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REPORTS/PICS/VIDS: Mika at O2 Academy, Sheffield, 2010-FEB-18

Blue Sky

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Awww, Emzie, you're very welcome. I can't tell you how much I truly enjoyed this gig. I've been going to concerts since I was 14, so I've seen alot, but Mika gives you a real entertaining show. Jam packed joy. I love seeing him.

I hope you have a fantastic time yourself and I'll be waiting to hear all about it.

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Awww, Emzie, you're very welcome. I can't tell you how much I truly enjoyed this gig. I've been going to concerts since I was 14, so I've seen alot, but Mika gives you a real entertaining show. Jam packed joy. I love seeing him.

I hope you have a fantastic time yourself and I'll be waiting to hear all about it.



Jealous much!

I wish I wasn't at college and then I would be following him around the country on tour, but with college its hard.

Also money! LOL

Well the last time I saw him, that gig still remains to this day as the best gig of my life so yeah :D

Thankk youu!

I'll be posting all my stuff hopefully on the Birmingham Post or if someone doesn't already I'll make another post for piccy's :D

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Hi Sam, were you one of the 3 young ladies next to me who were going mad? One with the glow bangles on? You got some good shots, glad to hear you enjoyed it too. I wanna go again now, but I could hardly walk after Sheffield!

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Hi Sam, were you one of the 3 young ladies next to me who were going mad? One with the glow bangles on? You got some good shots, glad to hear you enjoyed it too. I wanna go again now, but I could hardly walk after Sheffield!



Nah I wasn't wearing glow bangles, but I wore a gold hat and a flashing heart. (: But I was going mental yes ! :biggrin2: Lolz. I want to go again, I'm tempted to go to the London date on 1st March, but hanging around London on my own to get to the train station isn't an option. I'm going to have to try and sweet talk someone to go with me if I'm going to do that. :wink2: But that Sheffield gig is going to be hard to beat ! :biggrin2:

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Oh yes, I did see someone in the front row with a gold top hat on. You threw it on stage at one point, right? I saw Mika throw it back out too.

I hope you get to go to London. I wish I could but got 3 gigs to go to that week. 2 of them sit down ones. I just hope my back can hack it.

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Oh yes, I did see someone in the front row with a gold top hat on. You threw it on stage at one point, right? I saw Mika throw it back out too.

I hope you get to go to London. I wish I could but got 3 gigs to go to that week. 2 of them sit down ones. I just hope my back can hack it.


Yeah, the MFCer next to me chucked it on stage coz I didn't dare. Hehe.

Thanks, I do too. And cool, Mika or someone else? Quite the gigger then (:

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I think he pinched it off the keyboard player. (David?) He wore it in the intro bit when he dressed as a schoolboy.



ah, it's that one! :biggrin2: maybe mika just wanted to show that it suits him better than it suits david. :naughty: well, david looks like a schoolboy with it (which he's supposed to), but on mika it just looks hot. :naughty: i remember mika making a comment about david looking silly in that outfit, in dublin i think that was. :naughty:

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Thanks for the photos Shari and Sam.


Shari I didn't see you - again!



Loving reading the reviews!

Can I ask?

How long are people having to wait to meet him?

AND Are you allowed pictures with him this time?



They say no, and sometimes it changes.


I had to smile to myself on Saturday night, I went to see the Noisettes and the floor in the Sheffield Academy was covered in all of the gold confetti from the MIKA gig!


It was the stickiest floor I have ever stood on. There's no way they could sweep it all up!


Fun eh?

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Hi Ruth, no I didn't see you either. Kath walked past with VLM and stopped to say hello, but I didn't notice anyone else I knew apart from sparkly1 and someone I wondered was Silver. I tried to get her attention in the crowd, she was 4 people away from me but didn't look.



I did see a pic of you all somewhere as big girls/lollipop girls. Well done, I bet that was quite exciting?

The young girl next to us in the Q, got picked, she was only 14 I think. She kept texting her mum how she was getting on.

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Thanks for the photos Shari and Sam.


Shari I didn't see you - again!





They say no, and sometimes it changes.




It was the stickiest floor I have ever stood on. There's no way they could sweep it all up!


Fun eh?


Thank you for replying! :D

Thanks for letting me know :D



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