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REPORTS/PICS/VIDS: Mika at O2 Academy, Sheffield, 2010-FEB-18

Blue Sky

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That's my photo :sneaky2:

Note: Please don't use my photos without permisson :biggrin2:


Quoting it in the same thread you posted in is "using it"? :blink:


I'll go back and delete it now. Be sure you warn everyone else in this thread too!

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Please let me describe to you the experience me and my daughter had at the O2 Academy in Sheffield when we went to the Mika concert on Thursday 18th February.

I arrived at the venue at 7.15pm and stood in the queue to get into the venue. There were no signs on the staircases to inform you what you where queuing for and in the queue where several groups of people who had been in another queue only to find out that it wasn’t the correct queue for the ticket they had. The venue opened at 7pm and Mika was due on stage at 9pm.

When we entered the venue and went up the stairs to the balcony it became apparent that there were a lot of people wondering round already voicing that they couldn’t see the stage. We went straight to the balcony and tried to find a place to stand and realised that by 7.30pm there where already no places for me and my 10 year old daughter to stand if we wanted to be able to see any of the stage.

At 7.45pm, I went to talk to one of the academy staff who was stood on duty by the exit door situated by the side of the bar area. This young lady told me that she agreed with me that the situation was unfair and she actually stated that it was her view that there should not be more than 3 people deep up on the balcony, at this point there where up to 10 deep. This young lady told me that she couldn’t do anything about the situation herself but that she could call for someone else. I agreed to wait to talk to someone else. Another lady attached to the academy at a higher level walked passed and she stopped and talked to me she also said that she herself couldn’t do anything as the downstairs of the venue was already full and that the academy had only sold the number of tickets they were allowed to sell. I must say that at this point I did get slightly emotional and the frustration took over. My husband had bought tickets for my daughter and myself to see Mika because he knew how much we would enjoy it and it was turning in to a nightmare situation. I asked this lady for her name (Katie Valkovics) and told her that I wanted her to notify the manager on duty that I would be making a formal complaint.

By 8pm thanks to several kind adults I had got my daughter into a position where by she was standing behind the disabled seating area and she was able to just about see, but her view was still obstructed by a railing measuring approx 5ft. There was a railing around the whole of the balcony and I can understand why it is there, but the area that was designated for disabled seating had an additional railing two feet above the other one. There was then Perspex attached behind both railings and that meant that anyone sat in or stood behind the whole disabled area had their view obstructed by dirty and distorting Perspex. Just before Mika was due to start, another Child in a wheelchair arrived and the security placed this child and her parents into the designated area and then left. This caused another real problem bearing in mind that we had been standing there for over an hour; there were no seats left for the parents so they had to stand right in front of my daughter. When I asked Katie Valkovics why they were not given chairs to sit on I was told that this was because the designated area had already got the maximum number of chairs allowed in it and they were not allowed to add any more. This to me would suggest that it had been over sold or that too many people had been allowed into the area, why can’t they have a chair if they are allowed to stand there anyway.

By the time Mika arrived on stage I had resigned myself to the fact that I was not actually going to be able to see any of the events happening on the stage and was just grateful that my daughter could see what was happening better than me. I am 5ft 8ins tall and was about 4 rows behind the disabled area and was having to rely upon the mobile phone footage of other people stood nearby to see what was happening on the stage. I was aware that there was someone on the stage with a fabulous Afro but who that was or what they were doing on the stage only came apparent after half an hour when I got a glimpse of them because they stood up for a moment. I have been to the Doncaster Dome before to watch Mika and was aware that I should have been treated to a theatrical event as well as listening to the fantastic music, but unfortunately I was unable to appreciate this at all.

After about ¾ of an hour Katie Volkovics appeared and said that the Head of the Academy was in a room in another part of the building and would be happy to talk to me, and unfortunately as I explained to her that I was not able to go and talk to him because I did not want to pull my daughter away from her space and ruin her night further. I did however ask Katie to inform her manager that I was happy for him to come to see me, I didn’t hear anything else.

By the end of the evening there where children standing on the handrails at the back of the room supported by their parents standing in front of them to make sure they didn’t fall off. The whole situation was unacceptable to us and many other people with or without children, I believe that we should have been notified that the tickets we bought were for a restricted viewing area and then we could have made an informed decision about if we wanted to pay the full price £25 for each ticket.

Mika said during his act that after four years of touring that was the first time they had been to Sheffield, my advice to him and his management team would be to check the venue out further before booking the O2 Academy again. I would rather have driven back to Doncaster and be able to watch as well as hear the show.


Any one else wanting to air their views about the venue, I’ve managed to get the email address of Sheffield’s O2 Academy.


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i'm really sorry you and your daughter had such a bad experience. :shocked:


what we can do is very little but express our understanding to you...

this seems all originated by the venue logistics.


i hope you'll have the chance to see mika again in a better place.

in the meantime you could introduce yourself in our dedicated section and join the forum threads!


welcome btw! :wink2:

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Ohhh. I didn't know it was quoted :teehee:


Maybe I'm understanding you wrong, but do you mean you don't want your pics to be posted by other members?

I'm asking this because we're used to posting nice pics over and over again in the mikagasmics thread. Most of the time without remembering who took the pic. If you don't want this you might want to add a watermark?

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Maybe I'm understanding you wrong, but do you mean you don't want your pics to be posted by other members?

I'm asking this because we're used to posting nice pics over and over again in the mikagasmics thread. Most of the time without remembering who took the pic. If you don't want this you might want to add a watermark?


No it's okayy :teehee: Post awayyy!

I was just protective over them :roftl: Sorry!

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Oh and just to summarise videos so far, (We Are Golden is still uploading and I don't think Toy Boy will get done before we leave so I'll set it up when I go to the hotel at 3).


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYWWLIRrBfM - Any Other World

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qgrh6D4_GXs - Beginning & Rain

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRX75wo3VJ4 - Big Girl

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDZ8x0LZzP4 - Blue Eyes & Touches You

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vITgkNcup-M - Dr John

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6ugwiSs5BY - I See You


And the setlist and my ticket: :fangurl:






:wub2:thank you so much!those are awesome!


:thumb_yello:thank you everybody for videos,pics and reviews!

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This was my first Mika gig and the person who I met (sorry can't remember names) said he'd leave me wanting more, she was SO right !!!!

I loved the way the setlist ran, and the way he doesn't try to mimick his CDs but does different versions. Jeeez. I'd go as far as saying it was the best night of my life !!!!

Happy Ending nearly made me cry, especially when I saw him clutching his sides. This song is emotional to listen to anyway, but the live version has so much more in there !!! All I can say is WOW really and that Mika is an amazing performer/person :wub2:

I will post pictures after I have uploaded them and I have snippets of some songs if people are interested...I didn't do videos as I sung along and don't like hearing my voice in them. I have to say I did get some quite nice pictures though hehe. xD I want to go again, and I'm being really naughty and checking to see if maybe I can go to another gig this tour. I'm bad :teehee: Mika's fault !

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Mika at o2 Academy, Sheffield UK. 18th Feb 2010 Part 2.

I really can't believe the energy of this guy!!! Mika leapt around the stage to Big Girls - making it virtually impossible for anyone to get sharp photos of him - this I have learned over the 4 times I have now seen him live.

The delivery of his songs came with very little introduction this time. That's when you really know you have made the big time. Everyone knows the songs from the strike of a couple of chords. I think he said something at this point about never playing a full gig in Sheffield before and that he was happy to be here. Naturally the compliment was well recieved.

Stuck In The Middle saw an unadorned piano brought forward for him to play this song. During the middle he announced that we would be treated to the best trumpet player Sheffield has ever seen!

Teasing us all and introducing a surprised bass player Jimmy with his trumpet! Even stuck his tongue out at Jimmy at one point- playfully of course. Initially Jimmy, reluctantly folded his arms but gaveway to jazz hands as he got into the prompt.

Mika let Jimmy have his moment, then he playfully expanded his hands as though saying "I can top that".

He cupped his hands around his mouth and belted out a competitive trumpet impression followed by a couple of highly amusing "I did it better" hand gestures! Hilarious.

The following couple of songs were the upbeat Blame It On The Girls and the fabulous favourite Billy Brown which went down very well, especially since Mika shed his jacket and donned a black cap for the following Any Other World. It was a very moving performance to witness.


Part 3 to follow

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Oh and just to summarise videos so far, (We Are Golden is still uploading and I don't think Toy Boy will get done before we leave so I'll set it up when I go to the hotel at 3).


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYWWLIRrBfM - Any Other World

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qgrh6D4_GXs - Beginning & Rain

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRX75wo3VJ4 - Big Girl

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDZ8x0LZzP4 - Blue Eyes & Touches You

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vITgkNcup-M - Dr John

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6ugwiSs5BY - I See You


And the setlist and my ticket: :fangurl:




Donno how many times ive watched Touches You... :aah:

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Mika at o2 Academy, Sheffield UK. 18th Feb 2010 Part 2.

I really can't believe the energy of this guy!!! Mika leapt around the stage to Big Girls - making it virtually impossible for anyone to get sharp photos of him - this I have learned over the 4 times I have now seen him live.

The delivery of his songs came with very little introduction this time. That's when you really know you have made the big time. Everyone knows the songs from the strike of a couple of chords. I think he said something at this point about never playing a full gig in Sheffield before and that he was happy to be here. Naturally the compliment was well recieved.

Stuck In The Middle saw an unadorned piano brought forward for him to play this song. During the middle he announced that we would be treated to the best trumpet player Sheffield has ever seen!

Teasing us all and introducing a surprised bass player Jimmy with his trumpet! Even stuck his tongue out at Jimmy at one point- playfully of course. Initially Jimmy, reluctantly folded his arms but gaveway to jazz hands as he got into the prompt.

Mika let Jimmy have his moment, then he playfully expanded his hands as though saying "I can top that".

He cupped his hands around his mouth and belted out a competitive trumpet impression followed by a couple of highly amusing "I did it better" hand gestures! Hilarious.

The following couple of songs were the upbeat Blame It On The Girls and the fabulous favourite Billy Brown which went down very well, especially since Mika shed his jacket and donned a black cap for the following Any Other World. It was a very moving performance to witness.


Part 3 to follow


:aah: No No No ... I'm not clicking on that last link ... I'm not watching Any Other World ... I'm not ... I'm not .... I'm ... NOT :wub2:


Love the trumpet solo :biggrin2:

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Please let me describe to you the experience me and my daughter had at the O2 Academy in Sheffield when we went to the Mika concert on Thursday 18th February.

I arrived at the venue at 7.15pm and stood in the queue to get into the venue. There were no signs on the staircases to inform you what you where queuing for and in the queue where several groups of people who had been in another queue only to find out that it wasn’t the correct queue for the ticket they had. The venue opened at 7pm and Mika was due on stage at 9pm.

When we entered the venue and went up the stairs to the balcony it became apparent that there were a lot of people wondering round already voicing that they couldn’t see the stage. We went straight to the balcony and tried to find a place to stand and realised that by 7.30pm there where already no places for me and my 10 year old daughter to stand if we wanted to be able to see any of the stage.

At 7.45pm, I went to talk to one of the academy staff who was stood on duty by the exit door situated by the side of the bar area. This young lady told me that she agreed with me that the situation was unfair and she actually stated that it was her view that there should not be more than 3 people deep up on the balcony, at this point there where up to 10 deep. This young lady told me that she couldn’t do anything about the situation herself but that she could call for someone else. I agreed to wait to talk to someone else. Another lady attached to the academy at a higher level walked passed and she stopped and talked to me she also said that she herself couldn’t do anything as the downstairs of the venue was already full and that the academy had only sold the number of tickets they were allowed to sell. I must say that at this point I did get slightly emotional and the frustration took over. My husband had bought tickets for my daughter and myself to see Mika because he knew how much we would enjoy it and it was turning in to a nightmare situation. I asked this lady for her name (Katie Valkovics) and told her that I wanted her to notify the manager on duty that I would be making a formal complaint.

By 8pm thanks to several kind adults I had got my daughter into a position where by she was standing behind the disabled seating area and she was able to just about see, but her view was still obstructed by a railing measuring approx 5ft. There was a railing around the whole of the balcony and I can understand why it is there, but the area that was designated for disabled seating had an additional railing two feet above the other one. There was then Perspex attached behind both railings and that meant that anyone sat in or stood behind the whole disabled area had their view obstructed by dirty and distorting Perspex. Just before Mika was due to start, another Child in a wheelchair arrived and the security placed this child and her parents into the designated area and then left. This caused another real problem bearing in mind that we had been standing there for over an hour; there were no seats left for the parents so they had to stand right in front of my daughter. When I asked Katie Valkovics why they were not given chairs to sit on I was told that this was because the designated area had already got the maximum number of chairs allowed in it and they were not allowed to add any more. This to me would suggest that it had been over sold or that too many people had been allowed into the area, why can’t they have a chair if they are allowed to stand there anyway.

By the time Mika arrived on stage I had resigned myself to the fact that I was not actually going to be able to see any of the events happening on the stage and was just grateful that my daughter could see what was happening better than me. I am 5ft 8ins tall and was about 4 rows behind the disabled area and was having to rely upon the mobile phone footage of other people stood nearby to see what was happening on the stage. I was aware that there was someone on the stage with a fabulous Afro but who that was or what they were doing on the stage only came apparent after half an hour when I got a glimpse of them because they stood up for a moment. I have been to the Doncaster Dome before to watch Mika and was aware that I should have been treated to a theatrical event as well as listening to the fantastic music, but unfortunately I was unable to appreciate this at all.

After about ¾ of an hour Katie Volkovics appeared and said that the Head of the Academy was in a room in another part of the building and would be happy to talk to me, and unfortunately as I explained to her that I was not able to go and talk to him because I did not want to pull my daughter away from her space and ruin her night further. I did however ask Katie to inform her manager that I was happy for him to come to see me, I didn’t hear anything else.

By the end of the evening there where children standing on the handrails at the back of the room supported by their parents standing in front of them to make sure they didn’t fall off. The whole situation was unacceptable to us and many other people with or without children, I believe that we should have been notified that the tickets we bought were for a restricted viewing area and then we could have made an informed decision about if we wanted to pay the full price £25 for each ticket.

Mika said during his act that after four years of touring that was the first time they had been to Sheffield, my advice to him and his management team would be to check the venue out further before booking the O2 Academy again. I would rather have driven back to Doncaster and be able to watch as well as hear the show.


Any one else wanting to air their views about the venue, I’ve managed to get the email address of Sheffield’s O2 Academy.



Hi Ruthie, I'm really sorry to learn of your disappointing experience.


You did the right thing to get the venue management's details --

I don't know what they can do for you, but perhaps they can

prevent others who attend shows at their venue from having

the same negative experience.


I've moved this thread over to our Sheffield report thread

so that others who attended the show will be more likely to see it. :thumb_yello:

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Ok, so we finally made it to the gig, fashionably late and 10 minutes before Mika was set to go onstage :naughty:, but despite everything we still got quite a good spot on the side of the stage and managed to see him quite well throughout the gig.

John and Yasmine were around that area and they seemed pretty amused at our adventures :biggrin2:.


I really never thought I'd be turning up at a Mika gig 10 minutes before he goes on stage having a standing ticket, so I am actually quite grateful that we still found a good spot and that we didn't miss the gig. Mind you, the day was quite the adventure.


We broke down in the motorway, on the middlelane of the M1 during REALLY heavy traffic, and the emergency lights wouldn't work, so we were effectively just sitting there unable to move and to signal. Luckily, just after we had called the RAC, a friendly lorry driver stopped in the lane next to us (inside lane) and him and his wife helped us push the car into the hard shoulder, using the space that he had created in front of his lorry so that we could make the car cross the lane and not get run over in the process.

We then waited for the RAC to turn up but that took quite a while, so we were just standing there in the snow (it was snowing quite heavily :aah:), and the highway patrol came over to check on us. They were very funny men indeed, and brought us ponchos for the rain and also some of those "space blankets" that they use at carcrash sites.


We were all laughing so hard at the sight of them and at the whole situation in general, that we were having a hard time putting the gear on so they were helping us, which caused even more hysterics, to the point that the two men were actually putting the stuff on us ("give me your arm-here, yes, nooo, not there, that is the head hole", etc). It was such a funny moment, and we were laughing SO hard, that I wish we had had a video of it. The two motorway guys were finding it hilarious as well, and one of them said that we were harder to dress than his 4 year old :roftl:.


Anyway, that done, we just waited it out and finally we got rescued by another nice man. He was actually quite cute, so when he came over and chatted to Bab about the car, Danika and I just watched him :naughty:. I mean, you are stranded, frozen, your gig is in jeapardy....what can you do? Oggle the pretty man :biggrin2:, so that is what we did.


He said that the alternator was dead, and the battery probably too, so we had to be taken to a garage and leave the car there. It took ages before we got that sorted, and again we were frozen, but we had a few good laughs in between. Finally, around 5 or 6 we were on our final way to Sheffield on a rental car, and we rolled into the O2 just in the nick of time to see Mika.


The gig has been covered already so there's little to add, but I would say that seeing this man live never gets old. I think that I could happily see him every week or two and never get bored. I love the sound of his voice so much, and to see him perform.

His moves are SO fantastic now, and so polished, yet not 'rehearsed' and fake, if you know what I mean? He's really turned into a great showman, and I feel deeply proud of how he's evolved, and of being his fan. What can I say, I :wub2: Mika.


Oh, and did I mention that he looked EXTRA HOT in that grey suit and the stubble???? Gosh, I can't get over how good grey looks on him. I'm really happy that he's started wearing it a lot. And that electric type blue as well, these colours really suit him.



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Ok, so we finally made it to the gig, fashionably late and 10 minutes before Mika was set to go onstage :naughty:, but despite everything we still got quite a good spot on the side of the stage and managed to see him quite well throughout the gig.

John and Yasmine were around that area and they seemed pretty amused at our adventures :biggrin2:.


I really never thought I'd be turning up at a Mika gig 10 minutes before he goes on stage having a standing ticket, so I am actually quite grateful that we still found a good spot and that we didn't miss the gig. Mind you, the day was quite the adventure.


We broke down in the motorway, on the middlelane of the M1 during REALLY heavy traffic, and the emergency lights wouldn't work, so we were effectively just sitting there unable to move and to signal. Luckily, just after we had called the RAC, a friendly lorry driver stopped in the lane next to us (inside lane) and him and his wife helped us push the car into the hard shoulder, using the space that he had created in front of his lorry so that we could make the car cross the lane and not get run over in the process.

We then waited for the RAC to turn up but that took quite a while, so we were just standing there in the snow (it was snowing quite heavily :aah:), and the highway patrol came over to check on us. They were very funny men indeed, and brought us ponchos for the rain and also some of those "space blankets" that they use at carcrash sites.


We were all laughing so hard at the sight of them and at the whole situation in general, that we were having a hard time putting the gear on so they were helping us, which caused even more hysterics, to the point that the two men were actually putting the stuff on us ("give me your arm-here, yes, nooo, not there, that is the head hole", etc). It was such a funny moment, and we were laughing SO hard, that I wish we had had a video of it. The two motorway guys were finding it hilarious as well, and one of them said that we were harder to dress than his 4 year old :roftl:.


Anyway, that done, we just waited it out and finally we got rescued by another nice man. He was actually quite cute, so when he came over and chatted to Bab about the car, Danika and I just watched him :naughty:. I mean, you are stranded, frozen, your gig is in jeapardy....what can you do? Oggle the pretty man :biggrin2:, so that is what we did.


He said that the alternator was dead, and the battery probably too, so we had to be taken to a garage and leave the car there. It took ages before we got that sorted, and again we were frozen, but we had a few good laughs in between. Finally, around 5 or 6 we were on our final way to Sheffield on a rental car, and we rolled into the O2 just in the nick of time to see Mika.


The gig has been covered already so there's little to add, but I would say that seeing this man live never gets old. I think that I could happily see him every week or two and never get bored. I love the sound of his voice so much, and to see him perform.

His moves are SO fantastic now, and so polished, yet not 'rehearsed' and fake, if you know what I mean? He's really turned into a great showman, and I feel deeply proud of how he's evolved, and of being his fan. What can I say, I :wub2: Mika.


Oh, and did I mention that he looked EXTRA HOT in that grey suit and the stubble???? Gosh, I can't get over how good grey looks on him. I'm really happy that he's started wearing it a lot. And that electric type blue as well, these colours really suit him.




I did keep asking if you'd made it or not in the end .... glad you did :boing:

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Erik hassle's on, bless him. Some woman's pushed through to second row and keeps pushing against my bum. When i've turned around to have a go she claims not to understand but my sign language is clear enough and she will NOT get to the front. Cow. I've got doctor martens on so the foot will be going back and causing damage if she pushes against me once more. Pssssht.

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Erik hassle's on, bless him. Some woman's pushed through to second row and keeps pushing against my bum. When i've turned around to have a go she claims not to understand but my sign language is clear enough and she will NOT get to the front. Cow. I've got doctor martens on so the foot will be going back and causing damage if she pushes against me once more. Pssssht.


:shocked: well said.... have fun! :thumb_yello:

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Ok, so we finally made it to the gig, fashionably late and 10 minutes before Mika was set to go onstage :naughty:, but despite everything we still got quite a good spot on the side of the stage and managed to see him quite well throughout the gig.

John and Yasmine were around that area and they seemed pretty amused at our adventures :biggrin2:.


I really never thought I'd be turning up at a Mika gig 10 minutes before he goes on stage having a standing ticket, so I am actually quite grateful that we still found a good spot and that we didn't miss the gig. Mind you, the day was quite the adventure.


We broke down in the motorway, on the middlelane of the M1 during REALLY heavy traffic, and the emergency lights wouldn't work, so we were effectively just sitting there unable to move and to signal. Luckily, just after we had called the RAC, a friendly lorry driver stopped in the lane next to us (inside lane) and him and his wife helped us push the car into the hard shoulder, using the space that he had created in front of his lorry so that we could make the car cross the lane and not get run over in the process.

We then waited for the RAC to turn up but that took quite a while, so we were just standing there in the snow (it was snowing quite heavily :aah:), and the highway patrol came over to check on us. They were very funny men indeed, and brought us ponchos for the rain and also some of those "space blankets" that they use at carcrash sites.


We were all laughing so hard at the sight of them and at the whole situation in general, that we were having a hard time putting the gear on so they were helping us, which caused even more hysterics, to the point that the two men were actually putting the stuff on us ("give me your arm-here, yes, nooo, not there, that is the head hole", etc). It was such a funny moment, and we were laughing SO hard, that I wish we had had a video of it. The two motorway guys were finding it hilarious as well, and one of them said that we were harder to dress than his 4 year old :roftl:.


Anyway, that done, we just waited it out and finally we got rescued by another nice man. He was actually quite cute, so when he came over and chatted to Bab about the car, Danika and I just watched him :naughty:. I mean, you are stranded, frozen, your gig is in jeapardy....what can you do? Oggle the pretty man :biggrin2:, so that is what we did.


He said that the alternator was dead, and the battery probably too, so we had to be taken to a garage and leave the car there. It took ages before we got that sorted, and again we were frozen, but we had a few good laughs in between. Finally, around 5 or 6 we were on our final way to Sheffield on a rental car, and we rolled into the O2 just in the nick of time to see Mika.


The gig has been covered already so there's little to add, but I would say that seeing this man live never gets old. I think that I could happily see him every week or two and never get bored. I love the sound of his voice so much, and to see him perform.

His moves are SO fantastic now, and so polished, yet not 'rehearsed' and fake, if you know what I mean? He's really turned into a great showman, and I feel deeply proud of how he's evolved, and of being his fan. What can I say, I :wub2: Mika.


Oh, and did I mention that he looked EXTRA HOT in that grey suit and the stubble???? Gosh, I can't get over how good grey looks on him. I'm really happy that he's started wearing it a lot. And that electric type blue as well, these colours really suit him.




Thank you for your report. I´m happy you could see the gig yesterday. I thought you would also be in Manchester today? Did you take some vids yesterday?

I agree Mika looks very good in grey and I like the shorter hair :wink2::wub2:

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