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Mika in Tokyo Nov 30 2009 Studio Coast

Blue Sky

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blueskymika @mikasounds front!! surprise song on setlist! tweeting @ gig too hard! more after xxx

1 minute ago from Keitai Web


jimmyplaysbass http://twitpic.com/rkilh big girl update!

2 minutes ago from TweetDeck


jimmyplaysbass Just met @blueskymika and very nice she is too! I love japan!

15 minutes

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It is midnight, the gig is tomorrow, I am off to bed, but wanted to share a Mika blog we are getting on a Japanese site:

Posted 10 mins ago


So am sitting here in a restaurant in Mid town mall of Roppoongi, having had an amazing 3 hour long Japanese meal. Earlier today I went straight from the airport to one of my favorite shops in the world, the Tokyu Hands. I can spend hours in there buying all sorts of gadgets. Today I did my first Christmas shopping. Everything from stickers to science kits. I think my friends are going to be confused by their VERY random gifts!

OK, am off to bed. Really looking forward to the gig tomorrow night. Am having to do a photo shoot for Q magazine tomorrow. They are making me dress in an Astronaut costume and stand in the streets of Roppoongi to have my picture taken.

Until tomorrow, GOOD NIGHT!



Thank you so much for sharing, Blue Sky:thumb_yello: You made me happy this morning!:biggrin2:

Take care!:wub2: Have a happy day! :wink2:

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It is midnight, the gig is tomorrow, I am off to bed, but wanted to share a Mika blog we are getting on a Japanese site:

Posted 10 mins ago


So am sitting here in a restaurant in Mid town mall of Roppoongi, having had an amazing 3 hour long Japanese meal. Earlier today I went straight from the airport to one of my favorite shops in the world, the Tokyu Hands. I can spend hours in there buying all sorts of gadgets. Today I did my first Christmas shopping. Everything from stickers to science kits. I think my friends are going to be confused by their VERY random gifts!

OK, am off to bed. Really looking forward to the gig tomorrow night. Am having to do a photo shoot for Q magazine tomorrow. They are making me dress in an Astronaut costume and stand in the streets of Roppoongi to have my picture taken.

Until tomorrow, GOOD NIGHT!


just saw this! t4p :flowers2:

sounds like he bought really cool things:biggrin2:

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Yep, it's like myspace. I can invite you if you are interested. PM me with your email address. (I'm not sure if you can join from out side of Japan)

It's the first time and he says he wants do often.


Sweet dreams.:huglove: and YES!!! We will. Thanks



I WANT it!!! invite me please:blush-anim-cl:

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alioka: now @MIKAsounds fantastic dreamy gig over. and my 2009 over at same time...

4 minutes ago from movatwitter ·


alioka: http://twitpic.com/rkrjh - @MIKAsounds sings... sorry I forgot.

2 minutes ago from TwitPic · Reply · View Tweet


alioka: http://twitpic.com/rkrdc - small @MIKAsounds sings Blue eyes

4 minutes ago from TwitPic

Edited by RAK1
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alioka: now @MIKAsounds fantastic dreamy gig over. and my 2009 over at same time...

4 minutes ago from movatwitter ·


alioka: http://twitpic.com/rkrjh - @MIKAsounds sings... sorry I forgot.

2 minutes ago from TwitPic · Reply · View Tweet


alioka: http://twitpic.com/rkrdc - small @MIKAsounds sings Blue eyes

4 minutes ago from TwitPic

From the same user:


http://twitpic.com/rknyp - @MIKAsounds and Utada!

about 1 hour ago from TwitPic


http://twitpic.com/rko1e - @MIKAsounds and Utada no2

about 1 hour ago from TwitPic

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