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haha. it would have made things interesting. haha. i would have.


That would have made things interesting for sure!

At least at my school, there are just weird random people going there, no one is really strong enough to be them selves and stand out! But the last year I've learned to not care what people think of me, as long as I stand for the things I do, I'm happy! I'm not really that outgoing, I just don't really care what people at my school think of me, I wear my pink nail-paint although people are staring at me :teehee:


if only I was that awesome in high school lol


I would of done it all the time.


Awesome in high school? Was it me you were referring to? :roftl::roftl::aah: hahaha!

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That would have made things interesting for sure!

At least at my school, there are just weird random people going there, no one is really strong enough to be them selves and stand out! But the last year I've learned to not care what people think of me, as long as I stand for the things I do, I'm happy! I'm not really that outgoing, I just don't really care what people at my school think of me, I wear my pink nail-paint although people are staring at me :teehee:




Awesome in high school? Was it me you were referring to? :roftl::roftl::aah: hahaha!



That is so amazing!! It is great that you have learned that now!! It is so important to just be who you are no matter what people say!!


yes you=awesome!

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That is so amazing!! It is great that you have learned that now!! It is so important to just be who you are no matter what people say!!


yes you=awesome!


I know, I've learnt to trust myself like that, mostly during the first time i joined my theatre group... when I was like 15years old, I listened to the same music as everyone else, bought the same type of clothes, just trying to be as like everyone else as possible. But I learnt how much easy life got when I just was myself, and that I should rather buy the clothes I liked, listen to the music I liked and so on... Because it actually takes more energy to always think about what people will say about what you are wearing, than it takes to just not think about their reactions! It took a little time to actually do it, but now I'm confident on my self that way! And life is so much easier not having to be embarrassed about things all the time! :biggrin2:


Aww... thanks! :huglove:

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I know, I've learnt to trust myself like that, mostly during the first time i joined my theatre group... when I was like 15years old, I listened to the same music as everyone else, bought the same type of clothes, just trying to be as like everyone else as possible. But I learnt how much easy life got when I just was myself, and that I should rather buy the clothes I liked, listen to the music I liked and so on... Because it actually takes more energy to always think about what people will say about what you are wearing, than it takes to just not think about their reactions! It took a little time to actually do it, but now I'm confident on my self that way! And life is so much easier not having to be embarrassed about things all the time! :biggrin2:


Aww... thanks! :huglove:

anytime sweetie <3

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I'm seriously still doing homework and the clock is now 01.25a.m. And I have to wake up at 06.30a.m.! I have to either do the rest of homework at school tomorrow and go to bed now (which I don't think I actually have the time to do), finish the homework and then go to bed (if I have the time), or just go to bed, not worry about it and take the problems coming with it tomorrow... (Which I think I'll end up doing!)... :no:


*Edit -I'm choosing the last one... Going to bed :bye:, Talk to you later :huglove:

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Do your homewoork young lady


I definitively should, but isn't getting enough sleep important too? :teehee:

I think I'll rather go to bed now, get a good night sleep and do my homework effectively at school instead of writing something half good now... And I'll manage to finish it at school if I just use the time I need, and not log into MFC before I'm finished :naughty:

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you guys definitely made jonah really happy. so thank you for that as well as the thread. i'll show you what he wrote on his fb.


Jonah Clifford Patterson oh god i love my friends.

Jonah Clifford Patterson

i turned on my phone and i had a bunch of new voicemails from everyone saying congratulations, the joint voicemails cracked me up. haha. even kyle surprised me!! then logging on here and seeing everything. then i log onto my dear mfc and they posted a thread congratulating us. i have some of the best friends the planet can offer. i am just so lucky to have all of you. i love you guys so much.

Awww that's so sweeet :wub2:



... :boing: Helmut Fritz! I love him!

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you guys definitely made jonah really happy. so thank you for that as well as the thread. i'll show you what he wrote on his fb.


Jonah Clifford Patterson oh god i love my friends.

Jonah Clifford Patterson

i turned on my phone and i had a bunch of new voicemails from everyone saying congratulations, the joint voicemails cracked me up. haha. even kyle surprised me!! then logging on here and seeing everything. then i log onto my dear mfc and they posted a thread congratulating us. i have some of the best friends the planet can offer. i am just so lucky to have all of you. i love you guys so much.



I thought one was already married. i'm idiot~!!!:shocked:

sorry friend & I'll send you the blessings of the universe:biggrin2:

It's wonderful wedding.


time difference confusing me. or only me??

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Guest frienemy_
Awww that's so sweeet :wub2:



... :boing: Helmut Fritz! I love him!



thank you!!!


i love helmut fritz. he makes such good dance music. plus he's hilarious!




I thought one was already married. i'm idiot~!!!:shocked:

sorry friend & I'll send you the blessings of the universe:biggrin2:

It's wonderful wedding.


time difference confusing me. or only me??



thank you laymay <3


the time difference confuses me as well!

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I thought one was already married. i'm idiot~!!!:shocked:

sorry friend & I'll send you the blessings of the universe:biggrin2:

It's wonderful wedding.


time difference confusing me. or only me??


haha, it confuses me a lot! When it's night here, there is morning somewhere else! and I can never remember what the differences between the countries are :naughty:

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haha, it confuses me a lot! When it's night here, there is morning somewhere else! and I can never remember what the differences between the countries are :naughty:


ye~!! 100% agree~!!! sometimes I think at the same time conversation with mfcer :roftl: whenever my face like this :blush-anim-cl: hi hi

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Guest cliffpat

i have to tell you guys about breakfast because it amused me very much.


so the blake hotel they have a signature breakfast for your honeymoon breakfast. they bring it into you and it's really beautiful. our wedding flowers were magnolia's. so they had magnolia's on the tray and everything and a bouquet of them as well. then you have champagne and freshly squeezed orange juice and it was the best i've ever had. but the food. haha. one of the things is cereal. it was champagne and cornflakes. maybe if we liked cornflakes it would be ok! haha. but it was absolutely disgusting. haha. we knew it was coming and had a lot of hesitations about it. but we told ourselves we would at least try it. i let mike take a bite first and he just about gagged. but forced it down. i did gag. it was so gross. we couldn't stop laughing. then mike was just sitting there picking out every single cornflake trying to save the champagne haha! it was horrible!!

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i have to tell you guys about breakfast because it amused me very much.


so the blake hotel they have a signature breakfast for your honeymoon breakfast. they bring it into you and it's really beautiful. our wedding flowers were magnolia's. so they had magnolia's on the tray and everything and a bouquet of them as well. then you have champagne and freshly squeezed orange juice and it was the best i've ever had. but the food. haha. one of the things is cereal. it was champagne and cornflakes. maybe if we liked cornflakes it would be ok! haha. but it was absolutely disgusting. haha. we knew it was coming and had a lot of hesitations about it. but we told ourselves we would at least try it. i let mike take a bite first and he just about gagged. but forced it down. i did gag. it was so gross. we couldn't stop laughing. then mike was just sitting there picking out every single cornflake trying to save the champagne haha! it was horrible!!


:roftl: I guess they didn't want you to drink champagne on an empty stomach and thought that cornflakes could be a good combination.... :naughty:

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Guest cliffpat
:roftl: I guess they didn't want you to drink champagne on an empty stomach and thought that cornflakes could be a good combination.... :naughty:


haha i guess so!! i kind of wish they had just served them separately! haha. then we could just snack on the cornflakes while drinking the champagne! haha! we're scared for lunch!

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Guest cliffpat
:naughty: please keep us informed, this can be fun :naughty:


haha i will! and i apologize ahead of time for all drunk things i am bound to be saying later. they gave us 2 bottles of champagne and mike's determined to open them already! haha.

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haha i will! and i apologize ahead of time for all drunk things i am bound to be saying later. they gave us 2 bottles of champagne and mike's determined to open them already! haha.


hahaha :roftl: don't worry, Mike is a clever man :naughty:, enjoy you're honeymoon!!!!!!

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