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REPORTS/PICS/VIDS: Mika at O2 Academy, Sheffield, 2010-FEB-18

Blue Sky

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Hi Ruth, no I didn't see you either. Kath walked past with VLM and stopped to say hello, but I didn't notice anyone else I knew apart from sparkly1 and someone I wondered was Silver. I tried to get her attention in the crowd, she was 4 people away from me but didn't look.



I did see a pic of you all somewhere as big girls/lollipop girls. Well done, I bet that was quite exciting?

The young girl next to us in the Q, got picked, she was only 14 I think. She kept texting her mum how she was getting on.



I think that's silver; with the fur trimming.


The young girl was only 13 and when they were trying to whittle down the numbers from 11. someone tried to dob her in for being under age, but Yasmine kept her. She had a great time. It was totally exciting.

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Ruth, I'm so sorry I didn't get to meet you this time too. We will hook up one day!

I'm pleased the young girl got to dance on stage with the rest of the big girls/lollipop girls. I know her friends were encouraging her to go for it.

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Thanks :biggrin2:


But here's my vid of Happy Ending too:


Hehe the more the better. Awww I love this song so much. :wub2: Just watching it and I'm getting all happy hehe. :blush-anim-cl: I shall shush now. ;]

Just saw your info saying you almost cried. I did too ! (:


Edit: OMGosh, that's me in front of you. Haha.

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Hehe the more the better. Awww I love this song so much. :wub2: Just watching it and I'm getting all happy hehe. :blush-anim-cl: I shall shush now. ;]

Just saw your info saying you almost cried. I did too ! (:


Edit: OMGosh, that's me in front of you. Haha.

Yeah, it was so beautiful :wub2:


and it was you! Yes :biggrin2: your hat is in a few of my pictures :teehee:

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Yeah, it was so beautiful :wub2:


and it was you! Yes :biggrin2: your hat is in a few of my pictures :teehee:


Indeed it was. :wub2: It may become my favourite song after that performance...hehe. And I'm sorry if it got in the way. :teehee: Hehe.



I am back from my first three gigs :biggrin2:. I am too tired to post a report tonight though, it will have to wait until tomorrow :naughty:


Ooh hope you had lots of fun ! :biggrin2:

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I am back from my first three gigs :biggrin2:. I am too tired to post a report tonight though, it will have to wait until tomorrow :naughty:


Back to and packing for tomorrow!

I'm training it tho ...phew!:teehee:


Has everybody seen Jazzy's photo of Lollipop?


The final shot has me between Mika and iMMa on stage :blush-anim-cl:


Oh great i'll go look!!!

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One pretty late report :naughty:


It was cold in Sheffield - very cold - when we started queueing outside the O2.




Fortunately we had the steps to sit on (they were pretty cold too though :naughty:). The queue didn't really start to get busy until about 4pm. John wandered along looking for Lollipop Girls and Big Girls, at which point I was abandoned by my fellow Oldlings :tears:. However it was nice to chat to the others in the queue.


It was cold





We were worried when the O2 priority queue was started, but the security men were very fair and let both queues in at the same time, as they knew we had been there for hours. Ended up centre stage second row.

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I know you have seen the set list by now and have a pretty good idea of what went on.


I can only add that I had avoided all the vids from Dublin and Belfast beforehand so that the show would be a surprise to me, and I was totally stunned by it. Visually amazing, Mika in very good voice, and he certainly seemed to be enjoying himself.






Waited for ages afterwards for the Oldlings to reappear, and Kath made us all very jealous with her pic with Mika.


Finally, when we were shivering and nearly numb , Mika appeared and signed autographs. I was very happy for all the younger MFCers who were at their first gig and got to meet him. The perfect end to a long day.


Did I mention how cold it was?

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Fortunately we had the steps to sit on (they were pretty cold too though :naughty:). The queue didn't really start to get busy until about 4pm. John wandered along looking for Lollipop Girls and Big Girls, at which point I was abandoned by my fellow Oldlings :tears:. However it was nice to chat to the others in the queue.


It was cold





That is one excellent shot of Joanne and I. :teehee:

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Waited for ages afterwards for the Oldlings to reappear, and Kath made us all very jealous with her pic with Mika.


Finally, when we were shivering and nearly numb , Mika appeared and signed autographs. I was very happy for all the younger MFCers who were at their first gig and got to meet him. The perfect end to a long day.


Did I mention how cold it was?

It was so so cold :naughty: But worth it!

Yes :wub2: We met Mika... and it was Alice's first gig too!

Thank you so much for the hearts Silver :blush-anim-cl:


That is one excellent shot of Joanne and I. :teehee:


:lmfao: What do we look like?

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