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Quick review- israely teen magazine


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so there is nothing new to it really... not at all actually :aah: I just found the pic really (REALLY) nice, so Ill translate it for the interested while Im at it... :naughty: (its from about amonth ago, BTW, I had to trade 3 muffins for it... :aah:)




Translation- (my comments and purple)


The celeb that made our week



Statistics depatment-


On August 18th, 1983 popped to the world, in Beirut Lebanon, to say ahalan and sahaln (meaning hello, or hey there in arabic, and slang in hebrew), a skinny lad, tall on his feet (his height being above 1.90) named Michael Holbrook Penniman, who you know by the name of Mika. His dad is American, and his mom lebanese. he is the third boy out of five brothers and sisters- 1 younger sister, one younger brother and two older sisters.

When he was a year old, the family was forced to move out of Lebanon due to war and moved to Paris and eventually to London when Mika was 9.


Mi-ka-moni (idiotic word game- Mi meaning who and kamoni means like me, in other words- who's like me...)

Mika has been compared to the legendry Freddie mercury- the legendery's Queen lead singer- his voice and octave range, the relation to the british kingdom, the looks and the flamboyant theatricle appearance (some say the sexual tendency is alike too, but even though his popularity within the gay community, and his close friend the blogger Perez Hilton, he does not confirm nor deny).

in his hit single "Grace Kelly" he even mentions Freddie- "... So I tried a little Freddie, Ive gone idenity mad".

Just watch himself, and and live longer then dear Freddie.


Rough Economics-

In the beggining, just before making the huge breakthrough, donated Mika from his fabulous musical talent to a jingle for a Wrigley's bubble gum commercial, and also, pay attention, to flight music (yeah its the music you hear in the headphones on the plane, trying to take a nap) for British Airways.

Rather nice, aint it? think about this way-the free gum he got probably helpped all that ear pressure on the plane... (their jokes are so lame :aah:)


Opera House-

Truth be told, while listening to Mika its not a big surprise to find out that when the boy was 15, his high voice (moving on a range of between 3.5 to 5 octaves, incase youre wondering) made him a successful opera singer in the royal opera house in London- there performed in big production, and got many praises.


Foren Boy-

Mika's unique style has begun as only a child. When he was five, he convinced his dad to surrendor to his fashion requests, and buy him hand made suits- colorful and flashy (of course), which included a range of bow ties and matching pants. He sayd, that in France, his fashion sense made a special boy everyone adored. While the kids in London didnt know how to handdle the flashy outfits, and bullied him so badly, that at age 11, his mom pulled him out of school to be home-schooled.


Just so you know...-

Mika also suffers from a lazy eye and dislexia. He know fluent French and english, a bit of Spanish a teenea bit Arabic, and sayd he leaned chinese-mandarin once, but forgot it all. his parent live in a house worth 3 million dollars, in a luxrious part of london, his dad is a rich and succeful banker and his mom is a childern's cloths designer, who also makes his wacky stage outfits. wow, the boy cant be bored with that family.


So why has he made our week?-

Because he's one of ours (Israel and Lebanon being really close, and while hatefull to eachother- rather alike too... kind of- in some parts.), well, a close cousin anyway. but just think that we finally have a worldwide superstar, who can finally say Huumus in the right accent, we might even be able to make him an embasdor- bringing us closer to peace between us and our neiboughrs.

after popping out big time with his debut- Life in Cartoon Motion back in 2007, which he defined as his child to adulthood album, including the great hits "Grace Kelly" "Lollipop" and "Happy Ending" and more playlist scortchin singles, he kind of disapeard for a while. But worry no more- the boy is back, and big time with the first fantastic sngle "We Are Golden" out of his brand new album, meant to be named the same, but changed last minute to "The Boy Who Knew Too Much". this album seems promising- jumpy and catchy, but some nice ballads- to ease it all of.

So Mika honey- if you know too much- feel free to break it down all to us, no need for worries- we're all brothers





not the best review- but I found it rather funny :naughty:

Edited by inbar_assaf
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so there is nothing new to it really... not at all actually :aah: I just found the pic really (REALLY) nice, so Ill translate it for the interested while Im at it... :naughty: (its from about amonth ago, BTW, I had to trade 3 muffins for it... :aah:)




Translation- (my comments and purple)


The celeb that made our week



Statistics depatment-


On August 18th, 1983 popped to the world, in Beirut Lebanon, to say ahalan and sahaln (meaning hello, or hey there in arabic, and slang in hebrew), a skinny lad, tall on his feet (his height being above 1.90) named Michael Holbrook Penniman, who you know by the name of Mika. His dad is American, and his mom lebanese. he is the third boy out of five brothers and sisters- 1 younger sister, one younger brother and two older sisters.

When he was a year old, the family was forced to move out of Lebanon due to war and moved to Paris and eventually to London when Mika was 9.


Mi-ka-moni (idiotic word game- Mi meaning who and kamoni means like me, in other words- who's like me...)

Mika has been compared to the legendry Freddie mercury- the legendery's Queen lead singer- his voice and octave range, the relation to the british kingdom, the looks and the flamboyant theatricle appearance (some say the sexual tendency is alike too, but even though his popularity within the gay community, and his close friend the blogger Perez Hilton, he does not confirm nor deny).

in his hit single "Grace Kelly" he even mentions Freddie- "... So I tried a little Freddie, Ive gone idenity mad".

Just watch himself, and and live longer then dear Freddie.


Rough Economics-

In the beggining, just before making the huge breakthrough, donated Mika from his fabulous musical talent to a jingle for a Wrigley's bubble gum commercial, and also, pay attention, to flight music (yeah its the music you hear in the headphones on the plane, trying to take a nap) for British Airways.

Rather nice, aint it? think about this way-the free gum he got probably helpped all that ear pressure on the plane... (their jokes are so lame :aah:)


Opera House-

Truth be told, while listening to Mika its not a big surprise to find out that when the boy was 15, his high voice (moving on a range of between 3.5 to 5 octaves, incase youre wondering) made him a successful opera singer in the royal opera house in London- there performed in big production, and got many praises.


Foren Boy-

Mika's unique style has begun as only a child. When he was five, he convinced his dad to surrendor to his fashion requests, and buy him hand made suits- colorful and flashy (of course), which included a range of bow ties and matching pants. He sayd, that in France, his fashion sense made a special boy everyone adored. While the kids in London didnt know how to handdle the flashy outfits, and bullied him so badly, that at age 11, his mom pulled him out of school to be home-schooled.


Just so you know...-

Mika also suffers from a lazy eye and dislexia. He know fluent French and english, a bit of Spanish a teenea bit Arabic, and sayd he leaned chinese-mandarin once, but forgot it all. his parent live in a house worth 3 million dollars, in a luxrious part of london, his dad is a rich and succeful banker and his mom is a childern's cloths designer, who also makes his wacky stage outfits. wow, the boy cant be bored with that family.


So why has he made our week?-

Because he's one of ours (Israel and Lebanon being really close, and while hatefull to eachother- rather alike too... kind of- in some parts.), well, a close cousin anyway. but just think that we finally have a worldwide superstar, who can finally say Huumus in the right accent, we might even be able to make him an embasdor- bringing us closer to peace between us and our neiboughrs.

after popping out big time with his debut- Life in Cartoon Motion back in 2007, which he defined as his child to adulthood album, including the great hits "Grace Kelly" "Lollipop" and "Happy Ending" and more playlist scortchin singles, he kind of disapeard for a while. But worry no more- the boy is back, and big time with the first fantastic sngle "We Are Golden" out of his brand new album, meant to be named the same, but changed last minute to "The Boy Who Knew Too Much". this album seems promising- jumpy and catchy, but some nice ballads- to ease it all of.

So Mika honey- if you know too much- feel free to break it down all to us, no need for worries- we're all brothers





not the best review- but I found it rather funny :naughty:


Thanks :thumb_yello: 3 muffins well spent :roftl:

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so there is nothing new to it really... not at all actually :aah: I just found the pic really (REALLY) nice, so Ill translate it for the interested while Im at it... :naughty: (its from about amonth ago, BTW, I had to trade 3 muffins for it... :aah:)


So Mika honey- if you know too much- feel free to break it down all to us, no need for worries- we're all brothers


not the best review- but I found it rather funny :naughty:


love the picture *jaw drops*


last bit made me laugh


you comments made me die!!


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