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Guest frienemy_
who does not???

The pirates who dont do anything are in it!! :D

I was raised on veggitales lol


i like when they are discussion coupon and coopon.

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:naughty: me too, with or without a bunny costume :naughty:


so how was your day??


already friday~~ i don't have any date this weekend kiki so exiting.

I like a quiet weekend.


here they are :biggrin2: :




i'm gonna put some cord on the smaller one to make it into a necklace :pinkbow:


i want ~~hahaha

pretty~~:thumb_yello: Sew it's good~~

I think a little doll more preety. my style ^^

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Guest cliffpat
bored, but I'm leaving in an hour an it's friday so it isn't that bad :naughty:


How do you feel today?


friday's are always good days! at least 90% of the time.


i'm feeling ok so long as the pain killers are in full effect. it will go away in a few days.

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Guest cliffpat
You said in another thread that you had an accident, what happened??


it was about a year and a half ago. i was at a red light in the middle of the night on my way home. and when it turned green i went and when i was half way through the intersection i got hit by a car that was running away from the police. he drove right into my side of the car and me. i got my entire leg crushed as well as my arm and my shoulder and broke my ribs, and i cracked my head open. i just about died. i have a metal plate in my head, i have a metal plate in my shoulder. my hip is put back together. my leg has a metal poll in both parts of it, my knee is pretty much screws and bolts. it was really bad. i pretty much had the year from hell. i got super sick from. ridiculously sick. i just never felt good. so i went to my doctor and he told me i probably had graves disease because he thought i had severe hyperthyroidism as well as anemia in my spleen and it was all just increased by the graves and he insisted we take out both my thyroid and spleen. 2 different times during the month. so i got my thyroid taken out the beginning of october. then my spleen removed the second half of october. and when they took out my spleen i got staph infection in my spleen and it just went crazy in my body. since i didn't have a spleen to produce the crap to fight it off!!! (yay doctors!) i had also had really bad heart problems when i was a child so my heart was in really bad shape and very scared up. well staph clings to scar tissue! so it just hooked itself to my heart. they had to go in and clean up my heart and when they did that i had a severe stroke where i couldn't even feel the left side of my body. same side that got hit by the car! so i was in the hospital from october until about march. but when i had the stroke they realized the disease i had my entire life was fabry's disease. which gets diagnosed for just about everything else but fabry's because it's extremely rare and the symptoms match a bunch of other diseases. such as hyperthyroidism and anemia!! so they took out my spleen and thyroid for nothing. fabry's you don't produce enzymes. so it causes kidney failure, heart problems, strokes, etc.. since the diagnosis i've had a heart transplant as well as a kidney transplant. YEAR AND A HALF FROM HELL!


but i'm a really firm believer that everything happens for a reason. so i'll tell you now why i think all of it happened for a reason from the car on and why i don't like it when people feel bad for me. because i don't. the minute you feel sorry for yourself that's when diseases win. with my car accident i got the metal rods in my left leg. well my feeling came back in my hip after the stroke. while i was laying there thinking about how ****ty my year was i realized i could actually feel my rod in my hip. so i just thought about that a whole lot and from being able to feel that rod i was able to lift my thigh with my hip. and i then got used to that. then i was watching tv one day and i saw this guy who was learning how to walk and run on his fake leg. and it just dawned on me that the only thing he could feel and move was his thigh and his hip. he can't feel that fake leg. but here is running on it just fine. and i then thought well what makes a fake leg any different then my leg i can't feel? mine's attached! so i then talked to my physical therapist about it and he and i then treated my leg like a fake leg and since then i've learned to walk and run on it again and i would not have been able to do that if i didn't have those rods in my leg. those had to be put in there somehow. a stroke was unavoidable with fabry's. so with or without that surgery this still would have happened and i still would have probably lost that feeling in my leg. and with the surgeries causing the stroke. if it hadn't been for that. i would have never got diagnosed with fabry's. and if i hadn't been diagnosed with that or had gotten that staph infection so badly i probably would have died from my heart ****ting out on me because i wasn't high enough on a transplant list. i have been on a heart transplant list since i was younger. but always low because i wasn't an at risk case. when i got the staph infection i went up higher and when i got diagnosed with fabry's i went up even higher on the list so when my heart did poop out on me, i got moved right to the top. just in time for one. so i know it all happened for a reason to keep me alive. and since i have a "new" heart and kidneys. my fabry's isn't as bad as it was. i don't have to do dialysis twice a week anymore. i don't have to do enzyme replacement therapy twice a week. i just have to do ert once a week. no dialysis. nothing. so i'm fine well into my 40's really.


and the most important part of it. i wouldn't of had this great story for my friends dad to tell my husband before his show to meet him. he knew i was amazing before even meeting me so i really just had to win him over with my looks and charm! hahaha.

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Jonah, you are amazingly brave for been so young, I really admire you, I've always been a very sane person, just have some problems as a kid, but I can't imagine what would happen if I'll had an accident like yours today, people see me and think I'm tough and brave but it's just a mask that I've created cos I don't want people to hurt me...

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Guest cliffpat
Jonah, you are amazingly brave for been so young, I really admire you, I've always been a very sane person, just have some problems as a kid, but I can't imagine what would happen if I'll had an accident like yours today, people see me and think I'm tough and brave but it's just a mask that I've created cos I don't want people to hurt me...


you just have to remember your mind is ultimately stronger than your body. you just have to trust it and not question yourself. i think i also lucked out with my dad who was very high ranked in the military. he was a green beret. he never let me feel sorry for myself and taught me a whole whole lot about mind over body. i don't know what i would have done without him during that time.


i tend to be like that as well. i tend to guard my feelings very well from people. but i've also learned that no matter how strong you build those emotional and mental walls something is going to come in and crash those down eventually and you end up getting hurt eventually. it's unavoidable. i just accept now that i can't avoid people hurting me. just like i can't really avoid hurting others. it's a really hard miserable part of life i just have to deal with when it comes.

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Wow. Jonah, I really really admire you. I read your blog too, just like Ant did, and I remember we were stunned. That story is incredible, and I actually just get the medicinic (?) part to full extent now that you typed it up again :blush-anim-cl:

I think it's a great achievement to master the mind over body part. You can be proud of getting through this all :wub2: There are probably a lot of people who aren't that strong.


And yes, I have also learned to guard my feelings. The idea of crying in public is already quite bad to me :aah:

Your attitude is great.


Be careful, you're an example to me :teehee:

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they pretty much jumped into our arms. they turn into bouncy balls. it's amazing how high they can jump for really short dogs. they are soooo cute when they get excited though.


awww :wub2: yes, animals can often jump really high! my cat too :wub2:

aww yeah :wub2:




Random fact: If a human could jump - relatively seen - as high as a flea, they could jump over the Eiffel tower :naughty:

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Guest cliffpat
Wow. Jonah, I really really admire you. I read your blog too, just like Ant did, and I remember we were stunned. That story is incredible, and I actually just get the medicinic (?) part to full extent now that you typed it up again :blush-anim-cl:

I think it's a great achievement to master the mind over body part. You can be proud of getting through this all :wub2: There are probably a lot of people who aren't that strong.


And yes, I have also learned to guard my feelings. The idea of crying in public is already quite bad to me :aah:

Your attitude is great.


Be careful, you're an example to me :teehee:



thank you <3


i am definitely proud of myself. i'm not quite where i want to be with all of it but overcoming what i have shows me i will get there eventually.


lol i hate crying in public too. most embarrassing thing ever. then you get the people telling you it will be ok and it just makes it worse. haha.

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Guest cliffpat
awww :wub2: yes, animals can often jump really high! my cat too :wub2:

aww yeah :wub2:




Random fact: If a human could jump - relatively seen - as high as a flea, they could jump over the Eiffel tower :naughty:



that would be crazy if we could jump that high.

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thank you <3


i am definitely proud of myself. i'm not quite where i want to be with all of it but overcoming what i have shows me i will get there eventually.


lol i hate crying in public too. most embarrassing thing ever. then you get the people telling you it will be ok and it just makes it worse. haha.

yw :huglove:


I'm confident you will! Like you said, having made it this far, you'll get there. Just like if you were on a path, you have to keep on going :thumb_yello: and there are so many people around you that will help you anytime.


Yeah :aah: i'm even uncomfortable around my family, because usually the reason is a bit too complex to explain it in one take - and then they won't understand it and I'll get impatient :sad:

that would be crazy if we could jump that high.

I know! Mindblowing :freak:


But - how are you today? :wink2:

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hi~ misspie. we first meet this hour~

i'm hungry~~ but a.m 2:22 in korea. don't eat~

i don't want lovehandlebar :aah:


I'm Kathy :wink2:

aw :aah: that's a difficult issue :teehee: so the three possible solutions would be...

1) go to bed and wait for breakfast :naughty:

2) do eat

3) starve




you're like Mika on that :naughty:

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I'm Kathy :wink2:

aw :aah: that's a difficult issue :teehee: so the three possible solutions would be...

1) go to bed and wait for breakfast :naughty:

2) do eat

3) starve




you're like Mika on that :naughty:


pretty name~ my korean name hyo-jung. pronunciation difficult.

just call me may ^^

hum... i choose.......





no. 2~ :roftl: already i eat some fruit~

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pretty name~ my korean name hyo-jung. pronunciation difficult.

just call me may ^^

hum... i choose.......





no. 2~ :roftl: already i eat some fruit~

sounds nice :biggrin2: I don't know any Korean though :blush-anim-cl:

Alright :thumb_yello:


:biggrin2: What fruit? :teehee:


...I think I have to leave :emot-sad: We're going to a restaurant tonight :naughty:



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I'm confident you will! Like you said, having made it this far, you'll get there. Just like if you were on a path, you have to keep on going :thumb_yello: and there are so many people around you that will help you anytime.


Yeah :aah: i'm even uncomfortable around my family, because usually the reason is a bit too complex to explain it in one take - and then they won't understand it and I'll get impatient :sad:


ditto :wink2: and the only time i cry in public in front of my friends is when there's something REALLY wrong...


i'm too bl**dy positive for my own good :naughty:



hello bunnies! :bye:

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