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Joanna Kaze


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Yay !

When does the gig start or is it now?

Caz do you know something ?:wink2:


hey V :huglove:

nope nothing ... but apparantly "she so rocked it" vanessa ... :D :D :D .. well done bez ! we're all PROUD ! - knew you would anyway !!! xxxxxxxxxx

Edited by mikas_gal07
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well people did seem to like it...either that or they lied to me...or to themselves? haaahaaa,I'm so good at puns :lmfao:


:roftl: most artists are !!!!! ... you iz an artist :biggrin2: Well done babe ! So proud of you ! was waiting in anticipation for reports myself !! :naughty:

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Everyone with a properly working brain and musical sense can analyze and learn become a pretty respectable producer. Emphasis on 'properly working brain' , that's where the selection happens :roftl:


Because really,you can't say that any of the mass-hit makers are idiots. They''re very calculated in their art.


I think I'd slap myself though if I'd have to make music with the sole purpose of it becoming a hit


I am back after a terribly busy week! :naughty:


Anyways, obviously the music producers are very calculated in their art, they create their own system that works and gets them money. Thats why most of their songs sound so similar.... I mean, somethimes when I hear a song I can tell that they were produced by a certain producer. Its just sheer moneymaking. Id slap them too, (and myself if I were in their place), but as long as there are enough people who buy it... they just gotta use it out i guess :dunno:


Oh I know...that's why I'm such a proud creator :roftl: I can put myself in all kinds of bad variations :lol3:

For those 6 lines,it took me more than to write any song I've ever done. I mean it's one thing to write something that just comes to you naturally,and something completely different to think what the standard is for these things.


and then there was the moment of "I refuse to do this! It's too idiotic! I won't! Why me? Why? ... Damn,I have to..I promised,but this is so bad!"

That monologue dispute of mine took at least 20 minutes,until I convinced myself


It got recorded,I mean I recorded the voice separately and sent it to him. He may have put it together and mixed it by now...have to check.


I mean my melody wasn't even bad,but with that beat,it became what it had to :mf_rosetinted:


And that ability makes you truly special :naughty:


I understand what you mean. I mean, writing songs is a process that just expresses your thoughts, feelings and reflects your personality. Once you have to write something you are not interested in or dont think about, it just becomes difficult. But kudos for managing to convince yourself and actually writing it. :naughty:


Haha, I really wonder how that sounds!! .. Well, the beat is usually what makes the song sound just like 1000s of others ... :/


I saw you had a gig last week! Hope it went well. At least the photos look good :biggrin2:

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Great vids so far! Me really likes it! Well done!


thanks! i'm hoping to get some more footage soon :biggrin2:



And that ability makes you truly special :naughty:


I understand what you mean. I mean, writing songs is a process that just expresses your thoughts, feelings and reflects your personality. Once you have to write something you are not interested in or dont think about, it just becomes difficult. But kudos for managing to convince yourself and actually writing it. :naughty:


Haha, I really wonder how that sounds!! .. Well, the beat is usually what makes the song sound just like 1000s of others ... :/


I saw you had a gig last week! Hope it went well. At least the photos look good :biggrin2:


never again...unless i will do it for fun :mf_rosetinted:


was lucky that my bassist has connections ,pretty pictures :naughty:


Btw,videos :thumb_yello:


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  • 3 months later...

This thing needs a serious bump




but basically because since the last time it was bumped or poked or whatever,there've been quite a couple of NEW Songs :mf_rosetinted:

lol myspace..forgot it existed :teehee:

I'm loving Am I lying deenmix...how did u made it? Way eurodancey :yay::biggrin2:

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lol myspace..forgot it existed :teehee:

I'm loving Am I lying deenmix...how did u made it? Way eurodancey :yay::biggrin2:


yeah,it is euro cheese based innit? ...but no,i didn't mix it. i'm not gonna attribute that to myself,especially since i have no clue on mixing.i just gave orders


good ol myspace...sometimes i wonder who uses it anymore :mf_rosetinted:

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I like your style :naughty:

yeah,it is euro cheese based innit? ...but no,i didn't mix it. i'm not gonna attribute that to myself,especially since i have no clue on mixing.i just gave orders


good ol myspace...sometimes i wonder who uses it anymore :mf_rosetinted:

not people like Italians, stuck with inferior technologies..if u go any slower, dear interwebs, rpattz may have my babies :aah:

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