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My heart is broken and i want to thank mika for helping me go through it...


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Aww Sivan! I'm so sorry to hear about your broken heart.:huglove: Believe me, I know what it's like, I've had the same experience about 2 years ago :sad:


I hope your heart heals very soon and that you feel better! Head high!:huglove:

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I'm sorry you're still hurting from this love story... I saw you like that earlier in 2009 and I don't want you to live the same thing in 2010... I believe HE has to make choices and tell you what HE feels. Don't wait to long cuz I know it's painful.

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I'm really sorry about your broken heart and I'm happy that Mika's song has helped you. He is a special person who doesn't know just how wonderful he is.

Your heart has been broken by some guy, but just think of it this way... That guy just wasn't the one for you, but there will be someone out there who is, and you'll find him someday.

The same thing happened to me when I was young. I fell for a guy who didn't even know I was alive, but I hoped he might love me eventually. Then he got a girlfriend and I was gutted.

But a year later I met my wonderful husband and we've been married for over 28 years and have a lovely son aged 26 (born 2 months before Mika) so sometimes, sad things happen for a good reason and you might not realise that now, but you will in the end. I wish you good luck for 2010.


Thank you :) im glad u had a good ending ;)


Aww Sivan! I'm so sorry to hear about your broken heart.:huglove: Believe me, I know what it's like, I've had the same experience about 2 years ago :sad:


I hope your heart heals very soon and that you feel better! Head high!:huglove:

thank you!! *hugs*




I'm sorry you're still hurting from this love story... I saw you like that earlier in 2009 and I don't want you to live the same thing in 2010... I believe HE has to make choices and tell you what HE feels. Don't wait to long cuz I know it's painful.


Yeah i dont want to either... i think im going to see him when he comes back in few days (even if it will be hard) and for once cut contact if he doesnt want to try or dont know what he want :( it will be hard because when we talk we have great conversations...and we laugh together etc... SUCKS that we cant always have what we want... i still have some hope it will work out but i feel 90% that it wont... but like Mika says: "Love is lost, life can burn,

But your luck will return, But if you’re dragging it down you won’t know it’s there"


i wish i had a happy ending with him.... ARGH!

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Awww Sivan I 'm sorry for you .I'm sending big hugs for you :huglove: I know how it feels like I had my heart broken 3 years ago .

I hope you 'll feel better soon and I wish you an amazing 2010:thumb_yello:

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Some of u know the story.... some dont... but i just want to say that the song "pick up off the floor" is like about me right now.


So im listening to it now and it helps to cheer me up and freaking pick my heart off the floor... so THANK YOU Mika...

I love you for what you do and the songs you write, they always cheer me up.

I know im not the only one feelings this way...




I cant wait for the day my heart will heal...


sorry if im too dramatic... :P


ohhh SIVAN sorry to hear that. But I truly hope you feel better and it does not last. Thank God we all have MIKA and I feel happy he is helping you



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Some of u know the story.... some dont... but i just want to say that the song "pick up off the floor" is like about me right now.


So im listening to it now and it helps to cheer me up and freaking pick my heart off the floor... so THANK YOU Mika...

I love you for what you do and the songs you write, they always cheer me up.

I know im not the only one feelings this way...




I cant wait for the day my heart will heal...


sorry if im too dramatic... :P



oh I know exactly what you mean my heart is still hurting just over two years after finding out the man i love is gay :crybaby: i'm right now close to tears & thinking 2010 is gonna be as tough as the last 2 years I hope not but i think it may be?? who knows eh? all i know is my heart is still in love with him i'm in agony still but Mika does sure cheer me up with his lovely music & being such a lovely & sweet chap & looking so cute & handsome makes me smile.


i think i must do something i've not done for ages pop into mikagasmics & drool over Mika make my heart try & think about another man (my fave beiruti cutie)


I hope your heart heals soon & if you ever need someone to chat to i'm always here for you :huglove: i've been through heartbreak twice but this is by far my worst!!!


after the 1st i recovered in a year & a half this one is 2 years 3 months & I'm still hurting!!! I hope i find love again soon, I just need to find a sweet, young, decent, funny & quirky man who'll accept me as i am & will be understanding & take things steadily while i get used to the idea of trying to love another man (which i thought i'd never have to do!)


good luck to you & i wish you a magnificent 2010 hope your year is your best yet!!! :huglove:

thanks everyone your messeges help too :)




All my MFCers friends helped a lot in the past 2-3 years :)


u know how sometimes u feel very down and cant get out of it? and than when u do u feel silly for feeling this way earlier... songs and friends help getting out of it faster... im pretty down but i was crying earlier and now while listening to Mika and reading your messeges... it helps a lot!


i'm trying not to cry right now myself, just read his blog & his saying we had 2 parties (him & his boyfriend) and we this & we that made me wanna scream, cry forever & hide away in a corner curl up & die!!! he's the love of my life & i can't have him :crybaby: must watch Mika later i think & watch friends & fresh prince of bel air to cheer me up a bit!

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