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Mika on his demoNs and overcoming a crisis of confidence


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I was bursting! :aah: My kids thought it was "cool" - especially when I called from my mobile and said "You're not going to believe what I'm doing right now! I've just taken my first break from painting Mika's balls, and we've just watched the sunset outside on the balcony, and he took my hand earlier with the brush and showed me how to apply brush strokes, and he asked me for candy but he didn't want my muddy Rolos and he's rehearsing on stage and he's buying pizza for everyone and a man fell off a ladder and almost landed on Zoots and she's going to be a Big Girl dancer and daddy's been chatting with Mama Penniman all night about who-knows-what, and...."


Then silence on the phone. Hello? You still there?


"That's cool mom" (nonchalantly from 14 year old boy). :aah:


That is a truly adorable post:wub2: So happy for all of you who were there and so glad that you can now share your experience on MFC.



End of the day we will all get different experiences , we should all be able to share them without fear of backlash


very well said:thumb_yello:

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Omg, thanks for telling us this story.

My god, it's amazing :wub2:


Lucky you, I think it's the best dream ever ! :mf_lustslow:


and they even talked about that this morning on a french radio station. I was like :shocked: "what the hell they're talking about". i thought they invented everything ! :naughty: and they also said it was because they didn't get enough money :sneaky2:

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and they even talked about that this morning on a french radio station. I was like :shocked: "what the hell they're talking about". i thought they invented everything ! :naughty: and they also said it was because they didn't get enough money :sneaky2:


Oh wow, ha. It just shows you can't believe anything you read/hear. They just twist a couple of words and it takes on a whole different meaning.

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I loved reading the interview/article that Deb posted, and this entire thread...


The thought of all you lucky ones painting the set (which I thought was BEYOND WONDERFUL when I saw it at the concert in Boston) together with Mika is the best of the best!!! Oooooh, how I would have LOVED to have been there with you...




I love it Sandy!

Kewl t-shirt!:thumb_yello::thumb_yello:

I have read at least four articles about this "Recession Hits Mika Hard"

They all make it out that Mika had to bribe/force his fans to help him.

Who - here would have said no????

Who - here wouldn't have wanted to help paint Mika's balls/planets???

Who - here wouldn't have lined up to take part in this????

I live in Ontario so I know I am kicking myself for not being there at that eating establishment & that Mika performance that night.

I am so happy for the fans here that got do this - it had to be surreal.

I would of had to pinch myself.:woot_jump::jawdrop::boing:


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I have read at least four articles about this "Recession Hits Mika Hard"

They all make it out that Mika had to bribe/force his fans to help him.

Who - here would have said no????


Well not only that, but do they think we are homeless or something? I don't really need to offer up hours of labour in exchange for a slice of pizza, a can of Coke, a cup of tea and a cookie. :roftl:

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Well to be honest I wasn't thinking about you at all. And my apologies for being selfish but I wasn't thinking about all the people who flew to the US instead of Toronto either since they weren't there.


Why is it so difficult to share your own experiences on MFC without it becoming all about other fans?


Yes why?:blink:

Why can't we just be happy that it happens to someone and we are lucky enough to be told about it, and be happy together!:wub2:


We use to joke in my country about The Green Swedish jealousy, but after spending time here it seems to be a worldwide tendency!:naughty:




Well said :roftl::roftl:


End of the day we will all get different experiences , we should all be able to share them without fear of backlash


Well said Freddie, I agree!:wub2:

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More and more this could happen , same as after Sadlers well , we need to nail this "lets not post to the MFC in case of backlash" its bull , we are all Mika fans , many are friends in here , we need to be united in our gains as well :biggrin2:


Now Mika is global everyone will get different experiences , some more than others.


Its collective end of the day , we all lead to one common man (well not so common)


I get wound up when things are hidden , this is just my personnel issue with things in general.

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Well sometimes things are not hidden, but people just prefer not to talk about things.

I don't feel the need to share what I do with everyone on here, personally but that doesn't mean I am hiding things.

If others feel the need to share that's fine. We are all different.

But just because I belong to MFC doesn't mean I have to discuss all my Mika experiences here does it?

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Well sometimes things are not hidden, but people just prefer not to talk about things.

I don't feel the need to share what I do with everyone on here, personally but that doesn't mean I am hiding things.

If others feel the need to share that's fine. We are all different.

But just because I belong to MFC doesn't mean I have to discuss all my Mika experiences here does it?


Im with you and posted straight after babs when I got me a cuppa :thumb_yello:


All im saying is .. we will all have different experiences in some form or another .. MFC and RL are different , nobody is forced to post anything , but as you knowww 3 years ago (wow we are getting older:naughty:) things were a tad more open.


Please dont get me wrong , my intention was people should be able to post IF they want without that fear

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Im with you and posted straight after babs when I got me a cuppa :thumb_yello:


All im saying is .. we will all have different experiences in some form or another .. MFC and RL are different , nobody is forced to post anything , but as you knowww 3 years ago (wow we are getting older:naughty:) things were a tad more open.


Please dont get me wrong , my intention was people should be able to post IF they want without that fear


Yes that's good. But the reason I don't post things isn't because I fear a backlash , although I can imagine it's the case for some people.


I am just the type of person that might say a lot about some things, but not much about what really matters to me. I prefer to keep things to myself or discuss it with people I am close to.


But you probably know that anyway. :wink2:

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Well to be honest I wasn't thinking about you at all. And my apologies for being selfish but I wasn't thinking about all the people who flew to the US instead of Toronto either since they weren't there.


Why is it so difficult to share your own experiences on MFC without it becoming all about other fans?

:blink: whats that got to do with painting balls jokes on Twitter tho, am I missing the point here or something, I find it hard to decipher everyones mannerizms at times.

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Well not only that, but do they think we are homeless or something? I don't really need to offer up hours of labour in exchange for a slice of pizza, a can of Coke, a cup of tea and a cookie. :roftl:



well not yet anway, and it's obv that the way to a fans heart is through her stomache :naughty::wink2: though I would have prefered cream cakes :thumb_yello:since I have a sweet tooth and Freddie would have prefered a coupla pints. :teehee: (not saying I would have said no to pizza mind you.)

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More and more this could happen , same as after Sadlers well , we need to nail this "lets not post to the MFC in case of backlash" its bull , we are all Mika fans , many are friends in here , we need to be united in our gains as well :biggrin2:


Now Mika is global everyone will get different experiences , some more than others.


Its collective end of the day , we all lead to one common man (well not so common)


I get wound up when things are hidden , this is just my personnel issue with things in general.


totally agree. :thumb_yello: and also agree that no one should be blamed for deciding to NOT tell about things; everyone should decide that for themselves. but what i HATE (in general, nothing and no one specific in mind...) is people hinting about having some special experience with mika, but not telling more. either tell or be quiet, but don't tease, this drives me mad! :aah: anyway, that's my personal point of view. :wink2: and i heard no hints about the ball painting at all before this interview came out, well done girls for being able to keep it so secret, i can imagine that it wasn't easy (at least for some of you). :thumb_yello:

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Wow, I haven't read this thread for a few days, so I am excited to see the details of the painting party start to unfold. What amazing luck! The planets were truly aligned for you folks that day. :naughty: (cheesy joke alert!) Sure, it would have been fun to be there, but as you've all said, this was purely a chance meeting. I had no plans to fly to Toronto in the first place, so I'm not upset about it. Besides, Mika doesn't live his life or conduct his career wondering if he's being fair to all of his fans, all of the time. Opportunities just pop up sometimes, whether it's a pub party, icecream, a secret gig, or paint and pizza. All we can do is just sit back and enjoy the ride!


Its a shame about the "Mika is so broke that he enslaves his fans" type of articles that are cropping up. In reality, I can't think of better people to have on board than those who love you. When I was a BG in Vancouver, Mrs. P told me that they could have hired professional dancers to be in the show. It certainly would have been less stressful than having to find new girls night after night. BUT, she said that they enjoyed having fans dance in the show, because they get so excited! (Goodness knows, I certainly was.) I think it's wonderful that Mika chooses to include us in the excitement. Who knows, Mika's next surprise might happen in your town! :biggrin2:

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Wow, I haven't read this thread for a few days, so I am excited to see the details of the painting party start to unfold. What amazing luck! The planets were truly aligned for you folks that day. :naughty: (cheesy joke alert!) Sure, it would have been fun to be there, but as you've all said, this was purely a chance meeting. I had no plans to fly to Toronto in the first place, so I'm not upset about it. Besides, Mika doesn't live his life or conduct his career wondering if he's being fair to all of his fans, all of the time. Opportunities just pop up sometimes, whether it's a pub party, icecream, a secret gig, or paint and pizza. All we can do is just sit back and enjoy the ride!


Its a shame about the "Mika is so broke that he enslaves his fans" type of articles that are cropping up. In reality, I can't think of better people to have on board than those who love you. When I was a BG in Vancouver, Mrs. P told me that they could have hired professional dancers to be in the show. It certainly would have been less stressful than having to find new girls night after night. BUT, she said that they enjoyed having fans dance in the show, because they get so excited! (Goodness knows, I certainly was.) I think it's wonderful that Mika chooses to include us in the excitement. Who knows, Mika's next surprise might happen in your town! :biggrin2:


Well I couldn't agree more, I mean for HIM he gets the best of both worlds, he gets things done a little cheaper, BUT (& more importantly) he knows that the shows will be better for the fans cos some of them have been or are a little more involved, and for THEM and their friends it makes the show and their Mika experience even better and more memorable.


It's fantastic PR and fantastic for the fans, it's a win win situation.

But no one said life was fair, you win some you lose some, it would of course be great to see good things happen to different fans and it will, just seen the vid of the girl who won the comp to interview him ( Liv) ...lucky girl he was really sweet with her.:thumb_yello:


Like Freddie, I too don't like the hidden aspect of things but Mika asked for that and that is fine I can understand why he wanted that, but it wasn't such a secret by the time of the spillage cos enough hints were dropped, I think THAT tarnished it in my eyes, it made me lose interest.

But hey ho it's in the past now I wanna know what the next exciting thing is to be...like the Liv/Mika interview, can't wait to see the proffesional version so I can hear it all.

Edited by sparkly1
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whats that got to do with painting balls jokes on Twitter tho, am I missing the point here or something, I find it hard to decipher everyones mannerizms at times.


Joke or no joke, I just feel uncomfortable that I reveal details here and people who were not involved go to Mika or his team about it. When John sat us down at the venue before we started he told us about another incident along these lines and it's the reason why he emphasized that we must not tell people about it.


I know Mika has revealed this to the press so it's no longer top secret but I still don't see why anyone who wasn't there would want to draw Mika's attention to a joke between Bab and Wonka about our experience. Maybe I'm overreacting and it's just a huge sense of humour fail on my part. :dunno:


well not yet anway, and it's obv that the way to a fans heart is through her stomache though I would have prefered cream cakes since I have a sweet tooth and Freddie would have prefered a coupla pints. (not saying I would have said no to pizza mind you.)


Ha...I think the truth of the matter (for me anyway) is the draw was pure nosiness. I was hoping to get a sneak peek at the set, the setlist, etc. We weren't even sure that Mika was going to be there. I thought Mika and the band may have been rehearsing elsewhere and it would just be his mum and sister working on the set with us. I remember thinking on the way over to the venue that it would be nice if Mika stopped in to say hi before we left because I didn't speak to him in the supermarket.


I don't know what everyone else was thinking but I really had no expectation that things would turn out the way they did and contrary to the news story no one ever told us there would be pizza :naughty:


and i heard no hints about the ball painting at all before this interview came out, well done girls for being able to keep it so secret, i can imagine that it wasn't easy (at least for some of you).


Oh I'm glad you didn't think we were hinting or teasing. It IS hard not to say anything sometimes :aah:


I think it was Oakland where one of the planets had dropped down and security threw it out into the audience as if it were one of the balloons. I started freaking out, screaming at the guy that it was part of the set and to get it back. Everyone must have thought I was mental getting so possessive about Mika's planets :lmfao:

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Joke or no joke, I just feel uncomfortable that I reveal details here and people who were not involved go to Mika or his team about it. When John sat us down at the venue before we started he told us about another incident along these lines and it's the reason why he emphasized that we must not tell people about it.


I know Mika has revealed this to the press so it's no longer top secret but I still don't see why anyone who wasn't there would want to draw Mika's attention to a joke between Bab and Wonka about our experience. Maybe I'm overreacting and it's just a huge sense of humour fail on my part. :dunno:




Ha...I think the truth of the matter (for me anyway) is the draw was pure nosiness. I was hoping to get a sneak peek at the set, the setlist, etc. We weren't even sure that Mika was going to be there. I thought Mika and the band may have been rehearsing elsewhere and it would just be his mum and sister working on the set with us. I remember thinking on the way over to the venue that it would be nice if Mika stopped in to say hi before we left because I didn't speak to him in the supermarket.


I don't know what everyone else was thinking but I really had no expectation that things would turn out the way they did and contrary to the news story no one ever told us there would be pizza :naughty:




Oh I'm glad you didn't think we were hinting or teasing. It IS hard not to say anything sometimes :aah:


I think it was Oakland where one of the planets had dropped down and security threw it out into the audience as if it were one of the balloons. I started freaking out, screaming at the guy that it was part of the set and to get it back. Everyone must have thought I was mental getting so possessive about Mika's planets :lmfao:



As you've said before, even if Mika isn't reading the forum, he has people who are, and I'm sure this thread will be of interest to them, in light of the things you have said about it being hush hush.

So I'm sure they are aware of any joking around between people here, and any subsequent joking around elsewhere.

I'm pretty sure they are capable of joining the dots between the two, and realising what the jokes about.

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I think it was Oakland where one of the planets had dropped down and security threw it out into the audience as if it were one of the balloons. I started freaking out, screaming at the guy that it was part of the set and to get it back. Everyone must have thought I was mental getting so possessive about Mika's planets :lmfao:


:shocked: Oh no, that's terrible! I don't blame you for yelling at him. Not only is it damaging to the set, but those things are heavier than they look. He coulda killed someone! :boxed: When I was backstage in Vancouver, I wondered why some of the planets were so dented. 'Scuse me Mr. Security Guard, that's not a toy! :sneaky2:


By the way, Christine, now I understand why you didn't stick around longer after the BC show. You were probably just plain sick of Mika by then. I would be too! :naughty:


(I jest, I jest.)

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Oh I'm glad you didn't think we were hinting or teasing. It IS hard not to say anything sometimes :aah:


I think it was Oakland where one of the planets had dropped down and security threw it out into the audience as if it were one of the balloons. I started freaking out, screaming at the guy that it was part of the set and to get it back. Everyone must have thought I was mental getting so possessive about Mika's planets :lmfao:


looks like sparkly saw some hints, but i haven't read the toronto thread, maybe that's why i didn't see any. :naughty: talking about gig threads, i haven't even read the LA thread yet, although normally i try to read at least the threads of the gigs i went to... - i'm so behind! :lmfao:


and yeah, i remember your reaction in oakland. :teehee: and although i had no idea about the planet story, i also felt it wasn't right to throw the stage deko in the crowd... so maybe i was wondering a bit about you looking so extremely upset about it, but generally i understood your reaction. well, i THOUGHT i did, it never would've occurred to me that you have some sort of "personal relationship" with those planets! :naughty:


and about the painting balls joke, i understand that you feel uncomfortable about it... :huglove: but if ppl say "can i paint your balls?" it actually just involves the info he gave himself in that interview, and no one would know that it came up as a joke from what you guys said. ok they wrote "assemble" in the article, but anyone can see that there's glow in the dark paint on the planets. :bleh: btw, i didn't tweet anything like that to him - BUT i must admit that i found it quite funny. :roftl:


btw, that having no money thing came from the original article really - it was them who suggested that it was due to the recession hitting the music industry hard... it's just emphasized a lot more if you put it as a headline, but you can't really blame the other websites for interpreting it that way from the original text... :rolls_eyes:

Edited by mellody
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Joke or no joke, I just feel uncomfortable that I reveal details here and people who were not involved go to Mika or his team about it. When John sat us down at the venue before we started he told us about another incident along these lines and it's the reason why he emphasized that we must not tell people about it.


Oh I'm glad you didn't think we were hinting or teasing. It IS hard not to say anything sometimes :aah:


I think it was Oakland where one of the planets had dropped down and security threw it out into the audience as if it were one of the balloons. I started freaking out, screaming at the guy that it was part of the set and to get it back. Everyone must have thought I was mental getting so possessive about Mika's planets :lmfao:

Are you talking about BEFORE the big reveal or after, cos apart from the dropping of hints that I picked up on, I only heard about painting his balls on here and Babs coined the phrase which I immediately pounced on cos of my immature sense of humour (that I love :aah:), So anyway if you felt uncomfortable about it maybe you shouldn't have revealed anything at all, spose you can't have it all ways realistically.


awww you spoiled it, it sounds so much better if you get possessive about Mika's balls.:naughty:

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Are you talking about BEFORE the big reveal or after, cos apart from the dropping of hints that I picked up on, I only heard about painting his balls on here and Babs coined the phrase which I immediately pounced on cos of my immature sense of humour (that I love :aah:), So anyway if you felt uncomfortable about it maybe you shouldn't have revealed anything at all, spose you can't have it all ways realistically.


awww you spoiled it, it sounds so much better if you get possessive about Mika's balls.:naughty:



I'm quite curious to know which hints you saw?:teehee:

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