was just amazing! Yasmine works SO HARD! And she is even nicer then I ever imagined. She is a genuine sweetheart.


Mika is SO funny before a show. He refuses to talk - I mean he does not speak a WORD to anyone! He totally has created a whole new hand/motion language (that everyone around him totally understands) . . . he and Yasmine are SO in sync. I love watching the two of them! And once the show started we got to watch the beginning from backstage - looking out at the audience from back there is WILD! Now, I see what the performer feels like <sees> WHAT A LIFE! I was standing right beside the tent like enclosure where Mika gets dressed. So, as soon as he came off stage in his boxers he was dressing right beside me - I had to keep telling myself not too look. Then he came out, and did the opening high note of Relax right beside me (that WAS fantastic) then he grabbed his suitcase and John was patting him on the back - and Yasmine slapped his butt . . it was SO cute. (their way of saying have a good show) DON'T EVER TELL MIKA 'GOOD LUCK' before a show. One of the Girls said that to him and he was like :shocked: and his mom said no no no never say that he is VERY superstitious! :aah:


It is a good thing that Big Girl is the second song. Before we knew it we were being queued to go up the steps to the platform behind Cherisse. That platform is SO shaky!!!! SCARY to move at all - cause you feel like you are going to fall right off. But, once up there I just looked out and I immediately saw Cheeseygoodness and Foalbaby14 they were going wild. So, I just pretended that the whole audience was just MFCers. When you are up there, you have no idea what you are doing . . . I just focused on moving the whole time. It really was fun being up there. It FELT like it lasted longer then it actually did. Once it was over that was it. We went back and got dressed. Before the show, I gave my 4th row ticket to my friend, so that she could be closer. We were told we wouldn't need our tickets - so I wanted her to have an amazing experience. Well, in the end - we DID need a ticket to go back into the theatre. Everyone else had theirs - so John told me that he was going to get me a pass and I could go stand anywhere I wanted to. THAT never happened! They ended up bringing me a ticket from the box office that was for row NN. I did not get to enjoy the show at all. When I first went way in the back to the area I felt SO all alone, I wanted to cry. I WANTED to be down there with Lucy having a BLAST and going crazy! But, with security being the way they were THAT was not going to happen! So, I just stood there and watched the show. Allison was on one side of me and Jerry was on the other. It's funny to watch his managers out in the crowd watching the show. Allison is a really nice girl - but ALL business.


I HATE to admit the fact that I was just waiting for the show to be over. But, I was so glad when it was all done - cause all I wanted to do was find Lucy. What ever was going on with the security people MY GAWD. When waiting for him after the show, it was go here - move there - these three rows - move to the back - move again - aaahhh could they MAKE up their minds!? Anyways that worked out like a charm, cause they put the MFC in one section together. Allison said that the MFCers were the only ones paying attention! Isn't it always that way! We are Golden! And Mika came over to the MFC first! He was doing a quick signing - they told us NO PICTURES! He went through the first row - and then he was in front of our row . . we stood up and I had him sign my gold shoe - and it LOOKS AMAZING!!!!! He drew a heart and then his name and he looked at me and said, "You were Great tonight" I was like aaawww THANK YOU MIKA! :wub2:


I am very glad that I got to experience being a Big Girl once. But, I would never want to do it again. I have always dreamed of touring with Mika and being a part of the *Magic* but, NOW I know . . . I would not like that at all! :no: I am SO happy and satisfied being the CRAZY supportive fan in the front row. After all that is what I am - a fan.

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Holly that is so cool about the big girl!! how fun!

i remember the mika thing with the no speaking before the show :roftl: its funny. but u know its better he just shut up and look pretty ;)

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Oh my holy goodness! Sammy, your report was pure joy! I am so so glad that the night was everything you wanted and more. Now definitely get some rest. If you remember any more details, be sure to share them. :wink2:


Also, congrats to our MFC Big Girl dancers! What an amazing experience to get backstage, and see what goes on behind the scenes. Now I'm really inspired to do it! (I swear Mrs. P, I have plenty'o cleavage to fill that corset.)

Edited by DaMango
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I had a fantastic time at the concert last night. It was my first time ever seeing Mika, and one of the most energetic concerts that I've ever been too.


I waited outside by the stage door to try to meet Mika, and it was freezing cold. After like an hour and a half, the security guard came out and told us that Mika would come out and sign, but that he wouldn't pose for pictures, which was understandable considering the subzero polar bear loving weather. The security guards were very pushy, literally pulling and shoving people to make them go quicker up to Mika. When i got up there, and asked for and received a high five, and got my ticket signed. Even though I wanted a picture with him, I was still real happy.


Afterward, myself and the girl that I was with went to go and eat at a restaurant across the street. It was a little Mexican restaurant, and we were a little unenthusiastic because just about no one in there spoke English, and we didn't speak Spanish. However, as we were talking, I stopped mid conversation and looked over at the door because dun dun dun MIKA WALKED IN! I just about flipped out. I was like, "Holy ****, that's Mika!" We flipped out and I tweeted like three times about whether or not to go up to him. Finally, we gathered up our courage and did it. He was an extremely nice guy, and I stress the extremely. He didn't give off any sort of ego, and he seemed very soft spoken and gracious. The old man that he was with took the picture for us, and kept asking to make sure that the picture that he took as alright. It was great! We chatted for a minute or two, and then we left him to eat. He said that the reason he was so not tired after the show was because he was starving. We went back to our seats, incredibly star struck, and couldn't get over it. It was so weird talking to my friend after that, because every time I looked at her, Mika was just sitting right there drinking wine in my line of vision. Yes!




It was a FANTASTIC evening!

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I had a fantastic time at the concert last night. It was my first time ever seeing Mika, and one of the most energetic concerts that I've ever been too.


I waited outside by the stage door to try to meet Mika, and it was freezing cold. After like an hour and a half, the security guard came out and told us that Mika would come out and sign, but that he wouldn't pose for pictures, which was understandable considering the subzero polar bear loving weather. The security guards were very pushy, literally pulling and shoving people to make them go quicker up to Mika. When i got up there, and asked for and received a high five, and got my ticket signed. Even though I wanted a picture with him, I was still real happy.


Afterward, myself and the girl that I was with went to go and eat at a restaurant across the street. It was a little Mexican restaurant, and we were a little unenthusiastic because just about no one in there spoke English, and we didn't speak Spanish. However, as we were talking, I stopped mid conversation and looked over at the door because dun dun dun MIKA WALKED IN! I just about flipped out. I was like, "Holy ****, that's Mika!" We flipped out and I tweeted like three times about whether or not to go up to him. Finally, we gathered up our courage and did it. He was an extremely nice guy, and I stress the extremely. He didn't give off any sort of ego, and he seemed very soft spoken and gracious. The old man that he was with took the picture for us, and kept asking to make sure that the picture that he took as alright. It was great! We chatted for a minute or two, and then we left him to eat. He said that the reason he was so not tired after the show was because he was starving. We went back to our seats, incredibly star struck, and couldn't get over it. It was so weird talking to my friend after that, because every time I looked at her, Mika was just sitting right there drinking wine in my line of vision. Yes!




It was a FANTASTIC evening!

What an incredible story! You were very lucky

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Holly that is so cool about the big girl!! how fun!

i remember the mika thing with the no speaking before the show :roftl: its funny. but u know its better he just shut up and look pretty ;)


That's weird, because when I was backstage as an LG he spoke to all of us right before going on stage. Maybe he didn't want to appear to be rude or something!

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I had a fantastic time at the concert last night. It was my first time ever seeing Mika, and one of the most energetic concerts that I've ever been too.


I waited outside by the stage door to try to meet Mika, and it was freezing cold. After like an hour and a half, the security guard came out and told us that Mika would come out and sign, but that he wouldn't pose for pictures, which was understandable considering the subzero polar bear loving weather. The security guards were very pushy, literally pulling and shoving people to make them go quicker up to Mika. When i got up there, and asked for and received a high five, and got my ticket signed. Even though I wanted a picture with him, I was still real happy.


Afterward, myself and the girl that I was with went to go and eat at a restaurant across the street. It was a little Mexican restaurant, and we were a little unenthusiastic because just about no one in there spoke English, and we didn't speak Spanish. However, as we were talking, I stopped mid conversation and looked over at the door because dun dun dun MIKA WALKED IN! I just about flipped out. I was like, "Holy ****, that's Mika!" We flipped out and I tweeted like three times about whether or not to go up to him. Finally, we gathered up our courage and did it. He was an extremely nice guy, and I stress the extremely. He didn't give off any sort of ego, and he seemed very soft spoken and gracious. The old man that he was with took the picture for us, and kept asking to make sure that the picture that he took as alright. It was great! We chatted for a minute or two, and then we left him to eat. He said that the reason he was so not tired after the show was because he was starving. We went back to our seats, incredibly star struck, and couldn't get over it. It was so weird talking to my friend after that, because every time I looked at her, Mika was just sitting right there drinking wine in my line of vision. Yes!




It was a FANTASTIC evening!


What amazing luck!

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I had a fantastic time at the concert last night. It was my first time ever seeing Mika, and one of the most energetic concerts that I've ever been too.


I waited outside by the stage door to try to meet Mika, and it was freezing cold. After like an hour and a half, the security guard came out and told us that Mika would come out and sign, but that he wouldn't pose for pictures, which was understandable considering the subzero polar bear loving weather. The security guards were very pushy, literally pulling and shoving people to make them go quicker up to Mika. When i got up there, and asked for and received a high five, and got my ticket signed. Even though I wanted a picture with him, I was still real happy.


Afterward, myself and the girl that I was with went to go and eat at a restaurant across the street. It was a little Mexican restaurant, and we were a little unenthusiastic because just about no one in there spoke English, and we didn't speak Spanish. However, as we were talking, I stopped mid conversation and looked over at the door because dun dun dun MIKA WALKED IN! I just about flipped out. I was like, "Holy ****, that's Mika!" We flipped out and I tweeted like three times about whether or not to go up to him. Finally, we gathered up our courage and did it. He was an extremely nice guy, and I stress the extremely. He didn't give off any sort of ego, and he seemed very soft spoken and gracious. The old man that he was with took the picture for us, and kept asking to make sure that the picture that he took as alright. It was great! We chatted for a minute or two, and then we left him to eat. He said that the reason he was so not tired after the show was because he was starving. We went back to our seats, incredibly star struck, and couldn't get over it. It was so weird talking to my friend after that, because every time I looked at her, Mika was just sitting right there drinking wine in my line of vision. Yes!




It was a FANTASTIC evening!


That sounds fantastic. And so very Mika. :cheerful_h4h:

I love how he never fails to make people happy! Great you had such an amazing experience! :original:



On another note: can we please have post #1 updated with links to reports? *puppy eyes* :flowers2:

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Wow, loving all of these reports! So happy that more MFCers got to be Big Girls :wub2:



@Sammy: This is probably a stupid question, by why isn't Mika allowed to listen to demos? :dunno:


I wondered this too, but I think it's because if he listens to them and then sometime in the future produces a song that sounds ANYTHING like hers, she can sue him.


Which he would never do, and she would never do, but still. :dunno:

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That sounds fantastic. And so very Mika. :cheerful_h4h:

I love how he never fails to make people happy! Great you had such an amazing experience! :original:



On another note: can we please have post #1 updated with links to reports? *puppy eyes* :flowers2:


your wish is my order :naughty:

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I had a fantastic time at the concert last night. It was my first time ever seeing Mika, and one of the most energetic concerts that I've ever been too.


I waited outside by the stage door to try to meet Mika, and it was freezing cold. After like an hour and a half, the security guard came out and told us that Mika would come out and sign, but that he wouldn't pose for pictures, which was understandable considering the subzero polar bear loving weather. The security guards were very pushy, literally pulling and shoving people to make them go quicker up to Mika. When i got up there, and asked for and received a high five, and got my ticket signed. Even though I wanted a picture with him, I was still real happy.


Afterward, myself and the girl that I was with went to go and eat at a restaurant across the street. It was a little Mexican restaurant, and we were a little unenthusiastic because just about no one in there spoke English, and we didn't speak Spanish. However, as we were talking, I stopped mid conversation and looked over at the door because dun dun dun MIKA WALKED IN! I just about flipped out. I was like, "Holy ****, that's Mika!" We flipped out and I tweeted like three times about whether or not to go up to him. Finally, we gathered up our courage and did it. He was an extremely nice guy, and I stress the extremely. He didn't give off any sort of ego, and he seemed very soft spoken and gracious. The old man that he was with took the picture for us, and kept asking to make sure that the picture that he took as alright. It was great! We chatted for a minute or two, and then we left him to eat. He said that the reason he was so not tired after the show was because he was starving. We went back to our seats, incredibly star struck, and couldn't get over it. It was so weird talking to my friend after that, because every time I looked at her, Mika was just sitting right there drinking wine in my line of vision. Yes!




It was a FANTASTIC evening!


I'm so happy for you!:thumb_yello:

It must have been an amazing experience, beautiful picture too!:wub2:

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