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As long as you do it at home and not buy it already made...those have high fat %...:aah:


There are easy recipes, even for the pastry made at home...:thumb_yello:


I will make one when I'm at HOME home next Wednesday and I'll follow your recipe. I'll let you know if it's a disaster or not. :biggrin2:

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I will make one when I'm at HOME home next Wednesday and I'll follow your recipe. I'll let you know if it's a disaster or not. :biggrin2:






Hope no one comes here accusing me of being paid by Mika to post yummy quiche recipes to fatten mods...:mf_rosetinted:

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reading threads backwards is amazingly confusing, :naughty:


Yeah....I'm force to do that all the time with twitter, but it's a pain!:sneaky2:


MFC is da best...nice and tidy and you can see what people actually are responding to!:biggrin2:

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The servants, to be exact (er Sampson and Gregory and somebody else)


*high five* Congrats. I swear it was referenced in a song that I listen to looooads and loads but I can't remember what it is and it's bugging me. Pffft.






Hope no one comes here accusing me of being paid by Mika to post yummy quiche recipes to fatten mods...:mf_rosetinted:


Who would ever do something like that? Not a fan, surely? :naughty:

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Now I'm starting to wonder if Mika can make it without you groupies :shocked:


Hope he's paid you well ! :biggrin2:

MWAHAHAHAHA you may be "still a fan" but you are not "still an MFCer". I was about to reply and saw "BANNED" under your name.


We are here BECAUSE we are "groupies", (hello read the forum name) and of course we do it because we like to, no money needed. (Occasionally Mika provides icecream, hot chocolate and donuts for fans in the queues before gigs, but you wouldn't know that because you haven't been round long enough:tongue2:)

Our forum is a nice place and we agree to play by certain rules. And in the end, our mods have the final say. They have been doing it well since Jan 2007, so in oct 2009, you don't have a fighting chance...pardon the pun.



Guys, guys, no Tesco, please!




Quiche Lorraine recipe





One 30cm pastry shell.

250ml cream.

Three eggs.


One onion.

Gruyere cheese (or mozarella).

Salt and pepper.

Preparation Instructions:


Brown slightly sliced bacon and sliced onion in a little butter, let it cool down and place in pastry shell, add ground cheese, beat vigourosly eggs, cream, salt and pepper, pour in shell. Bake at 375°F for 40 minutes or until brown.




So easy even Billy Brown could do it...






Hope no one comes here accusing me of being paid by Mika to post yummy quiche recipes to fatten mods...:mf_rosetinted:


Now THAT is hijacking ma thread woman.:wags_finger:

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I wanted to note that the danger of something like the unfounded

claims "Mr. X" made is that others who, for whatever reason, don't

particularly like Mika, will pick up on it and preach it as Bible,

even though they've never seen Mika live and have no clue what he's like.

For example, I saw a tweet last night from some guy -- in Scandinavia,

I think? -- who sent around a link to a Mika video from the LA show,

calling it his "Milli Vanilli" performance. For those of you who don't remember

the Milli Vanilli scandal (you younglings!), they were a very popular singing

duo who won a Grammy, but it was then discovered that they really

didn't sing, they just lipsynched, and they were basically run out

of the music business :sneaky2:


As I said the other day, this doesn't mean we should form a lynch mob

and go after the guy spreading the false info -- there will always be haters

and people who want to bring Mika down. As Mika said in a recent interview,

of course there are people who don't like him, but "I have my fans."

IOW, he knows that we know and support him. :wub2:


:clap:well said Hurray bravo etc etc, this is what I was worried about, cos ppl who aint even seen him live will jump on 4Xegghead's band wagon and help it roll down a very fast hill, I just hope there is a pile of horse plop at the bottom for them to fall into though they will probs come out smelling sweeter than when they went in :sneaky2: (sorry still angry at them).

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Now I'm starting to wonder if Mika can make it without you groupies :shocked:


Hope he's paid you well ! :biggrin2:


oh is this another point to YOU? I think NOT did your mother never tell you if you don't have anything good say then just stfu! :sneaky2: looks to me like you aint got anything valid to say here that I am interested in so gonna IGNORE!!

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Now THAT is hijacking ma thread woman.:wags_finger:




Oh, boy, i was caught this time...:mf_rosetinted:


*maybe my Vicky Pollard impersonation works out*:biggrin2:


Yeah, but noes, but yeah, but noes, but FD mentioned quiches, and everyone was talking about it and then i thought it was healthier to make it at home instead of buying it at Tesco, and yeah, but noes, but yeah....:mf_rosetinted:



Sorry, BS!:teehee:

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Well, you all seem to keep forgetting that I only moved to an English speaking country when I was 27 :lmfao: so I don't exactly count as "native" or "born and bred in English speaking culture and surroundings" now, do I? :roftl:


:blink: gasp I thought you were a proper Eastender, you really have lost your accent so fast, you sound like you ought to be on Eastenders.... you could be the new Peggy Mitchell


"get outa my fan claaaab!!!":roftl::roftl:

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Is it bad that I keep reading this whole thread just so I can see what crap Still a fan is posting?


And yeah, Mika pays us extortionate amounts of money to be his groupies, so we're all very much richer than you. :biggrin2:


And can I just say, you FAIL at insults. I mean really, if you're gonna be a bell-end at least do it properly. I just feel kind of sorry for you. It's actually mega sad. Do you really have nothing to do but come on a forum and call people groupies? I mean really?


Why don't you read a book or something? Watch a film? Do something that one can do on a solitary basis cos QUITE clearly, you have the social skills of a demented asp. (Very poor, in case that wasn't made clear by my comparison).



Bottom line is, I doubt Mika would have got into the Royal College of Music by miming. Cos you know, it's about musicians, not slutty chicks and overly muscular guys winking at a camera and moving their lips a little bit when they perform.


Imagine the audition:


Man: What will you be singing?

Mika: Some classical shiz.

Man: Okay.


Mika mimes.


Man: Yep! You're in. Brilliant articulation, pitch was spot on and your projection was really top notch.


Hell, that wouldn't even get him through the first round on X Factor. COME ON.


:clap:bravo Hurrah well said that man etc etc (especially the refrence to a ringing object) spot on:thumb_yello:

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It's ruddy gorgeous!


<grabs piece hungrily>


Thank you:thumb_yello:


You can keep the trifle:naughty:


:shocked:you made me break my diet, ruddy slim fast, fruit n veg for daaaays (shh that ages in the land of dieting) and now I gotta go eat CHOCOLATE or summit :sneaky2:

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Perhaps I have a knack for these things.


Or perhaps I enjoy telling people they're mugs a little too much.


Either way....pfffffffffffft.


I bite my thumb at Still a Fan. (And if anyone gets the reference, I WILL high five you via the internet)


I get it. It's from Romeo and Juliet. :teehee:


Wait...I hope no one else posted this because I'll look stupid. :blush-anim-cl:


Edit: Yep, I look stupid. haha Oh well.

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oh is this another point to YOU? I think NOT did your mother never tell you if you don't have anything good say then just stfu! :sneaky2: looks to me like you aint got anything valid to say here that I am interested in so gonna IGNORE!!


there there :huglove:

you don't have to set him/her on ignore & worry about him anymore :wink2:

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Who is Lefsetz again?

MegadonBetamax: Of course @Lefsetz was right.. Mika performing 'live' http://bit.ly/vZAcx

18 minutes ago from TwitterGadget


Sorry to bring the subject up again...


That's sad :sad:


You are right to mention it - we can comment on the youtube clip and put these idiots right


When I'm calm, I will comment, but not now.:sad:

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That's sad :sad:


You are right to mention it - we can comment on the youtube clip and put these idiots right


When I'm calm, I will comment, but not now.:sad:


I will do the same then. But for now: Relax, Take it Eaaaassssyyyy!:biggrin2:


I must say, if you watch this short YT-clip, one could think that Mika is

m i* ing. But that is surely because the sound isn't at the same moment as the view. (You understand my strange English?:wink2:)

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<read a few comments>


It never fails to suprise me that some people try to come on here and ridicule us by saying "fan girls" .. should be fan PEOPLE .. we do have males on here :sneaky2:


We are here for a reason , I mean we dont spend hours and hours on a forum as we like the new purple background :naughty:


I mean we have our rifts and some get on better with some rather than others and we have groups and our differences but I respect Mika fans , you know?


There is SOooo much out there , Mika hate and hate towards some of us and jealousy and all that nasty stuff that we need to keep an eye on each other.


I think some forget yes its about Mika , but ... for me the people and meet ups just as much:wub2:

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Glad to see the other one is banned :thumb_yello:



Yeah, maybe twins? But seriously now: what point? There's only so much you can stand by fabricated "facts"...

I see... Maybe this the reason why I understand perfectly what you mean and I would express myself with the same words if I was better at English !


Who is Lefsetz again?

MegadonBetamax: Of course @Lefsetz was right.. Mika performing 'live' http://bit.ly/vZAcx

18 minutes ago from TwitterGadget


Sorry to bring the subject up again...


Oh no again this kind of b---hit on Twitter :sneaky2:

This person probably doesn't know MIKA is repeating "Big girl you are beautiful" while he starts the verse/couplet again !

How can he do that alone or whithout a record behind him ?

Another one who's never been to a MIKA show before, allas :blink:


Edit : have you read the comments ? They are horrible !


Edited by Sweetieval
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That's sad :sad:


You are right to mention it - we can comment on the youtube clip and put these idiots right


When I'm calm, I will comment, but not now.:sad:


Isn't it strange that there's solely negative comments on that video. The only person with a positive remark had their other comments deleted by the author. :blink:

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Edit : have you read the comments ? They are horrible !


I have. Some people seem to live for that kind of things. Trying to hit (mentally) others. It is a very coward way, anonimous on YT!


But isnt that just the backing track?



In really really hating the comments and whats happening around this :boxed:


I think so to, you can hear Mika singing live.


What I mentioned earlier in this thread is the danger of people who know Mika only from hearing (songs and comments) and then thinking they know Mika is lp sy.....

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