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Say something random. Part 3


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What about sunrise

What about rain

What about all the things

That you said we were to gain...

What about killing fields

Is there a time

What about all the things

That you said was yours and mine...

Did you ever stop to notice

All the blood we've shed before

Did you ever stop to notice

The crying Earth the weeping shores?


((I love cut and paste.:biggrin2:) That's Michael Jackson if anyone doesn't know...)

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My friend thinks I'm going out with Study Buddy (says we "always walk around school together"...we do not).

My mom thinks I'm going out with Study Buddy (everytime I say "a friend drove me home" she asks "was it a boy" and I say "yes" and she says that I have a boyfriend).

Facebook thinks we're dating (I did that thing on Facebook where you find your lover. Guess who mine was? :mf_rosetinted:).


Thank goodness they're all joking. :lol3:


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My friend thinks I'm going out with Study Buddy (says we "always walk around school together"...we do not).

My mom thinks I'm going out with Study Buddy (everytime I say "a friend drove me home" she asks "was it a boy" and I say "yes" and she says that I have a boyfriend).

Facebook thinks we're dating (I did that thing on Facebook where you find your lover. Guess who mine was? :mf_rosetinted:).


Thank goodness they're all joking. :lol3:



Parents are all like that if your with a friend of the oppiette sex. I get that with my mum and her friend also jokes about the boy I like at school being my boyfriend (I wish tho) cos I go places with him, even tho I now lie to my mum so she don't know I'm going places with him still and kills the suspiction. But I also get it from some of the kids at school too, they ask whether I'm gonna go to his house to do our media coursework or whether I've been to the cinema with him lately... It is actually quite funny, sometimes I have to stop myself from laughing but in reality I know he will never be my boyfriend for the reason everybody will laugh and make jokes plus that I'm not good looking enough and I know he likes girls with straight hair not precious curls. But also it could be because it could affect our friendship how he put it when I tried to find whether he would ever go out with me.

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Parents are all like that if your with a friend of the oppiette sex. I get that with my mum and her friend also jokes about the boy I like at school being my boyfriend (I wish tho) cos I go places with him, even tho I now lie to my mum so she don't know I'm going places with him still and kills the suspiction.

Me too, but don't tell anyone. :teehee::blush-anim-cl: Last weekend he drove me to one of his friends houses 'cause it was his (Study Buddy) birthday thing. I told my mom all of us were going out bowling again. :fisch:


But I think I can understand where you're coming from. Sometimes it's just easier to not tell people things. :aah:


But I also get it from some of the kids at school too, they ask whether I'm gonna go to his house to do our media coursework or whether I've been to the cinema with him lately... It is actually quite funny, sometimes I have to stop myself from laughing but in reality I know he will never be my boyfriend for the reason everybody will laugh and make jokes plus that I'm not good looking enough and I know he likes girls with straight hair not precious curls. But also it could be because it could affect our friendship how he put it when I tried to find whether he would ever go out with me.
"Not good looking enough" is all a matter of personal opnion. So while one person may not find you attractive, there are a buttload of other people who DO think you're pretty! :wink2: I guess I can't say the reason why but what I can say is that being friends is nice, so don't throw anything away.
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Me too, but don't tell anyone. :teehee::blush-anim-cl: Last weekend he drove me to one of his friends houses 'cause it was his (Study Buddy) birthday thing. I told my mom all of us were going out bowling again. :fisch:


But I think I can understand where you're coming from. Sometimes it's just easier to not tell people things. :aah:


"Not good looking enough" is all a matter of personal opnion. So while one person may not find you attractive, there are a buttload of other people who DO think you're pretty! :wink2: I guess I can't say the reason why but what I can say is that being friends is nice, so don't throw anything away.


Well I'm gonna have to go Christmas shopping next week or the weekend after and I know if I go into the city I'll have to take the boy I like with me because I know he's wanting me to go with him to the cinema. But the risk of that is being spotted with him, last time I nearly had a close call because we had got back into town and I had to quick pop back to my house and get something and my mum was outside at the time I got to my house. I told my friend to wait around the corner, but no... Soon as I get back out the house and run down the steps to my house and see the boy beginning to walk up my street.. my mum shouts me saying I forgot something else and shes beginning to walk down the steps from my house. For a second I felt like dying and all I could do was quick thinking. So run to my mum and try and detract her and get her to go into the house. Amazingly it worked. Then I get the thing I forgot, run out the house and down the steps to my house onto the street. At this point my friend calls "Sophie!" and I'm like "Shhh!!!" and I started running get him to quickly run to, out of the street down into the back parts to where we then walked miles out of town which my mum told me earlier that day not to go out of town, only to the city and stay in town when I got back. It was Halloween, we was trick or treating where I shouldnt of been but my mum still doesnt know to this present day.. so it's all fine!!


The thing with me, I personally do think I'm attactive. I fancy myself :mf_rosetinted:. But others do not at all, I've had so many people call me ugly and stuff after I've tried to ask them out but the ones haven't are just mature enough to say it in a non-offensive mature way instead of straght to the point which hurts!!! I've been talking to a boy from my old school, I hadn't spoken to him for years but I added him on Facebook and then onto MSN when he asked and we was talking for ages until I think he's fell asleep like my friend who as been helping me what to say back to things he's been saying. The content of what he was saying to me and stuff I cannot say on here for many reasons but those sort of things he was saying, tbh you wouldn't say to any girl how he was saying it and he wanted me to go on webcam... :wink2:


So yeah maybe your right there could be someone who doesn't think I'm ugly, but let's just wait and see what happens!

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Wow, you guys are so secrative. :aah:


The content of what he was saying to me and stuff I cannot say on here for many reasons but those sort of things he was saying, tbh you wouldn't say to any girl how he was saying it and he wanted me to go on webcam... :wink2:

I can believe that. How old are you? 'Cause guys get worse as they get older.

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Wow, you guys are so secrative. :aah:



I can believe that. How old are you? 'Cause guys get worse as they get older.


Well I'm 14, 15 in March.. He's 15 but he's gonna be 16 in March... So basicially a year between. But he said that he had a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and asked me 1st of all whether I'd give him 'something' beginning with 'B'... I told my friend this and all she said first off was "LOOOOOOOOOOOOL" then she told me to just play along with him.. So I did... and it kinda got worst when he asked me such a dodgy question then asked whether I'd go onto webcam.. I said my webcam wasn't working = I'M SUCH A LIAR! :naughty:


You get what I mean, it's a bit... :das:

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I hate this. it gets late and then no one is on line but I don't wanna go to bed and I have nothing to do. I guess I could prolly come up with something but my internet is running slow so there's not a lot of option there and everyone in my house has gone to bed now so I have no one here to entertain me and if I read or watch a movie I'll just end up falling asleep :bored:


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I hate this. it gets late and then no one is on line but I don't wanna go to bed and I have nothing to do. I guess I could prolly come up with something but my internet is running slow so there's not a lot of option there and everyone in my house has gone to bed now so I have no one here to entertain me and if I read or watch a movie I'll just end up falling asleep :bored:



I HAVE THAT EXACT SAME PROBLEM!!! :thumb_yello:btw, I've been up all night and probably will get a couple hours sleep in min but I don't really want creepy dreams of people chopping my hair with scissors in a place that looks like a cinema but theres a gig happening there...

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I HAVE THAT EXACT SAME PROBLEM!!! :thumb_yello:btw, I've been up all night and probably will get a couple hours sleep in min but I don't really want creepy dreams of people chopping my hair with scissors in a place that looks like a cinema but theres a gig happening there...

Yeah, me too. it's almost 4 am :blink:

:shocked: With dreams like that I don't blame you for not sleeping :shocked:

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Yeah, me too. it's almost 4 am :blink:

:shocked: With dreams like that I don't blame you for not sleeping :shocked:


Well it's just gone 9am here... But with my dreams the creepy thing was I was on this train and there was some strange killer on the train killing people and then there was a power cut and I was trapped in one those bit where you get in and out between coaches. I think it was cos I was watching this drama thing that was on TV the last week sorta that happening in it but there was a tanker going under a tunnel in that tho.. :blink:



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