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Mika for Coca-Cola: The Happiness Bottle


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I posted the prize list :thumb_yello:


Ah yes, I was referring to Sephira's post. I can read French (more or less). I can't translate though. :aah:


Those gold discs must really be made of gold if they are 3000 euro. I'm pretty sure a 12" gold record was only a couple of hundred bucks back in the 80s. :naughty:

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Ah yes, I was referring to Sephira's post. I can read French (more or less). I can't translate though. :aah:


Those gold discs must really be made of gold if they are 3000 euro. I'm pretty sure a 12" gold record was only a couple of hundred bucks back in the 80s. :naughty:


I have the same issue and just PMed her funny enough for some translation


Im lost in there:aah:

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Yeah, the list is amazing ! :wub2:


Hope I could manage to go to this private gig :wub2:


Don't hesitate to vote for us little frenchies if you want some ambassadors of the MFC in this private gig ! :naughty:


Feel free to vote for the one you think is the most beautifull, but if you like mine, here it is : http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=29

Thanks in advance guys :wink2:

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Is there a way you can design a bottle as well without entering the competition? (since that's only for people in France)


Would love to play around with that design too; they're really pretty. But, I don't know if you can :dunno:

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I post because I saw that people from different countries enter the competition. If you wanted for fun to create a bottle it's ok but if you want win something I'm sorry but it's impossible. When the competition close the 11 of April you are delete from the competition because you are not a France metropolitan residente.



La participation au Jeu est ouverte, entre le 15 mars 2010 et le 11 avril 2010 inclus (minuit), à toute personne physique majeure résidant en France métropolitaine, Corse comprise (ci-après dénommés les « Participants »)."

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Is there a way you can design a bottle as well without entering the competition? (since that's only for people in France)


I think you can, you just have to enter name and city... you put what you want as long as it's in France and then, you have the design page. You juste don't click the "validate" button at the end :wink2:

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I think you can, you just have to enter name and city... you put what you want as long as it's in France and then, you have the design page. You juste don't click the "validate" button at the end :wink2:


Oh! I didn't know that :teehee:


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