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Mika in Q: Artists of the Century


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yes no worries , Ill do tonight unless someone does it before :thumb_yello:


Thank you!:flowers2:


Its actually a fun little interview , he says hes sunburnt and he wished the internet existed earlier in his life as he would quote "of got laid more" :blink:



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A note for UK peeps its well worth pre ordering Q magazine , you get a collectors edition every time and you get a week before the masses delivered , for like 20 quid :thumb_yello:


...the UK sounds so awesome D: -jealousface-


and er what. O_O;


what does the internet have to do with getting laid? :blink:

...because that sounds really really weird. XD

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I only found the magazine today, but here are the scans.



It might be a bit too big to read...:huh:

And the Picture:



The same picture cropped a little more: (it's a nice picture, I got carried away cropping. :teehee: )




Maybe I should put it on the front of the thread as well...

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I guess more access to the outside world ... he was very shy huh?


Haha I suppose! :)


-just read the article (thanks for posting by the way! :thumb_yello:)-


huh, how odd for him to be dressed up as a Mod and to be discussing the 50's. o-o; we're just learning about that in gcse history. :blink:


LOL I love how it says Simon Cowell was disappointed XD

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"When Madonna throws a party (The Pea****) can be found hanging around the toilet with Simon Cowell."


How the devil are you


Sunburnt .. Ive been mountain climbing in the Alps,jumping off 66-foot waterfalls.The good thing about a climbimg holiday is that if you start thinking about work you literally die.It's quite useful.


Whats been the best thing about this century?


The internet has been one of the most useful inventions.People started to hear my music through it.And when I was younger,I was an outsider,considered too camp and obsessed with art and music.I would of found comfort to discover there were other kids like me.If there had been the internet when I was 13,I probably would of got laid a lot more.


And the worst?


More than ever,we're all looking for something to believe in.Hence the rise of extremism:in the UK,with the BNP;around the Middle East and America,with equally far-fetched religious extremities.We're all going to become Moonies and Scientologists because we're all looking for something to believe in.


Your first number 1,Grace Kelly,was rumoured to be about Simon Cowell's unwillingness to sign you.Have you seen him since?


I bumped into him waiting for the toilet at a party at Madonna's house in L.A.I was,"Hey Simon,how are you doing?".He said,"Mika?" , What are you doing here? , I told him the song wasn't about him and he was disappointed.


One thing you've kept us guessing about this decade is your sexuality....


I discuss gender and sexuality in my songs,that's a really good place for it-it's far more interesting that divulging in interviews.I'll ve very honest:I've never limited myself in any part of my life;there are very few things I have'nt tried.But it's not something I'd bring into my interviews to pigeonhole me and define me as an artist.


Can you sum up the century in a Tweet of less than 140 characters


We're confused,spoiled brats because the age does'nt define us any more.We're all famous,if that makes sense.


Not entirely


Now is the rise of the individual,everyone publicies themselves,I prefer the 50's we were are told what to believe.

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Haha I suppose! :)


-just read the article (thanks for posting by the way! :thumb_yello:)-


huh, how odd for him to be dressed up as a Mod and to be discussing the 50's. o-o; we're just learning about that in gcse history. :blink:


LOL I love how it says Simon Cowell was disappointed XD




Yes here it isssssss ... I think he has quite a fixation with the 40s and 50s .. :aah:

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Thanks Freddie :huglove:


"And the worst?


More than ever,we're all looking for something to believe in.Hence the rise of extremism:in the UK,with the BNP;around the Middle East and America,with equally far-fetched religious extremities.We're all going to become Moonies and Scientologists because we're all looking for something to believe in."


:tears: He's so right :sad:

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it's a really nice interview.

"I would of found comfort to discover there were other kids like me."

love this quote :wub2:




Me too, and it's very true. It's a shame he didn't have anyone to relate to when he was younger :emot-sad:

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