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Mika for Coca-Cola: The Happiness Bottle


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I post because I saw that people from different countries enter the competition. If you wanted for fun to create a bottle it's ok but if you want win something I'm sorry but it's impossible. When the competition close the 11 of April you are delete from the competition because you are not a France metropolitan residente


ops...sorry :boxed:

Are we deleted by them automatically of should we delete ourself (sounds bad :roftl:)?

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I explain for non french speakers how to vote for each bottle. You click on the link, after you click on " JE VOTE ", a window appear, you enter the code write on your right and you click on " JE VOTE ". You could vote one time by day by IP adress.

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Please vote for frogs' bottles


I explain for non french speakers how to vote for each bottle. You click on the link, after you click on " JE VOTE ", a window appear, you enter the code write on your right and you click on " JE VOTE ". You could vote one time by bottle by day by IP adress. :thumb_yello:

Sephira http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=2

French Deb http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=29

Lyli21 http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/Default.aspx?bottleId=42

Pamette http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=45

Julia2a http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=19

Mine http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=56

misscece http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=3

macboll http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=39

Olga http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=22

Meggy http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=13

lasara http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=125

pinkcell29 http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=41

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I post because I saw that people from different countries enter the competition. If you wanted for fun to create a bottle it's ok but if you want win something I'm sorry but it's impossible. When the competition close the 11 of April you are delete from the competition because you are not a France metropolitan residente.



La participation au Jeu est ouverte, entre le 15 mars 2010 et le 11 avril 2010 inclus (minuit), à toute personne physique majeure résidant en France métropolitaine, Corse comprise (ci-après dénommés les « Participants »)."


I know I can't enter the competition...But wanted to try designing one anyway. Here's mine btw http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=122


Too bad I will actually be in Paris the day of the gig...but since my entry will be deleted by Coca Cola I will have to start getting used to the fact that I will be in the city but not at the gig...


wellwell, whatever, I will keep voting for y'all anyway. :wink2:

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I post because I saw that people from different countries enter the competition. If you wanted for fun to create a bottle it's ok but if you want win something I'm sorry but it's impossible. When the competition close the 11 of April you are delete from the competition because you are not a France metropolitan residente.



La participation au Jeu est ouverte, entre le 15 mars 2010 et le 11 avril 2010 inclus (minuit), à toute personne physique majeure résidant en France métropolitaine, Corse comprise (ci-après dénommés les « Participants »)."


Ohhhhhhhh thanks for this! :thumb_yello:


Explains my issues earlier :roftl::roftl:


Great for you french fans! i love what Im seeing , I shall vote :biggrin2:

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I know I can't enter the competition...But wanted to try designing one anyway. Here's mine btw http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=122


Too bad I will actually be in Paris the day of the gig...but since my entry will be deleted by Coca Cola I will have to start getting used to the fact that I will be in the city but not at the gig...


wellwell, whatever, I will keep voting for y'all anyway. :wink2:



Love it ! :thumb_yello:

You will be in Paris ??? Too bad you couldn't go... you know that winners win 2 tickets... so you never know :wink2:

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Ohhhhhhhh thanks for this! :thumb_yello:


Explains my issues earlier :roftl::roftl:


Great for you french fans! i love what Im seeing , I shall vote :biggrin2:


just a little precision: you can vote one time per day and per bottle but you can vote for several different bottles the same day:naughty:


Not sure to be clear:boxed:


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just a little precision: you can vote one time per day and per bottle but you can vote for several different bottles the same day:naughty:


Not sure to be clear:boxed:



Please vote for frogs' bottles


I explain for non french speakers how to vote for each bottle. You click on the link, after you click on " JE VOTE ", a window appear, you enter the code write on your right and you click on " JE VOTE ". You could vote one time by bottle by day by IP adress.


Sephira http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=2

French Deb http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=29

Lyli21 http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/Default.aspx?bottleId=42

Pamette http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=45

Julia2a http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=19

Mine http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=56

misscece http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=3

macboll http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=39

Olga http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=22

Meggy http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=13

lasara http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=125

pinkcell29 http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=41

AxieDentelle http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=115

Lillibet http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=16

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Please vote for frogs' bottles


I explain for non french speakers how to vote for each bottle. You click on the link, after you click on " JE VOTE ", a window appear, you enter the code write on your right and you click on " JE VOTE ". You could vote one time by bottle by day by IP adress.


Sephira http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=2

French Deb http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=29

Lyli21 http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/Default.aspx?bottleId=42

Pamette http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=45

Julia2a http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=19

Mine http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=56

misscece http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=3

macboll http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=39

Olga http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=22

Meggy http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=13

lasara http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=125

pinkcell29 http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=41

AxieDentelle http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/?bottleId=115


Mine is here!http://www.happiness-bottle.fr/Default.aspx?bottleId=78

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Wow ... I cant pick .. one better than other


Can somone Pm or tell me for this simple english man how to make one? I know we cant win but I would like to do one for fun .. :biggrin2:


Yeah, they're really nice :wub2: And lucky for us, we can vote for several ones ! But what is important is that we arrive in the 903 first bottles ! :naughty:


So if you want to try, when you arrive on the welcoming page, click on "concert privé de Mika" on the left. Then, you have to click on the left button "je joue" (I think, as I've already entered, I don't see this page anymore...). Then, you have to fill in the blanks and just put a random city and a random post code. Then you go on an click on I don't remember which button :naughty: and you arrive on the empty bottle page ! :biggrin2:


Have fun ! :wink2:

If it's not working, tell me and show me sreen caps :wink2:

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Yeah, they're really nice :wub2: And lucky for us, we can vote for several ones ! But what is important is that we arrive in the 903 first bottles ! :naughty:


So if you want to try, when you arrive on the welcoming page, click on "concert privé de Mika" on the left. Then, you have to click on the left button "je joue" (I think, as I've already entered, I don't see this page anymore...). Then, you have to fill in the blanks and just put a random city and a random post code. Then you go on an click on I don't remember which button :naughty: and you arrive on the empty bottle page ! :biggrin2:


Have fun ! :wink2:

If it's not working, tell me and show me sreen caps :wink2:


Thank you so much ! nice to know we can take part :biggrin2: , good luck to you all! i shall vote for someone today :wub2:

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Of course you can take part and have fun ! :teehee:

But if non-frenchies will arrive on the 903 first ones, they'll be disqualified...:boxed: Sorry for you guys.

But as I said, we have to be strategical ! and the winners will have 2 tickets so if many of us have luck, we could see for spare ones if some of you want to come :wink2: Well, I don't even know how many lucky of us will be randomly choosen, but we never know :blush-anim-cl:


And glad to see you're on a "voting" mood today ! :naughty: Is it spring ?! :naughty:

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