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Talk to you later :huglove:




I'm not really, but I will be tomorrow :naughty:


Oh and I just saw the commercial for the movie "Valentines day" on TV, and "love today" is on it! :wub2:




oh~also use " love today"~ we are~

I thought only use in korea hahaha~ I thought the country was used differently

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oh~also use " love today"~ we are~

I thought only use in korea hahaha~ I thought the country was used differently


Yeah, me too. But it would have been weird if they decided to use it only in Norway, I don't think Mika is that big here... Or I actually don't know? :boxed:


Finally comes the rain~ spring rain ?? hopefully spring.

too much long winter.....


everybody~ have a good day~~:biggrin2:


Aww.... spring! It's still snowing here!

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good morning!!


No spring here yet, it's very cloudy and yesterday was raining....


Good morning Marian


It's been snowing the last couple of days here, so still a lot of snow...

But the sun is here right now, making the snow shine, which is beautiful! :wub2:

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Good morning Marian


It's been snowing the last couple of days here, so still a lot of snow...

But the sun is here right now, making the snow shine, which is beautiful! :wub2:


lucky you!! my vision right know is a modernist building, called "Gran Hotel", that is beautiful but boring if you see it every day :naughty:

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i noticed but for some reason never said anything :naughty:

sameage :naughty:



haha, that's because everything I write is so meaningful and because I'm so amazing (I wish :naughty:)


But I agree, it's easy to make some friends here, because people really take care of new members, but I feel it's a little hard to get in on some groups in here, since some people been here longer than other, and kind of demands more respect than other (pleas don't misunderstand).


haha, everyone wants Jonah! Because Jonah is amazing, so get used to it, but he's always gonna be a bunny! :huglove:

To sum it up, yeah :naughty:



Jonah I think you have fans :roftl:


Yeah, me too. But it would have been weird if they decided to use it only in Norway, I don't think Mika is that big here... Or I actually don't know? :boxed:

It was used in the German trailer too, and I remember there was a thread about it that the English version had it. But I think it's not in the French one :blink: Ant said she didn't hear LT in it, so it wasn't I guess :lmfao:

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Guest frienemy_

aww i know what it's like to be an outsider :aah: i remember having an incredible fury against some of my classmates back in year 7 or so. but now, i don't bother anymore, i don't even neccesarily notice. i guess i'm kind of callous :aah: now, i have a friend in my class, but i'm so used to being alone i'm not even always comfortable with that :blink:

it's not so funny :huh:




i understand what you mean. i didn't really have friends but i didn't really care that i did or did not. haha. it was just kind of whatever.




You did? Awesome! Probably not my field to study, but I do love music, especially singing, and I might get in a band or something :naughty: I've written 1x complete song lyrics that I'm actually content with



Love how everyone is getting jealous and protective about Jonah

I'm with you





....you guys don't want to know how long this post took me



hahaa! lyrics are hard to write! i understand! it's good you at least have one song you like!! haha! it's a good start!!


lol it's cute!


haha probably as long as this one is going to take me!!!



bunny bunny bunny bunny ...





you're alive!!!





Jonah, I know exactly what you mean. I've had numerous discussions with some people here on that account too. But sometimes disuccing it is just in vain... Personally I think Mika's had much more sad and depressive moments in his life than he's had the happy ones - maybe I'm wrong, but it's just what I think. My impressions tell me that. I hate it when people say that he's oh so happy and in a stable relationship and when they get Mika for serious when he's talking rubbish in some cheap magazines, and Mika himself said that his love life is non-existant! And I really think it is. Because if he had had somebody for all these years (like some say so) he would've been seen and caught by paparazzi. It's almost impossible that he wouldn't.

So, don't be too frustrated because of what some people say:huglove: it's not worth it. I haven't read the discussion you had, but I think I have a hunch of what it's about and who was a part of it.


it's actually easier to hide a relationship then you think it is. haha. i'm publicly single but obviously married. jonah's only been caught in something once and that was barely. haha. but we've only been together since october so perhaps it's still early on. but i've had other relationships not caught.


people pick and choose which articles to analyze when it comes to mika. like they read and take serious the ones that feed how they view him. even the most ridiculous ones.

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i understand what you mean. i didn't really have friends but i didn't really care that i did or did not. haha. it was just kind of whatever.







hahaa! lyrics are hard to write! i understand! it's good you at least have one song you like!! haha! it's a good start!!


lol it's cute!


haha probably as long as this one is going to take me!!!


Mike! :boing:


It really is! I'm happy I have a friend, but sometimes I miss those habits I had when I was alone all the time :aah:


haha thank you :blush-anim-cl: I can pm you if you like :wink2:


maybe :teehee:


How are you tonight? :wub2:

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